/*************************************************************************/ /* broad_phase_2d_hash_grid.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "broad_phase_2d_hash_grid.h" #include "collision_object_2d_sw.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #define LARGE_ELEMENT_FI 1.01239812 void BroadPhase2DHashGrid::_pair_attempt(Element *p_elem, Element *p_with) { if (p_elem->owner == p_with->owner) { return; } if (!_test_collision_mask(p_elem->collision_mask, p_elem->collision_layer, p_with->collision_mask, p_with->collision_layer)) { return; } Map<Element *, PairData *>::Element *E = p_elem->paired.find(p_with); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_elem->_static && p_with->_static); if (!E) { PairData *pd = memnew(PairData); p_elem->paired[p_with] = pd; p_with->paired[p_elem] = pd; } else { E->get()->rc++; } } void BroadPhase2DHashGrid::_unpair_attempt(Element *p_elem, Element *p_with) { if (p_elem->owner == p_with->owner) { return; } if (!_test_collision_mask(p_elem->collision_mask, p_elem->collision_layer, p_with->collision_mask, p_with->collision_layer)) { return; } Map<Element *, PairData *>::Element *E = p_elem->paired.find(p_with); ERR_FAIL_COND(!E); //this should really be paired.. E->get()->rc--; if (E->get()->rc == 0) { if (E->get()->colliding) { //uncollide if (unpair_callback) { unpair_callback(p_elem->owner, p_elem->subindex, p_with->owner, p_with->subindex, E->get()->ud, unpair_userdata); } } memdelete(E->get()); p_elem->paired.erase(E); p_with->paired.erase(p_elem); } } void BroadPhase2DHashGrid::_check_motion(Element *p_elem) { for (Map<Element *, PairData *>::Element *E = p_elem->paired.front(); E; E = E->next()) { bool physical_collision = p_elem->aabb.intersects(E->key()->aabb); bool logical_collision = p_elem->owner->test_collision_mask(E->key()->owner); if (physical_collision && logical_collision) { if (!E->get()->colliding && pair_callback) { E->get()->ud = pair_callback(p_elem->owner, p_elem->subindex, E->key()->owner, E->key()->subindex, nullptr, pair_userdata); } E->get()->colliding = true; } else { // No collision if (E->get()->colliding && unpair_callback) { unpair_callback(p_elem->owner, p_elem->subindex, E->key()->owner, E->key()->subindex, E->get()->ud, unpair_userdata); E->get()->ud = nullptr; } E->get()->colliding = false; } } } void BroadPhase2DHashGrid::_enter_grid(Element *p_elem, const Rect2 &p_rect, bool p_static, bool p_force_enter) { Vector2 sz = (p_rect.size / cell_size * LARGE_ELEMENT_FI); //use magic number to avoid floating point issues if (sz.width * sz.height > large_object_min_surface) { //large object, do not use grid, must check against all elements for (Map<ID, Element>::Element *E = element_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->key() == p_elem->self) { continue; // do not pair against itself } if (E->get()._static && p_static) { continue; } _pair_attempt(p_elem, &E->get()); } large_elements[p_elem].inc(); return; } Point2i from = (p_rect.position / cell_size).floor(); Point2i to = ((p_rect.position + p_rect.size) / cell_size).floor(); for (int i = from.x; i <= to.x; i++) { for (int j = from.y; j <= to.y; j++) { PosKey pk; pk.x = i; pk.y = j; uint32_t idx = pk.hash() % hash_table_size; PosBin *pb = hash_table[idx]; while (pb) { if (pb->key == pk) { break; } pb = pb->next; } bool entered = p_force_enter; if (!pb) { //does not exist, create! pb = memnew(PosBin); pb->key = pk; pb->next = hash_table[idx]; hash_table[idx] = pb; } if (p_static) { if (pb->static_object_set[p_elem].inc() == 1) { entered = true; } } else { if (pb->object_set[p_elem].inc() == 1) { entered = true; } } if (entered) { for (Map<Element *, RC>::Element *E = pb->object_set.front(); E; E = E->next()) { _pair_attempt(p_elem, E->key()); } if (!p_static) { for (Map<Element *, RC>::Element *E = pb->static_object_set.front(); E; E = E->next()) { _pair_attempt(p_elem, E->key()); } } } } } //pair separatedly with large elements for (Map<Element *, RC>::Element *E = large_elements.