/*************************************************************************/ /* texture.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* PANDEMONIUM ENGINE */ /* https://github.com/Relintai/pandemonium_engine */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2022-present Péter Magyar. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "texture.h" #include "core/core_string_names.h" #include "core/io/image_loader.h" #include "core/math/geometry.h" #include "core/object/method_bind_ext.gen.inc" #include "core/os/os.h" #include "scene/resources/bit_map.h" #include "scene/resources/mesh/mesh.h" Size2 Texture::get_size() const { return Size2(get_width(), get_height()); } bool Texture::is_pixel_opaque(int p_x, int p_y) const { return true; } void Texture::draw(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map) const { RID normal_rid = p_normal_map.is_valid() ? p_normal_map->get_rid() : RID(); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_texture_rect(p_canvas_item, Rect2(p_pos, get_size()), get_rid(), false, p_modulate, p_transpose, normal_rid); } void Texture::draw_rect(RID p_canvas_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, bool p_tile, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map) const { RID normal_rid = p_normal_map.is_valid() ? p_normal_map->get_rid() : RID(); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_texture_rect(p_canvas_item, p_rect, get_rid(), p_tile, p_modulate, p_transpose, normal_rid); } void Texture::draw_rect_region(RID p_canvas_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Rect2 &p_src_rect, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map, bool p_clip_uv) const { RID normal_rid = p_normal_map.is_valid() ? p_normal_map->get_rid() : RID(); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_texture_rect_region(p_canvas_item, p_rect, get_rid(), p_src_rect, p_modulate, p_transpose, normal_rid, p_clip_uv); } bool Texture::get_rect_region(const Rect2 &p_rect, const Rect2 &p_src_rect, Rect2 &r_rect, Rect2 &r_src_rect) const { r_rect = p_rect; r_src_rect = p_src_rect; return true; } void Texture::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_width"), &Texture::get_width); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_height"), &Texture::get_height); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_size"), &Texture::get_size); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_alpha"), &Texture::has_alpha); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_flags", "flags"), &Texture::set_flags); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_flags"), &Texture::get_flags); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw", "canvas_item", "position", "modulate", "transpose", "normal_map"), &Texture::draw, DEFVAL(Color(1, 1, 1)), DEFVAL(false), DEFVAL(Variant())); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_rect", "canvas_item", "rect", "tile", "modulate", "transpose", "normal_map"), &Texture::draw_rect, DEFVAL(Color(1, 1, 1)), DEFVAL(false), DEFVAL(Variant())); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_rect_region", "canvas_item", "rect", "src_rect", "modulate", "transpose", "normal_map", "clip_uv"), &Texture::draw_rect_region, DEFVAL(Color(1, 1, 1)), DEFVAL(false), DEFVAL(Variant()), DEFVAL(true)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_data"), &Texture::get_data); ADD_GROUP("Flags", ""); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "flags", PROPERTY_HINT_FLAGS, "Mipmaps,Repeat,Filter,Anisotropic Filter,Convert to Linear,Mirrored Repeat,Video Surface"), "set_flags", "get_flags"); ADD_GROUP("", ""); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAGS_DEFAULT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_MIPMAPS); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_REPEAT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_FILTER); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_ANISOTROPIC_FILTER); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_CONVERT_TO_LINEAR); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_MIRRORED_REPEAT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_VIDEO_SURFACE); } Texture::Texture() { } ///////////////////// void ImageTexture::reload_from_file() { String path = ResourceLoader::path_remap(get_path()); if (!path.is_resource_file()) { return; } uint32_t flags = get_flags(); Ref<Image> img; img.instance(); if (ImageLoader::load_image(path, img) == OK) { create_from_image(img, flags); } else { Resource::reload_from_file(); _change_notify(); emit_changed(); } } bool ImageTexture::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { if (p_name == "image") { create_from_image(p_value, flags); } else if (p_name == "flags") { if (w * h == 0) { flags = p_value; } else { set_flags(p_value); } } else if (p_name == "size") { Size2 s = p_value; w = s.width; h = s.height; RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_set_size_override(texture, w, h, 0); } else if (p_name == "_data") { _set_data(p_value); } else { return false; } return true; } bool ImageTexture::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const { if (p_name == "image_data") { } else if (p_name == "image") { r_ret = get_data(); } else if (p_name == "flags") { r_ret = flags; } else if (p_name == "size") { r_ret = Size2(w, h); } else { return false; } return true; } void ImageTexture::_get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const { p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "flags", PROPERTY_HINT_FLAGS, "Mipmaps,Repeat,Filter,Anisotropic,sRGB,Mirrored Repeat")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "image", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Image", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_RESOURCE_NOT_PERSISTENT)); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "size", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "")); } void ImageTexture::_reload_hook(const RID &p_hook) { String path = get_path(); if (!path.is_resource_file()) { return; } Ref<Image> img; img.instance(); Error err = ImageLoader::load_image(path, img); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(err != OK, "Cannot load image from path '" + path + "'."); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_set_data(texture, img); _change_notify(); emit_changed(); } void ImageTexture::create(int p_width, int p_height, Image::Format p_format, uint32_t p_flags) { flags = p_flags; RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_allocate(texture, p_width, p_height, 0, p_format, RS::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D, p_flags); format = p_format; w = p_width; h = p_height; _change_notify(); emit_changed(); } void ImageTexture::create_from_image(const Ref<Image> &p_image, uint32_t p_flags) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_image.is_null() || p_image->empty(), "Invalid image"); flags = p_flags; w = p_image->get_width(); h = p_image->get_height(); format = p_image->get_format(); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_allocate(texture, p_image->get_width(), p_image->get_height(), 0, p_image->get_format(), RS::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D, p_flags); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_set_data(texture, p_image); _change_notify(); emit_changed(); image_stored = true; } void ImageTexture::set_flags(uint32_t p_flags) { if (flags == p_flags) { return; } flags = p_flags; if (w == 0 || h == 0) { return; //uninitialized, do not set to texture } RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_set_flags(texture, p_flags); _change_notify("flags"); emit_changed(); } uint32_t ImageTexture::get_flags() const { return ImageTexture::flags; } Image::Format ImageTexture::get_format() const { return format; } #ifndef DISABLE_DEPRECATED Error ImageTexture::load(const String &p_path) { WARN_DEPRECATED; Ref<Image> img; img.instance(); Error err = img->load(p_path); if (err == OK) { create_from_image(img); } return err; } #endif void ImageTexture::set_data(const Ref<Image> &p_image) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_image.is_null(), "Invalid image"); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_set_data(texture, p_image); _change_notify(); emit_changed(); alpha_cache.unref(); image_stored = true; } void ImageTexture::_resource_path_changed() { String path = get_path(); } Ref<Image> ImageTexture::get_data() const { if (image_stored) { return RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_get_data(texture); } else { return Ref<Image>(); } } int ImageTexture::get_width() const { return w; } int ImageTexture::get_height() const { return h; } RID ImageTexture::get_rid() const { return texture; } bool ImageTexture::has_alpha() const { return (format == Image::FORMAT_LA8 || format == Image::FORMAT_RGBA8); } void ImageTexture::draw(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map) const { if ((w | h) == 0) { return; } RID normal_rid = p_normal_map.is_valid() ? p_normal_map->get_rid() : RID(); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_texture_rect(p_canvas_item, Rect2(p_pos, Size2(w, h)), texture, false, p_modulate, p_transpose, normal_rid); } void ImageTexture::draw_rect(RID p_canvas_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, bool p_tile, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map) const { if ((w | h) == 0) { return; } RID normal_rid = p_normal_map.is_valid() ? p_normal_map->get_rid() : RID(); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_texture_rect(p_canvas_item, p_rect, texture, p_tile, p_modulate, p_transpose, normal_rid); } void ImageTexture::draw_rect_region(RID p_canvas_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Rect2 &p_src_rect, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map, bool p_clip_uv) const { if ((w | h) == 0) { return; } RID normal_rid = p_normal_map.is_valid() ? p_normal_map->get_rid() : RID(); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_texture_rect_region(p_canvas_item, p_rect, texture, p_src_rect, p_modulate, p_transpose, normal_rid, p_clip_uv); } bool ImageTexture::is_pixel_opaque(int p_x, int p_y) const { if (!alpha_cache.is_valid()) { Ref<Image> img = get_data(); if (img.is_valid()) { if (img->is_compressed()) { //must decompress, if compressed Ref<Image> decom = img->duplicate(); decom->decompress(); img = decom; } alpha_cache.instance(); alpha_cache->create_from_image_alpha(img); } } if (alpha_cache.is_valid()) { int aw = int(alpha_cache->get_size().width); int ah = int(alpha_cache->get_size().height); if (aw == 0 || ah == 0) { return true; } int x = p_x * aw / w; int y = p_y * ah / h; x = CLAMP(x, 0, aw); y = CLAMP(y, 0, ah); return alpha_cache->get_bit(Point2(x, y)); } return true; } void ImageTexture::set_size_override(const Size2 &p_size) { Size2 s = p_size; if (s.x != 0) { w = s.x; } if (s.y != 0) { h = s.y; } RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_set_size_override(texture, w, h, 