#ifndef FILE_CACHE_H #define FILE_CACHE_H #include "core/hash_map.h" #include "core/map.h" #include "core/os/os.h" #include "core/os/rw_lock.h" #include "core/ustring.h" #include "core/vector.h" #include "core/reference.h" class FileCache : public Reference { GDCLASS(FileCache, Reference); public: String get_wwwroot(); void set_wwwroot(const String &val); String get_wwwroot_abs(); int get_cache_invalidation_time(); void set_cache_invalidation_time(const int &val); //Note: file path should be the url you want to access the file with, inculding lead slash //e.g. -> /a/b/d.jpg void wwwroot_register_file(const String &file_path); void wwwroot_deregister_file(const String &file_path); bool wwwroot_has_file(const String &file_path); //return -1 if does not exists int wwwroot_get_file_index(const String &file_path); String wwwroot_get_file_orig_path(const int index); String wwwroot_get_file_orig_path_abs(const int index); void wwwroot_refresh_cache(); void wwwroot_evaluate_dir(const String &path, const bool should_exist = true); bool get_cached_body(const String &path, String *body); bool has_cached_body(const String &path); String get_cached_body_bind(const String &path); void set_cached_body(const String &path, const String &body); void clear(); FileCache(); ~FileCache(); uint64_t cache_invalidation_time; protected: static void _bind_methods(); struct CacheEntry { uint64_t timestamp; String body; CacheEntry() { timestamp = 0; } }; RWLock _lock; Map<String, CacheEntry *> cache_map; String _wwwroot_orig; String _wwwroot; struct RegisteredFileEntry { String orig_path; String lowercase_path; }; Vector<RegisteredFileEntry> _registered_files; }; #endif