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->key() == p_elem) { continue; // do not pair against itself } if (E->key()->_static && p_static) { continue; } _pair_attempt(E->key(), p_elem); } } void BroadPhase2DHashGrid::_exit_grid(Element *p_elem, const Rect2 &p_rect, bool p_static, bool p_force_exit) { Vector2 sz = (p_rect.size / cell_size * LARGE_ELEMENT_FI); if (sz.width * sz.height > large_object_min_surface) { //unpair all elements, instead of checking all, just check what is already paired, so we at least save from checking static vs static Map<Element *, PairData *>::Element *E = p_elem->paired.front(); while (E) { Map<Element *, PairData *>::Element *next = E->next(); _unpair_attempt(p_elem, E->key()); E = next; } if (large_elements[p_elem].dec() == 0) { large_elements.erase(p_elem); } return; } Point2i from = (p_rect.position / cell_size).floor(); Point2i to = ((p_rect.position + p_rect.size) / cell_size).floor(); for (int i = from.x; i <= to.x; i++) { for (int j = from.y; j <= to.y; j++) { PosKey pk; pk.x = i; pk.y = j; uint32_t idx = pk.hash() % hash_table_size; PosBin *pb = hash_table[idx]; while (pb) { if (pb->key == pk) { break; } pb = pb->next; } ERR_CONTINUE(!pb); //should exist!! bool exited = p_force_exit; if (p_static) { if (pb->static_object_set[p_elem].dec() == 0) { pb->static_object_set.erase(p_elem); exited = true; } } else { if (pb->object_set[p_elem].dec() == 0) { pb->object_set.erase(p_elem); exited = true; } } if (exited) { for (Map<Element *, RC>::Element *E = pb->object_set.front(); E; E = E->next()) { _unpair_attempt(p_elem, E->key()); } if (!p_static) { for (Map<Element *, RC>::Element *E = pb->static_object_set.front(); E; E = E->next()) { _unpair_attempt(p_elem, E->key()); } } } if (pb->object_set.empty() && pb->static_object_set.empty()) { if (hash_table[idx] == pb) { hash_table[idx] = pb->next; } else { PosBin *px = hash_table[idx]; while (px) { if (px->next == pb) { px->next = pb->next; break; } px = px->next; } ERR_CONTINUE(!px); } memdelete(pb); } } } for (Map<Element *, RC>::Element *E = large_elements.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->key() == p_elem) { continue; // do not pair against itself } if (E->key()->_static && p_static) { continue; } //unpair from large elements _unpair_attempt(p_elem, E->key()); } } BroadPhase2DHashGrid::ID BroadPhase2DHashGrid::create(CollisionObject2DSW *p_object, int p_subindex, const Rect2 &p_aabb, bool p_static) { current++; Element e; e.owner = p_object; e._static = false; e.collision_mask = p_object->get_collision_mask(); e.collision_layer = p_object->get_collision_layer(); e.subindex = p_subindex; e.self = current; e.pass = 0; element_map[current] = e; return current; } void BroadPhase2DHashGrid::move(ID p_id, const Rect2 &p_aabb) { Map<ID, Element>::Element *E = element_map.find(p_id); ERR_FAIL_COND(!E); Element &e = E->get(); bool layer_changed = e.collision_mask != e.owner->get_collision_mask() || e.collision_layer != e.owner->get_collision_layer(); if (p_aabb != e.aabb || layer_changed) { uint32_t old_mask = e.collision_mask; uint32_t old_layer = e.collision_layer; if (p_aabb != Rect2()) { e.collision_mask = e.owner->get_collision_mask(); e.collision_layer = e.owner->get_collision_layer(); _enter_grid(&e, p_aabb, e._static, layer_changed); } if (e.aabb != Rect2()) { // Need _exit_grid to remove from cells based on the old layer values. e.collision_mask = old_mask; e.collision_layer = old_layer; _exit_grid(&e, e.aabb, e._static, layer_changed); e.collision_mask = e.owner->get_collision_mask(); e.collision_layer = e.owner->get_collision_layer(); } e.aabb = p_aabb; } _check_motion(&e); } void BroadPhase2DHashGrid::recheck_pairs(ID