0); } void ImageTexture::set_path(const String &p_path, bool p_take_over) { if (texture.is_valid()) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_set_path(texture, p_path); } Resource::set_path(p_path, p_take_over); } void ImageTexture::set_storage(Storage p_storage) { storage = p_storage; } ImageTexture::Storage ImageTexture::get_storage() const { return storage; } void ImageTexture::set_lossy_storage_quality(float p_lossy_storage_quality) { lossy_storage_quality = p_lossy_storage_quality; } float ImageTexture::get_lossy_storage_quality() const { return lossy_storage_quality; } void ImageTexture::_set_data(Dictionary p_data) { Ref<Image> img = p_data["image"]; ERR_FAIL_COND(!img.is_valid()); uint32_t flags = p_data["flags"]; create_from_image(img, flags); set_storage(Storage(p_data["storage"].operator int())); set_lossy_storage_quality(p_data["lossy_quality"]); set_size_override(p_data["size"]); }; void ImageTexture::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("create", "width", "height", "format", "flags"), &ImageTexture::create, DEFVAL(FLAGS_DEFAULT)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("create_from_image", "image", "flags"), &ImageTexture::create_from_image, DEFVAL(FLAGS_DEFAULT)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_format"), &ImageTexture::get_format); #ifndef DISABLE_DEPRECATED ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("load", "path"), &ImageTexture::load); #endif ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_data", "image"), &ImageTexture::set_data); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_storage", "mode"), &ImageTexture::set_storage); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_storage"), &ImageTexture::get_storage); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_lossy_storage_quality", "quality"), &ImageTexture::set_lossy_storage_quality); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_lossy_storage_quality"), &ImageTexture::get_lossy_storage_quality); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_size_override", "size"), &ImageTexture::set_size_override); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_reload_hook", "rid"), &ImageTexture::_reload_hook); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "storage", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Uncompressed,Compress Lossy,Compress Lossless"), "set_storage", "get_storage"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::REAL, "lossy_quality", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.0,1.0,0.01"), "set_lossy_storage_quality", "get_lossy_storage_quality"); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(STORAGE_RAW); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(STORAGE_COMPRESS_LOSSY); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(STORAGE_COMPRESS_LOSSLESS); } ImageTexture::ImageTexture() { w = h = 0; flags = FLAGS_DEFAULT; texture = RID_PRIME(RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_create()); storage = STORAGE_RAW; lossy_storage_quality = 0.7; image_stored = false; format = Image::FORMAT_L8; } ImageTexture::~ImageTexture() { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->free(texture); } ////////////////////////////////////////// void StreamTexture::set_path(const String &p_path, bool p_take_over) { if (texture.is_valid()) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_set_path(texture, p_path); } Resource::set_path(p_path, p_take_over); } void StreamTexture::_requested_3d(void *p_ud) { StreamTexture *st = (StreamTexture *)p_ud; Ref<StreamTexture> stex(st); ERR_FAIL_COND(!request_3d_callback); request_3d_callback(stex); } void StreamTexture::_requested_srgb(void *p_ud) { StreamTexture *st = (StreamTexture *)p_ud; Ref<StreamTexture> stex(st); ERR_FAIL_COND(!request_srgb_callback); request_srgb_callback(stex); } void StreamTexture::_requested_normal(void *p_ud) { StreamTexture *st = (StreamTexture *)p_ud; Ref<StreamTexture> stex(st); ERR_FAIL_COND(!request_normal_callback); request_normal_callback(stex); } StreamTexture::TextureFormatRequestCallback StreamTexture::request_3d_callback = nullptr; StreamTexture::TextureFormatRequestCallback StreamTexture::request_srgb_callback = nullptr; StreamTexture::TextureFormatRequestCallback StreamTexture::request_normal_callback = nullptr; uint32_t StreamTexture::get_flags() const { return flags; } Image::Format StreamTexture::get_format() const { return format; } Error StreamTexture::_load_data(const String &p_path, int &tw, int &th, int &tw_custom, int &th_custom, int &flags, Ref<Image> &image, int p_size_limit) { alpha_cache.unref(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(image.is_null(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::READ); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!f, ERR_CANT_OPEN, vformat("Unable to open file: %s.", p_path)); uint8_t header[4]; f->get_buffer(header, 4); if (header[0] != 'G' || header[1] != 'D' || header[2] != 'S' || header[3] != 'T') { memdelete(f); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(header[0] != 'G' || header[1] != 'D' || header[2] != 'S' || header[3] != 'T', ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } tw = f->get_16(); tw_custom = f->get_16(); th = f->get_16(); th_custom = f->get_16(); flags = f->get_32(); //texture flags! uint32_t df = f->get_32(); //data format /* print_line("width: " + itos(tw)); print_line("height: " + itos(th)); print_line("flags: " + itos(flags)); print_line("df: " + itos(df)); */ #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (request_3d_callback && df & FORMAT_BIT_DETECT_3D) { //print_line("request detect 3D at " + p_path); RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_detect_3d_callback(texture, _requested_3d, this); } else { //print_line("not requesting detect 3D at " + p_path); RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_detect_3d_callback(texture, nullptr, nullptr); } if (request_srgb_callback && df & FORMAT_BIT_DETECT_SRGB) { //print_line("request detect srgb at " + p_path); RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_detect_srgb_callback(texture, _requested_srgb, this); } else { //print_line("not requesting detect srgb at " + p_path); RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_detect_srgb_callback(texture, nullptr, nullptr); } if (request_srgb_callback && df & FORMAT_BIT_DETECT_NORMAL) { //print_line("request detect srgb at " + p_path); RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_detect_normal_callback(texture, _requested_normal, this); } else { //print_line("not requesting detect normal at " + p_path); RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_detect_normal_callback(texture, nullptr, nullptr); } #endif if (!(df & FORMAT_BIT_STREAM)) { p_size_limit = 0; } if (df & FORMAT_BIT_PNG || df & FORMAT_BIT_WEBP) { //look for a PNG or WEBP file inside int sw = tw; int sh = th; uint32_t mipmaps = f->get_32(); uint32_t size = f->get_32(); //print_line("mipmaps: " + itos(mipmaps)); while (mipmaps > 1 && p_size_limit > 0 && (sw > p_size_limit || sh > p_size_limit)) { f->seek(f->get_position() + size); mipmaps = f->get_32(); size = f->get_32(); sw = MAX(sw >> 1, 1); sh = MAX(sh >> 1, 1); mipmaps--; } //mipmaps need to be read independently, they will be later combined Vector<Ref<Image>> mipmap_images; uint64_t total_size = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mipmaps; i++) { if (i) { size = f->get_32(); } PoolVector<uint8_t> pv; pv.resize(size); { PoolVector<uint8_t>::Write w = pv.write(); f->get_buffer(w.ptr(), size); } Ref<Image> img; bool is_png = df & FORMAT_BIT_PNG; if (is_png && Image::png_unpacker) { img = Image::png_unpacker(pv); } else if (!is_png && Image::webp_unpacker) { img = Image::webp_unpacker(pv); } if (img.is_null() || img->empty()) { memdelete(f); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(img.is_null() || img->empty(), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } if (i != 0) { img->convert(mipmap_images[0]->get_format()); // ensure the same format for all mipmaps } total_size += img->get_data().size(); mipmap_images.push_back(img); } //print_line("mipmap read total: " + itos(mipmap_images.size())); memdelete(f); //no longer needed if (mipmap_images.size() == 1) { image = mipmap_images[0]; return OK; } else { PoolVector<uint8_t> img_data; img_data.resize(total_size); { PoolVector<uint8_t>::Write w = img_data.write(); int ofs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mipmap_images.size(); i++) { PoolVector<uint8_t> id = mipmap_images[i]->get_data(); int len = id.size(); PoolVector<uint8_t>::Read r = id.read(); memcpy(&w[ofs], r.ptr(), len); ofs += len; } } image->create(sw, sh, true, mipmap_images[0]->get_format(), img_data); return OK; } } else { //look for regular format Image::Format format = (Image::Format)(df & FORMAT_MASK_IMAGE_FORMAT); bool mipmaps = df & FORMAT_BIT_HAS_MIPMAPS; if (!mipmaps) { int size = Image::get_image_data_size(tw, th, format, false); PoolVector<uint8_t> img_data; img_data.resize(size); { PoolVector<uint8_t>::Write w = img_data.write(); f->get_buffer(w.ptr(), size); } memdelete(f); image->create(tw, th, false, format, img_data); return OK; } else { int sw = tw; int sh = th; int mipmaps2 = Image::get_image_required_mipmaps(tw, th, format); uint64_t total_size = Image::get_image_data_size(tw, th, format, true); int idx = 0; while (mipmaps2 > 1 && p_size_limit > 0 && (sw > p_size_limit || sh > p_size_limit)) { sw = MAX(sw >> 1, 1); sh = MAX(sh >> 1, 1); mipmaps2--; idx++; } int ofs = Image::get_image_mipmap_offset(tw, th, format, idx); if (total_size - ofs <= 0) { memdelete(f); ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } f->seek(f->get_position() + ofs); PoolVector<uint8_t> img_data; img_data.resize(total_size - ofs); { PoolVector<uint8_t>::Write w = img_data.write(); uint64_t bytes = f->get_buffer(w.ptr(), total_size - ofs); //print_line("requested read: " + itos(total_size - ofs) + " but got: " + itos(bytes)); memdelete(f); uint64_t expected = total_size - ofs; if (bytes < expected) { //this is a compatibility workaround for older format, which saved less mipmaps2. It is still recommended the image is reimported. memset(w.ptr() + bytes, 0, (expected - bytes)); } else if (bytes != expected) { ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } } image->create(sw, sh, true, format, img_data); return OK; } } return ERR_BUG; //unreachable } Error StreamTexture::load(const String &p_path) { int lw, lh, lwc, lhc, lflags; Ref<Image> image; image.instance(); Error err = _load_data(p_path, lw, lh, lwc, lhc, lflags, image); if (err) { return err; } if (get_path() == String()) { //temporarily set path if no path set for resource, helps find errors RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_set_path(texture, p_path); } RS::get_singleton()->texture_allocate(texture, image->get_width(), image->get_height(), 