Implemented fill for PaintCurve2D.

This commit is contained in:
Relintai 2023-08-26 20:20:32 +02:00
parent 6148df90ef
commit 961127cfc4
2 changed files with 505 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -39,23 +39,47 @@
Dictionary PaintCurve2D::_edit_get_state() const {
Dictionary state = Node2D::_edit_get_state();
state["offset"] = offset;
return state;
void PaintCurve2D::_edit_set_state(const Dictionary &p_state) {
void PaintCurve2D::_edit_set_pivot(const Point2 &p_pivot) {
set_offset(get_offset() - p_pivot);
Point2 PaintCurve2D::_edit_get_pivot() const {
return Vector2();
bool PaintCurve2D::_edit_use_pivot() const {
return true;
Rect2 PaintCurve2D::_edit_get_rect() const {
//if (rect_cache_dirty) {
if (!curve.is_valid() || curve->get_point_count() == 0) {
return Rect2(0, 0, 0, 0);
item_rect = Rect2(curve->get_point_position(0), Vector2(0, 0));
for (int i = 0; i < curve->get_point_count(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j <= 8; j++) {
real_t frac = j / 8.0;
Vector2 p = curve->interpolate(i, frac);
if (rect_cache_dirty) {
if (!curve.is_valid() || curve->get_point_count() == 0) {
return Rect2(0, 0, 0, 0);
item_rect = Rect2(curve->get_point_position(0), Vector2(0, 0));
for (int i = 0; i < curve->get_point_count(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j <= 8; j++) {
real_t frac = j / 8.0;
Vector2 p = curve->interpolate(i, frac);
rect_cache_dirty = false;
// rect_cache_dirty = false;
return item_rect;
@ -94,19 +118,33 @@ void PaintCurve2D::_notification(int p_what) {
if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_DRAW && curve.is_valid()) {
//draw the curve!!
if (curve->get_point_count() < 2) {
if (_outline_enabled) {
_cached_draw_pts.resize(curve->get_point_count() * 8);
int count = 0;
if (_fill_enabled) {
Vector<Vector2> points;
Vector<Vector2> uvs;
Vector<Color> colors;
Vector<int> indices;
for (int i = 0; i < curve->get_point_count(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
real_t frac = j * (1.0 / 8.0);
Vector2 p = curve->interpolate(i, frac);
_cached_draw_pts.set(count++, p);
_prepare_render_data_fill(points, uvs, colors, indices);
if (indices.size()) {
RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_triangle_array(get_canvas_item(), indices, points, colors, uvs, Vector<int>(), Vector<float>(), _fill_texture.is_valid() ? _fill_texture->get_rid() : RID(), -1, RID(), _fill_antialiased);
if (_outline_enabled) {
_cached_draw_pts = Variant(curve->tessellate());
int len = _cached_draw_pts.size();
Vector2 *ppw = _cached_draw_pts.ptrw();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ppw[i] = ppw[i] + offset;
@ -120,9 +158,7 @@ void PaintCurve2D::_curve_changed() {
if (!Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() && !get_tree()->is_debugging_navigation_hint()) {
rect_cache_dirty = true;
@ -156,6 +192,14 @@ Vector2 PaintCurve2D::get_offset() const {
return offset;
void PaintCurve2D::set_render_segments(int p_segments) {
_render_segments = p_segments;
int PaintCurve2D::get_render_segments() const {
return _render_segments;
void PaintCurve2D::fill_set_enabled(bool p_enabled) {
_fill_enabled = p_enabled;
@ -308,6 +352,416 @@ bool PaintCurve2D::outline_get_antialiased() const {
return _outline_antialiased;
Ref<Image> PaintCurve2D::_get_rendered_image() {
if (_rendered_image.is_valid()) {
return _rendered_image;
if (_size.x == 0 || _size.y == 0) {
return Ref<Image>();
if (polygon.size() < 3) {