p_id) { Map<ID, Element>::Element *E = element_map.find(p_id); ERR_FAIL_COND(!E); Element &e = E->get(); move(p_id, e.aabb); } void BroadPhase2DHashGrid::set_static(ID p_id, bool p_static) { Map<ID, Element>::Element *E = element_map.find(p_id); ERR_FAIL_COND(!E); Element &e = E->get(); if (e._static == p_static) { return; } if (e.aabb != Rect2()) { _exit_grid(&e, e.aabb, e._static, false); } e._static = p_static; if (e.aabb != Rect2()) { _enter_grid(&e, e.aabb, e._static, false); _check_motion(&e); } } void BroadPhase2DHashGrid::remove(ID p_id) { Map<ID, Element>::Element *E = element_map.find(p_id); ERR_FAIL_COND(!E); Element &e = E->get(); if (e.aabb != Rect2()) { _exit_grid(&e, e.aabb, e._static, false); } element_map.erase(p_id); } CollisionObject2DSW *BroadPhase2DHashGrid::get_object(ID p_id) const { const Map<ID, Element>::Element *E = element_map.find(p_id); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!E, nullptr); return E->get().owner; } bool BroadPhase2DHashGrid::is_static(ID p_id) const { const Map<ID, Element>::Element *E = element_map.find(p_id); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!E, false); return E->get()._static; } int BroadPhase2DHashGrid::get_subindex(ID p_id) const { const Map<ID, Element>::Element *E = element_map.find(p_id); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!E, -1); return E->get().subindex; } template <bool use_aabb, bool use_segment> void BroadPhase2DHashGrid::_cull(const Point2i p_cell, const Rect2 &p_aabb, const Point2 &p_from, const Point2 &p_to, CollisionObject2DSW **p_results, int p_max_results, int *p_result_indices, int &index) { PosKey pk; pk.x = p_cell.x; pk.y = p_cell.y; uint32_t idx = pk.hash() % hash_table_size; PosBin *pb = hash_table[idx]; while (pb) { if (pb->key == pk) { break; } pb = pb->next; } if (!pb) { return; } for (Map<Element *, RC>::Element *E = pb->object_set.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (index >= p_max_results) { break; } if (E->key()->pass == pass) { continue; } E->key()->pass = pass; if (use_aabb && !p_aabb.intersects(E->key()->aabb)) { continue; } if (use_segment && !E->key()->aabb.intersects_segment(p_from, p_to)) { continue; } p_results[index] = E->key()->owner; p_result_indices[index] = E->key()->subindex; index++; } for (Map<Element *, RC>::Element *E = pb->static_object_set.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (index >= p_max_results) { break; } if (E->key()->pass == pass) { continue; } if (use_aabb && !p_aabb.intersects(E->key()->aabb)) { continue; } if (use_segment && !E->key()->aabb.intersects_segment(p_from, p_to)) { continue; } E->key()->pass = pass; p_results[index] = E->key()->owner; p_result_indices[index] = E->key()->subindex; index++; } } int BroadPhase2DHashGrid::cull_segment(const Vector2 &p_from, const Vector2 &p_to, CollisionObject2DSW **p_results, int p_max_results, int *p_result_indices) { pass++; Vector2 dir = (p_to - p_from); if (dir == Vector2()) { return 0; } //avoid divisions by zero dir.normalize(); if (dir.x == 0.0) { dir.x = 0.000001; } if (dir.y == 0.0) { dir.y = 0.000001; } Vector2 delta = dir.abs(); delta.x = cell_size / delta.x; delta.y = cell_size / delta.y; Point2i pos = (p_from / cell_size).floor(); Point2i end = (p_to / cell_size).floor(); Point2i step = Vector2(SGN(dir.x), SGN(dir.y)); Vector2 max; if (dir.x < 0) { max.x = (Math::floor((double)pos.x) * cell_size - p_from.x) / dir.x; } else { max.x = (Math::floor((double)pos.x + 1) * cell_size - p_from.x) / dir.x; } if (dir.y < 0) { max.y = (Math::floor((double)pos.y) * cell_size - p_from.y) / dir.y; } else { max.y = (Math::floor((double)pos.y + 1) * cell_size - p_from.y) / dir.y; } int cullcount = 0; _cull<false, true>(pos, Rect2(), p_from, p_to, p_results, p_max_results, p_result_indices, cullcount); bool reached_x = false; bool reached_y = false; while (true) { if (max.x < max.y) { max.x += delta.x; pos.x += step.x; } else { max.y += delta.y; pos.y += step.y; } if (step.x > 0) { if (pos.x >= end.x) { reached_x = true; } } else if (pos.x <= end.x) { reached_x = true; } if (step.y > 0) { if (pos.y >= end.y) { reached_y = true; } } else if (pos.y <= end.y) { reached_y = true; } _cull<false, true>(pos, Rect2(), p_from, p_to, p_results, p_max_results, p_result_indices, cullcount); if (reached_x && reached_y) { break; } } for (Map<Element *, RC>::Element *E = large_elements.