0, image->get_format(), RS::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D, lflags); RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_data(texture, image); if (lwc || lhc) { RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_size_override(texture, lwc, lhc, 0); } else { } w = lwc ? lwc : lw; h = lhc ? lhc : lh; flags = lflags; path_to_file = p_path; format = image->get_format(); _change_notify(); emit_changed(); return OK; } String StreamTexture::get_load_path() const { return path_to_file; } int StreamTexture::get_width() const { return w; } int StreamTexture::get_height() const { return h; } RID StreamTexture::get_rid() const { return texture; } void StreamTexture::draw(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map) const { if ((w | h) == 0) { return; } RID normal_rid = p_normal_map.is_valid() ? p_normal_map->get_rid() : RID(); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_texture_rect(p_canvas_item, Rect2(p_pos, Size2(w, h)), texture, false, p_modulate, p_transpose, normal_rid); } void StreamTexture::draw_rect(RID p_canvas_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, bool p_tile, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map) const { if ((w | h) == 0) { return; } RID normal_rid = p_normal_map.is_valid() ? p_normal_map->get_rid() : RID(); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_texture_rect(p_canvas_item, p_rect, texture, p_tile, p_modulate, p_transpose, normal_rid); } void StreamTexture::draw_rect_region(RID p_canvas_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Rect2 &p_src_rect, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map, bool p_clip_uv) const { if ((w | h) == 0) { return; } RID normal_rid = p_normal_map.is_valid() ? p_normal_map->get_rid() : RID(); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_texture_rect_region(p_canvas_item, p_rect, texture, p_src_rect, p_modulate, p_transpose, normal_rid, p_clip_uv); } bool StreamTexture::has_alpha() const { return false; } Ref<Image> StreamTexture::get_data() const { return RS::get_singleton()->texture_get_data(texture); } bool StreamTexture::is_pixel_opaque(int p_x, int p_y) const { if (!alpha_cache.is_valid()) { Ref<Image> img = get_data(); if (img.is_valid()) { if (img->is_compressed()) { //must decompress, if compressed Ref<Image> decom = img->duplicate(); decom->decompress(); img = decom; } alpha_cache.instance(); alpha_cache->create_from_image_alpha(img); } } if (alpha_cache.is_valid()) { int aw = int(alpha_cache->get_size().width); int ah = int(alpha_cache->get_size().height); if (aw == 0 || ah == 0) { return true; } int x = p_x * aw / w; int y = p_y * ah / h; x = CLAMP(x, 0, aw); y = CLAMP(y, 0, ah); return alpha_cache->get_bit(Point2(x, y)); } return true; } void StreamTexture::set_flags(uint32_t p_flags) { flags = p_flags; RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_flags(texture, flags); _change_notify("flags"); emit_changed(); } void StreamTexture::reload_from_file() { String path = get_path(); if (!path.is_resource_file()) { return; } path = ResourceLoader::path_remap(path); //remap for translation path = ResourceLoader::import_remap(path); //remap for import if (!path.is_resource_file()) { return; } load(path); } void StreamTexture::_validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const { if (property.name == "flags") { property.usage = PROPERTY_USAGE_NOEDITOR; } } void StreamTexture::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("load", "path"), &StreamTexture::load); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_load_path"), &StreamTexture::get_load_path); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "load_path", PROPERTY_HINT_FILE, "*.stex"), "load", "get_load_path"); } StreamTexture::StreamTexture() { format = Image::FORMAT_MAX; flags = 0; w = 0; h = 0; texture = RID_PRIME(RS::get_singleton()->texture_create()); } StreamTexture::~StreamTexture() { RS::get_singleton()->free(texture); } RES ResourceFormatLoaderStreamTexture::load(const String &p_path, const String &p_original_path, Error *r_error, bool p_no_subresource_cache) { Ref<StreamTexture> st; st.instance(); Error err = st->load(p_path); if (r_error) { *r_error = err; } if (err != OK) { return RES(); } return st; } void ResourceFormatLoaderStreamTexture::get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const { p_extensions->push_back("stex"); } bool ResourceFormatLoaderStreamTexture::handles_type(const String &p_type) const { return p_type == "StreamTexture"; } String ResourceFormatLoaderStreamTexture::get_resource_type(const String &p_path) const { if (p_path.get_extension().to_lower() == "stex") { return "StreamTexture"; } return ""; } ////////////////////////////////////////// int AtlasTexture::get_width() const { if (region.size.width == 0) { if (atlas.is_valid()) { return atlas->get_width(); } return 1; } else { return region.size.width + margin.size.width; } } int AtlasTexture::get_height() const { if (region.size.height == 0) { if (atlas.is_valid()) { return atlas->get_height(); } return 1; } else { return region.size.height + margin.size.height; } } RID AtlasTexture::get_rid() const { if (atlas.is_valid()) { return atlas->get_rid(); } return RID(); } bool AtlasTexture::has_alpha() const { if (atlas.is_valid()) { return atlas->has_alpha(); } return false; } void AtlasTexture::set_flags(uint32_t p_flags) { if (atlas.is_valid()) { atlas->set_flags(p_flags); } } uint32_t AtlasTexture::get_flags() const { if (atlas.is_valid()) { return atlas->get_flags(); } return 0; } void AtlasTexture::set_atlas(const Ref<Texture> &p_atlas) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_atlas == this); if (atlas == p_atlas) { return; } atlas = p_atlas; emit_changed(); _change_notify("atlas"); } Ref<Texture> AtlasTexture::get_atlas() const { return atlas; } void AtlasTexture::set_region(const Rect2 &p_region) { if (region == p_region) { return; } region = p_region; emit_changed(); _change_notify("region"); } Rect2 AtlasTexture::get_region() const { return region; } void AtlasTexture::set_margin(const Rect2 &p_margin) { if (margin == p_margin) { return; } margin = p_margin; emit_changed(); _change_notify("margin"); } Rect2 AtlasTexture::get_margin() const { return margin; } void AtlasTexture::set_filter_clip(const bool p_enable) { filter_clip = p_enable; emit_changed(); _change_notify("filter_clip"); } bool AtlasTexture::has_filter_clip() const { return filter_clip; } Ref<Image> AtlasTexture::get_data() const { if (!atlas.is_valid() || !atlas->get_data().is_valid()) { return Ref<Image>(); } return atlas->get_data()->get_rect(region); } void AtlasTexture::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_atlas", "atlas"), &AtlasTexture::set_atlas); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_atlas"), &AtlasTexture::get_atlas); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_region", "region"), &AtlasTexture::set_region); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_region"), &AtlasTexture::get_region); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_margin", "margin"), &AtlasTexture::set_margin); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_margin"), &AtlasTexture::get_margin); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_filter_clip", "enable"), &AtlasTexture::set_filter_clip); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_filter_clip"), &AtlasTexture::has_filter_clip); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "atlas", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Texture"), "set_atlas", "get_atlas"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::RECT2, "region"), "set_region", "get_region"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::RECT2, "margin"), "set_margin", "get_margin"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "filter_clip"), "set_filter_clip", "has_filter_clip"); } void AtlasTexture::draw(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map) const { if (!atlas.is_valid()) { return; } Rect2 rc = region; if (rc.size.width == 0) { rc.size.width = atlas->get_width(); } if (rc.size.height == 0) { rc.size.height = atlas->get_height(); } atlas->draw_rect_region(p_canvas_item, Rect2(p_pos + margin.position, rc.size), rc, p_modulate, p_transpose, p_normal_map); } void AtlasTexture::draw_rect(RID p_canvas_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, bool p_tile, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map) const { if (!atlas.is_valid()) { return; } Rect2 rc = region; if (rc.size.width == 0) { rc.size.width = atlas->get_width(); } if (rc.size.height == 0) { rc.size.height = atlas->get_height(); } Vector2 scale = p_rect.size / (region.size + margin.size); Rect2 dr(p_rect.position + margin.position * scale, rc.size * scale); atlas->draw_rect_region(p_canvas_item, dr, rc, p_modulate, p_transpose, p_normal_map); } Texture::RefineRectResult AtlasTexture::refine_rect_region(Rect2 &r_dst_rect, Rect2 &r_src_rect) const { if (!atlas.is_valid()) { return REFINE_RECT_RESULT_NO_DRAW; } Rect2 temp_rect = r_dst_rect; Rect2 temp_src_rect = r_src_rect; if (get_rect_region(temp_rect, temp_src_rect, r_dst_rect, r_src_rect)) { return atlas->refine_rect_region(r_dst_rect, r_src_rect); } return REFINE_RECT_RESULT_NO_DRAW; } void AtlasTexture::draw_rect_region(RID p_canvas_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Rect2 &p_src_rect, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map, bool p_clip_uv) const { if (!atlas.is_valid()) { return; } Rect2 dst; Rect2 src; if (get_rect_region(p_rect, p_src_rect, dst, src)) { atlas->draw_rect_region(p_canvas_item, dst, src, p_modulate, p_transpose, p_normal_map); } } bool AtlasTexture::get_rect_region(const Rect2 &p_rect, const Rect2 &p_src_rect, Rect2 &r_rect, Rect2 &r_src_rect) const { if (!atlas.is_valid()) { return false; } Rect2 src = p_src_rect; if (src.size == Size2()) { src.size = region.size; } Vector2 scale = p_rect.size / src.size; src.position += (region.position - margin.position); Rect2 src_clipped = region.clip(src); if (src_clipped.size == Size2()) { return false; } Vector2 ofs = (src_clipped.position - src.position); if (scale.x < 0) { ofs.x += (src_clipped.size.x - src.size.x); } if (scale.y < 0) { ofs.y += (src_clipped.size.y - src.size.y); } r_rect = Rect2(p_rect.position + ofs * scale, src_clipped.size * scale); r_src_rect = src_clipped; return true; } bool AtlasTexture::is_pixel_opaque(int p_x, int p_y) const { if (!atlas.is_valid()) { return true; } int x = p_x + region.position.x - margin.position.x; int y = p_y + region.position.y - margin.position.y; // margin edge may outside of atlas if (x < 0 || x >= atlas->get_width()) { return false; } if (y < 0 || y >= atlas->get_height()) { return false; } return atlas->is_pixel_opaque(x, y); } AtlasTexture::AtlasTexture() { filter_clip = false; } ///////////////////////////////////////// int MeshTexture::get_width() const { return size.width; } int MeshTexture::get_height() const { return size.height; } RID MeshTexture::get_rid() const { return RID(); } bool MeshTexture::has_alpha() const { return false; } void MeshTexture::set_flags(uint32_t p_flags) { } uint32_t MeshTexture::get_flags() const { return 0; } void MeshTexture::set_mesh(const Ref<Mesh> &p_mesh) { mesh = p_mesh; } Ref<Mesh> MeshTexture::get_mesh() const { return mesh; } void MeshTexture::set_image_size(const Size2 &p_size) { size = p_size; } Size2 MeshTexture::get_image_size() const { return size; } void MeshTexture::set_base_texture(const Ref<Texture> &p_texture) { base_texture = p_texture; } Ref<Texture> MeshTexture::get_base_texture() const { return base_texture; } void MeshTexture::draw(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map) const { if (mesh.is_null() || base_texture.is_null()) { return; } Transform2D xform; xform.set_origin(p_pos); if (p_transpose) { SWAP(xform.columns[0][1], xform.columns[1][0]); SWAP(xform.columns[0][0], xform.columns[1][1]); } RID normal_rid = p_normal_map.is_valid() ? p_normal_map->get_rid() : RID(); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_mesh(p_canvas_item, mesh->get_rid(), xform, p_modulate, base_texture->get_rid(), normal_rid); } void MeshTexture::draw_rect(RID p_canvas_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, bool p_tile, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map) const { if (mesh.is_null() || base_texture.is_null()) { return; } Transform2D xform; Vector2 origin = p_rect.position; if (p_rect.size.x < 0) { origin.x += size.x; } if (p_rect.size.y < 0) { origin.y += size.y; } xform.set_origin(origin); xform.set_scale(p_rect.size / size); if (p_transpose) { SWAP(xform.columns[0][1], xform.columns[1][0]); SWAP(xform.columns[0][0], xform.columns[1][1]); } RID normal_rid = p_normal_map.is_valid() ? p_normal_map->get_rid() : RID(); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_mesh(p_canvas_item, mesh->get_rid(), xform, p_modulate, base_texture->get_rid(), normal_rid); } void MeshTexture::draw_rect_region(RID p_canvas_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Rect2 &p_src_rect, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map, bool p_clip_uv) const { if (mesh.is_null() || base_texture.is_null()) { return; } Transform2D xform; Vector2 origin = p_rect.position; if (p_rect.size.x < 0) { origin.x += size.x; } if (p_rect.size.y < 0) { origin.y += size.y; } xform.set_origin(origin); xform.set_scale(p_rect.size / size); if (p_transpose) { SWAP(xform.columns[0][1], xform.columns[1][0]); SWAP(xform.columns[0][0], xform.columns[1][1]); } RID normal_rid = p_normal_map.is_valid() ? p_normal_map->get_rid() : RID(); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_mesh(p_canvas_item, mesh->get_rid(), xform, p_modulate, base_texture->get_rid(), normal_rid); } bool MeshTexture::is_pixel_opaque(int p_x, int p_y) const { return true; } void MeshTexture::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_mesh", "mesh"), &MeshTexture::set_mesh); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_mesh"), &MeshTexture::get_mesh); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_image_size", "size"), &MeshTexture::set_image_size); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_image_size"), &MeshTexture::get_image_size); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_base_texture", "texture"), &MeshTexture::set_base_texture); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_base_texture"), &MeshTexture::get_base_texture); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "mesh", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Mesh"), "set_mesh", "get_mesh"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "base_texture", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Texture"), "set_base_texture", "get_base_texture"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "image_size", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,16384,1"), "set_image_size", "get_image_size"); } MeshTexture::MeshTexture() { } ////////////////////////////////////////// int LargeTexture::get_width() const { return size.width; } int LargeTexture::get_height() const { return size.height; } RID LargeTexture::get_rid() const { return RID(); } bool LargeTexture::has_alpha() const { for (int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { if (pieces[i].texture->has_alpha()) { return true; } } return false; } void LargeTexture::set_flags(uint32_t p_flags) { for (int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { pieces.write[i].texture->set_flags(p_flags); } } uint32_t LargeTexture::get_flags() const { if (pieces.size()) { return pieces[0].texture->get_flags(); } return 0; } int LargeTexture::add_piece(const Point2 &p_offset, const Ref<Texture> &p_texture) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_texture.is_null(), -1); Piece p; p.offset = p_offset; p.texture = p_texture; pieces.push_back(p); return pieces.size() - 1; } void LargeTexture::set_piece_offset(int p_idx, const Point2 &p_offset) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, pieces.size()); pieces.write[p_idx].offset = p_offset; }; void LargeTexture::set_piece_texture(int p_idx, const Ref<Texture> &p_texture) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_texture == this); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_texture.is_null()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, pieces.size()); pieces.write[p_idx].texture = p_texture; }; void LargeTexture::set_size(const Size2 &p_size) { size = p_size; } void LargeTexture::clear() { pieces.clear(); size = Size2i(); } Array LargeTexture::_get_data() const { Array arr; for (int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { arr.push_back(pieces[i].offset); arr.push_back(pieces[i].texture); } arr.push_back(Size2(size)); return arr; } void LargeTexture::_set_data(const Array &p_array) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_array.size() < 1); ERR_FAIL_COND(!(p_array.size() & 1)); clear(); for (int i = 0; i < p_array.size() - 1; i += 2) { add_piece(p_array[i], p_array[i + 1]); } size = Size2(p_array[p_array.size() - 1]); } int LargeTexture::get_piece_count() const { return pieces.size(); } Vector2 LargeTexture::get_piece_offset(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, pieces.size(), Vector2()); return pieces[p_idx].offset; } Ref<Texture> LargeTexture::get_piece_texture(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, pieces.size(), Ref<Texture>()); return pieces[p_idx].texture; } Ref<Image> LargeTexture::to_image() const { Ref<Image> img = memnew(Image(this->get_width(), this->get_height(), false, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8)); for (int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { Ref<Image> src_img = pieces[i].texture->get_data(); img->blit_rect(src_img, Rect2(0, 0, src_img->get_width(), src_img->get_height()), pieces[i].offset); } return img; } void LargeTexture::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_piece", "ofs", "texture"), &LargeTexture::add_piece); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_piece_offset", "idx", "ofs"), &LargeTexture::set_piece_offset); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_piece_texture", "idx", "texture"), &LargeTexture::set_piece_texture); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_size", "size"), &LargeTexture::set_size); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear"), &LargeTexture::clear); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_piece_count"), &LargeTexture::get_piece_count); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_piece_offset", "idx"), &LargeTexture::get_piece_offset); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_piece_texture", "idx"), &LargeTexture::get_piece_texture); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_set_data", "data"), &LargeTexture::_set_data); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_get_data"), &LargeTexture::_get_data); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::ARRAY, "_data", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NOEDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL), "_set_data", "_get_data"); } void LargeTexture::draw(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map) const { for (int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { // TODO pieces[i].texture->draw(p_canvas_item, pieces[i].offset + p_pos, p_modulate, p_transpose, p_normal_map); } } void LargeTexture::draw_rect(RID p_canvas_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, bool p_tile, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map) const { //tiling not supported for this if (size.x == 0 || size.y == 0) { return; } Size2 scale = p_rect.size / size; for (int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { // TODO pieces[i].texture->draw_rect(p_canvas_item, Rect2(pieces[i].offset * scale + p_rect.position, pieces[i].texture->get_size() * scale), false, p_modulate, p_transpose, p_normal_map); } } void LargeTexture::draw_rect_region(RID p_canvas_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Rect2 &p_src_rect, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map, bool p_clip_uv) const { //tiling not supported for this if (p_src_rect.size.x == 0 || p_src_rect.size.y == 0) { return; } Size2 scale = p_rect.size / p_src_rect.size; for (int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { // TODO Rect2 rect(pieces[i].offset, pieces[i].texture->get_size()); if (!p_src_rect.intersects(rect)) { continue; } Rect2 local = p_src_rect.clip(rect); Rect2 target = local; target.size *= scale; target.position = p_rect.position + (p_src_rect.position + rect.position) * scale; local.position -= rect.position; pieces[i].texture->draw_rect_region(p_canvas_item, target, local, p_modulate, p_transpose, p_normal_map, false); } } bool LargeTexture::is_pixel_opaque(int p_x, int p_y) const { for (int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { // TODO if (!pieces[i].texture.is_valid()) { continue; } Rect2 rect(pieces[i].offset, pieces[i].texture->get_size()); if (rect.has_point(Point2(p_x, p_y))) { return pieces[i].texture->is_pixel_opaque(p_x - rect.position.x, p_y - rect.position.y); } } return true; } LargeTexture::LargeTexture() { } /////////////////////////////////////////////// void CubeMap::set_flags(uint32_t p_flags) { flags = p_flags; if (_is_valid()) { RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_flags(cubemap, flags); } } uint32_t CubeMap::get_flags() const { return flags; } void CubeMap::set_side(Side p_side, const Ref<Image> &p_image) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_image.is_null()); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_image->empty()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_side, 6); if (!