mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 03:46:50 +01:00
recast: Update to upstream version 1.6.0 from Godot.
This commit is contained in:
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ Files extracted from upstream source:
## recastnavigation
- Upstream: https://github.com/recastnavigation/recastnavigation
- Version: git (4fef0446609b23d6ac180ed822817571525528a1, 2022)
- Version: 1.6.0 (6dc1667f580357e8a2154c28b7867bea7e8ad3a7, 2023)
- License: zlib
Files extracted from upstream source:
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
#ifndef RECAST_H
#define RECAST_H
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Mikko Mononen memon@inside.org
@ -18,8 +16,8 @@
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#ifndef RECAST_H
#define RECAST_H
/// The value of PI used by Recast.
static const float RC_PI = 3.14159265f;
@ -102,11 +100,21 @@ enum rcTimerLabel
/// Provides an interface for optional logging and performance tracking of the Recast
/// build process.
/// This class does not provide logging or timer functionality on its
/// own. Both must be provided by a concrete implementation
/// by overriding the protected member functions. Also, this class does not
/// provide an interface for extracting log messages. (Only adding them.)
/// So concrete implementations must provide one.
/// If no logging or timers are required, just pass an instance of this
/// class through the Recast build process.
/// @ingroup recast
class rcContext
/// Contructor.
/// Constructor.
/// @param[in] state TRUE if the logging and performance timers should be enabled. [Default: true]
inline rcContext(bool state = true) : m_logEnabled(state), m_timerEnabled(state) {}
virtual ~rcContext() {}
@ -119,6 +127,13 @@ public:
inline void resetLog() { if (m_logEnabled) doResetLog(); }
/// Logs a message.
/// Example:
/// @code
/// // Where ctx is an instance of rcContext and filepath is a char array.
/// ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTiledNavigation: Could not load '%s'", filepath);
/// @endcode
/// @param[in] category The category of the message.
/// @param[in] format The message.
void log(const rcLogCategory category, const char* format, ...);
@ -127,7 +142,7 @@ public:
/// @param[in] state TRUE if timers should be enabled.
inline void enableTimer(bool state) { m_timerEnabled = state; }
/// Clears all peformance timers. (Resets all to unused.)
/// Clears all performance timers. (Resets all to unused.)
inline void resetTimers() { if (m_timerEnabled) doResetTimers(); }
/// Starts the specified performance timer.
@ -241,7 +256,7 @@ struct rcConfig
/// The maximum allowed length for contour edges along the border of the mesh. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
int maxEdgeLen;
/// The maximum distance a simplfied contour's border edges should deviate
/// The maximum distance a simplified contour's border edges should deviate
/// the original raw contour. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
float maxSimplificationError;
@ -337,6 +352,7 @@ struct rcCompactHeightfield
int width; ///< The width of the heightfield. (Along the x-axis in cell units.)
int height; ///< The height of the heightfield. (Along the z-axis in cell units.)
int spanCount; ///< The number of spans in the heightfield.
@ -353,6 +369,11 @@ struct rcCompactHeightfield
rcCompactSpan* spans; ///< Array of spans. [Size: #spanCount]
unsigned short* dist; ///< Array containing border distance data. [Size: #spanCount]
unsigned char* areas; ///< Array containing area id data. [Size: #spanCount]
// Explicitly-disabled copy constructor and copy assignment operator.
rcCompactHeightfield(const rcCompactHeightfield&);
rcCompactHeightfield& operator=(const rcCompactHeightfield&);
/// Represents a heightfield layer within a layer set.
@ -383,8 +404,14 @@ struct rcHeightfieldLayerSet
rcHeightfieldLayer* layers; ///< The layers in the set. [Size: #nlayers]
int nlayers; ///< The number of layers in the set.
// Explicitly-disabled copy constructor and copy assignment operator.
rcHeightfieldLayerSet(const rcHeightfieldLayerSet&);
rcHeightfieldLayerSet& operator=(const rcHeightfieldLayerSet&);
/// Represents a simple, non-overlapping contour in field space.
@ -404,6 +431,7 @@ struct rcContourSet
rcContour* conts; ///< An array of the contours in the set. [Size: #nconts]
int nconts; ///< The number of contours in the set.
float bmin[3]; ///< The minimum bounds in world space. [(x, y, z)]
@ -414,6 +442,11 @@ struct rcContourSet
int height; ///< The height of the set. (Along the z-axis in cell units.)
int borderSize; ///< The AABB border size used to generate the source data from which the contours were derived.
float maxError; ///< The max edge error that this contour set was simplified with.
// Explicitly-disabled copy constructor and copy assignment operator.
rcContourSet(const rcContourSet&);
rcContourSet& operator=(const rcContourSet&);
/// Represents a polygon mesh suitable for use in building a navigation mesh.
@ -422,6 +455,7 @@ struct rcPolyMesh
unsigned short* verts; ///< The mesh vertices. [Form: (x, y, z) * #nverts]
unsigned short* polys; ///< Polygon and neighbor data. [Length: #maxpolys * 2 * #nvp]
unsigned short* regs; ///< The region id assigned to each polygon. [Length: #maxpolys]
@ -437,6 +471,11 @@ struct rcPolyMesh
float ch; ///< The height of each cell. (The minimum increment along the y-axis.)
int borderSize; ///< The AABB border size used to generate the source data from which the mesh was derived.
float maxEdgeError; ///< The max error of the polygon edges in the mesh.
// Explicitly-disabled copy constructor and copy assignment operator.
rcPolyMesh(const rcPolyMesh&);
rcPolyMesh& operator=(const rcPolyMesh&);
/// Contains triangle meshes that represent detailed height data associated
@ -444,12 +483,19 @@ struct rcPolyMesh
/// @ingroup recast
struct rcPolyMeshDetail
unsigned int* meshes; ///< The sub-mesh data. [Size: 4*#nmeshes]
float* verts; ///< The mesh vertices. [Size: 3*#nverts]
unsigned char* tris; ///< The mesh triangles. [Size: 4*#ntris]
int nmeshes; ///< The number of sub-meshes defined by #meshes.
int nverts; ///< The number of vertices in #verts.
int ntris; ///< The number of triangles in #tris.
// Explicitly-disabled copy constructor and copy assignment operator.
rcPolyMeshDetail(const rcPolyMeshDetail&);
rcPolyMeshDetail& operator=(const rcPolyMeshDetail&);
/// @name Allocation Functions
@ -464,10 +510,10 @@ struct rcPolyMeshDetail
rcHeightfield* rcAllocHeightfield();
/// Frees the specified heightfield object using the Recast allocator.
/// @param[in] hf A heightfield allocated using #rcAllocHeightfield
/// @param[in] heightfield A heightfield allocated using #rcAllocHeightfield
/// @ingroup recast
/// @see rcAllocHeightfield
void rcFreeHeightField(rcHeightfield* hf);
void rcFreeHeightField(rcHeightfield* heightfield);
/// Allocates a compact heightfield object using the Recast allocator.
/// @return A compact heightfield that is ready for initialization, or null on failure.
@ -476,10 +522,10 @@ void rcFreeHeightField(rcHeightfield* hf);
rcCompactHeightfield* rcAllocCompactHeightfield();
/// Frees the specified compact heightfield object using the Recast allocator.
/// @param[in] chf A compact heightfield allocated using #rcAllocCompactHeightfield
/// @param[in] compactHeightfield A compact heightfield allocated using #rcAllocCompactHeightfield
/// @ingroup recast
/// @see rcAllocCompactHeightfield
void rcFreeCompactHeightfield(rcCompactHeightfield* chf);
void rcFreeCompactHeightfield(rcCompactHeightfield* compactHeightfield);
/// Allocates a heightfield layer set using the Recast allocator.
/// @return A heightfield layer set that is ready for initialization, or null on failure.
@ -488,10 +534,10 @@ void rcFreeCompactHeightfield(rcCompactHeightfield* chf);
rcHeightfieldLayerSet* rcAllocHeightfieldLayerSet();
/// Frees the specified heightfield layer set using the Recast allocator.
/// @param[in] lset A heightfield layer set allocated using #rcAllocHeightfieldLayerSet
/// @param[in] layerSet A heightfield layer set allocated using #rcAllocHeightfieldLayerSet
/// @ingroup recast
/// @see rcAllocHeightfieldLayerSet
void rcFreeHeightfieldLayerSet(rcHeightfieldLayerSet* lset);
void rcFreeHeightfieldLayerSet(rcHeightfieldLayerSet* layerSet);
/// Allocates a contour set object using the Recast allocator.
/// @return A contour set that is ready for initialization, or null on failure.
@ -500,10 +546,10 @@ void rcFreeHeightfieldLayerSet(rcHeightfieldLayerSet* lset);
rcContourSet* rcAllocContourSet();
/// Frees the specified contour set using the Recast allocator.
/// @param[in] cset A contour set allocated using #rcAllocContourSet
/// @param[in] contourSet A contour set allocated using #rcAllocContourSet
/// @ingroup recast
/// @see rcAllocContourSet
void rcFreeContourSet(rcContourSet* cset);
void rcFreeContourSet(rcContourSet* contourSet);
/// Allocates a polygon mesh object using the Recast allocator.
/// @return A polygon mesh that is ready for initialization, or null on failure.
@ -512,10 +558,10 @@ void rcFreeContourSet(rcContourSet* cset);
rcPolyMesh* rcAllocPolyMesh();
/// Frees the specified polygon mesh using the Recast allocator.
/// @param[in] pmesh A polygon mesh allocated using #rcAllocPolyMesh
/// @param[in] polyMesh A polygon mesh allocated using #rcAllocPolyMesh
/// @ingroup recast
/// @see rcAllocPolyMesh
void rcFreePolyMesh(rcPolyMesh* pmesh);
void rcFreePolyMesh(rcPolyMesh* polyMesh);
/// Allocates a detail mesh object using the Recast allocator.
/// @return A detail mesh that is ready for initialization, or null on failure.
@ -524,16 +570,16 @@ void rcFreePolyMesh(rcPolyMesh* pmesh);
rcPolyMeshDetail* rcAllocPolyMeshDetail();
/// Frees the specified detail mesh using the Recast allocator.
/// @param[in] dmesh A detail mesh allocated using #rcAllocPolyMeshDetail
/// @param[in] detailMesh A detail mesh allocated using #rcAllocPolyMeshDetail
/// @ingroup recast
/// @see rcAllocPolyMeshDetail
void rcFreePolyMeshDetail(rcPolyMeshDetail* dmesh);
void rcFreePolyMeshDetail(rcPolyMeshDetail* detailMesh);
/// @}
/// Heighfield border flag.
/// Heightfield border flag.
/// If a heightfield region ID has this bit set, then the region is a border
/// region and its spans are considered unwalkable.
/// region and its spans are considered un-walkable.
/// (Used during the region and contour build process.)
/// @see rcCompactSpan::reg
static const unsigned short RC_BORDER_REG = 0x8000;
@ -583,7 +629,7 @@ static const unsigned short RC_MESH_NULL_IDX = 0xffff;
/// Represents the null area.
/// When a data element is given this value it is considered to no longer be
/// assigned to a usable area. (E.g. It is unwalkable.)
/// assigned to a usable area. (E.g. It is un-walkable.)
static const unsigned char RC_NULL_AREA = 0;
/// The default area id used to indicate a walkable polygon.
@ -626,11 +672,14 @@ template<class T> inline T rcAbs(T a) { return a < 0 ? -a : a; }
template<class T> inline T rcSqr(T a) { return a*a; }
/// Clamps the value to the specified range.
/// @param[in] v The value to clamp.
/// @param[in] mn The minimum permitted return value.
/// @param[in] mx The maximum permitted return value.
/// @param[in] value The value to clamp.
/// @param[in] minInclusive The minimum permitted return value.
/// @param[in] maxInclusive The maximum permitted return value.
/// @return The value, clamped to the specified range.
template<class T> inline T rcClamp(T v, T mn, T mx) { return v < mn ? mn : (v > mx ? mx : v); }
template<class T> inline T rcClamp(T value, T minInclusive, T maxInclusive)
return value < minInclusive ? minInclusive: (value > maxInclusive ? maxInclusive : value);
/// Returns the square root of the value.
/// @param[in] x The value.
@ -767,172 +816,247 @@ inline void rcVnormalize(float* v)
/// Calculates the bounding box of an array of vertices.
/// @ingroup recast
/// @param[in] verts An array of vertices. [(x, y, z) * @p nv]
/// @param[in] nv The number of vertices in the @p verts array.
/// @param[out] bmin The minimum bounds of the AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
/// @param[out] bmax The maximum bounds of the AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
void rcCalcBounds(const float* verts, int nv, float* bmin, float* bmax);
/// @param[in] numVerts The number of vertices in the @p verts array.
/// @param[out] minBounds The minimum bounds of the AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
/// @param[out] maxBounds The maximum bounds of the AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
void rcCalcBounds(const float* verts, int numVerts, float* minBounds, float* maxBounds);
/// Calculates the grid size based on the bounding box and grid cell size.
