#ifndef SCENE_TREE_DOCK_H #define SCENE_TREE_DOCK_H /*************************************************************************/ /* scene_tree_dock.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "scene/gui/box_container.h" #include "core/hash_map.h" #include "core/list.h" #include "core/map.h" #include "core/node_path.h" #include "core/object_id.h" #include "core/reference.h" #include "core/resource.h" #include "core/set.h" #include "core/ustring.h" #include "core/vector.h" #include "modules/modules_enabled.gen.h" // For regex. class EditorNode; class AcceptDialog; class Animation; class Array; class Button; class ConfirmationDialog; class Control; class CreateDialog; class EditorData; class EditorFileDialog; class EditorQuickOpen; class EditorSelection; class EditorSubScene; class InputEvent; class LineEdit; class Node; class PopupMenu; class RenameDialog; class ReparentDialog; class SceneTreeEditor; class Script; class ScriptCreateDialog; class StringName; class TextureRect; class ToolButton; class TreeItem; class Variant; struct Vector2; class SceneTreeDock : public VBoxContainer { GDCLASS(SceneTreeDock, VBoxContainer); enum Tool { TOOL_NEW, TOOL_INSTANCE, TOOL_EXPAND_COLLAPSE, TOOL_CUT, TOOL_COPY, TOOL_PASTE, TOOL_RENAME, #ifdef MODULE_REGEX_ENABLED TOOL_BATCH_RENAME, #endif // MODULE_REGEX_ENABLED TOOL_REPLACE, TOOL_EXTEND_SCRIPT, TOOL_ATTACH_SCRIPT, TOOL_DETACH_SCRIPT, TOOL_MOVE_UP, TOOL_MOVE_DOWN, TOOL_DUPLICATE, TOOL_REPARENT, TOOL_REPARENT_TO_NEW_NODE, TOOL_MAKE_ROOT, TOOL_NEW_SCENE_FROM, TOOL_MERGE_FROM_SCENE, TOOL_MULTI_EDIT, TOOL_ERASE, TOOL_COPY_NODE_PATH, TOOL_BUTTON_MAX, TOOL_OPEN_DOCUMENTATION, TOOL_SCENE_EDITABLE_CHILDREN, TOOL_SCENE_USE_PLACEHOLDER, TOOL_SCENE_MAKE_LOCAL, TOOL_SCENE_OPEN, TOOL_SCENE_CLEAR_INHERITANCE, TOOL_SCENE_CLEAR_INHERITANCE_CONFIRM, TOOL_SCENE_OPEN_INHERITED, TOOL_TOGGLE_SCENE_UNIQUE_NAME, TOOL_CREATE_2D_SCENE, TOOL_CREATE_3D_SCENE, TOOL_CREATE_USER_INTERFACE, TOOL_CREATE_FAVORITE, }; enum { EDIT_SUBRESOURCE_BASE = 100 }; Vector subresources; bool reset_create_dialog = false; int current_option; CreateDialog *create_dialog; #ifdef MODULE_REGEX_ENABLED RenameDialog *rename_dialog; #endif // MODULE_REGEX_ENABLED ToolButton *button_add; ToolButton *button_instance; ToolButton *button_create_script; ToolButton *button_detach_script; Button *button_2d; Button *button_3d; Button *button_ui; Button *button_custom; HBoxContainer *button_hb; ToolButton *edit_local, *edit_remote; SceneTreeEditor *scene_tree; Control *remote_tree; HBoxContainer *tool_hbc; void _tool_selected(int p_tool, bool p_confirm_override = false); void _property_selected(int p_idx); void _node_collapsed(Object *p_obj); Node *property_drop_node = nullptr; String resource_drop_path; void _perform_property_drop(Node *p_node, String p_property, RES p_res); EditorData *editor_data; EditorSelection *editor_selection; List node_clipboard; String clipboard_source_scene; HashMap> clipboard_resource_remap; ScriptCreateDialog *script_create_dialog; AcceptDialog *accept; ConfirmationDialog *delete_dialog; ConfirmationDialog *editable_instance_remove_dialog; ConfirmationDialog *placeholder_editable_instance_remove_dialog; ReparentDialog *reparent_dialog; EditorQuickOpen *quick_open; EditorSubScene *import_subscene_dialog; EditorFileDialog *new_scene_from_dialog; LineEdit *filter; TextureRect *filter_icon; PopupMenu *menu; PopupMenu *menu_subresources; PopupMenu *menu_properties; ConfirmationDialog *clear_inherit_confirm; bool first_enter; void _create(); void _do_create(Node *p_parent); Node *scene_root; Node *edited_scene; Node *pending_click_select; EditorNode *editor; bool tree_clicked; VBoxContainer *create_root_dialog; String selected_favorite_root; void _add_children_to_popup(Object *p_obj, int p_depth); void _node_reparent(NodePath p_path, bool p_keep_global_xform); void _do_reparent(Node *p_new_parent, int p_position_in_parent, Vector p_nodes, bool p_keep_global_xform); bool _is_collapsed_recursive(TreeItem *p_item) const; void _set_collapsed_recursive(TreeItem *p_item, bool p_collapsed); void _set_owners(Node *p_owner, const Array &p_nodes); enum ReplaceOwnerMode { MODE_BIDI, MODE_DO, MODE_UNDO }; void _node_replace_owner(Node *p_base, Node *p_node, Node *p_root, ReplaceOwnerMode p_mode = MODE_BIDI); void _load_request(const String &p_path); void _script_open_request(const Ref