_is_valid()) { format = p_image->get_format(); w = p_image->get_width(); h = p_image->get_height(); RS::get_singleton()->texture_allocate(cubemap, w, h, 0, p_image->get_format(), RS::TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBEMAP, flags); } RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_data(cubemap, p_image, RS::CubeMapSide(p_side)); valid[p_side] = true; } Ref<Image> CubeMap::get_side(Side p_side) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_side, 6, Ref<Image>()); if (!valid[p_side]) { return Ref<Image>(); } return RS::get_singleton()->texture_get_data(cubemap, RS::CubeMapSide(p_side)); } Image::Format CubeMap::get_format() const { return format; } int CubeMap::get_width() const { return w; } int CubeMap::get_height() const { return h; } RID CubeMap::get_rid() const { return cubemap; } void CubeMap::set_storage(Storage p_storage) { storage = p_storage; } CubeMap::Storage CubeMap::get_storage() const { return storage; } void CubeMap::set_lossy_storage_quality(float p_lossy_storage_quality) { lossy_storage_quality = p_lossy_storage_quality; } float CubeMap::get_lossy_storage_quality() const { return lossy_storage_quality; } void CubeMap::set_path(const String &p_path, bool p_take_over) { if (cubemap.is_valid()) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_set_path(cubemap, p_path); } Resource::set_path(p_path, p_take_over); } bool CubeMap::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { if (p_name == "side/left") { set_side(SIDE_LEFT, p_value); } else if (p_name == "side/right") { set_side(SIDE_RIGHT, p_value); } else if (p_name == "side/bottom") { set_side(SIDE_BOTTOM, p_value); } else if (p_name == "side/top") { set_side(SIDE_TOP, p_value); } else if (p_name == "side/front") { set_side(SIDE_FRONT, p_value); } else if (p_name == "side/back") { set_side(SIDE_BACK, p_value); } else if (p_name == "storage") { storage = Storage(p_value.operator int()); } else if (p_name == "lossy_quality") { lossy_storage_quality = p_value; } else { return false; } return true; } bool CubeMap::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const { if (p_name == "side/left") { r_ret = get_side(SIDE_LEFT); } else if (p_name == "side/right") { r_ret = get_side(SIDE_RIGHT); } else if (p_name == "side/bottom") { r_ret = get_side(SIDE_BOTTOM); } else if (p_name == "side/top") { r_ret = get_side(SIDE_TOP); } else if (p_name == "side/front") { r_ret = get_side(SIDE_FRONT); } else if (p_name == "side/back") { r_ret = get_side(SIDE_BACK); } else if (p_name == "storage") { r_ret = storage; } else if (p_name == "lossy_quality") { r_ret = lossy_storage_quality; } else { return false; } return true; } void CubeMap::_get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const { p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "side/left", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Image")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "side/right", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Image")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "side/bottom", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Image")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "side/top", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Image")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "side/front", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Image")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "side/back", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Image")); } void CubeMap::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_width"), &CubeMap::get_width); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_height"), &CubeMap::get_height); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_flags", "flags"), &CubeMap::set_flags); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_flags"), &CubeMap::get_flags); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_side", "side", "image"), &CubeMap::set_side); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_side", "side"), &CubeMap::get_side); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_storage", "mode"), &CubeMap::set_storage); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_storage"), &CubeMap::get_storage); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_lossy_storage_quality", "quality"), &CubeMap::set_lossy_storage_quality); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_lossy_storage_quality"), &CubeMap::get_lossy_storage_quality); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "flags", PROPERTY_HINT_FLAGS, "Mipmaps,Repeat,Filter"), "set_flags", "get_flags"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "storage_mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Raw,Lossy Compressed,Lossless Compressed"), "set_storage", "get_storage"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::REAL, "lossy_storage_quality"), "set_lossy_storage_quality", "get_lossy_storage_quality"); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(STORAGE_RAW); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(STORAGE_COMPRESS_LOSSY); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(STORAGE_COMPRESS_LOSSLESS); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(SIDE_LEFT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(SIDE_RIGHT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(SIDE_BOTTOM); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(SIDE_TOP); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(SIDE_FRONT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(SIDE_BACK); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_MIPMAPS); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_REPEAT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_FILTER); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAGS_DEFAULT); } CubeMap::CubeMap() { w = h = 0; flags = FLAGS_DEFAULT; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { valid[i] = false; } cubemap = RID_PRIME(RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_create()); storage = STORAGE_RAW; lossy_storage_quality = 0.7; format = Image::FORMAT_BPTC_RGBA; } CubeMap::~CubeMap() { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->free(cubemap); } /* BIND_ENUM(CubeMapSize); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT( FLAG_CUBEMAP ); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT( CUBEMAP_LEFT ); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT( CUBEMAP_RIGHT ); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT( CUBEMAP_BOTTOM ); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT( CUBEMAP_TOP ); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT( CUBEMAP_FRONT ); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT( CUBEMAP_BACK ); */ /////////////////////////// void CurveTexture::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_width", "width"), &CurveTexture::set_width); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_curve", "curve"), &CurveTexture::set_curve); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_curve"), &CurveTexture::get_curve); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_update"), &CurveTexture::_update); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "width", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,4096"), "set_width", "get_width"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "curve", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Curve"), "set_curve", "get_curve"); } void CurveTexture::set_width(int p_width) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_width < 32 || p_width > 4096); _width = p_width; _update(); } int CurveTexture::get_width() const { return _width; } void CurveTexture::ensure_default_setup(float p_min, float p_max) { if (_curve.is_null()) { Ref<Curve> curve = Ref<Curve>(memnew(Curve)); curve->add_point(Vector2(0, 1)); curve->add_point(Vector2(1, 1)); curve->set_min_value(p_min); curve->set_max_value(p_max); set_curve(curve); // Min and max is 0..1 by default } } void CurveTexture::set_curve(Ref<Curve> p_curve) { if (_curve != p_curve) { if (_curve.is_valid()) { _curve->disconnect(CoreStringNames::get_singleton()->changed, this, "_update"); } _curve = p_curve; if (_curve.is_valid()) { _curve->connect(CoreStringNames::get_singleton()->changed, this, "_update"); } _update(); } } void CurveTexture::_update() { PoolVector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(_width * sizeof(float)); // The array is locked in that scope { PoolVector<uint8_t>::Write wd8 = data.write(); float *wd = (float *)wd8.ptr(); if (_curve.is_valid()) { Curve &curve = **_curve; for (int i = 0; i < _width; ++i) { float t = i / static_cast<float>(_width); wd[i] = curve.interpolate_baked(t); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < _width; ++i) { wd[i] = 0; } } } Ref<Image> image = memnew(Image(_width, 1, false, Image::FORMAT_RF, data)); RS::get_singleton()->texture_allocate(_texture, _width, 1, 0, Image::FORMAT_RF, RS::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D, RS::TEXTURE_FLAG_FILTER); RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_data(_texture, image); emit_changed(); } Ref<Curve> CurveTexture::get_curve() const { return _curve; } RID CurveTexture::get_rid() const { return _texture; } CurveTexture::CurveTexture() { _width = 2048; _texture = RID_PRIME(RS::get_singleton()->texture_create()); } CurveTexture::~CurveTexture() { RS::get_singleton()->free(_texture); } ////////////////// //setter and getter names for property serialization #define COLOR_RAMP_GET_OFFSETS "get_offsets" #define COLOR_RAMP_GET_COLORS "get_colors" #define COLOR_RAMP_SET_OFFSETS "set_offsets" #define COLOR_RAMP_SET_COLORS "set_colors" GradientTexture::GradientTexture() { update_pending = false; width = 2048; texture = RID_PRIME(RS::get_singleton()->texture_create()); _queue_update(); } GradientTexture::~GradientTexture() { RS::get_singleton()->free(texture); } void GradientTexture::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_gradient", "gradient"), &GradientTexture::set_gradient); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_gradient"), &GradientTexture::get_gradient); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_width", "width"), &GradientTexture::set_width); // The `get_width()` method is already exposed by the parent class Texture. ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_use_hdr", "enabled"), &GradientTexture::set_use_hdr); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_using_hdr"), &GradientTexture::is_using_hdr); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_update"), &GradientTexture::_update); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "gradient", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Gradient"), "set_gradient", "get_gradient"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "width", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,4096"), "set_width", "get_width"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "use_hdr"), "set_use_hdr", "is_using_hdr"); } void GradientTexture::set_gradient(Ref<Gradient> p_gradient) { if (p_gradient == gradient) { return; } if (gradient.is_valid()) { gradient->disconnect(CoreStringNames::get_singleton()->changed, this, "_update"); } gradient = p_gradient; if (gradient.is_valid()) { gradient->connect(CoreStringNames::get_singleton()->changed, this, "_update"); } _update(); emit_changed(); } Ref<Gradient> GradientTexture::get_gradient() const { return gradient; } void GradientTexture::_queue_update() { if (update_pending) { return; } update_pending = true; call_deferred("_update"); } void GradientTexture::_update() { update_pending = false; if (gradient.is_null()) { return; } if (use_hdr) { // High dynamic range. Ref<Image> image = memnew(Image(width, 1, false, Image::FORMAT_RGBAF)); Gradient &g = **gradient; // `create()` isn't available for non-uint8_t data, so fill in the data manually. image->lock(); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { float ofs = float(i) / (width - 1); image->set_pixel(i, 0, g.get_color_at_offset(ofs)); } image->unlock(); RS::get_singleton()->texture_allocate(texture, width, 1, 0, Image::FORMAT_RGBAF, RS::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D, RS::TEXTURE_FLAG_FILTER); RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_data(texture, image); } else { // Low dynamic range. "Overbright" colors will be clamped. PoolVector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(width * 4); { PoolVector<uint8_t>::Write wd8 = data.write(); Gradient &g = **gradient; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { float ofs = float(i) / (width - 1); Color color = g.get_color_at_offset(ofs); wd8[i * 4 + 0] = uint8_t(CLAMP(color.r * 255.0, 0, 255)); wd8[i * 4 + 1] = uint8_t(CLAMP(color.g * 255.0, 0, 255)); wd8[i * 4 + 2] = uint8_t(CLAMP(color.b * 255.0, 0, 255)); wd8[i * 4 + 3] = uint8_t(CLAMP(color.a * 255.0, 0, 255)); } } Ref<Image> image = memnew(Image(width, 1, false, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8, data)); RS::get_singleton()->texture_allocate(texture, width, 1, 0, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8, RS::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D, RS::TEXTURE_FLAG_FILTER); RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_data(texture, image); } emit_changed(); } void GradientTexture::set_width(int p_width) { width = p_width; _queue_update(); } int GradientTexture::get_width() const { return width; } void GradientTexture::set_use_hdr(bool p_enabled) { if (p_enabled == use_hdr) { return; } use_hdr = p_enabled; _queue_update(); } bool GradientTexture::is_using_hdr() const { return use_hdr; } Ref<Image> GradientTexture::get_data() const { return RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_get_data(texture); } GradientTexture2D::GradientTexture2D() { texture = RID_PRIME(RS::get_singleton()->texture_create()); _queue_update(); } GradientTexture2D::~GradientTexture2D() { RS::get_singleton()->free(texture); } void GradientTexture2D::set_gradient(Ref<Gradient> p_gradient) { if (gradient == p_gradient) { return; } if (gradient.is_valid()) { gradient->disconnect(CoreStringNames::get_singleton()->changed, this, "_queue_update"); } gradient = p_gradient; if (gradient.is_valid()) { gradient->connect(CoreStringNames::get_singleton()->changed, this, "_queue_update"); } _queue_update(); } Ref<Gradient> GradientTexture2D::get_gradient() const { return gradient; } void GradientTexture2D::_queue_update() { if (update_pending) { return; } update_pending = true; call_deferred("_update"); } void GradientTexture2D::_update() { update_pending = false; if (gradient.is_null()) { return; } Ref<Image> image; image.instance(); if (gradient->get_points_count() <= 1) { // No need to interpolate. image->create(width, height, false, (use_hdr) ? Image::FORMAT_RGBAF : Image::FORMAT_RGBA8); image->fill((gradient->get_points_count() == 1) ? gradient->get_color(0) : Color(0, 0, 0, 1)); } else { if (use_hdr) { image->create(width, height, false, Image::FORMAT_RGBAF); Gradient &g = **gradient; // `create()` isn't available for non-uint8_t data, so fill in the data manually. image->lock(); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { float ofs = _get_gradient_offset_at(x, y); image->set_pixel(x, y, g.get_color_at_offset(ofs)); } } image->unlock(); } else { PoolVector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(width * height * 4); { uint8_t *wd8 = data.write().ptr(); Gradient &g = **gradient; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { float ofs = _get_gradient_offset_at(x, y); const Color &c = g.get_color_at_offset(ofs); wd8[(x + (y * width)) * 4 + 0] = uint8_t(CLAMP(c.r * 255.0, 0, 255)); wd8[(x + (y * width)) * 4 + 1] = uint8_t(CLAMP(c.g * 255.0, 0, 255)); wd8[(x + (y * width)) * 4 + 2] = uint8_t(CLAMP(c.b * 255.0, 0, 255)); wd8[(x + (y * width)) * 4 + 3] = uint8_t(CLAMP(c.a * 255.0, 0, 255)); } } } image->create(width, height, false, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8, data); } } RS::get_singleton()->texture_allocate(texture, width, height, 0, image->get_format(), RS::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D, RS::TEXTURE_FLAG_FILTER); RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_data(texture, image); emit_changed(); } float GradientTexture2D::_get_gradient_offset_at(int x, int y) const { if (fill_to == fill_from) { return 0; } float ofs = 0; Vector2 pos; if (width > 1) { pos.x = static_cast<float>(x) / (width - 1); } if (height > 1) { pos.y = static_cast<float>(y) / (height - 1); } if (fill == Fill::FILL_LINEAR) { Vector2 segment[2]; segment[0] = fill_from; segment[1] = fill_to; Vector2 closest = Geometry::get_closest_point_to_segment_uncapped_2d(pos, &segment[0]); ofs = (closest - fill_from).length() / (fill_to - fill_from).length(); if ((closest - fill_from).dot(fill_to - fill_from) < 0) { ofs *= -1; } } else if (fill == Fill::FILL_RADIAL) { ofs = (pos - fill_from).length() / (fill_to - fill_from).length(); } if (repeat == Repeat::REPEAT_NONE) { ofs = CLAMP(ofs, 0.0, 1.0); } else if (repeat == Repeat::REPEAT) { ofs = Math::fmod(ofs, 1.0f); if (ofs < 0) { ofs = 1 + ofs; } } else if (repeat == Repeat::REPEAT_MIRROR) { ofs = Math::abs(ofs); ofs = Math::fmod(ofs, 2.0f); if (ofs > 1.0) { ofs = 2.0 - ofs; } } return ofs; } void GradientTexture2D::set_width(int p_width) { width = p_width; _queue_update(); } int GradientTexture2D::get_width() const { return width; } void GradientTexture2D::set_height(int p_height) { height = p_height; _queue_update(); } int GradientTexture2D::get_height() const { return height; } void GradientTexture2D::set_flags(uint32_t p_flags) { if (p_flags == flags) { return; } flags = p_flags; RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_flags(texture, flags); _change_notify("flags"); emit_changed(); } uint32_t GradientTexture2D::get_flags() const { return flags; } void GradientTexture2D::set_use_hdr(bool p_enabled) { if (p_enabled == use_hdr) { return; } use_hdr = p_enabled; _queue_update(); } bool GradientTexture2D::is_using_hdr() const { return use_hdr; } void GradientTexture2D::set_fill_from(Vector2 p_fill_from) { fill_from = p_fill_from; _queue_update(); } Vector2 GradientTexture2D::get_fill_from() const { return fill_from; } void GradientTexture2D::set_fill_to(Vector2 p_fill_to) { fill_to = p_fill_to; _queue_update(); } Vector2 GradientTexture2D::get_fill_to() const { return fill_to; } void GradientTexture2D::set_fill(Fill p_fill) { fill = p_fill; _queue_update(); } GradientTexture2D::Fill GradientTexture2D::get_fill() const { return fill; } void GradientTexture2D::set_repeat(Repeat p_repeat) { repeat = p_repeat; _queue_update(); } GradientTexture2D::Repeat GradientTexture2D::get_repeat() const { return repeat; } RID GradientTexture2D::get_rid() const { if (!texture.is_valid()) { texture = RID(); } return texture; } Ref<Image> GradientTexture2D::get_data() const { if (!texture.is_valid()) { return Ref<Image>(); } return RS::get_singleton()->texture_get_data(texture); } void GradientTexture2D::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_gradient", "gradient"), &GradientTexture2D::set_gradient); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_gradient"), &GradientTexture2D::get_gradient); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_width", "width"), &GradientTexture2D::set_width); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_height", "height"), &GradientTexture2D::set_height); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_use_hdr", "enabled"), &GradientTexture2D::set_use_hdr); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_using_hdr"), &GradientTexture2D::is_using_hdr); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_fill", "fill"), &GradientTexture2D::set_fill); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_fill"), &GradientTexture2D::get_fill); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_fill_from", "fill_from"), &GradientTexture2D::set_fill_from); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_fill_from"), &GradientTexture2D::get_fill_from); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_fill_to", "fill_to"), &GradientTexture2D::set_fill_to); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_fill_to"), &GradientTexture2D::get_fill_to); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_repeat", "repeat"), &GradientTexture2D::set_repeat); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_repeat"), &GradientTexture2D::get_repeat); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_update"), &GradientTexture2D::_update); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_queue_update"), &GradientTexture2D::_queue_update); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "gradient", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Gradient"), "set_gradient", "get_gradient"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "width", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,2048,1,or_greater"), "set_width", "get_width"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "height", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,2048,1,or_greater"), "set_height", "get_height"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "use_hdr"), "set_use_hdr", "is_using_hdr"); ADD_GROUP("Fill", "fill_"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "fill", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Linear,Radial"), "set_fill", "get_fill"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "fill_from"), "set_fill_from", "get_fill_from"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "fill_to"), "set_fill_to", "get_fill_to"); ADD_GROUP("Repeat", "repeat_"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "repeat", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "No Repeat,Repeat,Mirror Repeat"), "set_repeat", "get_repeat"); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FILL_LINEAR); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FILL_RADIAL); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(REPEAT_NONE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(REPEAT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(REPEAT_MIRROR); } ////////////////////////////////////// void