/// @ingroup recast
/// @param[in] bmin The minimum bounds of the AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
/// @param[in] bmax The maximum bounds of the AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
/// @param[in] cs The xz-plane cell size. [Limit: > 0] [Units: wu]
/// @param[out] w The width along the x-axis. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
/// @param[out] h The height along the z-axis. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
void rcCalcGridSize(const float* bmin, const float* bmax, float cs, int* w, int* h);
/// @param[in] minBounds The minimum bounds of the AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
/// @param[in] maxBounds The maximum bounds of the AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
/// @param[in] cellSize The xz-plane cell size. [Limit: > 0] [Units: wu]
/// @param[out] sizeX The width along the x-axis. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
/// @param[out] sizeZ The height along the z-axis. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
void rcCalcGridSize(const float* minBounds, const float* maxBounds, float cellSize, int* sizeX, int* sizeZ);
/// Initializes a new heightfield.
/// See the #rcConfig documentation for more information on the configuration parameters.
/// @see rcAllocHeightfield, rcHeightfield
/// @ingroup recast
/// @param[in,out] ctx The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in,out] hf The allocated heightfield to initialize.
/// @param[in] width The width of the field along the x-axis. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
/// @param[in] height The height of the field along the z-axis. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
/// @param[in] bmin The minimum bounds of the field's AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
/// @param[in] bmax The maximum bounds of the field's AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
/// @param[in] cs The xz-plane cell size to use for the field. [Limit: > 0] [Units: wu]
/// @param[in] ch The y-axis cell size to use for field. [Limit: > 0] [Units: wu]
/// @param[in,out] context The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in,out] heightfield The allocated heightfield to initialize.
/// @param[in] sizeX The width of the field along the x-axis. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
/// @param[in] sizeZ The height of the field along the z-axis. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
/// @param[in] minBounds The minimum bounds of the field's AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
/// @param[in] maxBounds The maximum bounds of the field's AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
/// @param[in] cellSize The xz-plane cell size to use for the field. [Limit: > 0] [Units: wu]
/// @param[in] cellHeight The y-axis cell size to use for field. [Limit: > 0] [Units: wu]
/// @returns True if the operation completed successfully.
bool rcCreateHeightfield(rcContext* ctx, rcHeightfield& hf, int width, int height,
const float* bmin, const float* bmax,
float cs, float ch);
bool rcCreateHeightfield(rcContext* context, rcHeightfield& heightfield, int sizeX, int sizeZ,
const float* minBounds, const float* maxBounds,
float cellSize, float cellHeight);
/// Sets the area id of all triangles with a slope below the specified value
/// Only sets the area id's for the walkable triangles. Does not alter the
/// area id's for un-walkable triangles.
/// See the #rcConfig documentation for more information on the configuration parameters.
/// @see rcHeightfield, rcClearUnwalkableTriangles, rcRasterizeTriangles
/// @ingroup recast
/// @param[in,out] ctx The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in,out] context The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in] walkableSlopeAngle The maximum slope that is considered walkable.
/// [Limits: 0 <= value < 90] [Units: Degrees]
/// @param[in] verts The vertices. [(x, y, z) * @p nv]
/// @param[in] nv The number of vertices.
/// @param[in] numVerts The number of vertices.
/// @param[in] tris The triangle vertex indices. [(vertA, vertB, vertC) * @p nt]
/// @param[in] nt The number of triangles.
/// @param[out] areas The triangle area ids. [Length: >= @p nt]
void rcMarkWalkableTriangles(rcContext* ctx, const float walkableSlopeAngle, const float* verts, int nv,
const int* tris, int nt, unsigned char* areas);
/// @param[in] numTris The number of triangles.
/// @param[out] triAreaIDs The triangle area ids. [Length: >= @p nt]
void rcMarkWalkableTriangles(rcContext* context, float walkableSlopeAngle, const float* verts, int numVerts,
const int* tris, int numTris, unsigned char* triAreaIDs);
/// Sets the area id of all triangles with a slope greater than or equal to the specified value to #RC_NULL_AREA.
/// Only sets the area id's for the un-walkable triangles. Does not alter the
/// area id's for walkable triangles.
/// See the #rcConfig documentation for more information on the configuration parameters.
/// @see rcHeightfield, rcClearUnwalkableTriangles, rcRasterizeTriangles
/// @ingroup recast
/// @param[in,out] ctx The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in,out] context The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in] walkableSlopeAngle The maximum slope that is considered walkable.
/// [Limits: 0 <= value < 90] [Units: Degrees]
/// @param[in] verts The vertices. [(x, y, z) * @p nv]
/// @param[in] nv The number of vertices.
/// @param[in] numVerts The number of vertices.
/// @param[in] tris The triangle vertex indices. [(vertA, vertB, vertC) * @p nt]
/// @param[in] nt The number of triangles.
/// @param[out] areas The triangle area ids. [Length: >= @p nt]
void rcClearUnwalkableTriangles(rcContext* ctx, const float walkableSlopeAngle, const float* verts, int nv,
const int* tris, int nt, unsigned char* areas);
/// @param[in] numTris The number of triangles.
/// @param[out] triAreaIDs The triangle area ids. [Length: >= @p nt]
void rcClearUnwalkableTriangles(rcContext* context, float walkableSlopeAngle, const float* verts, int numVerts,
const int* tris, int numTris, unsigned char* triAreaIDs);
/// Adds a span to the specified heightfield.
/// The span addition can be set to favor flags. If the span is merged to
/// another span and the new @p spanMax is within @p flagMergeThreshold units
/// from the existing span, the span flags are merged.
/// @ingroup recast
/// @param[in,out] ctx The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in,out] hf An initialized heightfield.
/// @param[in] x The width index where the span is to be added.
/// @param[in,out] context The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in,out] heightfield An initialized heightfield.
/// @param[in] x The column x index where the span is to be added.
/// [Limits: 0 <= value < rcHeightfield::width]
/// @param[in] y The height index where the span is to be added.
/// @param[in] z The column z index where the span is to be added.
/// [Limits: 0 <= value < rcHeightfield::height]
/// @param[in] smin The minimum height of the span. [Limit: < @p smax] [Units: vx]
/// @param[in] smax The maximum height of the span. [Limit: <= #RC_SPAN_MAX_HEIGHT] [Units: vx]
/// @param[in] area The area id of the span. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA)
/// @param[in] flagMergeThr The merge theshold. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
/// @param[in] spanMin The minimum height of the span. [Limit: < @p spanMax] [Units: vx]
/// @param[in] spanMax The maximum height of the span. [Limit: <= #RC_SPAN_MAX_HEIGHT] [Units: vx]
/// @param[in] areaID The area id of the span. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA)
/// @param[in] flagMergeThreshold The merge threshold. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
/// @returns True if the operation completed successfully.
bool rcAddSpan(rcContext* ctx, rcHeightfield& hf, const int x, const int y,
const unsigned short smin, const unsigned short smax,
const unsigned char area, const int flagMergeThr);
bool rcAddSpan(rcContext* context, rcHeightfield& heightfield,
int x, int z,
unsigned short spanMin, unsigned short spanMax,
unsigned char areaID, int flagMergeThreshold);
/// Rasterizes a triangle into the specified heightfield.
/// Rasterizes a single triangle into the specified heightfield.
/// Calling this for each triangle in a mesh is less efficient than calling rcRasterizeTriangles
/// No spans will be added if the triangle does not overlap the heightfield grid.
/// @see rcHeightfield
/// @ingroup recast
/// @param[in,out] ctx The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in,out] context The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in] v0 Triangle vertex 0 [(x, y, z)]
/// @param[in] v1 Triangle vertex 1 [(x, y, z)]
/// @param[in] v2 Triangle vertex 2 [(x, y, z)]
/// @param[in] area The area id of the triangle. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA]
/// @param[in,out] solid An initialized heightfield.
/// @param[in] flagMergeThr The distance where the walkable flag is favored over the non-walkable flag.
/// @param[in] areaID The area id of the triangle. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA]
/// @param[in,out] heightfield An initialized heightfield.
/// @param[in] flagMergeThreshold The distance where the walkable flag is favored over the non-walkable flag.
/// [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
/// @returns True if the operation completed successfully.
bool rcRasterizeTriangle(rcContext* ctx, const float* v0, const float* v1, const float* v2,
const unsigned char area, rcHeightfield& solid,
const int flagMergeThr = 1);
bool rcRasterizeTriangle(rcContext* context,
const float* v0, const float* v1, const float* v2,
unsigned char areaID, rcHeightfield& heightfield, int flagMergeThreshold = 1);
/// Rasterizes an indexed triangle mesh into the specified heightfield.
/// Spans will only be added for triangles that overlap the heightfield grid.
/// @see rcHeightfield
/// @ingroup recast
/// @param[in,out] ctx The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in,out] context The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in] verts The vertices. [(x, y, z) * @p nv]
/// @param[in] nv The number of vertices.
/// @param[in] numVerts The number of vertices. (unused) TODO (graham): Remove in next major release
/// @param[in] tris The triangle indices. [(vertA, vertB, vertC) * @p nt]
/// @param[in] areas The area id's of the triangles. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA] [Size: @p nt]
/// @param[in] nt The number of triangles.
/// @param[in,out] solid An initialized heightfield.
/// @param[in] flagMergeThr The distance where the walkable flag is favored over the non-walkable flag.
/// @param[in] triAreaIDs The area id's of the triangles. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA] [Size: @p nt]
/// @param[in] numTris The number of triangles.
/// @param[in,out] heightfield An initialized heightfield.
/// @param[in] flagMergeThreshold The distance where the walkable flag is favored over the non-walkable flag.
/// [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
/// @returns True if the operation completed successfully.
bool rcRasterizeTriangles(rcContext* ctx, const float* verts, const int nv,
const int* tris, const unsigned char* areas, const int nt,
rcHeightfield& solid, const int flagMergeThr = 1);
bool rcRasterizeTriangles(rcContext* context,
const float* verts, int numVerts,
const int* tris, const unsigned char* triAreaIDs, int numTris,
rcHeightfield& heightfield, int flagMergeThreshold = 1);
/// Rasterizes an indexed triangle mesh into the specified heightfield.
/// Spans will only be added for triangles that overlap the heightfield grid.
/// @see rcHeightfield
/// @ingroup recast
/// @param[in,out] ctx The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in,out] context The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in] verts The vertices. [(x, y, z) * @p nv]
/// @param[in] nv The number of vertices.
/// @param[in] numVerts The number of vertices. (unused) TODO (graham): Remove in next major release
/// @param[in] tris The triangle indices. [(vertA, vertB, vertC) * @p nt]
/// @param[in] areas The area id's of the triangles. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA] [Size: @p nt]
/// @param[in] nt The number of triangles.
/// @param[in,out] solid An initialized heightfield.
/// @param[in] flagMergeThr The distance where the walkable flag is favored over the non-walkable flag.
/// @param[in] triAreaIDs The area id's of the triangles. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA] [Size: @p nt]
/// @param[in] numTris The number of triangles.
/// @param[in,out] heightfield An initialized heightfield.
/// @param[in] flagMergeThreshold The distance where the walkable flag is favored over the non-walkable flag.
/// [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
/// @returns True if the operation completed successfully.
bool rcRasterizeTriangles(rcContext* ctx, const float* verts, const int nv,
const unsigned short* tris, const unsigned char* areas, const int nt,
rcHeightfield& solid, const int flagMergeThr = 1);
bool rcRasterizeTriangles(rcContext* context,
const float* verts, int numVerts,
const unsigned short* tris, const unsigned char* triAreaIDs, int numTris,
rcHeightfield& heightfield, int flagMergeThreshold = 1);
/// Rasterizes triangles into the specified heightfield.
/// Rasterizes a triangle list into the specified heightfield.
/// Expects each triangle to be specified as three sequential vertices of 3 floats.
/// Spans will only be added for triangles that overlap the heightfield grid.
/// @see rcHeightfield
/// @ingroup recast
/// @param[in,out] ctx The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in,out] context The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in] verts The triangle vertices. [(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, by, cx) * @p nt]
/// @param[in] areas The area id's of the triangles. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA] [Size: @p nt]
/// @param[in] nt The number of triangles.
/// @param[in,out] solid An initialized heightfield.
/// @param[in] flagMergeThr The distance where the walkable flag is favored over the non-walkable flag.
/// @param[in] triAreaIDs The area id's of the triangles. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA] [Size: @p nt]
/// @param[in] numTris The number of triangles.
/// @param[in,out] heightfield An initialized heightfield.
/// @param[in] flagMergeThreshold The distance where the walkable flag is favored over the non-walkable flag.