return Ref<Image>();
Vector<Vector2> points;
Vector<Vector2> uvs;
Vector<Color> colors;
Vector<int> indices;
_prepare_render_data(points, uvs, colors, indices);
if (indices.size() == 0) {
return Ref<Image>();
Ref<Image> texture_image;
Vector2 texture_image_size;
if (uvs.size() > 0 && texture.is_valid()) {
texture_image = texture->get_data();
bool use_uvs = texture_image.is_valid();
if (use_uvs) {
texture_image_size = texture_image->get_size();
_rendered_image->create(_size.x, _size.y, false, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8);
if (use_uvs) {
Vector2i cpoints[3];
Vector2 cuvs[3];
Color ccolors[3];
if (colors.size() == 1) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
ccolors[j] = colors[0];
//Note: Don't worry about the Node's Transform here, that will get applied automatically in the caller
for (int index = 0; index < indices.size(); index += 3) {
// Rasterize triangle
// Based on
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
int cind = indices[index + i];
cpoints[i] = points[cind].round();
if (colors.size() > 1) {
ccolors[i] = colors[cind];
if (use_uvs) {
cuvs[i] = uvs[cind];
//Sort them
if (cpoints[1].y < cpoints[0].y || (cpoints[1].y == cpoints[0].y && cpoints[1].x < cpoints[0].x)) {
SWAP(cpoints[0], cpoints[1]);
SWAP(ccolors[0], ccolors[1]);
SWAP(cuvs[0], cuvs[1]);
if (cpoints[2].y < cpoints[0].y || (cpoints[2].y == cpoints[0].y && cpoints[2].x < cpoints[0].x)) {
SWAP(cpoints[0], cpoints[2]);
SWAP(ccolors[0], ccolors[2]);
SWAP(cuvs[0], cuvs[2]);
if (cpoints[2].y < cpoints[1].y || (cpoints[2].y == cpoints[1].y && cpoints[2].x < cpoints[1].x)) {
SWAP(cpoints[1], cpoints[2]);
SWAP(ccolors[1], ccolors[2]);
SWAP(cuvs[1], cuvs[2]);
if (cpoints[0].y == cpoints[2].y) {
bool shortside = (cpoints[1].y - cpoints[0].y) * (cpoints[2].x - cpoints[0].x) < (cpoints[1].x - cpoints[0].x) * (cpoints[2].y - cpoints[0].y);
Slope sides[2];
sides[!shortside].setup_position(cpoints[0], cpoints[2], cpoints[2].y - cpoints[0].y);
sides[!shortside].setup_color(ccolors[0], ccolors[2], cpoints[2].y - cpoints[0].y);
if (use_uvs) {
sides[!shortside].setup_uv(cuvs[0], cuvs[2], cpoints[2].y - cpoints[0].y);
if (cpoints[0].y < cpoints[1].y) {
sides[shortside].setup_position(cpoints[0], cpoints[1], cpoints[1].y - cpoints[0].y);
sides[shortside].setup_color(ccolors[0], ccolors[1], cpoints[1].y - cpoints[0].y);
if (use_uvs) {
sides[shortside].setup_uv(cuvs[0], cuvs[1], cpoints[1].y - cpoints[0].y);
int starty = MAX(0, cpoints[0].y);
int endy = MIN(cpoints[1].y, _size.y);
for (int y = starty; y < endy; ++y) {
Slope s;
s.setup_color(sides[0].color_current, sides[1].color_current, sides[1].position_current.x - sides[0].position_current.x);
if (use_uvs) {
s.setup_uv(sides[0].uv_current, sides[1].uv_current, sides[1].position_current.x - sides[0].position_current.x);
int startx = MAX(0, sides[0].position_current.x);
int endx = MIN(sides[1].position_current.x, _size.x);
for (int x = startx; x < endx; ++x) {
Color color = s.color_current;
if (use_uvs) {
Vector2 uv = s.uv_current;
uv.x = CLAMP(uv.x, 0, 1);
uv.y = CLAMP(uv.y, 0, 1);
Vector2 imgcoord = uv * texture_image_size;
imgcoord.x = CLAMP(imgcoord.x, 0, texture_image_size.x - 1);
imgcoord.y = CLAMP(imgcoord.y, 0, texture_image_size.y - 1);
Color img_color = texture_image->get_pixelv(imgcoord);
color *= img_color;
_rendered_image->set_pixelv(Vector2(x, y), color);
if (use_uvs) {
if (use_uvs) {
if (cpoints[1].y < cpoints[2].y) {