ProxyTexture::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_base", "base"), &ProxyTexture::set_base); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_base"), &ProxyTexture::get_base); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "base", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Texture"), "set_base", "get_base"); } void ProxyTexture::set_base(const Ref<Texture> &p_texture) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_texture == this); base = p_texture; if (base.is_valid()) { RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_proxy(proxy, base->get_rid()); } else { RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_proxy(proxy, RID()); } } Ref<Texture> ProxyTexture::get_base() const { return base; } int ProxyTexture::get_width() const { if (base.is_valid()) { return base->get_width(); } return 1; } int ProxyTexture::get_height() const { if (base.is_valid()) { return base->get_height(); } return 1; } RID ProxyTexture::get_rid() const { return proxy; } bool ProxyTexture::has_alpha() const { if (base.is_valid()) { return base->has_alpha(); } return false; } void ProxyTexture::set_flags(uint32_t p_flags) { } uint32_t ProxyTexture::get_flags() const { if (base.is_valid()) { return base->get_flags(); } return 0; } ProxyTexture::ProxyTexture() { proxy = RID_PRIME(RS::get_singleton()->texture_create()); } ProxyTexture::~ProxyTexture() { RS::get_singleton()->free(proxy); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// void AnimatedTexture::_update_proxy() { RWLockRead r(rw_lock); float delta; if (prev_ticks == 0) { delta = 0; prev_ticks = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); } else { uint64_t ticks = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); delta = float(double(ticks - prev_ticks) / 1000000.0); prev_ticks = ticks; } time += delta; float limit; if (fps == 0) { limit = 0; } else { limit = 1.0 / fps; } int iter_max = frame_count; while (iter_max && !pause) { float frame_limit = limit + frames[current_frame].delay_sec; if (time > frame_limit) { current_frame++; if (current_frame >= frame_count) { if (oneshot) { current_frame = frame_count - 1; } else { current_frame = 0; } } time -= frame_limit; _change_notify("current_frame"); } else { break; } iter_max--; } if (frames[current_frame].texture.is_valid()) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_set_proxy(proxy, frames[current_frame].texture->get_rid()); } } void AnimatedTexture::set_frames(int p_frames) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_frames < 1 || p_frames > MAX_FRAMES); RWLockWrite r(rw_lock); frame_count = p_frames; } int AnimatedTexture::get_frames() const { return frame_count; } void AnimatedTexture::set_current_frame(int p_frame) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_frame < 0 || p_frame >= frame_count); RWLockWrite r(rw_lock); current_frame = p_frame; } int AnimatedTexture::get_current_frame() const { return current_frame; } void AnimatedTexture::set_pause(bool p_pause) { RWLockWrite r(rw_lock); pause = p_pause; } bool AnimatedTexture::get_pause() const { return pause; } void AnimatedTexture::set_oneshot(bool p_oneshot) { RWLockWrite r(rw_lock); oneshot = p_oneshot; } bool AnimatedTexture::get_oneshot() const { return oneshot; } void AnimatedTexture::set_frame_texture(int p_frame, const Ref<Texture> &p_texture) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_texture == this); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_frame, MAX_FRAMES); RWLockWrite w(rw_lock); frames[p_frame].texture = p_texture; } Ref<Texture> AnimatedTexture::get_frame_texture(int p_frame) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_frame, MAX_FRAMES, Ref<Texture>()); RWLockRead r(rw_lock); return frames[p_frame].texture; } void AnimatedTexture::set_frame_delay(int p_frame, float p_delay_sec) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_frame, MAX_FRAMES); RWLockRead r(rw_lock); frames[p_frame].delay_sec = p_delay_sec; } float AnimatedTexture::get_frame_delay(int p_frame) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_frame, MAX_FRAMES, 0); RWLockRead r(rw_lock); return frames[p_frame].delay_sec; } void AnimatedTexture::set_fps(float p_fps) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_fps < 0 || p_fps >= 1000); fps = p_fps; } float AnimatedTexture::get_fps() const { return fps; } int AnimatedTexture::get_width() const { RWLockRead r(rw_lock); if (!frames[current_frame].texture.is_valid()) { return 1; } return frames[current_frame].texture->get_width(); } int AnimatedTexture::get_height() const { RWLockRead r(rw_lock); if (!frames[current_frame].texture.is_valid()) { return 1; } return frames[current_frame].texture->get_height(); } RID AnimatedTexture::get_rid() const { return proxy; } bool AnimatedTexture::has_alpha() const { RWLockRead r(rw_lock); if (!frames[current_frame].texture.is_valid()) { return false; } return frames[current_frame].texture->has_alpha(); } Ref<Image> AnimatedTexture::get_data() const { RWLockRead r(rw_lock); if (!frames[current_frame].texture.is_valid()) { return Ref<Image>(); } return frames[current_frame].texture->get_data(); } bool AnimatedTexture::is_pixel_opaque(int p_x, int p_y) const { RWLockRead r(rw_lock); if (frames[current_frame].texture.is_valid()) { return frames[current_frame].texture->is_pixel_opaque(p_x, p_y); } return true; } void AnimatedTexture::set_flags(uint32_t p_flags) {} uint32_t AnimatedTexture::get_flags() const { RWLockRead r(rw_lock); if (!frames[current_frame].texture.is_valid()) { return 0; } return frames[current_frame].texture->get_flags(); } void AnimatedTexture::_validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const { String prop = property.name; if (prop.begins_with("frame_")) { int frame = prop.get_slicec('/', 0).get_slicec('_', 1).to_int(); if (frame >= frame_count) { property.usage = 0; } } } void AnimatedTexture::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_frames", "frames"), &AnimatedTexture::set_frames); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_frames"), &AnimatedTexture::get_frames); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_current_frame", "frame"), &AnimatedTexture::set_current_frame); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_current_frame"), &AnimatedTexture::get_current_frame); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_pause", "pause"), &AnimatedTexture::set_pause); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_pause"), &AnimatedTexture::get_pause); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_oneshot", "oneshot"), &AnimatedTexture::set_oneshot); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_oneshot"), &AnimatedTexture::get_oneshot); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_fps", "fps"), &AnimatedTexture::set_fps); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_fps"), &AnimatedTexture::get_fps); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_frame_texture", "frame", "texture"), &AnimatedTexture::set_frame_texture); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_frame_texture", "frame"), &AnimatedTexture::get_frame_texture); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_frame_delay", "frame", "delay"), &AnimatedTexture::set_frame_delay); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_frame_delay", "frame"), &AnimatedTexture::get_frame_delay); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_update_proxy"), &AnimatedTexture::_update_proxy); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "frames", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1," + itos(MAX_FRAMES), PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_UPDATE_ALL_IF_MODIFIED), "set_frames", "get_frames"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "current_frame", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", 0), "set_current_frame", "get_current_frame"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "pause"), "set_pause", "get_pause"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "oneshot"), "set_oneshot", "get_oneshot"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::REAL, "fps", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,1024,0.1"), "set_fps", "get_fps"); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FRAMES; i++) { ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "frame_" + itos(i) + "/texture", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Texture", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL), "set_frame_texture", "get_frame_texture", i); ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::REAL, "frame_" + itos(i) + "/delay_sec", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.0,16.0,0.01", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL), "set_frame_delay", "get_frame_delay", i); } BIND_CONSTANT(MAX_FRAMES); } AnimatedTexture::AnimatedTexture() { proxy = RID_PRIME(RS::get_singleton()->texture_create()); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_set_force_redraw_if_visible(proxy, true); time = 0; frame_count = 1; fps = 4; prev_ticks = 0; current_frame = 0; pause = false; oneshot = false; RenderingServer::get_singleton()->connect("frame_pre_draw", this, "_update_proxy"); } AnimatedTexture::~AnimatedTexture() { RS::get_singleton()->free(proxy); } /////////////////////////////// void TextureLayered::set_flags(uint32_t p_flags) { flags = p_flags; if (texture.is_valid()) { RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_flags(texture, flags); } } uint32_t TextureLayered::get_flags() const { return flags; } Image::Format TextureLayered::get_format() const { return format; } Error TextureLayered::load(const String &p_path) { Error error; FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::READ, &error); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(error, error); uint8_t header[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; f->get_buffer(header, 4); if (header[0] == 'G' && header[1] == 'D' && header[2] == '3' && header[3] == 'T') { if (!Object::cast_to<Texture3D>(this)) { f->close(); memdelete(f); ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_INVALID_DATA); } } else if (header[0] == 'G' && header[1] == 'D' && header[2] == 'A' && header[3] == 'T') { if (!Object::cast_to<TextureArray>(this)) { f->close(); memdelete(f); ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_INVALID_DATA); } } else { f->close(); memdelete(f); ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(ERR_INVALID_DATA, "Unrecognized layered texture file format: " + String((const char *)header)); } int tw = f->get_32(); int th = f->get_32(); int td = f->get_32(); int flags = f->get_32(); //texture flags! Image::Format format = Image::Format(f->get_32()); uint32_t compression = f->get_32(); // 