/// [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
/// @returns True if the operation completed successfully.
bool rcRasterizeTriangles(rcContext* ctx, const float* verts, const unsigned char* areas, const int nt,
rcHeightfield& solid, const int flagMergeThr = 1);
bool rcRasterizeTriangles(rcContext* context,
const float* verts, const unsigned char* triAreaIDs, int numTris,
rcHeightfield& heightfield, int flagMergeThreshold = 1);
/// Marks non-walkable spans as walkable if their maximum is within @p walkableClimp of a walkable neighbor.
/// Marks non-walkable spans as walkable if their maximum is within @p walkableClimb of a walkable neighbor.
/// Allows the formation of walkable regions that will flow over low lying
/// objects such as curbs, and up structures such as stairways.
/// Two neighboring spans are walkable if: <tt>rcAbs(currentSpan.smax - neighborSpan.smax) < waklableClimb</tt>
/// @warning Will override the effect of #rcFilterLedgeSpans. So if both filters are used, call
/// #rcFilterLedgeSpans after calling this filter.
/// @see rcHeightfield, rcConfig
/// @ingroup recast
/// @param[in,out] ctx The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in,out] context The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in] walkableClimb Maximum ledge height that is considered to still be traversable.
/// [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
/// @param[in,out] solid A fully built heightfield. (All spans have been added.)
void rcFilterLowHangingWalkableObstacles(rcContext* ctx, const int walkableClimb, rcHeightfield& solid);
/// @param[in,out] heightfield A fully built heightfield. (All spans have been added.)
void rcFilterLowHangingWalkableObstacles(rcContext* context, int walkableClimb, rcHeightfield& heightfield);
/// Marks spans that are ledges as not-walkable.
/// A ledge is a span with one or more neighbors whose maximum is further away than @p walkableClimb
/// from the current span's maximum.
/// This method removes the impact of the overestimation of conservative voxelization
/// so the resulting mesh will not have regions hanging in the air over ledges.
/// A span is a ledge if: <tt>rcAbs(currentSpan.smax - neighborSpan.smax) > walkableClimb</tt>
/// @see rcHeightfield, rcConfig
/// @ingroup recast
/// @param[in,out] ctx The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in,out] context The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in] walkableHeight Minimum floor to 'ceiling' height that will still allow the floor area to
/// be considered walkable. [Limit: >= 3] [Units: vx]
/// @param[in] walkableClimb Maximum ledge height that is considered to still be traversable.
/// [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
/// @param[in,out] solid A fully built heightfield. (All spans have been added.)
void rcFilterLedgeSpans(rcContext* ctx, const int walkableHeight,
const int walkableClimb, rcHeightfield& solid);
/// @param[in,out] heightfield A fully built heightfield. (All spans have been added.)
void rcFilterLedgeSpans(rcContext* context, int walkableHeight, int walkableClimb, rcHeightfield& heightfield);
/// Marks walkable spans as not walkable if the clearence above the span is less than the specified height.
/// Marks walkable spans as not walkable if the clearance above the span is less than the specified height.
/// For this filter, the clearance above the span is the distance from the span's
/// maximum to the next higher span's minimum. (Same grid column.)
/// @see rcHeightfield, rcConfig
/// @ingroup recast
/// @param[in,out] ctx The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in,out] context The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in] walkableHeight Minimum floor to 'ceiling' height that will still allow the floor area to
/// be considered walkable. [Limit: >= 3] [Units: vx]
/// @param[in,out] solid A fully built heightfield. (All spans have been added.)
void rcFilterWalkableLowHeightSpans(rcContext* ctx, int walkableHeight, rcHeightfield& solid);
/// @param[in,out] heightfield A fully built heightfield. (All spans have been added.)
void rcFilterWalkableLowHeightSpans(rcContext* context, int walkableHeight, rcHeightfield& heightfield);
/// Returns the number of spans contained in the specified heightfield.
/// @ingroup recast
/// @param[in,out] ctx The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in] hf An initialized heightfield.
/// @param[in,out] context The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in] heightfield An initialized heightfield.
/// @returns The number of spans in the heightfield.
int rcGetHeightFieldSpanCount(rcContext* ctx, rcHeightfield& hf);
int rcGetHeightFieldSpanCount(rcContext* context, const rcHeightfield& heightfield);
/// @}
/// @name Compact Heightfield Functions
@ -940,17 +1064,26 @@ int rcGetHeightFieldSpanCount(rcContext* ctx, rcHeightfield& hf);
/// @{
/// Builds a compact heightfield representing open space, from a heightfield representing solid space.
/// This is just the beginning of the process of fully building a compact heightfield.
/// Various filters may be applied, then the distance field and regions built.
/// E.g: #rcBuildDistanceField and #rcBuildRegions
/// See the #rcConfig documentation for more information on the configuration parameters.
/// @see rcAllocCompactHeightfield, rcHeightfield, rcCompactHeightfield, rcConfig
/// @ingroup recast
/// @param[in,out] ctx The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in,out] context The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in] walkableHeight Minimum floor to 'ceiling' height that will still allow the floor area
/// to be considered walkable. [Limit: >= 3] [Units: vx]
/// @param[in] walkableClimb Maximum ledge height that is considered to still be traversable.
/// [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
/// @param[in] hf The heightfield to be compacted.
/// @param[out] chf The resulting compact heightfield. (Must be pre-allocated.)
/// @param[in] heightfield The heightfield to be compacted.
/// @param[out] compactHeightfield The resulting compact heightfield. (Must be pre-allocated.)
/// @returns True if the operation completed successfully.
bool rcBuildCompactHeightfield(rcContext* ctx, const int walkableHeight, const int walkableClimb,
rcHeightfield& hf, rcCompactHeightfield& chf);
bool rcBuildCompactHeightfield(rcContext* context, int walkableHeight, int walkableClimb,
const rcHeightfield& heightfield, rcCompactHeightfield& compactHeightfield);
/// Erodes the walkable area within the heightfield by the specified radius.
/// @ingroup recast
@ -1031,8 +1164,7 @@ bool rcBuildDistanceField(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf);
/// @param[in] mergeRegionArea Any regions with a span count smaller than this value will, if possible,
/// be merged with larger regions. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
/// @returns True if the operation completed successfully.
bool rcBuildRegions(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
const int borderSize, const int minRegionArea, const int mergeRegionArea);
bool rcBuildRegions(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf, int borderSize, int minRegionArea, int mergeRegionArea);
/// Builds region data for the heightfield by partitioning the heightfield in non-overlapping layers.
/// @ingroup recast
@ -1043,8 +1175,7 @@ bool rcBuildRegions(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
/// @param[in] minRegionArea The minimum number of cells allowed to form isolated island areas.
/// [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx].
/// @returns True if the operation completed successfully.
bool rcBuildLayerRegions(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
const int borderSize, const int minRegionArea);
bool rcBuildLayerRegions(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf, int borderSize, int minRegionArea);
/// Builds region data for the heightfield using simple monotone partitioning.
/// @ingroup recast
@ -1058,58 +1189,56 @@ bool rcBuildLayerRegions(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
/// be merged with larger regions. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
/// @returns True if the operation completed successfully.
bool rcBuildRegionsMonotone(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
const int borderSize, const int minRegionArea, const int mergeRegionArea);
int borderSize, int minRegionArea, int mergeRegionArea);
/// Sets the neighbor connection data for the specified direction.
/// @param[in] s The span to update.
/// @param[in] dir The direction to set. [Limits: 0 <= value < 4]
/// @param[in] i The index of the neighbor span.
inline void rcSetCon(rcCompactSpan& s, int dir, int i)
/// @param[in] span The span to update.
/// @param[in] direction The direction to set. [Limits: 0 <= value < 4]
/// @param[in] neighborIndex The index of the neighbor span.
inline void rcSetCon(rcCompactSpan& span, int direction, int neighborIndex)
const unsigned int shift = (unsigned int)dir*6;
unsigned int con = s.con;
s.con = (con & ~(0x3f << shift)) | (((unsigned int)i & 0x3f) << shift);
const unsigned int shift = (unsigned int)direction * 6;
const unsigned int con = span.con;
span.con = (con & ~(0x3f << shift)) | (((unsigned int)neighborIndex & 0x3f) << shift);
/// Gets neighbor connection data for the specified direction.
/// @param[in] s The span to check.
/// @param[in] dir The direction to check. [Limits: 0 <= value < 4]
/// @return The neighbor connection data for the specified direction,
/// or #RC_NOT_CONNECTED if there is no connection.
inline int rcGetCon(const rcCompactSpan& s, int dir)
/// @param[in] span The span to check.
/// @param[in] direction The direction to check. [Limits: 0 <= value < 4]
/// @return The neighbor connection data for the specified direction, or #RC_NOT_CONNECTED if there is no connection.
inline int rcGetCon(const rcCompactSpan& span, int direction)
const unsigned int shift = (unsigned int)dir*6;
return (s.con >> shift) & 0x3f;
const unsigned int shift = (unsigned int)direction * 6;
return (span.con >> shift) & 0x3f;
/// Gets the standard width (x-axis) offset for the specified direction.
/// @param[in] dir The direction. [Limits: 0 <= value < 4]
/// @return The width offset to apply to the current cell position to move
/// in the direction.
inline int rcGetDirOffsetX(int dir)
/// @param[in] direction The direction. [Limits: 0 <= value < 4]
/// @return The width offset to apply to the current cell position to move in the direction.
inline int rcGetDirOffsetX(int direction)
static const int offset[4] = { -1, 0, 1, 0, };
return offset[dir&0x03];
return offset[direction & 0x03];
// TODO (graham): Rename this to rcGetDirOffsetZ
/// Gets the standard height (z-axis) offset for the specified direction.
/// @param[in] dir The direction. [Limits: 0 <= value < 4]
/// @return The height offset to apply to the current cell position to move
/// in the direction.
inline int rcGetDirOffsetY(int dir)
/// @param[in] direction The direction. [Limits: 0 <= value < 4]
/// @return The height offset to apply to the current cell position to move in the direction.
inline int rcGetDirOffsetY(int direction)
static const int offset[4] = { 0, 1, 0, -1 };
return offset[dir&0x03];
return offset[direction & 0x03];
/// Gets the direction for the specified offset. One of x and y should be 0.
/// @param[in] x The x offset. [Limits: -1 <= value <= 1]
/// @param[in] y The y offset. [Limits: -1 <= value <= 1]
/// @param[in] offsetX The x offset. [Limits: -1 <= value <= 1]
/// @param[in] offsetZ The z offset. [Limits: -1 <= value <= 1]
/// @return The direction that represents the offset.
inline int rcGetDirForOffset(int x, int y)
inline int rcGetDirForOffset(int offsetX, int offsetZ)
static const int dirs[5] = { 3, 0, -1, 2, 1 };
return dirs[((y+1)<<1)+x];
return dirs[((offsetZ + 1) << 1) + offsetX];
/// @}
@ -1127,24 +1256,24 @@ inline int rcGetDirForOffset(int x, int y)
/// to be considered walkable. [Limit: >= 3] [Units: vx]
/// @param[out] lset The resulting layer set. (Must be pre-allocated.)
/// @returns True if the operation completed successfully.
bool rcBuildHeightfieldLayers(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
const int borderSize, const int walkableHeight,
bool rcBuildHeightfieldLayers(rcContext* ctx, const rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
int borderSize, int walkableHeight,
rcHeightfieldLayerSet& lset);
/// Builds a contour set from the region outlines in the provided compact heightfield.
/// @ingroup recast
/// @param[in,out] ctx The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in] chf A fully built compact heightfield.
/// @param[in] maxError The maximum distance a simplfied contour's border edges should deviate
/// @param[in] maxError The maximum distance a simplified contour's border edges should deviate
/// the original raw contour. [Limit: >=0] [Units: wu]
/// @param[in] maxEdgeLen The maximum allowed length for contour edges along the border of the mesh.
/// [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
/// @param[out] cset The resulting contour set. (Must be pre-allocated.)
/// @param[in] buildFlags The build flags. (See: #rcBuildContoursFlags)
/// @returns True if the operation completed successfully.
bool rcBuildContours(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
const float maxError, const int maxEdgeLen,
rcContourSet& cset, const int buildFlags = RC_CONTOUR_TESS_WALL_EDGES);
bool rcBuildContours(rcContext* ctx, const rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
float maxError, int maxEdgeLen,
rcContourSet& cset, int buildFlags = RC_CONTOUR_TESS_WALL_EDGES);
/// Builds a polygon mesh from the provided contours.
/// @ingroup recast
@ -1154,7 +1283,7 @@ bool rcBuildContours(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
/// contour to polygon conversion process. [Limit: >= 3]
/// @param[out] mesh The resulting polygon mesh. (Must be re-allocated.)
/// @returns True if the operation completed successfully.
bool rcBuildPolyMesh(rcContext* ctx, rcContourSet& cset, const int nvp, rcPolyMesh& mesh);
bool rcBuildPolyMesh(rcContext* ctx, const rcContourSet& cset, const int nvp, rcPolyMesh& mesh);
/// Merges multiple polygon meshes into a single mesh.