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (cullcount >= p_max_results) { break; } if (E->key()->pass == pass) { continue; } E->key()->pass = pass; /* if (use_aabb && !p_aabb.intersects(E->key()->aabb)) continue; */ if (!E->key()->aabb.intersects_segment(p_from, p_to)) { continue; } p_results[cullcount] = E->key()->owner; p_result_indices[cullcount] = E->key()->subindex; cullcount++; } return cullcount; } int BroadPhase2DHashGrid::cull_aabb(const Rect2 &p_aabb, CollisionObject2DSW **p_results, int p_max_results, int *p_result_indices) { pass++; Point2i from = (p_aabb.position / cell_size).floor(); Point2i to = ((p_aabb.position + p_aabb.size) / cell_size).floor(); int cullcount = 0; for (int i = from.x; i <= to.x; i++) { for (int j = from.y; j <= to.y; j++) { _cull<true, false>(Point2i(i, j), p_aabb, Point2(), Point2(), p_results, p_max_results, p_result_indices, cullcount); } } for (Map<Element *, RC>::Element *E = large_elements.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (cullcount >= p_max_results) { break; } if (E->key()->pass == pass) { continue; } E->key()->pass = pass; if (!p_aabb.intersects(E->key()->aabb)) { continue; } /* if (!E->key()->aabb.intersects_segment(p_from,p_to)) continue; */ p_results[cullcount] = E->key()->owner; p_result_indices[cullcount] = E->key()->subindex; cullcount++; } return cullcount; } void BroadPhase2DHashGrid::set_pair_callback(PairCallback p_pair_callback, void *p_userdata) { pair_callback = p_pair_callback; pair_userdata = p_userdata; } void BroadPhase2DHashGrid::set_unpair_callback(UnpairCallback p_unpair_callback, void *p_userdata) { unpair_callback = p_unpair_callback; unpair_userdata = p_userdata; } void BroadPhase2DHashGrid::update() { } BroadPhase2DSW *BroadPhase2DHashGrid::_create() { return memnew(BroadPhase2DHashGrid); } BroadPhase2DHashGrid::BroadPhase2DHashGrid() { hash_table_size = GLOBAL_GET("physics/2d/bp_hash_table_size"); ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("physics/2d/bp_hash_table_size", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "physics/2d/bp_hash_table_size", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,8192,1,or_greater")); hash_table_size = Math::larger_prime(hash_table_size); hash_table = memnew_arr(PosBin *, hash_table_size); cell_size = GLOBAL_GET("physics/2d/cell_size"); ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("physics/2d/cell_size", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "physics/2d/cell_size", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,512,1,or_greater")); large_object_min_surface = GLOBAL_GET("physics/2d/large_object_surface_threshold_in_cells"); ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("physics/2d/large_object_surface_threshold_in_cells", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "physics/2d/large_object_surface_threshold_in_cells", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,1024,1,or_greater")); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < hash_table_size; i++) { hash_table[i] = nullptr; } pass = 1; current = 0; } BroadPhase2DHashGrid::~BroadPhase2DHashGrid() { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < hash_table_size; i++) { while (hash_table[i]) { PosBin *pb = hash_table[i]; hash_table[i] = pb->next; memdelete(pb); } } memdelete_arr(hash_table); }