0 - lossless (PNG), 1 - vram, 2 - uncompressed create(tw, th, td, format, flags); for (int layer = 0; layer < td; layer++) { Ref<Image> image; image.instance(); if (compression == COMPRESS_LOSSLESS) { //look for a PNG file inside int mipmaps = f->get_32(); Vector<Ref<Image>> mipmap_images; for (int i = 0; i < mipmaps; i++) { uint32_t size = f->get_32(); PoolVector<uint8_t> pv; pv.resize(size); { PoolVector<uint8_t>::Write w = pv.write(); f->get_buffer(w.ptr(), size); } Ref<Image> img = Image::png_unpacker(pv); if (img.is_null() || img->empty() || format != img->get_format()) { f->close(); memdelete(f); ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } mipmap_images.push_back(img); } if (mipmap_images.size() == 1) { image = mipmap_images[0]; } else { int total_size = Image::get_image_data_size(tw, th, format, true); PoolVector<uint8_t> img_data; img_data.resize(total_size); { PoolVector<uint8_t>::Write w = img_data.write(); int ofs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mipmap_images.size(); i++) { PoolVector<uint8_t> id = mipmap_images[i]->get_data(); int len = id.size(); PoolVector<uint8_t>::Read r = id.read(); memcpy(&w[ofs], r.ptr(), len); ofs += len; } } image->create(tw, th, true, format, img_data); if (image->empty()) { f->close(); memdelete(f); ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } } } else { //look for regular format bool mipmaps = (flags & Texture::FLAG_MIPMAPS); uint64_t total_size = Image::get_image_data_size(tw, th, format, mipmaps); PoolVector<uint8_t> img_data; img_data.resize(total_size); { PoolVector<uint8_t>::Write w = img_data.write(); uint64_t bytes = f->get_buffer(w.ptr(), total_size); if (bytes != total_size) { f->close(); memdelete(f); ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } } image->create(tw, th, mipmaps, format, img_data); } set_layer_data(image, layer); } memdelete(f); path_to_file = p_path; _change_notify(); return OK; } String TextureLayered::get_load_path() const { return path_to_file; } uint32_t TextureLayered::get_width() const { return width; } uint32_t TextureLayered::get_height() const { return height; } uint32_t TextureLayered::get_depth() const { return depth; } void TextureLayered::reload_from_file() { String path = get_path(); if (!path.is_resource_file()) { return; } path = ResourceLoader::path_remap(path); //remap for translation path = ResourceLoader::import_remap(path); //remap for import if (!path.is_resource_file()) { return; } load(path); } void TextureLayered::_set_data(const Dictionary &p_data) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!p_data.has("width")); ERR_FAIL_COND(!p_data.has("height")); ERR_FAIL_COND(!p_data.has("depth")); ERR_FAIL_COND(!p_data.has("format")); ERR_FAIL_COND(!p_data.has("flags")); ERR_FAIL_COND(!p_data.has("layers")); int w = p_data["width"]; int h = p_data["height"]; int d = p_data["depth"]; Image::Format format = Image::Format(int(p_data["format"])); int flags = p_data["flags"]; Array layers = p_data["layers"]; ERR_FAIL_COND(layers.size() != d); create(w, h, d, format, flags); for (int i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++) { Ref<Image> img = layers[i]; ERR_CONTINUE(!img.is_valid()); ERR_CONTINUE(img->get_format() != format); ERR_CONTINUE(img->get_width() != w); ERR_CONTINUE(img->get_height() != h); set_layer_data(img, i); } } Dictionary TextureLayered::_get_data() const { Dictionary d; d["width"] = width; d["height"] = height; d["depth"] = depth; d["flags"] = flags; d["format"] = format; Array layers; for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { layers.push_back(get_layer_data(i)); } d["layers"] = layers; return d; } void TextureLayered::create(uint32_t p_width, uint32_t p_height, uint32_t p_depth, Image::Format p_format, uint32_t p_flags) { RS::get_singleton()->texture_allocate(texture, p_width, p_height, p_depth, p_format, is_3d ? RS::TEXTURE_TYPE_3D : RS::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D_ARRAY, p_flags); width = p_width; height = p_height; depth = p_depth; format = p_format; flags = p_flags; } void TextureLayered::set_layer_data(const Ref<Image> &p_image, int p_layer) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!texture.is_valid()); ERR_FAIL_COND(!p_image.is_valid()); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG( p_image->get_width() > width || p_image->get_height() > height, vformat("Image size(%dx%d) is bigger than texture size (%dx%d).", p_image->get_width(), p_image->get_height(), width, height)); RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_data(texture, p_image, p_layer); } Ref<Image> TextureLayered::get_layer_data(int p_layer) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!texture.is_valid(), Ref<Image>()); return RS::get_singleton()->texture_get_data(texture, p_layer); } void TextureLayered::set_data_partial(const Ref<Image> &p_image, int p_x_ofs, int p_y_ofs, int p_z, int p_mipmap) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!texture.is_valid()); ERR_FAIL_COND(!p_image.is_valid()); RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_data_partial(texture, p_image, 0, 0, p_image->get_width(), p_image->get_height(), p_x_ofs, p_y_ofs, p_mipmap, p_z); } RID TextureLayered::get_rid() const { return texture; } void TextureLayered::set_path(const String &p_path, bool p_take_over) { if (texture.is_valid()) { RS::get_singleton()->texture_set_path(texture, p_path); } Resource::set_path(p_path, p_take_over); } void TextureLayered::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_flags", "flags"), &TextureLayered::set_flags); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_flags"), &TextureLayered::get_flags); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_format"), &TextureLayered::get_format); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_width"), &TextureLayered::get_width); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_height"), &TextureLayered::get_height); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_depth"), &TextureLayered::get_depth); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_layer_data", "image", "layer"), &TextureLayered::set_layer_data); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_layer_data", "layer"), &TextureLayered::get_layer_data); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_data_partial", "image", "x_offset", "y_offset", "layer", "mipmap"), &TextureLayered::set_data_partial, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_set_data", "data"), &TextureLayered::_set_data); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_get_data"), &TextureLayered::_get_data); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "flags", PROPERTY_HINT_FLAGS, "Mipmaps,Repeat,Filter,Anisotropic Filter"), "set_flags", "get_flags"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::DICTIONARY, "data", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NOEDITOR), "_set_data", "_get_data"); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAGS_DEFAULT_TEXTURE_ARRAY); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAGS_DEFAULT_TEXTURE_3D); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_MIPMAPS); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_REPEAT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_FILTER); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_ANISOTROPIC_FILTER); } TextureLayered::TextureLayered(bool p_3d) { is_3d = p_3d; flags = p_3d ? FLAGS_DEFAULT_TEXTURE_3D : FLAGS_DEFAULT_TEXTURE_ARRAY; format = Image::FORMAT_MAX; width = 0; height = 0; depth = 0; texture = RID_PRIME(RS::get_singleton()->texture_create()); } TextureLayered::~TextureLayered() { if (texture.is_valid()) { RS::get_singleton()->free(texture); } } void Texture3D::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("create", "width", "height", "depth", "format", "flags"), &Texture3D::create, DEFVAL(FLAGS_DEFAULT_TEXTURE_3D)); } void TextureArray::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("create", "width", "height", "depth", "format", "flags"), &TextureArray::create, DEFVAL(FLAGS_DEFAULT_TEXTURE_ARRAY)); } RES ResourceFormatLoaderTextureLayered::load(const String &p_path, const String &p_original_path, Error *r_error, bool p_no_subresource_cache) { if (r_error) { *r_error = ERR_CANT_OPEN; } Ref<TextureLayered> lt; Ref<Texture3D> tex3d; Ref<TextureArray> texarr; if (p_path.ends_with("tex3d")) { tex3d.instance(); lt = tex3d; } else if (p_path.ends_with("texarr")) { texarr.instance(); lt = texarr; } else { ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(RES(), "Unrecognized layered texture extension."); } Error err = lt->load(p_path); if (r_error) { *r_error = OK; } if (err != OK) { return RES(); } return lt; } void ResourceFormatLoaderTextureLayered::get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const { p_extensions->push_back("tex3d"); p_extensions->push_back("texarr"); } bool ResourceFormatLoaderTextureLayered::handles_type(const String &p_type) const { return p_type == "Texture3D" || p_type == "TextureArray"; } String ResourceFormatLoaderTextureLayered::get_resource_type(const String &p_path) const { if (p_path.get_extension().to_lower() == "tex3d") { return "Texture3D"; } if (p_path.get_extension().to_lower() == "texarr") { return "TextureArray"; } return ""; } void ExternalTexture::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_size", "size"), &ExternalTexture::set_size); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_external_texture_id"), &ExternalTexture::get_external_texture_id); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "size"), "set_size", "get_size"); } uint32_t ExternalTexture::get_external_texture_id() { return RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_get_texid(texture); } void ExternalTexture::set_size(const Size2 &p_size) { if (p_size.width > 0 && p_size.height > 0) { size = p_size; RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_set_size_override(texture, size.width, size.height, 0); } } int ExternalTexture::get_width() const { return size.width; } int ExternalTexture::get_height() const { return size.height; } Size2 ExternalTexture::get_size() const { return size; } RID ExternalTexture::get_rid() const { return texture; } bool ExternalTexture::has_alpha() const { return true; } void ExternalTexture::set_flags(uint32_t p_flags) { // not supported } uint32_t ExternalTexture::get_flags() const { return Texture::FLAG_VIDEO_SURFACE; } ExternalTexture::ExternalTexture() { size = Size2(1.0, 1.0); texture = RID_PRIME(RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_create()); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->texture_allocate(texture, size.width, size.height, 0, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8, RS::TEXTURE_TYPE_EXTERNAL, Texture::FLAG_VIDEO_SURFACE); _change_notify(); emit_changed(); } ExternalTexture::~ExternalTexture() { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->free(texture); }