/// @ingroup recast
@ -1170,13 +1299,13 @@ bool rcMergePolyMeshes(rcContext* ctx, rcPolyMesh** meshes, const int nmeshes, r
/// @param[in,out] ctx The build context to use during the operation.
/// @param[in] mesh A fully built polygon mesh.
/// @param[in] chf The compact heightfield used to build the polygon mesh.
/// @param[in] sampleDist Sets the distance to use when samping the heightfield. [Limit: >=0] [Units: wu]
/// @param[in] sampleDist Sets the distance to use when sampling the heightfield. [Limit: >=0] [Units: wu]
/// @param[in] sampleMaxError The maximum distance the detail mesh surface should deviate from
/// heightfield data. [Limit: >=0] [Units: wu]
/// @param[out] dmesh The resulting detail mesh. (Must be pre-allocated.)
/// @returns True if the operation completed successfully.
bool rcBuildPolyMeshDetail(rcContext* ctx, const rcPolyMesh& mesh, const rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
const float sampleDist, const float sampleMaxError,
float sampleDist, float sampleMaxError,
rcPolyMeshDetail& dmesh);
/// Copies the poly mesh data from src to dst.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Mikko Mononen memon@inside.org
@ -18,14 +16,14 @@
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "RecastAssert.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/// Provides hint values to the memory allocator on how long the
/// memory is expected to be used.
enum rcAllocHint
@ -49,18 +47,27 @@ typedef void (rcFreeFunc)(void* ptr);
/// Sets the base custom allocation functions to be used by Recast.
/// @param[in] allocFunc The memory allocation function to be used by #rcAlloc
/// @param[in] freeFunc The memory de-allocation function to be used by #rcFree
/// @see rcAlloc, rcFree
void rcAllocSetCustom(rcAllocFunc *allocFunc, rcFreeFunc *freeFunc);
/// Allocates a memory block.
/// @param[in] size The size, in bytes of memory, to allocate.
/// @param[in] hint A hint to the allocator on how long the memory is expected to be in use.
/// @return A pointer to the beginning of the allocated memory block, or null if the allocation failed.
/// @see rcFree
/// @see rcFree, rcAllocSetCustom
void* rcAlloc(size_t size, rcAllocHint hint);
/// Deallocates a memory block.
/// Deallocates a memory block. If @p ptr is NULL, this does nothing.
/// @warning This function leaves the value of @p ptr unchanged. So it still
/// points to the same (now invalid) location, and not to null.
/// @param[in] ptr A pointer to a memory block previously allocated using #rcAlloc.
/// @see rcAlloc
/// @see rcAlloc, rcAllocSetCustom
void rcFree(void* ptr);
/// An implementation of operator new usable for placement new. The default one is part of STL (which we don't use).
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Mikko Mononen memon@inside.org
@ -18,15 +16,12 @@
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
// Note: This header file's only purpose is to include define assert.
// Feel free to change the file and include your own implementation instead.
#ifdef NDEBUG
// From http://cnicholson.net/2009/02/stupid-c-tricks-adventures-in-assert/
// From https://web.archive.org/web/20210117002833/http://cnicholson.net/2009/02/stupid-c-tricks-adventures-in-assert/
# define rcAssert(x) do { (void)sizeof(x); } while ((void)(__LINE__==-1), false)
@ -16,25 +16,23 @@
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "Recast.h"
#include "RecastAlloc.h"
#include "RecastAssert.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
/// Allocates and constructs an object of the given type, returning a pointer.
/// TODO: Support constructor args.
/// @param[in] hint Hint to the allocator.
/// @param[in] allocLifetime Allocation lifetime hint
template<typename T>
T* rcNew(rcAllocHint hint) {
T* ptr = (T*)rcAlloc(sizeof(T), hint);
T* rcNew(const rcAllocHint allocLifetime)
T* ptr = (T*)rcAlloc(sizeof(T), allocLifetime);
::new(rcNewTag(), (void*)ptr) T();
return ptr;
@ -42,55 +40,41 @@ T* rcNew(rcAllocHint hint) {
/// Destroys and frees an object allocated with rcNew.
/// @param[in] ptr The object pointer to delete.
template<typename T>
void rcDelete(T* ptr) {
if (ptr) {
void rcDelete(T* ptr)
if (ptr)
} // namespace
} // anonymous namespace
float rcSqrt(float x)
return sqrtf(x);
/// @class rcContext
/// @par
/// This class does not provide logging or timer functionality on its
/// own. Both must be provided by a concrete implementation
/// by overriding the protected member functions. Also, this class does not
/// provide an interface for extracting log messages. (Only adding them.)
/// So concrete implementations must provide one.
/// If no logging or timers are required, just pass an instance of this
/// class through the Recast build process.
/// @par
/// Example:
/// @code
/// // Where ctx is an instance of rcContext and filepath is a char array.
/// ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTiledNavigation: Could not load '%s'", filepath);
/// @endcode
void rcContext::log(const rcLogCategory category, const char* format, ...)
if (!m_logEnabled)
static const int MSG_SIZE = 512;
char msg[MSG_SIZE];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
int len = vsnprintf(msg, MSG_SIZE, format, ap);
va_list argList;
va_start(argList, format);
int len = vsnprintf(msg, MSG_SIZE, format, argList);
if (len >= MSG_SIZE)
len = MSG_SIZE - 1;
msg[MSG_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
const char* errorMessage = "Log message was truncated";
doLog(RC_LOG_ERROR, errorMessage, (int)strlen(errorMessage));
doLog(category, msg, len);
@ -103,6 +87,12 @@ rcHeightfield* rcAllocHeightfield()
return rcNew<rcHeightfield>(RC_ALLOC_PERM);
void rcFreeHeightField(rcHeightfield* heightfield)
: width()
, height()
@ -129,40 +119,36 @@ rcHeightfield::~rcHeightfield()
void rcFreeHeightField(rcHeightfield* hf)
rcCompactHeightfield* rcAllocCompactHeightfield()
return rcNew<rcCompactHeightfield>(RC_ALLOC_PERM);
void rcFreeCompactHeightfield(rcCompactHeightfield* chf)
void rcFreeCompactHeightfield(rcCompactHeightfield* compactHeightfield)
: width(),
: width()
, height()
, spanCount()
, walkableHeight()
, walkableClimb()
, borderSize()
, maxDistance()
, maxRegions()
, bmin()
, bmax()
, cs()
, ch()
, cells()
, spans()
, dist()
, areas()
@ -175,13 +161,18 @@ rcHeightfieldLayerSet* rcAllocHeightfieldLayerSet()
return rcNew<rcHeightfieldLayerSet>(RC_ALLOC_PERM);
void rcFreeHeightfieldLayerSet(rcHeightfieldLayerSet* lset)
void rcFreeHeightfieldLayerSet(rcHeightfieldLayerSet* layerSet)
: layers(), nlayers() {}
: layers()
, nlayers()
for (int i = 0; i < nlayers; ++i)
@ -198,22 +189,26 @@ rcContourSet* rcAllocContourSet()
return rcNew<rcContourSet>(RC_ALLOC_PERM);
void rcFreeContourSet(rcContourSet* cset)
void rcFreeContourSet(rcContourSet* contourSet)
: conts(),
maxError() {}
: conts()
, nconts()
, bmin()
, bmax()
, cs()
, ch()
, width()
, height()
, borderSize()
, maxError()
for (int i = 0; i < nconts; ++i)
@ -224,32 +219,34 @@ rcContourSet::~rcContourSet()
rcPolyMesh* rcAllocPolyMesh()
return rcNew<rcPolyMesh>(RC_ALLOC_PERM);
void rcFreePolyMesh(rcPolyMesh* pmesh)
void rcFreePolyMesh(rcPolyMesh* polyMesh)
: verts(),
maxEdgeError() {}
: verts()
, polys()
, regs()
, flags()
, areas()
, nverts()
, npolys()
, maxpolys()
, nvp()
, bmin()
, bmax()
, cs()
, ch()
, borderSize()
, maxEdgeError()
@ -262,145 +259,140 @@ rcPolyMesh::~rcPolyMesh()
rcPolyMeshDetail* rcAllocPolyMeshDetail()
rcPolyMeshDetail* dmesh = (rcPolyMeshDetail*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcPolyMeshDetail), RC_ALLOC_PERM);
memset(dmesh, 0, sizeof(rcPolyMeshDetail));
return dmesh;
return rcNew<rcPolyMeshDetail>(RC_ALLOC_PERM);
void rcFreePolyMeshDetail(rcPolyMeshDetail* dmesh)
void rcFreePolyMeshDetail(rcPolyMeshDetail* detailMesh)
if (!dmesh) return;
if (detailMesh == NULL)
void rcCalcBounds(const float* verts, int nv, float* bmin, float* bmax)
: meshes()
, verts()
, tris()
, nmeshes()
, nverts()
, ntris()
void rcCalcBounds(const float* verts, int numVerts, float* minBounds, float* maxBounds)
// Calculate bounding box.
rcVcopy(bmin, verts);
rcVcopy(bmax, verts);
for (int i = 1; i < nv; ++i)
rcVcopy(minBounds, verts);
rcVcopy(maxBounds, verts);
for (int i = 1; i < numVerts; ++i)
const float* v = &verts[i * 3];
rcVmin(bmin, v);
rcVmax(bmax, v);
rcVmin(minBounds, v);
rcVmax(maxBounds, v);
void rcCalcGridSize(const float* bmin, const float* bmax, float cs, int* w, int* h)
void rcCalcGridSize(const float* minBounds, const float* maxBounds, const float cellSize, int* sizeX, int* sizeZ)
*w = (int)((bmax[0] - bmin[0])/cs+0.5f);
*h = (int)((bmax[2] - bmin[2])/cs+0.5f);
*sizeX = (int)((maxBounds[0] - minBounds[0]) / cellSize + 0.5f);
*sizeZ = (int)((maxBounds[2] - minBounds[2]) / cellSize + 0.5f);
/// @par
/// See the #rcConfig documentation for more information on the configuration parameters.
/// @see rcAllocHeightfield, rcHeightfield
bool rcCreateHeightfield(rcContext* ctx, rcHeightfield& hf, int width, int height,
const float* bmin, const float* bmax,
float cs, float ch)
bool rcCreateHeightfield(rcContext* context, rcHeightfield& heightfield, int sizeX, int sizeZ,
const float* minBounds, const float* maxBounds,
float cellSize, float cellHeight)
hf.width = width;
hf.height = height;
rcVcopy(hf.bmin, bmin);
rcVcopy(hf.bmax, bmax);
hf.cs = cs;
hf.ch = ch;
hf.spans = (rcSpan**)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcSpan*)*hf.width*hf.height, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
if (!hf.spans)
heightfield.width = sizeX;
heightfield.height = sizeZ;
rcVcopy(heightfield.bmin, minBounds);
rcVcopy(heightfield.bmax, maxBounds);
heightfield.cs = cellSize;
heightfield.ch = cellHeight;
heightfield.spans = (rcSpan**)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcSpan*) * heightfield.width * heightfield.height, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
if (!heightfield.spans)
return false;
memset(hf.spans, 0, sizeof(rcSpan*)*hf.width*hf.height);
memset(heightfield.spans, 0, sizeof(rcSpan*) * heightfield.width * heightfield.height);
return true;
static void calcTriNormal(const float* v0, const float* v1, const float* v2, float* norm)
static void calcTriNormal(const float* v0, const float* v1, const float* v2, float* faceNormal)
float e0[3], e1[3];
rcVsub(e0, v1, v0);
rcVsub(e1, v2, v0);
rcVcross(norm, e0, e1);
rcVcross(faceNormal, e0, e1);
/// @par
/// Only sets the area id's for the walkable triangles. Does not alter the
/// area id's for unwalkable triangles.
/// See the #rcConfig documentation for more information on the configuration parameters.
/// @see rcHeightfield, rcClearUnwalkableTriangles, rcRasterizeTriangles
void rcMarkWalkableTriangles(rcContext* ctx, const float walkableSlopeAngle,
const float* verts, int nv,
const int* tris, int nt,
unsigned char* areas)
void rcMarkWalkableTriangles(rcContext* context, const float walkableSlopeAngle,
const float* verts, const int numVerts,
const int* tris, const int numTris,
unsigned char* triAreaIDs)
const float walkableThr = cosf(walkableSlopeAngle / 180.0f * RC_PI);
float norm[3];
for (int i = 0; i < nt; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < numTris; ++i)
const int* tri = &tris[i * 3];
calcTriNormal(&verts[tri[0] * 3], &verts[tri[1] * 3], &verts[tri[2] * 3], norm);
// Check if the face is walkable.
if (norm[1] > walkableThr)
areas[i] = RC_WALKABLE_AREA;
/// @par
/// Only sets the area id's for the unwalkable triangles. Does not alter the
/// area id's for walkable triangles.
/// See the #rcConfig documentation for more information on the configuration parameters.
