#include "sdf3d_render.h" Ref Sdf3dRender::get_input() { return input; } void Sdf3dRender::set_input(const Ref &val) { input = val; } Ref Sdf3dRender::get_out_height_map() { return out_height_map; } void Sdf3dRender::set_out_height_map(const Ref &val) { out_height_map = val; } Ref Sdf3dRender::get_out_normal_map() { return out_normal_map; } void Sdf3dRender::set_out_normal_map(const Ref &val) { out_normal_map = val; } Ref Sdf3dRender::get_out_color_map() { return out_color_map; } void Sdf3dRender::set_out_color_map(const Ref &val) { out_color_map = val; } //tool; //export(Resource) ; Ref input; //export(Resource) ; Ref out_height_map; //export(Resource) ; Ref out_normal_map; //export(Resource) ; Ref out_color_map; void Sdf3dRender::_init_properties() { if (!input) { input = MMNodeUniversalProperty.new(); input.default_type = MMNodeUniversalProperty.DEFAULT_TYPE_VECTOR2; } //for some reason this doesn't work, todo check; // input.input_slot_type = MMNodeUniversalProperty.SLOT_TYPE_FLOAT; input.input_slot_type = MMNodeUniversalProperty.SLOT_TYPE_UNIVERSAL; input.slot_name = "Input"; if (!out_height_map) { out_height_map = MMNodeUniversalProperty.new(); out_height_map.default_type = MMNodeUniversalProperty.DEFAULT_TYPE_IMAGE; } out_height_map.output_slot_type = MMNodeUniversalProperty.SLOT_TYPE_IMAGE; if (!out_normal_map) { out_normal_map = MMNodeUniversalProperty.new(); out_normal_map.default_type = MMNodeUniversalProperty.DEFAULT_TYPE_IMAGE; } out_normal_map.output_slot_type = MMNodeUniversalProperty.SLOT_TYPE_IMAGE; if (!out_color_map) { out_color_map = MMNodeUniversalProperty.new(); out_color_map.default_type = MMNodeUniversalProperty.DEFAULT_TYPE_IMAGE; } out_color_map.output_slot_type = MMNodeUniversalProperty.SLOT_TYPE_IMAGE; register_output_property(out_height_map); register_output_property(out_normal_map); register_output_property(out_color_map); register_input_property(input); } void Sdf3dRender::_register_methods(const Variant &mm_graph_node) { mm_graph_node.add_slot_label_universal(input); mm_graph_node.add_slot_texture_universal(out_height_map); mm_graph_node.add_slot_texture_universal(out_normal_map); mm_graph_node.add_slot_texture_universal(out_color_map); } void Sdf3dRender::_render(const Variant &material) { Ref height_map = Image.new(); Ref normal_map = Image.new(); Ref color_map = Image.new(); height_map.create(material.image_size.x, material.image_size.y, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8); normal_map.create(material.image_size.x, material.image_size.y, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8); color_map.create(material.image_size.x, material.image_size.y, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8); height_map.lock(); normal_map.lock(); color_map.lock(); float w = material.image_size.x; float h = material.image_size.y; float pseed = randf() + randi(); for (int x = 0; x < material.image_size.x; ++x) { //x in range(material.image_size.x) for (int y = 0; y < material.image_size.y; ++y) { //y in range(material.image_size.y) Vector2 uv = Vector2(x / w, y / h); Vector2 raymarch = sdf3d_raymarch(uv); //HeightMap - float - The generated height map; //1.0-$(name_uv)_d.x; float hmf = 1.0 - raymarch.x; Color height_map_col = Color(hmf, hmf, hmf, 1); //NormalMap - rgb - The generated normal map; //vec3(0.5) + 0.5* normal_$name(vec3($uv-vec2(0.5), 1.0-$(name_uv)_d.x)); Vector2 nuv = uv - Vector2(0.5, 0.5); Vector3 n = sdf3d_normal(Vector3(nuv.x, nuv.y, 1.0 - raymarch.x)); Vector3 nn = Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) + 0.5 * n; Color normal_map_col = Color(nn.x, nn.y, nn.z, 1); //ColorMap - float - The generated color index map; //$(name_uv)_d.y; Color color_map_col = Color(raymarch.y, raymarch.y, raymarch.y, 1); height_map.set_pixel(x, y, height_map_col); normal_map.set_pixel(x, y, normal_map_col); color_map.set_pixel(x, y, color_map_col); } } height_map.unlock(); normal_map.unlock(); color_map.unlock(); out_height_map.set_value(height_map); out_normal_map.set_value(normal_map); out_color_map.set_value(color_map); } Color Sdf3dRender::_get_value_for(const