sides[shortside].setup_position(cpoints[1], cpoints[2], cpoints[2].y - cpoints[1].y);
sides[shortside].setup_color(ccolors[1], ccolors[2], cpoints[2].y - cpoints[1].y);
if (use_uvs) {
sides[shortside].setup_uv(cuvs[1], cuvs[2], cpoints[2].y - cpoints[1].y);
int starty = MAX(0, cpoints[1].y);
int endy = MIN(cpoints[2].y, _size.y);
for (int y = starty; y < endy; ++y) {
Slope s;
s.setup_color(sides[0].color_current, sides[1].color_current, sides[1].position_current.x - sides[0].position_current.x);
if (use_uvs) {
s.setup_uv(sides[0].uv_current, sides[1].uv_current, sides[1].position_current.x - sides[0].position_current.x);
int startx = MAX(0, sides[0].position_current.x);
int endx = MIN(sides[1].position_current.x, _size.x);
for (int x = startx; x < endx; ++x) {
Color color = s.color_current;
if (use_uvs) {
Vector2 uv = s.uv_current;
uv.x = CLAMP(uv.x, 0, 1);
uv.y = CLAMP(uv.y, 0, 1);
Vector2 imgcoord = uv * texture_image_size;
imgcoord.x = CLAMP(imgcoord.x, 0, texture_image_size.x - 1);
imgcoord.y = CLAMP(imgcoord.y, 0, texture_image_size.y - 1);
Color img_color = texture_image->get_pixelv(imgcoord);
color *= img_color;
_rendered_image->set_pixelv(Vector2(x, y), color);
if (use_uvs) {
if (use_uvs) {
if (use_uvs) {
return _rendered_image;
PoolVector2Array PaintCurve2D::generate_uvs(const Vector<Vector2> &p_points) {
PoolVector2Array uvs;
int len = p_points.size();
if (len == 0) {
return uvs;
const Vector2 *pr = p_points.ptr();
Rect2 bounds = Rect2(pr[0], Vector2());
for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
Vector2 e = pr[i];
PoolVector2Array::Write uvr = uvs.write();
Vector2 *uvp = uvr.ptr();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Vector2 e = pr[i];
e -= bounds.position;
e /= bounds.size;
uvp[i] = e;
return uvs;
PoolVector2Array PaintCurve2D::generate_uvs(const Vector<Vector2> &p_points, const Rect2 &p_uv_rect) {
PoolVector2Array uvs;
int len = p_points.size();
if (len == 0) {
return uvs;
const Vector2 *pr = p_points.ptr();
Rect2 bounds = Rect2(pr[0], Vector2());
for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
Vector2 e = pr[i];
PoolVector2Array::Write uvr = uvs.write();
Vector2 *uvp = uvr.ptr();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Vector2 e = pr[i];
e -= bounds.position;
e /= bounds.size;
e *= p_uv_rect.size;
e += p_uv_rect.position;
uvp[i] = e;
return uvs;
void PaintCurve2D::_prepare_render_data_fill(Vector<Vector2> &r_points, Vector<Vector2> &r_uvs, Vector<Color> &r_colors, Vector<int> &r_indices) {
if (!curve.is_valid()) {
int curve_len = curve->get_point_count();
if (curve_len < 2) {
PoolVector2Array polygon = curve->tessellate();
int len = polygon.size();
PoolVector<Vector2>::Read polyr =;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
r_points.write[i] = polyr[i] + offset;
if (_fill_invert) {
Rect2 bounds;
int highest_idx = -1;
float highest_y = -1e20;
float sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
bounds.position = r_points[i];
} else {
if (r_points[i].y > highest_y) {
highest_idx = i;
highest_y = r_points[i].y;
int ni = (i + 1) % len;
sum += (r_points[ni].x - r_points[i].x) * (r_points[ni].y + r_points[i].y);
bounds = bounds.grow(_fill_invert_border);
Vector2 ep[7] = {
Vector2(r_points[highest_idx].x, r_points[highest_idx].y + _fill_invert_border),
Vector2(bounds.position + bounds.size),
Vector2(bounds.position + Vector2(bounds.size.x, 0)),
Vector2(bounds.position + Vector2(0, bounds.size.y)),