/// @see rcHeightfield, rcClearUnwalkableTriangles, rcRasterizeTriangles
void rcClearUnwalkableTriangles(rcContext* ctx, const float walkableSlopeAngle,
const float* verts, int /*nv*/,
const int* tris, int nt,
unsigned char* areas)
const float walkableThr = cosf(walkableSlopeAngle/180.0f*RC_PI);
void rcClearUnwalkableTriangles(rcContext* context, const float walkableSlopeAngle,
const float* verts, int numVerts,
const int* tris, int numTris,
unsigned char* triAreaIDs)
float norm[3];
// The minimum Y value for a face normal of a triangle with a walkable slope.
const float walkableLimitY = cosf(walkableSlopeAngle / 180.0f * RC_PI);
for (int i = 0; i < nt; ++i)
float faceNormal[3];
for (int i = 0; i < numTris; ++i)
const int* tri = &tris[i * 3];
calcTriNormal(&verts[tri[0]*3], &verts[tri[1]*3], &verts[tri[2]*3], norm);
calcTriNormal(&verts[tri[0] * 3], &verts[tri[1] * 3], &verts[tri[2] * 3], faceNormal);
// Check if the face is walkable.
if (norm[1] <= walkableThr)
areas[i] = RC_NULL_AREA;
int rcGetHeightFieldSpanCount(rcContext* ctx, rcHeightfield& hf)
if (faceNormal[1] <= walkableLimitY)
triAreaIDs[i] = RC_NULL_AREA;
const int w = hf.width;
const int h = hf.height;
int rcGetHeightFieldSpanCount(rcContext* context, const rcHeightfield& heightfield)
const int numCols = heightfield.width * heightfield.height;
int spanCount = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < numCols; ++columnIndex)
for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
for (rcSpan* span = heightfield.spans[columnIndex]; span != NULL; span = span->next)
for (rcSpan* s = hf.spans[x + y*w]; s; s = s->next)
if (span->area != RC_NULL_AREA)
if (s->area != RC_NULL_AREA)
@ -408,173 +400,143 @@ int rcGetHeightFieldSpanCount(rcContext* ctx, rcHeightfield& hf)
return spanCount;
/// @par
/// This is just the beginning of the process of fully building a compact heightfield.
/// Various filters may be applied, then the distance field and regions built.
/// E.g: #rcBuildDistanceField and #rcBuildRegions
/// See the #rcConfig documentation for more information on the configuration parameters.
/// @see rcAllocCompactHeightfield, rcHeightfield, rcCompactHeightfield, rcConfig
bool rcBuildCompactHeightfield(rcContext* ctx, const int walkableHeight, const int walkableClimb,
rcHeightfield& hf, rcCompactHeightfield& chf)
bool rcBuildCompactHeightfield(rcContext* context, const int walkableHeight, const int walkableClimb,
const rcHeightfield& heightfield, rcCompactHeightfield& compactHeightfield)
rcScopedTimer timer(context, RC_TIMER_BUILD_COMPACTHEIGHTFIELD);
const int w = hf.width;
const int h = hf.height;
const int spanCount = rcGetHeightFieldSpanCount(ctx, hf);
const int xSize = heightfield.width;
const int zSize = heightfield.height;
const int spanCount = rcGetHeightFieldSpanCount(context, heightfield);
// Fill in header.
chf.width = w;
chf.height = h;
chf.spanCount = spanCount;
chf.walkableHeight = walkableHeight;
chf.walkableClimb = walkableClimb;
chf.maxRegions = 0;
rcVcopy(chf.bmin, hf.bmin);
rcVcopy(chf.bmax, hf.bmax);
chf.bmax[1] += walkableHeight*hf.ch;
chf.cs = hf.cs;
chf.ch = hf.ch;
chf.cells = (rcCompactCell*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcCompactCell)*w*h, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
if (!chf.cells)
compactHeightfield.width = xSize;
compactHeightfield.height = zSize;
compactHeightfield.spanCount = spanCount;
compactHeightfield.walkableHeight = walkableHeight;
compactHeightfield.walkableClimb = walkableClimb;
compactHeightfield.maxRegions = 0;
rcVcopy(compactHeightfield.bmin, heightfield.bmin);
rcVcopy(compactHeightfield.bmax, heightfield.bmax);
compactHeightfield.bmax[1] += walkableHeight * heightfield.ch;
compactHeightfield.cs = heightfield.cs;
compactHeightfield.ch = heightfield.ch;
compactHeightfield.cells = (rcCompactCell*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcCompactCell) * xSize * zSize, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
if (!compactHeightfield.cells)
ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildCompactHeightfield: Out of memory 'chf.cells' (%d)", w*h);
context->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildCompactHeightfield: Out of memory 'chf.cells' (%d)", xSize * zSize);
return false;
memset(chf.cells, 0, sizeof(rcCompactCell)*w*h);
chf.spans = (rcCompactSpan*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcCompactSpan)*spanCount, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
if (!chf.spans)
memset(compactHeightfield.cells, 0, sizeof(rcCompactCell) * xSize * zSize);
compactHeightfield.spans = (rcCompactSpan*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcCompactSpan) * spanCount, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
if (!compactHeightfield.spans)
ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildCompactHeightfield: Out of memory 'chf.spans' (%d)", spanCount);
context->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildCompactHeightfield: Out of memory 'chf.spans' (%d)", spanCount);
return false;
memset(chf.spans, 0, sizeof(rcCompactSpan)*spanCount);
chf.areas = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*spanCount, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
if (!chf.areas)
memset(compactHeightfield.spans, 0, sizeof(rcCompactSpan) * spanCount);
compactHeightfield.areas = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * spanCount, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
if (!compactHeightfield.areas)
ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildCompactHeightfield: Out of memory 'chf.areas' (%d)", spanCount);
context->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildCompactHeightfield: Out of memory 'chf.areas' (%d)", spanCount);
return false;
memset(chf.areas, RC_NULL_AREA, sizeof(unsigned char)*spanCount);
memset(compactHeightfield.areas, RC_NULL_AREA, sizeof(unsigned char) * spanCount);
const int MAX_HEIGHT = 0xffff;
// Fill in cells and spans.
int idx = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
int currentCellIndex = 0;
const int numColumns = xSize * zSize;
for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < numColumns; ++columnIndex)
for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
const rcSpan* s = hf.spans[x + y*w];
const rcSpan* span = heightfield.spans[columnIndex];
// If there are no spans at this cell, just leave the data to index=0, count=0.
if (!s) continue;
rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];
c.index = idx;
c.count = 0;
while (s)
if (span == NULL)
if (s->area != RC_NULL_AREA)
const int bot = (int)s->smax;
const int top = s->next ? (int)s->next->smin : MAX_HEIGHT;
chf.spans[idx].y = (unsigned short)rcClamp(bot, 0, 0xffff);
chf.spans[idx].h = (unsigned char)rcClamp(top - bot, 0, 0xff);
chf.areas[idx] = s->area;
s = s->next;
rcCompactCell& cell = compactHeightfield.cells[columnIndex];
cell.index = currentCellIndex;
cell.count = 0;
for (; span != NULL; span = span->next)
if (span->area != RC_NULL_AREA)
const int bot = (int)span->smax;
const int top = span->next ? (int)span->next->smin : MAX_HEIGHT;
compactHeightfield.spans[currentCellIndex].y = (unsigned short)rcClamp(bot, 0, 0xffff);
compactHeightfield.spans[currentCellIndex].h = (unsigned char)rcClamp(top - bot, 0, 0xff);
compactHeightfield.areas[currentCellIndex] = span->area;
// Find neighbour connections.
int tooHighNeighbour = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
int maxLayerIndex = 0;
const int zStride = xSize; // for readability
for (int z = 0; z < zSize; ++z)
for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
for (int x = 0; x < xSize; ++x)
const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];
for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
const rcCompactCell& cell = compactHeightfield.cells[x + z * zStride];
for (int i = (int)cell.index, ni = (int)(cell.index + cell.count); i < ni; ++i)
rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[i];
rcCompactSpan& span = compactHeightfield.spans[i];
for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; ++dir)
rcSetCon(s, dir, RC_NOT_CONNECTED);
const int nx = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(dir);
const int ny = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(dir);
rcSetCon(span, dir, RC_NOT_CONNECTED);
const int neighborX = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(dir);
const int neighborZ = z + rcGetDirOffsetY(dir);
// First check that the neighbour cell is in bounds.
if (nx < 0 || ny < 0 || nx >= w || ny >= h)
if (neighborX < 0 || neighborZ < 0 || neighborX >= xSize || neighborZ >= zSize)
// Iterate over all neighbour spans and check if any of the is
// accessible from current cell.
const rcCompactCell& nc = chf.cells[nx+ny*w];
for (int k = (int)nc.index, nk = (int)(nc.index+nc.count); k < nk; ++k)
const rcCompactCell& neighborCell = compactHeightfield.cells[neighborX + neighborZ * zStride];
for (int k = (int)neighborCell.index, nk = (int)(neighborCell.index + neighborCell.count); k < nk; ++k)
const rcCompactSpan& ns = chf.spans[k];
const int bot = rcMax(s.y, ns.y);
const int top = rcMin(s.y+s.h, ns.y+ns.h);
const rcCompactSpan& neighborSpan = compactHeightfield.spans[k];
const int bot = rcMax(span.y, neighborSpan.y);
const int top = rcMin(span.y + span.h, neighborSpan.y + neighborSpan.h);
// Check that the gap between the spans is walkable,
// and that the climb height between the gaps is not too high.
if ((top - bot) >= walkableHeight && rcAbs((int)ns.y - (int)s.y) <= walkableClimb)
if ((top - bot) >= walkableHeight && rcAbs((int)neighborSpan.y - (int)span.y) <= walkableClimb)
// Mark direction as walkable.
const int lidx = k - (int)nc.index;
if (lidx < 0 || lidx > MAX_LAYERS)
const int layerIndex = k - (int)neighborCell.index;
if (layerIndex < 0 || layerIndex > MAX_LAYERS)
tooHighNeighbour = rcMax(tooHighNeighbour, lidx);
maxLayerIndex = rcMax(maxLayerIndex, layerIndex);
rcSetCon(s, dir, lidx);
rcSetCon(span, dir, layerIndex);
if (tooHighNeighbour > MAX_LAYERS)
if (maxLayerIndex > MAX_LAYERS)
ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildCompactHeightfield: Heightfield has too many layers %d (max: %d)",
tooHighNeighbour, MAX_LAYERS);
context->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildCompactHeightfield: Heightfield has too many layers %d (max: %d)",
maxLayerIndex, MAX_LAYERS);
return true;
static int getHeightfieldMemoryUsage(const rcHeightfield& hf)
int size = 0;
size += sizeof(hf);
size += hf.width * hf.height * sizeof(rcSpan*);
rcSpanPool* pool = hf.pools;
while (pool)
size += (sizeof(rcSpanPool) - sizeof(rcSpan)) + sizeof(rcSpan)*RC_SPANS_PER_POOL;
pool = pool->next;
return size;
static int getCompactHeightFieldMemoryusage(const rcCompactHeightfield& chf)
int size = 0;
size += sizeof(rcCompactHeightfield);
size += sizeof(rcCompactSpan) * chf.spanCount;
size += sizeof(rcCompactCell) * chf.width * chf.height;
return size;
@ -16,10 +16,7 @@
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "RecastAlloc.h"
#include "RecastAssert.h"
static void* rcAllocDefault(size_t size, rcAllocHint)
@ -34,27 +31,21 @@ static void rcFreeDefault(void *ptr)
static rcAllocFunc* sRecastAllocFunc = rcAllocDefault;
static rcFreeFunc* sRecastFreeFunc = rcFreeDefault;
/// @see rcAlloc, rcFree
void rcAllocSetCustom(rcAllocFunc* allocFunc, rcFreeFunc* freeFunc)
sRecastAllocFunc = allocFunc ? allocFunc : rcAllocDefault;
sRecastFreeFunc = freeFunc ? freeFunc : rcFreeDefault;
/// @see rcAllocSetCustom
void* rcAlloc(size_t size, rcAllocHint hint)
return sRecastAllocFunc(size, hint);
/// @par
/// @warning This function leaves the value of @p ptr unchanged. So it still
/// points to the same (now invalid) location, and not to null.
