The ListPage WebNode can be pointed to a folder using it's folder variable, and then it will load all files in that folder, process them as markdown in alphabetical order, and put them onto a page, one after the other. It also supports pagination.
The ListPage WebNode can be pointed to a folder using it's folder variable, and then it will load all files in that folder, process them as markdown in alphabetical order, and put them onto a page, one after the other. It also supports pagination.
This class will load and generate pages from a folder of md files. It supports pagination, it will put entry_per_page md files per page. It generates html on enter tree, and caches everything. Each md file gets rendered into a div with a class of "list_entry"
HTML (If there are entries):
<div class="main_div_class(list_page)">
<div class="entry_div_class(list_entry)">md file 1</div>
<div class="entry_div_class(list_entry)">md file 2</div>
... pagination ...
HTML (If there are no entries):
<div class="main_div_class(list_page)">
<div class="empty_div_class(list_entry_empty)">placeholder_text(No content yet!)</div>
Maunally load everything.
This is going to be the class of the div of the placeholder_text if it's rendered.
Every file will be in a div with this class.
This many entries will be at max rendered per page.
The path of the folder to load files from.
The main div's class that contains everything.
This many pagination links will be visible max.
Whether to allow pagination or not.
If there are no files this text will be displayed.