Vector2(r_points[highest_idx].x - CMP_EPSILON, r_points[highest_idx].y + _fill_invert_border),
Vector2(r_points[highest_idx].x - CMP_EPSILON, r_points[highest_idx].y),
if (sum > 0) {
SWAP(ep[1], ep[4]);
SWAP(ep[2], ep[3]);
SWAP(ep[5], ep[0]);
SWAP(ep[6], r_points.write[highest_idx]);
r_points.resize(r_points.size() + 7);
for (int i = r_points.size() - 1; i >= highest_idx + 7; i--) {
r_points.write[i] = r_points[i - 7];
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
r_points.write[highest_idx + i + 1] = ep[i];
len = r_points.size();
if (_fill_texture.is_valid()) {
Transform2D texmat(_fill_tex_rot, _fill_tex_ofs);
//Size2 tex_size = _fill_texture->get_size();
PoolVector2Array uv = generate_uvs(r_points);
PoolVector<Vector2>::Read uvr =;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
r_uvs.write[i] = texmat.xform(uvr[i]);
r_indices = Geometry::triangulate_polygon(r_points);
void PaintCurve2D::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_curve", "curve"), &PaintCurve2D::set_curve);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_curve"), &PaintCurve2D::get_curve);
@ -403,19 +857,22 @@ void PaintCurve2D::_bind_methods() {
PaintCurve2D::PaintCurve2D() {
set_curve(Ref<Curve2D>(memnew(Curve2D))); //create one by default
_render_segments = 8;
//set_self_modulate(Color(0.5, 0.6, 1.0, 0.7));
_fill_enabled = true;
_fill_color = Color(1, 1, 1);
_fill_tex_scale = Vector2(1, 1);
_fill_tex_tile = false;
_fill_tex_rot = 0;
_fill_invert = false;
_fill_invert_border = 0;
_fill_invert_border = 100;
_fill_antialiased = false;
_outline_enabled = true;
//_outline_color = Color(0.5, 0.6, 1.0, 0.7);
_outline_width = 2;
_fill_tex_scale = Vector2(1, 1);
_outline_tex_tile = false;
_outline_tex_rot = 0;
_outline_antialiased = true;

View File

@ -40,6 +40,13 @@ class PaintCurve2D : public PaintNode {
virtual Dictionary _edit_get_state() const;
virtual void _edit_set_state(const Dictionary &p_state);
virtual void _edit_set_pivot(const Point2 &p_pivot);
virtual Point2 _edit_get_pivot() const;
virtual bool _edit_use_pivot() const;
virtual Rect2 _edit_get_rect() const;
virtual bool _edit_use_rect() const;
virtual bool _edit_is_selected_on_click(const Point2 &p_point, double p_tolerance) const;
@ -51,6 +58,9 @@ public:
void set_offset(const Vector2 &p_offset);
Vector2 get_offset() const;
void set_render_segments(int p_segments);
int get_render_segments() const;
void fill_set_enabled(bool p_enabled);
bool fill_get_enabled() const;
@ -108,13 +118,24 @@ public:
void outline_set_antialiased(bool p_antialiased);
bool outline_get_antialiased() const;
virtual Ref<Image> _get_rendered_image();
//Todo this should probably be moved to Geometry, or maybe MeshUtils
PoolVector2Array generate_uvs(const Vector<Vector2> &p_points);
PoolVector2Array generate_uvs(const Vector<Vector2> &p_points, const Rect2 &p_uv_rect);
void _prepare_render_data_fill(Vector<Vector2> &r_points, Vector<Vector2> &r_uvs, Vector<Color> &r_colors, Vector<int> &r_indices);
void _notification(int p_what);
static void _bind_methods();
Ref<Curve2D> curve;
Vector2 offset;
int _render_segments;
bool _fill_enabled;
Color _fill_color;
Ref<Texture> _fill_texture;
@ -136,12 +157,11 @@ protected:
float _outline_tex_rot;
bool _outline_antialiased;
Vector2 offset;
mutable bool rect_cache_dirty;
mutable Rect2 item_rect;
Ref<Image> _rendered_image;
Ref<Curve2D> curve;
Vector<Vector2> _cached_draw_pts;
void _curve_changed();