/// @see rcAllocSetCustom
void rcFree(void* ptr)
if (ptr)
if (ptr != NULL)
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ static int getCornerHeight(int x, int y, int i, int dir,
static void walkContour(int x, int y, int i,
rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
const rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
unsigned char* flags, rcIntArray& points)
// Choose the first non-connected edge
@ -542,7 +541,7 @@ static bool vequal(const int* a, const int* b)
return a[0] == b[0] && a[2] == b[2];
static bool intersectSegCountour(const int* d0, const int* d1, int i, int n, const int* verts)
static bool intersectSegContour(const int* d0, const int* d1, int i, int n, const int* verts)
// For each edge (k,k+1) of P
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
@ -778,9 +777,9 @@ static void mergeRegionHoles(rcContext* ctx, rcContourRegion& region)
for (int j = 0; j < ndiags; j++)
const int* pt = &outline->verts[diags[j].vert*4];
bool intersect = intersectSegCountour(pt, corner, diags[i].vert, outline->nverts, outline->verts);
bool intersect = intersectSegContour(pt, corner, diags[i].vert, outline->nverts, outline->verts);
for (int k = i; k < region.nholes && !intersect; k++)
intersect |= intersectSegCountour(pt, corner, -1, region.holes[k].contour->nverts, region.holes[k].contour->verts);
intersect |= intersectSegContour(pt, corner, -1, region.holes[k].contour->nverts, region.holes[k].contour->verts);
if (!intersect)
index = diags[j].vert;
@ -821,7 +820,7 @@ static void mergeRegionHoles(rcContext* ctx, rcContourRegion& region)
/// See the #rcConfig documentation for more information on the configuration parameters.
/// @see rcAllocContourSet, rcCompactHeightfield, rcContourSet, rcConfig
bool rcBuildContours(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
bool rcBuildContours(rcContext* ctx, const rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
const float maxError, const int maxEdgeLen,
rcContourSet& cset, const int buildFlags)
@ -16,135 +16,121 @@
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "Recast.h"
#include "RecastAssert.h"
/// @par
/// Allows the formation of walkable regions that will flow over low lying
/// objects such as curbs, and up structures such as stairways.
/// Two neighboring spans are walkable if: <tt>rcAbs(currentSpan.smax - neighborSpan.smax) < waklableClimb</tt>
/// @warning Will override the effect of #rcFilterLedgeSpans. So if both filters are used, call
/// #rcFilterLedgeSpans after calling this filter.
/// @see rcHeightfield, rcConfig
void rcFilterLowHangingWalkableObstacles(rcContext* ctx, const int walkableClimb, rcHeightfield& solid)
#include <stdlib.h>
rcScopedTimer timer(ctx, RC_TIMER_FILTER_LOW_OBSTACLES);
const int w = solid.width;
const int h = solid.height;
for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
void rcFilterLowHangingWalkableObstacles(rcContext* context, const int walkableClimb, rcHeightfield& heightfield)
for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
rcScopedTimer timer(context, RC_TIMER_FILTER_LOW_OBSTACLES);
const int xSize = heightfield.width;
const int zSize = heightfield.height;
for (int z = 0; z < zSize; ++z)
rcSpan* ps = 0;
bool previousWalkable = false;
for (int x = 0; x < xSize; ++x)
rcSpan* previousSpan = NULL;
bool previousWasWalkable = false;
unsigned char previousArea = RC_NULL_AREA;
for (rcSpan* s = solid.spans[x + y*w]; s; ps = s, s = s->next)
for (rcSpan* span = heightfield.spans[x + z * xSize]; span != NULL; previousSpan = span, span = span->next)
const bool walkable = s->area != RC_NULL_AREA;
const bool walkable = span->area != RC_NULL_AREA;
// If current span is not walkable, but there is walkable
// span just below it, mark the span above it walkable too.
if (!walkable && previousWalkable)
if (!walkable && previousWasWalkable)
if (rcAbs((int)s->smax - (int)ps->smax) <= walkableClimb)
s->area = previousArea;
if (rcAbs((int)span->smax - (int)previousSpan->smax) <= walkableClimb)
span->area = previousArea;
// Copy walkable flag so that it cannot propagate
// past multiple non-walkable objects.
previousWalkable = walkable;
previousArea = s->area;
previousWasWalkable = walkable;
previousArea = span->area;
/// @par
/// A ledge is a span with one or more neighbors whose maximum is further away than @p walkableClimb
/// from the current span's maximum.
/// This method removes the impact of the overestimation of conservative voxelization
/// so the resulting mesh will not have regions hanging in the air over ledges.
/// A span is a ledge if: <tt>rcAbs(currentSpan.smax - neighborSpan.smax) > walkableClimb</tt>
/// @see rcHeightfield, rcConfig
void rcFilterLedgeSpans(rcContext* ctx, const int walkableHeight, const int walkableClimb,
rcHeightfield& solid)
void rcFilterLedgeSpans(rcContext* context, const int walkableHeight, const int walkableClimb,
rcHeightfield& heightfield)
rcScopedTimer timer(ctx, RC_TIMER_FILTER_BORDER);
rcScopedTimer timer(context, RC_TIMER_FILTER_BORDER);
const int w = solid.width;
const int h = solid.height;
const int MAX_HEIGHT = 0xffff;
const int xSize = heightfield.width;
const int zSize = heightfield.height;
const int MAX_HEIGHT = 0xffff; // TODO (graham): Move this to a more visible constant and update usages.
// Mark border spans.
for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
for (int z = 0; z < zSize; ++z)
for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
for (int x = 0; x < xSize; ++x)
for (rcSpan* s = solid.spans[x + y*w]; s; s = s->next)
for (rcSpan* span = heightfield.spans[x + z * xSize]; span; span = span->next)
// Skip non walkable spans.
if (s->area == RC_NULL_AREA)
if (span->area == RC_NULL_AREA)
const int bot = (int)(s->smax);
const int top = s->next ? (int)(s->next->smin) : MAX_HEIGHT;
const int bot = (int)(span->smax);
const int top = span->next ? (int)(span->next->smin) : MAX_HEIGHT;
// Find neighbours minimum height.
int minh = MAX_HEIGHT;
int minNeighborHeight = MAX_HEIGHT;
// Min and max height of accessible neighbours.
int asmin = s->smax;
int asmax = s->smax;
int accessibleNeighborMinHeight = span->smax;
int accessibleNeighborMaxHeight = span->smax;
for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; ++dir)
for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; ++direction)
int dx = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(dir);
int dy = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(dir);
int dx = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(direction);
int dy = z + rcGetDirOffsetY(direction);
// Skip neighbours which are out of bounds.
if (dx < 0 || dy < 0 || dx >= w || dy >= h)
if (dx < 0 || dy < 0 || dx >= xSize || dy >= zSize)
minh = rcMin(minh, -walkableClimb - bot);
minNeighborHeight = rcMin(minNeighborHeight, -walkableClimb - bot);
// From minus infinity to the first span.
rcSpan* ns = solid.spans[dx + dy*w];
int nbot = -walkableClimb;
int ntop = ns ? (int)ns->smin : MAX_HEIGHT;
// Skip neightbour if the gap between the spans is too small.
if (rcMin(top,ntop) - rcMax(bot,nbot) > walkableHeight)
minh = rcMin(minh, nbot - bot);
const rcSpan* neighborSpan = heightfield.spans[dx + dy * xSize];
int neighborBot = -walkableClimb;
int neighborTop = neighborSpan ? (int)neighborSpan->smin : MAX_HEIGHT;
// Skip neighbour if the gap between the spans is too small.
if (rcMin(top, neighborTop) - rcMax(bot, neighborBot) > walkableHeight)
minNeighborHeight = rcMin(minNeighborHeight, neighborBot - bot);
// Rest of the spans.
for (ns = solid.spans[dx + dy*w]; ns; ns = ns->next)
for (neighborSpan = heightfield.spans[dx + dy * xSize]; neighborSpan; neighborSpan = neighborSpan->next)
nbot = (int)ns->smax;
ntop = ns->next ? (int)ns->next->smin : MAX_HEIGHT;
// Skip neightbour if the gap between the spans is too small.
if (rcMin(top,ntop) - rcMax(bot,nbot) > walkableHeight)
neighborBot = (int)neighborSpan->smax;
neighborTop = neighborSpan->next ? (int)neighborSpan->next->smin : MAX_HEIGHT;
// Skip neighbour if the gap between the spans is too small.
if (rcMin(top, neighborTop) - rcMax(bot, neighborBot) > walkableHeight)
minh = rcMin(minh, nbot - bot);
minNeighborHeight = rcMin(minNeighborHeight, neighborBot - bot);
// Find min/max accessible neighbour height.
if (rcAbs(nbot - bot) <= walkableClimb)
if (rcAbs(neighborBot - bot) <= walkableClimb)
if (nbot < asmin) asmin = nbot;
if (nbot > asmax) asmax = nbot;
if (neighborBot < accessibleNeighborMinHeight) accessibleNeighborMinHeight = neighborBot;
if (neighborBot > accessibleNeighborMaxHeight) accessibleNeighborMaxHeight = neighborBot;
@ -153,49 +139,45 @@ void rcFilterLedgeSpans(rcContext* ctx, const int walkableHeight, const int walk
// The current span is close to a ledge if the drop to any
// neighbour span is less than the walkableClimb.
if (minh < -walkableClimb)
if (minNeighborHeight < -walkableClimb)
s->area = RC_NULL_AREA;
span->area = RC_NULL_AREA;
// If the difference between all neighbours is too large,
// we are at steep slope, mark the span as ledge.
else if ((asmax - asmin) > walkableClimb)
else if ((accessibleNeighborMaxHeight - accessibleNeighborMinHeight) > walkableClimb)
s->area = RC_NULL_AREA;
span->area = RC_NULL_AREA;
/// @par
/// For this filter, the clearance above the span is the distance from the span's
/// maximum to the next higher span's minimum. (Same grid column.)
/// @see rcHeightfield, rcConfig
void rcFilterWalkableLowHeightSpans(rcContext* ctx, int walkableHeight, rcHeightfield& solid)
void rcFilterWalkableLowHeightSpans(rcContext* context, const int walkableHeight, rcHeightfield& heightfield)
rcScopedTimer timer(ctx, RC_TIMER_FILTER_WALKABLE);
rcScopedTimer timer(context, RC_TIMER_FILTER_WALKABLE);
const int w = solid.width;
const int h = solid.height;
const int xSize = heightfield.width;
const int zSize = heightfield.height;
const int MAX_HEIGHT = 0xffff;
// Remove walkable flag from spans which do not have enough
// space above them for the agent to stand there.
for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
for (int z = 0; z < zSize; ++z)
for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
for (int x = 0; x < xSize; ++x)
for (rcSpan* s = solid.spans[x + y*w]; s; s = s->next)
for (rcSpan* span = heightfield.spans[x + z*xSize]; span; span = span->next)
const int bot = (int)(s->smax);
const int top = s->next ? (int)(s->next->smin) : MAX_HEIGHT;
if ((top - bot) <= walkableHeight)
s->area = RC_NULL_AREA;
const int bot = (int)(span->smax);
const int top = span->next ? (int)(span->next->smin) : MAX_HEIGHT;
if ((top - bot) < walkableHeight)
span->area = RC_NULL_AREA;
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
@ -29,8 +28,21 @@
// Must be 255 or smaller (not 256) because layer IDs are stored as
// a byte where 255 is a special value.
static const int RC_MAX_LAYERS = 63;
static const int RC_MAX_NEIS = 16;
#define RC_MAX_LAYERS_DEF 63
#error RC_MAX_LAYERS_DEF must be 255 or smaller
#define RC_MAX_NEIS_DEF 16
// Keep type checking.
static const int RC_MAX_LAYERS = RC_MAX_LAYERS_DEF;
static const int RC_MAX_NEIS = RC_MAX_NEIS_DEF;
struct rcLayerRegion
@ -89,7 +101,7 @@ struct rcLayerSweepSpan
/// See the #rcConfig documentation for more information on the configuration parameters.
/// @see rcAllocHeightfieldLayerSet, rcCompactHeightfield, rcHeightfieldLayerSet, rcConfig
bool rcBuildHeightfieldLayers(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
bool rcBuildHeightfieldLayers(rcContext* ctx, const rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
const int borderSize, const int walkableHeight,
rcHeightfieldLayerSet& lset)
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ static bool buildMeshAdjacency(unsigned short* polys, const int npolys,
const int nverts, const int vertsPerPoly)
// Based on code by Eric Lengyel from:
// http://www.terathon.com/code/edges.php
// https://web.archive.org/web/20080704083314/http://www.terathon.com/code/edges.php
int maxEdgeCount = npolys*vertsPerPoly;
unsigned short* firstEdge = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*(nverts + maxEdgeCount), RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
@ -987,7 +986,7 @@ static bool removeVertex(rcContext* ctx, rcPolyMesh& mesh, const unsigned short
/// limit must be retricted to <= #DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON.
