#include "http_parser.h" #include "../http/web_server_request.h" #include "./http_parser/http_parser.h" #include "simple_web_server_request.h" Ref HTTPParser::get_next_request() { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(_requests.size() == 0, Ref()); Ref rn = _requests[0]; _requests.remove(0); return rn; } int HTTPParser::get_request_count() const { return _requests.size(); } bool HTTPParser::is_ready() const { return _is_ready; } bool HTTPParser::is_finished() const { return !_request.is_valid(); } void HTTPParser::reset() { _partial_data = ""; _is_ready = false; _content_type = REQUEST_CONTENT_URLENCODED; } //returns the index where processing was ended -> start of the next query if != data_length int HTTPParser::read_from_buffer(const char *p_buffer, const int p_data_length) { int parsed_bytes = 0; parsed_bytes = static_cast(http_parser_execute(parser, settings, p_buffer, p_data_length)); return parsed_bytes; } HTTPParser::HTTPParser() { _is_ready = false; _content_type = REQUEST_CONTENT_URLENCODED; _in_multipart_boundary = false; _in_boundary_header = false; _multipart_form_is_file = false; settings = memnew(http_parser_settings); settings->on_message_begin = _on_message_begin_cb; settings->on_url = _on_url_cb; settings->on_status = _on_status_cb; settings->on_header_field = _on_header_field_cb; settings->on_header_value = _on_header_value_cb; settings->on_headers_complete = _on_headers_complete_cb; settings->on_body = _on_body_cb; settings->on_message_complete = _on_message_complete_cb; settings->on_chunk_header = _on_chunk_header_cb; settings->on_chunk_complete = _on_chunk_complete_cb; //parser = malloc(sizeof(http_parser)); parser = memnew(http_parser); http_parser_init(parser, HTTP_REQUEST); parser->data = this; } HTTPParser::~HTTPParser() { memdelete(parser); memdelete(settings); parser = nullptr; } void HTTPParser::_bind_methods() { } String HTTPParser::chr_len_to_str(const char *at, size_t length) { String ret; ret.resize(length + 1); CharType *p = ret.ptrw(); for (size_t i = 0; i <= length; ++i) { p[i] = at[i]; } return ret; } void HTTPParser::HTTPParser::process_multipart_data() { int iter = 0; //process one element per loop while (true) { //first boundary -> ignore, with everything before it if (!_in_multipart_boundary) { int boundary_index = _partial_data.find(_multipart_boundary); if (boundary_index == -1) { return; } boundary_index += _multipart_boundary.size(); _partial_data = _partial_data.substr(boundary_index); _in_multipart_boundary = true; _in_boundary_header = true; continue; } //find the first \n\n -> process boundary_header //cut it out from the string. if (_in_boundary_header) { int header_end_index = _partial_data.find("\r\n\r\n"); if (header_end_index != -1) { String header = _partial_data.substr_index(0, header_end_index); _partial_data = _partial_data.substr(header_end_index + 4); header = header.strip_edges(); //ERR_PRINT("HEADER"); //ERR_PRINT(header); _process_multipart_header(header); _in_boundary_header = false; continue; } //Boundary header has not yet fully arrived, return return; } //Multipart body int boundary_index = _partial_data.find(_multipart_boundary); if (boundary_index == -1) { //TODO //if file-> append everything to the HTTPTempFile, except the last boundary.size() - 1 characters from the string. //should probably only happen after a while to save on memory use like maybe a meg or two (should be configurable) // Should probably also be configurable whether it happens or not at all return; } //ERR_PRINT("BODY"); _multipart_form_data = _partial_data.substr_index(0, boundary_index - 4); //to strip the 2 \r\n from before the boundary //ERR_PRINT(data); if (_multipart_form_is_file) { if (_multipart_form_data == "") { _in_boundary_header = true; continue; } _request->add_file(_multipart_form_name, _multipart_form_filename, _multipart_form_data); } else { _request->add_parameter(_multipart_form_name, _multipart_form_data); } boundary_index += _multipart_boundary.size(); _partial_data = _partial_data.substr(boundary_index); if (_partial_data.begins_with("--")) { //done return; } _in_boundary_header = true; //Safety for now ++iter; ERR_FAIL_COND(iter == 10000); } } void HTTPParser::_process_multipart_header(const String &header) { _multipart_form_name = ""; _multipart_form_filename = ""; _multipart_form_content_type = ""; _multipart_form_data = ""; _multipart_form_is_file = false; int nlc = header.get_slice_count("\r\n"); for (int i = 0; i < nlc; ++i) { String l = header.get_slice("\r\n", i); int sc = l.get_slice_count(":"); if (sc != 2) { continue; } String key = l.get_slicec(':', 0); String val = l.get_slicec(':', 1); if (key == "Content-Disposition") { int c = val.get_slice_count(";"); for (int j = 0; j < c; ++j) { String vs = val.get_slicec(';', j).strip_edges(); if (vs.get_slice_count("=") != 2) { continue; } String kk = vs.get_slicec('=', 0); if (kk == "name") { _multipart_form_name = vs.get_slicec('=', 1); if (_multipart_form_name.length() >= 2 && _multipart_form_name.begins_with("\"") && _multipart_form_name.ends_with("\"")) { _multipart_form_name.remove(0); _multipart_form_name.remove(_multipart_form_name.size() - 1); } } else if (kk == "filename") { _multipart_form_filename = vs.get_slicec('=', 1); _multipart_form_is_file = true; if (_multipart_form_name.length() >= 2 && _multipart_form_name.begins_with("\"") && _multipart_form_name.ends_with("\"")) { _multipart_form_name.remove(0); _multipart_form_name.remove(_multipart_form_name.size() - 1); } } } } else if (key == "Content-Type") { _multipart_form_content_type = val; } else { //Shouldn't happen, should probably close connection } } } #define MESSAGE_DEBUG 0 int HTTPParser::on_message_begin() { if (_request.is_valid()) { ERR_PRINT("Request was valid!"); } _in_header = true; _content_type = REQUEST_CONTENT_URLENCODED; _multipart_boundary = ""; _in_multipart_boundary = false; _in_multipart_boundary = false; _in_boundary_header = false; _multipart_form_is_file = false; _request.instance(); #if MESSAGE_DEBUG ERR_PRINT("begin"); #endif return 0; } int HTTPParser::on_url(const char *at, size_t length) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_request.is_valid(), 0); String s = chr_len_to_str(at, length); #if MESSAGE_DEBUG ERR_PRINT("url " + s); #endif _request->set_parser_path(s); return 0; } int HTTPParser::on_status(const char *at, size_t length) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_request.is_valid(), 0); String s = chr_len_to_str(at, length); #if MESSAGE_DEBUG ERR_PRINT("status " + s); #endif return 0; } int HTTPParser::on_header_field(const char *at, size_t length) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_request.is_valid(), 0); String s = chr_len_to_str(at, length); #if MESSAGE_DEBUG ERR_PRINT("header_field " + s); #endif _queued_header_field = s; return 0; } int HTTPParser::on_header_value(const char *at, size_t length) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_request.is_valid(), 0); String s = chr_len_to_str(at, length); #if MESSAGE_DEBUG ERR_PRINT("header_val " + s); #endif _request->add_parameter(_queued_header_field, s); if (_queued_header_field == "Host") { _request->set_host(s); } else if (_queued_header_field == "Content-Type") { // It can be: // application/x-www-form-urlencoded (default) -> ignore, as its the default // text/plain -> useful only for debugging "They are not reliably interpretable by computer" // multipart/form-data if (s.begins_with("multipart/form-data")) { _content_type = REQUEST_CONTENT_MULTIPART_FORM_DATA; int bs = s.find("boundary="); if (bs == -1) { //Error! boundary must exist TODO set an error variable and close the connection return 0; } bs += 9; //skip ahead to the end of "boundary=" _multipart_boundary = s.substr(bs); _multipart_boundary = _multipart_boundary.strip_edges(); //TODO can be inside quoted //Append -- if it doesn't have it already //It shouldn't be longer that 70 chars //The CRLF preceeding could also be appended for simpler logic if (_multipart_boundary == "") { //Error! TODO set an error variable and close the connection } } else if (s.begins_with("text/plain")) { _content_type = REQUEST_CONTENT_TEXT_PLAIN; //maybe just close the connection? } } //TODO close connection on chunked connection (for now) return 0; } int HTTPParser::on_headers_complete() { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_request.is_valid(), 0); #if MESSAGE_DEBUG ERR_PRINT("headers_complete"); #endif //Check content length, and send error if bigger than server limit (add) _in_header = false; _partial_data = ""; return 0; } int HTTPParser::on_body(const char *at, size_t length) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_request.is_valid(), 0); String s = chr_len_to_str(at, length); #if MESSAGE_DEBUG ERR_PRINT("on_body " + s); #endif _partial_data += s; if (_content_type == REQUEST_CONTENT_MULTIPART_FORM_DATA) { process_multipart_data(); } return 0; } int HTTPParser::on_message_complete() { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_request.is_valid(), 0); #if MESSAGE_DEBUG ERR_PRINT("msg_copmlete"); #endif //if (_content_type == REQUEST_CONTENT_MULTIPART_FORM_DATA) { // process_multipart_data(); //} else if (_content_type == REQUEST_CONTENT_URLENCODED) { //Parse the content into the request //Also add content body } _requests.push_back(_request); _request.unref(); return 0; } int HTTPParser::on_chunk_header() { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_request.is_valid(), 0); #if MESSAGE_DEBUG ERR_PRINT("chunk_header"); #endif return 0; } int HTTPParser::on_chunk_complete() { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_request.is_valid(), 0); #if MESSAGE_DEBUG ERR_PRINT("chunk_complete"); #endif return 0; } int HTTPParser::_on_message_begin_cb(http_parser *parser) { HTTPParser *p = reinterpret_cast(parser->data); return p->on_message_begin(); } int HTTPParser::_on_url_cb(http_parser *parser, const char *at, size_t length) { HTTPParser *p = reinterpret_cast(parser->data); return p->on_url(at, length); } int HTTPParser::_on_status_cb(http_parser *parser, const char *at, size_t length) { HTTPParser *p = reinterpret_cast(parser->data); return p->on_status(at, length); } int HTTPParser::_on_header_field_cb(http_parser *parser, const char *at, size_t length) { HTTPParser *p = reinterpret_cast(parser->data); return p->on_header_field(at, length); } int HTTPParser::_on_header_value_cb(http_parser *parser, const char *at, size_t length) { HTTPParser *p = reinterpret_cast(parser->data); return p->on_header_value(at, length); } int HTTPParser::_on_headers_complete_cb(http_parser *parser) { HTTPParser *p = reinterpret_cast(parser->data); return p->on_headers_complete(); } int HTTPParser::_on_body_cb(http_parser *parser, const char *at, size_t length) { HTTPParser *p = reinterpret_cast(parser->data); return p->on_body(at, length); } int HTTPParser::_on_message_complete_cb(http_parser *parser) { HTTPParser *p = reinterpret_cast(parser->data); return p->on_message_complete(); } int HTTPParser::_on_chunk_header_cb(http_parser *parser) { HTTPParser *p = reinterpret_cast(parser->data); return p->on_chunk_header(); } int HTTPParser::_on_chunk_complete_cb(http_parser *parser) { HTTPParser *p = reinterpret_cast(parser->data); return p->on_chunk_complete(); }