Vector2 &uv, const int pseed) { return Color(); } //vec2 raymarch_$name(vec2 uv) {; // vec3 ro = vec3(uv-vec2(0.5), 1.0); // vec3 rd = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0); // float dO = 0.0; // float c = 0.0; //; // for (int i=0; i < 100; i++) {; // vec3 p = ro + rd*dO; // vec2 dS = $sdf(p); // dO += dS.x; //; // if (dO >= 1.0) {; // break; // } else if (dS.x < 0.0001) {; // c = dS.y; // break; // }; // }; //; // return vec2(dO, c); //}; Vector2 Sdf3dRender::sdf3d_raymarch(const Vector2 &uv) { Vector3 ro = Vector3(uv.x - 0.5, uv.y - 0.5, 1.0); Vector3 rd = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0); float dO = 0.0; float c = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { //i in range(100) Vector3 p = ro + rd * dO; Vector2 dS = input.get_value_sdf3d(p); dO += dS.x; if ((dO >= 1.0)) { break; } else if ((dS.x < 0.0001)) { c = dS.y; break; } } return Vector2(dO, c); } //vec3 normal_$name(vec3 p) {; // if (p.z <= 0.0) {; // return vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // }; //; // float d = $sdf(p).x; // float e = .001; // vec3 n = d - vec3(; // $sdf(p-vec3(e, 0.0, 0.0)).x,; // $sdf(p-vec3(0.0, e, 0.0)).x,; // $sdf(p-vec3(0.0, 0.0, e)).x); //; // return vec3(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)*normalize(n); //}; Vector3 Sdf3dRender::sdf3d_normal(const Vector3 &p) { if ((p.z <= 0.0)) { return Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } float d = input.get_value_sdf3d(p).x; float e = .001; Vector3 n = Vector3(; d - input.get_value_sdf3d(p - Vector3(e, 0.0, 0.0)).x,; d - input.get_value_sdf3d(p - Vector3(0.0, e, 0.0)).x,; d - input.get_value_sdf3d(p - Vector3(0.0, 0.0, e)).x); return Vector3(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0) * n.normalized(); } } Sdf3dRender::Sdf3dRender() { input; out_height_map; out_normal_map; out_color_map; } Sdf3dRender::~Sdf3dRender() { } static void Sdf3dRender::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_input"), &Sdf3dRender::get_input); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_input", "value"), &Sdf3dRender::set_input); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "input", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Ref"), "set_input", "get_input"); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_out_height_map"), &Sdf3dRender::get_out_height_map); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_out_height_map", "value"), &Sdf3dRender::set_out_height_map); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "out_height_map", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Ref"), "set_out_height_map", "get_out_height_map"); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_out_normal_map"), &Sdf3dRender::get_out_normal_map); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_out_normal_map", "value"), &Sdf3dRender::set_out_normal_map); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "out_normal_map", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Ref"), "set_out_normal_map", "get_out_normal_map"); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_out_color_map"), &Sdf3dRender::get_out_color_map); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_out_color_map", "value"), &Sdf3dRender::set_out_color_map); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "out_color_map", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Ref"), "set_out_color_map", "get_out_color_map"); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_init_properties"), &Sdf3dRender::_init_properties); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_register_methods", "mm_graph_node"), &Sdf3dRender::_register_methods); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_render", "material"), &Sdf3dRender::_render); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_get_value_for", "uv", "pseed"), &Sdf3dRender::_get_value_for); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("sdf3d_raymarch", "uv"), &Sdf3dRender::sdf3d_raymarch); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("sdf3d_normal", "p"), &Sdf3dRender::sdf3d_normal); }