/// @see rcAllocPolyMesh, rcContourSet, rcPolyMesh, rcConfig
bool rcBuildPolyMesh(rcContext* ctx, rcContourSet& cset, const int nvp, rcPolyMesh& mesh)
bool rcBuildPolyMesh(rcContext* ctx, const rcContourSet& cset, const int nvp, rcPolyMesh& mesh)
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
@ -16,321 +16,485 @@
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "Recast.h"
#include "RecastAlloc.h"
#include "RecastAssert.h"
inline bool overlapBounds(const float* amin, const float* amax, const float* bmin, const float* bmax)
/// Check whether two bounding boxes overlap
/// @param[in] aMin Min axis extents of bounding box A
/// @param[in] aMax Max axis extents of bounding box A
/// @param[in] bMin Min axis extents of bounding box B
/// @param[in] bMax Max axis extents of bounding box B
/// @returns true if the two bounding boxes overlap. False otherwise.
static bool overlapBounds(const float* aMin, const float* aMax, const float* bMin, const float* bMax)
bool overlap = true;
overlap = (amin[0] > bmax[0] || amax[0] < bmin[0]) ? false : overlap;
overlap = (amin[1] > bmax[1] || amax[1] < bmin[1]) ? false : overlap;
overlap = (amin[2] > bmax[2] || amax[2] < bmin[2]) ? false : overlap;
return overlap;
aMin[0] <= bMax[0] && aMax[0] >= bMin[0] &&
aMin[1] <= bMax[1] && aMax[1] >= bMin[1] &&
aMin[2] <= bMax[2] && aMax[2] >= bMin[2];
inline bool overlapInterval(unsigned short amin, unsigned short amax,
unsigned short bmin, unsigned short bmax)
if (amax < bmin) return false;
if (amin > bmax) return false;
return true;
/// Allocates a new span in the heightfield.
/// Use a memory pool and free list to minimize actual allocations.
/// @param[in] hf The heightfield
/// @returns A pointer to the allocated or re-used span memory.
static rcSpan* allocSpan(rcHeightfield& hf)
// If running out of memory, allocate new page and update the freelist.
if (!hf.freelist || !hf.freelist->next)
// If necessary, allocate new page and update the freelist.
if (hf.freelist == NULL || hf.freelist->next == NULL)
// Create new page.
// Allocate memory for the new pool.
rcSpanPool* pool = (rcSpanPool*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcSpanPool), RC_ALLOC_PERM);
if (!pool) return 0;
rcSpanPool* spanPool = (rcSpanPool*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcSpanPool), RC_ALLOC_PERM);
if (spanPool == NULL)
return NULL;
// Add the pool into the list of pools.
pool->next = hf.pools;
hf.pools = pool;
// Add new items to the free list.
rcSpan* freelist = hf.freelist;
rcSpan* head = &pool->items[0];
rcSpan* it = &pool->items[RC_SPANS_PER_POOL];
spanPool->next = hf.pools;
hf.pools = spanPool;
// Add new spans to the free list.
rcSpan* freeList = hf.freelist;
rcSpan* head = &spanPool->items[0];
rcSpan* it = &spanPool->items[RC_SPANS_PER_POOL];
it->next = freelist;
freelist = it;
it->next = freeList;
freeList = it;
while (it != head);
hf.freelist = it;
// Pop item from in front of the free list.
rcSpan* it = hf.freelist;
// Pop item from the front of the free list.
rcSpan* newSpan = hf.freelist;
hf.freelist = hf.freelist->next;
return it;
return newSpan;
static void freeSpan(rcHeightfield& hf, rcSpan* ptr)
/// Releases the memory used by the span back to the heightfield, so it can be re-used for new spans.
/// @param[in] hf The heightfield.
/// @param[in] span A pointer to the span to free
static void freeSpan(rcHeightfield& hf, rcSpan* span)
if (!ptr) return;
// Add the node in front of the free list.
ptr->next = hf.freelist;
hf.freelist = ptr;
if (span == NULL)
// Add the span to the front of the free list.
span->next = hf.freelist;
hf.freelist = span;
static bool addSpan(rcHeightfield& hf, const int x, const int y,
const unsigned short smin, const unsigned short smax,
const unsigned char area, const int flagMergeThr)
/// Adds a span to the heightfield. If the new span overlaps existing spans,
/// it will merge the new span with the existing ones.
/// @param[in] hf Heightfield to add spans to
/// @param[in] x The new span's column cell x index
/// @param[in] z The new span's column cell z index
/// @param[in] min The new span's minimum cell index
/// @param[in] max The new span's maximum cell index
/// @param[in] areaID The new span's area type ID
/// @param[in] flagMergeThreshold How close two spans maximum extents need to be to merge area type IDs
static bool addSpan(rcHeightfield& hf,
const int x, const int z,
const unsigned short min, const unsigned short max,
const unsigned char areaID, const int flagMergeThreshold)
// Create the new span.
rcSpan* newSpan = allocSpan(hf);
if (newSpan == NULL)
int idx = x + y*hf.width;
rcSpan* s = allocSpan(hf);
if (!s)
return false;
s->smin = smin;
s->smax = smax;
s->area = area;
s->next = 0;
// Empty cell, add the first span.
if (!hf.spans[idx])
hf.spans[idx] = s;
return true;
rcSpan* prev = 0;
rcSpan* cur = hf.spans[idx];
newSpan->smin = min;
newSpan->smax = max;
newSpan->area = areaID;
newSpan->next = NULL;
// Insert and merge spans.
while (cur)
const int columnIndex = x + z * hf.width;
rcSpan* previousSpan = NULL;
rcSpan* currentSpan = hf.spans[columnIndex];
// Insert the new span, possibly merging it with existing spans.
while (currentSpan != NULL)
if (cur->smin > s->smax)
if (currentSpan->smin > newSpan->smax)
// Current span is further than the new span, break.
// Current span is completely after the new span, break.
else if (cur->smax < s->smin)
if (currentSpan->smax < newSpan->smin)
// Current span is before the new span advance.
prev = cur;
cur = cur->next;
// Current span is completely before the new span. Keep going.
previousSpan = currentSpan;
currentSpan = currentSpan->next;
// Merge spans.
if (cur->smin < s->smin)
s->smin = cur->smin;
if (cur->smax > s->smax)
s->smax = cur->smax;
// The new span overlaps with an existing span. Merge them.
if (currentSpan->smin < newSpan->smin)
newSpan->smin = currentSpan->smin;
if (currentSpan->smax > newSpan->smax)
newSpan->smax = currentSpan->smax;
// Merge flags.
if (rcAbs((int)s->smax - (int)cur->smax) <= flagMergeThr)
s->area = rcMax(s->area, cur->area);
// Remove current span.
rcSpan* next = cur->next;
freeSpan(hf, cur);
if (prev)
prev->next = next;
hf.spans[idx] = next;
cur = next;
// Insert new span.
if (prev)
if (rcAbs((int)newSpan->smax - (int)currentSpan->smax) <= flagMergeThreshold)
s->next = prev->next;
prev->next = s;
// Higher area ID numbers indicate higher resolution priority.
newSpan->area = rcMax(newSpan->area, currentSpan->area);
// Remove the current span since it's now merged with newSpan.
// Keep going because there might be other overlapping spans that also need to be merged.
rcSpan* next = currentSpan->next;
freeSpan(hf, currentSpan);
if (previousSpan)
previousSpan->next = next;
s->next = hf.spans[idx];
hf.spans[idx] = s;
hf.spans[columnIndex] = next;
currentSpan = next;
// Insert new span after prev
if (previousSpan != NULL)
newSpan->next = previousSpan->next;
previousSpan->next = newSpan;
// This span should go before the others in the list
newSpan->next = hf.spans[columnIndex];
hf.spans[columnIndex] = newSpan;
return true;
/// @par
/// The span addition can be set to favor flags. If the span is merged to
/// another span and the new @p smax is within @p flagMergeThr units
/// from the existing span, the span flags are merged.
/// @see rcHeightfield, rcSpan.
bool rcAddSpan(rcContext* ctx, rcHeightfield& hf, const int x, const int y,
const unsigned short smin, const unsigned short smax,
const unsigned char area, const int flagMergeThr)
bool rcAddSpan(rcContext* context, rcHeightfield& heightfield,
const int x, const int z,
const unsigned short spanMin, const unsigned short spanMax,
const unsigned char areaID, const int flagMergeThreshold)
if (!addSpan(hf, x, y, smin, smax, area, flagMergeThr))
if (!addSpan(heightfield, x, z, spanMin, spanMax, areaID, flagMergeThreshold))
ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcAddSpan: Out of memory.");
context->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcAddSpan: Out of memory.");
return false;
return true;
// divides a convex polygons into two convex polygons on both sides of a line
static void dividePoly(const float* in, int nin,
float* out1, int* nout1,
float* out2, int* nout2,
float x, int axis)
enum rcAxis
float d[12];
for (int i = 0; i < nin; ++i)
d[i] = x - in[i*3+axis];
RC_AXIS_X = 0,
RC_AXIS_Y = 1,
int m = 0, n = 0;
for (int i = 0, j = nin-1; i < nin; j=i, ++i)
/// Divides a convex polygon of max 12 vertices into two convex polygons
/// across a separating axis.
/// @param[in] inVerts The input polygon vertices
/// @param[in] inVertsCount The number of input polygon vertices
/// @param[out] outVerts1 Resulting polygon 1's vertices
/// @param[out] outVerts1Count The number of resulting polygon 1 vertices
/// @param[out] outVerts2 Resulting polygon 2's vertices
/// @param[out] outVerts2Count The number of resulting polygon 2 vertices
/// @param[in] axisOffset THe offset along the specified axis
/// @param[in] axis The separating axis
static void dividePoly(const float* inVerts, int inVertsCount,
float* outVerts1, int* outVerts1Count,
float* outVerts2, int* outVerts2Count,
float axisOffset, rcAxis axis)
bool ina = d[j] >= 0;
bool inb = d[i] >= 0;
if (ina != inb)
rcAssert(inVertsCount <= 12);
// How far positive or negative away from the separating axis is each vertex.
float inVertAxisDelta[12];
for (int inVert = 0; inVert < inVertsCount; ++inVert)
float s = d[j] / (d[j] - d[i]);
out1[m*3+0] = in[j*3+0] + (in[i*3+0] - in[j*3+0])*s;
out1[m*3+1] = in[j*3+1] + (in[i*3+1] - in[j*3+1])*s;
out1[m*3+2] = in[j*3+2] + (in[i*3+2] - in[j*3+2])*s;
rcVcopy(out2 + n*3, out1 + m*3);
// add the i'th point to the right polygon. Do NOT add points that are on the dividing line
inVertAxisDelta[inVert] = axisOffset - inVerts[inVert * 3 + axis];
int poly1Vert = 0;
int poly2Vert = 0;
for (int inVertA = 0, inVertB = inVertsCount - 1; inVertA < inVertsCount; inVertB = inVertA, ++inVertA)
// If the two vertices are on the same side of the separating axis
bool sameSide = (inVertAxisDelta[inVertA] >= 0) == (inVertAxisDelta[inVertB] >= 0);
if (!sameSide)
float s = inVertAxisDelta[inVertB] / (inVertAxisDelta[inVertB] - inVertAxisDelta[inVertA]);
outVerts1[poly1Vert * 3 + 0] = inVerts[inVertB * 3 + 0] + (inVerts[inVertA * 3 + 0] - inVerts[inVertB * 3 + 0]) * s;
outVerts1[poly1Vert * 3 + 1] = inVerts[inVertB * 3 + 1] + (inVerts[inVertA * 3 + 1] - inVerts[inVertB * 3 + 1]) * s;
outVerts1[poly1Vert * 3 + 2] = inVerts[inVertB * 3 + 2] + (inVerts[inVertA * 3 + 2] - inVerts[inVertB * 3 + 2]) * s;
rcVcopy(&outVerts2[poly2Vert * 3], &outVerts1[poly1Vert * 3]);
// add the inVertA point to the right polygon. Do NOT add points that are on the dividing line
// since these were already added above
if (d[i] > 0)
if (inVertAxisDelta[inVertA] > 0)
rcVcopy(out1 + m*3, in + i*3);
rcVcopy(&outVerts1[poly1Vert * 3], &inVerts[inVertA * 3]);
else if (d[i] < 0)
else if (inVertAxisDelta[inVertA] < 0)
rcVcopy(out2 + n*3, in + i*3);
rcVcopy(&outVerts2[poly2Vert * 3], &inVerts[inVertA * 3]);
else // same side
// add the i'th point to the right polygon. Addition is done even for points on the dividing line
if (d[i] >= 0)
// add the inVertA point to the right polygon. Addition is done even for points on the dividing line
if (inVertAxisDelta[inVertA] >= 0)
rcVcopy(&outVerts1[poly1Vert * 3], &inVerts[inVertA * 3]);
if (inVertAxisDelta[inVertA] != 0)
rcVcopy(out1 + m*3, in + i*3);
if (d[i] != 0)
rcVcopy(out2 + n*3, in + i*3);
rcVcopy(&outVerts2[poly2Vert * 3], &inVerts[inVertA * 3]);
*nout1 = m;
*nout2 = n;
*outVerts1Count = poly1Vert;
*outVerts2Count = poly2Vert;
/// Rasterize a single triangle to the heightfield.
/// This code is extremely hot, so much care should be given to maintaining maximum perf here.
/// @param[in] v0 Triangle vertex 0
/// @param[in] v1 Triangle vertex 1
/// @param[in] v2 Triangle vertex 2
/// @param[in] areaID The area ID to assign to the rasterized spans
/// @param[in] hf Heightfield to rasterize into
/// @param[in] hfBBMin The min extents of the heightfield bounding box
/// @param[in] hfBBMax The max extents of the heightfield bounding box
/// @param[in] cellSize The x and z axis size of a voxel in the heightfield
/// @param[in] inverseCellSize 1 / cellSize
/// @param[in] inverseCellHeight 1 / cellHeight
/// @param[in] flagMergeThreshold The threshold in which area flags will be merged
/// @returns true if the operation completes successfully. false if there was an error adding spans to the heightfield.
static bool rasterizeTri(const float* v0, const float* v1, const float* v2,
const unsigned char area, rcHeightfield& hf,
const float* bmin, const float* bmax,
const float cs, const float ics, const float ich,
const int flagMergeThr)
const unsigned char areaID, rcHeightfield& hf,
const float* hfBBMin, const float* hfBBMax,
const float cellSize, const float inverseCellSize, const float inverseCellHeight,
const int flagMergeThreshold)
// Calculate the bounding box of the triangle.
float triBBMin[3];
rcVcopy(triBBMin, v0);
rcVmin(triBBMin, v1);
rcVmin(triBBMin, v2);
float triBBMax[3];
rcVcopy(triBBMax, v0);
rcVmax(triBBMax, v1);
rcVmax(triBBMax, v2);
// If the triangle does not touch the bounding box of the heightfield, skip the triangle.
if (!overlapBounds(triBBMin, triBBMax, hfBBMin, hfBBMax))
return true;
const int w = hf.width;
const int h = hf.height;
float tmin[3], tmax[3];
const float by = bmax[1] - bmin[1];
const float by = hfBBMax[1] - hfBBMin[1];
// Calculate the bounding box of the triangle.
rcVcopy(tmin, v0);
rcVcopy(tmax, v0);
rcVmin(tmin, v1);
rcVmin(tmin, v2);
rcVmax(tmax, v1);
rcVmax(tmax, v2);
// Calculate the footprint of the triangle on the grid's z-axis
int z0 = (int)((triBBMin[2] - hfBBMin[2]) * inverseCellSize);
int z1 = (int)((triBBMax[2] - hfBBMin[2]) * inverseCellSize);
// If the triangle does not touch the bbox of the heightfield, skip the triagle.
if (!overlapBounds(bmin, bmax, tmin, tmax))
return true;
// Calculate the footprint of the triangle on the grid's y-axis
int y0 = (int)((tmin[2] - bmin[2])*ics);
int y1 = (int)((tmax[2] - bmin[2])*ics);
// use -1 rather than 0 to cut the polygon properly at the start of the tile
y0 = rcClamp(y0, -1, h-1);
y1 = rcClamp(y1, 0, h-1);
z0 = rcClamp(z0, -1, h - 1);
z1 = rcClamp(z1, 0, h - 1);
// Clip the triangle into all grid cells it touches.
float buf[7 * 3 * 4];
float *in = buf, *inrow = buf+7*3, *p1 = inrow+7*3, *p2 = p1+7*3;
float* in = buf;
float* inRow = buf + 7 * 3;
float* p1 = inRow + 7 * 3;
float* p2 = p1 + 7 * 3;
rcVcopy(&in[0], v0);
rcVcopy(&in[1 * 3], v1);
rcVcopy(&in[2 * 3], v2);
int nvrow, nvIn = 3;
int nvRow;
int nvIn = 3;
for (int y = y0; y <= y1; ++y)
for (int z = z0; z <= z1; ++z)
// Clip polygon to row. Store the remaining polygon as well
const float cz = bmin[2] + y*cs;
dividePoly(in, nvIn, inrow, &nvrow, p1, &nvIn, cz+cs, 2);
const float cellZ = hfBBMin[2] + (float)z * cellSize;
dividePoly(in, nvIn, inRow, &nvRow, p1, &nvIn, cellZ + cellSize, RC_AXIS_Z);
rcSwap(in, p1);
if (nvrow < 3) continue;
if (y < 0) continue;
// find the horizontal bounds in the row
float minX = inrow[0], maxX = inrow[0];
for (int i=1; i<nvrow; ++i)
if (nvRow < 3)
if (minX > inrow[i*3]) minX = inrow[i*3];
if (maxX < inrow[i*3]) maxX = inrow[i*3];
int x0 = (int)((minX - bmin[0])*ics);
int x1 = (int)((maxX - bmin[0])*ics);
if (x1 < 0 || x0 >= w) {
if (z < 0)
// find X-axis bounds of the row
float minX = inRow[0];
float maxX = inRow[0];
for (int vert = 1; vert < nvRow; ++vert)
if (minX > inRow[vert * 3])
minX = inRow[vert * 3];
if (maxX < inRow[vert * 3])
maxX = inRow[vert * 3];
int x0 = (int)((minX - hfBBMin[0]) * inverseCellSize);
int x1 = (int)((maxX - hfBBMin[0]) * inverseCellSize);
if (x1 < 0 || x0 >= w)
x0 = rcClamp(x0, -1, w - 1);
x1 = rcClamp(x1, 0, w - 1);
int nv, nv2 = nvrow;
int nv;
int nv2 = nvRow;
for (int x = x0; x <= x1; ++x)
// Clip polygon to column. store the remaining polygon as well
const float cx = bmin[0] + x*cs;
dividePoly(inrow, nv2, p1, &nv, p2, &nv2, cx+cs, 0);
rcSwap(inrow, p2);
if (nv < 3) continue;
if (x < 0) continue;
// Calculate min and max of the span.
float smin = p1[1], smax = p1[1];
for (int i = 1; i < nv; ++i)
const float cx = hfBBMin[0] + (float)x * cellSize;
dividePoly(inRow, nv2, p1, &nv, p2, &nv2, cx + cellSize, RC_AXIS_X);
rcSwap(inRow, p2);
if (nv < 3)
smin = rcMin(smin, p1[i*3+1]);
smax = rcMax(smax, p1[i*3+1]);
if (x < 0)
// Calculate min and max of the span.
float spanMin = p1[1];
float spanMax = p1[1];
for (int vert = 1; vert < nv; ++vert)
spanMin = rcMin(spanMin, p1[vert * 3 + 1]);
spanMax = rcMax(spanMax, p1[vert * 3 + 1]);
spanMin -= hfBBMin[1];
spanMax -= hfBBMin[1];
// Skip the span if it's completely outside the heightfield bounding box
if (spanMax < 0.0f)
if (spanMin > by)
// Clamp the span to the heightfield bounding box.
if (spanMin < 0.0f)
spanMin = 0;
if (spanMax > by)
spanMax = by;
smin -= bmin[1];
smax -= bmin[1];
// Skip the span if it is outside the heightfield bbox
if (smax < 0.0f) continue;
if (smin > by) continue;
// Clamp the span to the heightfield bbox.
if (smin < 0.0f) smin = 0;
if (smax > by) smax = by;
// Snap the span to the heightfield height grid.
unsigned short ismin = (unsigned short)rcClamp((int)floorf(smin * ich), 0, RC_SPAN_MAX_HEIGHT);
unsigned short ismax = (unsigned short)rcClamp((int)ceilf(smax * ich), (int)ismin+1, RC_SPAN_MAX_HEIGHT);
unsigned short spanMinCellIndex = (unsigned short)rcClamp((int)floorf(spanMin * inverseCellHeight), 0, RC_SPAN_MAX_HEIGHT);
unsigned short spanMaxCellIndex = (unsigned short)rcClamp((int)ceilf(spanMax * inverseCellHeight), (int)spanMinCellIndex + 1, RC_SPAN_MAX_HEIGHT);
if (!addSpan(hf, x, y, ismin, ismax, area, flagMergeThr))
if (!addSpan(hf, x, z, spanMinCellIndex, spanMaxCellIndex, areaID, flagMergeThreshold))
return false;
return true;
bool rcRasterizeTriangle(rcContext* context,
const float* v0, const float* v1, const float* v2,
const unsigned char areaID, rcHeightfield& heightfield, const int flagMergeThreshold)
rcAssert(context != NULL);
rcScopedTimer timer(context, RC_TIMER_RASTERIZE_TRIANGLES);
// Rasterize the single triangle.
const float inverseCellSize = 1.0f / heightfield.cs;
const float inverseCellHeight = 1.0f / heightfield.ch;
if (!rasterizeTri(v0, v1, v2, areaID, heightfield, heightfield.bmin, heightfield.bmax, heightfield.cs, inverseCellSize, inverseCellHeight, flagMergeThreshold))
context->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcRasterizeTriangle: Out of memory.");
return false;
return true;
bool rcRasterizeTriangles(rcContext* context,
const float* verts, const int /*nv*/,
const int* tris, const unsigned char* triAreaIDs, const int numTris,
rcHeightfield& heightfield, const int flagMergeThreshold)
rcAssert(context != NULL);
rcScopedTimer timer(context, RC_TIMER_RASTERIZE_TRIANGLES);
// Rasterize the triangles.
const float inverseCellSize = 1.0f / heightfield.cs;
const float inverseCellHeight = 1.0f / heightfield.ch;
for (int triIndex = 0; triIndex < numTris; ++triIndex)
const float* v0 = &verts[tris[triIndex * 3 + 0] * 3];
const float* v1 = &verts[tris[triIndex * 3 + 1] * 3];
const float* v2 = &verts[tris[triIndex * 3 + 2] * 3];
if (!rasterizeTri(v0, v1, v2, triAreaIDs[triIndex], heightfield, heightfield.bmin, heightfield.bmax, heightfield.cs, inverseCellSize, inverseCellHeight, flagMergeThreshold))
context->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcRasterizeTriangles: Out of memory.");
return false;
@ -338,55 +502,26 @@ static bool rasterizeTri(const float* v0, const float* v1, const float* v2,
return true;
/// @par
/// No spans will be added if the triangle does not overlap the heightfield grid.
/// @see rcHeightfield
bool rcRasterizeTriangle(rcContext* ctx, const float* v0, const float* v1, const float* v2,
const unsigned char area, rcHeightfield& solid,
const int flagMergeThr)
bool rcRasterizeTriangles(rcContext* context,
const float* verts, const int /*nv*/,
const unsigned short* tris, const unsigned char* triAreaIDs, const int numTris,
rcHeightfield& heightfield, const int flagMergeThreshold)
rcAssert(context != NULL);
rcScopedTimer timer(ctx, RC_TIMER_RASTERIZE_TRIANGLES);
rcScopedTimer timer(context, RC_TIMER_RASTERIZE_TRIANGLES);
const float ics = 1.0f/solid.cs;
const float ich = 1.0f/solid.ch;
if (!rasterizeTri(v0, v1, v2, area, solid, solid.bmin, solid.bmax, solid.cs, ics, ich, flagMergeThr))
// Rasterize the triangles.
const float inverseCellSize = 1.0f / heightfield.cs;
const float inverseCellHeight = 1.0f / heightfield.ch;
for (int triIndex = 0; triIndex < numTris; ++triIndex)
ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcRasterizeTriangle: Out of memory.");
return false;
return true;
/// @par
/// Spans will only be added for triangles that overlap the heightfield grid.
/// @see rcHeightfield
bool rcRasterizeTriangles(rcContext* ctx, const float* verts, const int /*nv*/,
const int* tris, const unsigned char* areas, const int nt,
rcHeightfield& solid, const int flagMergeThr)
const float* v0 = &verts[tris[triIndex * 3 + 0] * 3];
const float* v1 = &verts[tris[triIndex * 3 + 1] * 3];
const float* v2 = &verts[tris[triIndex * 3 + 2] * 3];
if (!rasterizeTri(v0, v1, v2, triAreaIDs[triIndex], heightfield, heightfield.bmin, heightfield.bmax, heightfield.cs, inverseCellSize, inverseCellHeight, flagMergeThreshold))
rcScopedTimer timer(ctx, RC_TIMER_RASTERIZE_TRIANGLES);
const float ics = 1.0f/solid.cs;
const float ich = 1.0f/solid.ch;
// Rasterize triangles.
for (int i = 0; i < nt; ++i)
const float* v0 = &verts[tris[i*3+0]*3];
const float* v1 = &verts[tris[i*3+1]*3];
const float* v2 = &verts[tris[i*3+2]*3];
// Rasterize.
if (!rasterizeTri(v0, v1, v2, areas[i], solid, solid.bmin, solid.bmax, solid.cs, ics, ich, flagMergeThr))
ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcRasterizeTriangles: Out of memory.");
context->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcRasterizeTriangles: Out of memory.");
return false;
@ -394,62 +529,25 @@ bool rcRasterizeTriangles(rcContext* ctx, const float* verts, const int /*nv*/,
return true;
/// @par
/// Spans will only be added for triangles that overlap the heightfield grid.
/// @see rcHeightfield
bool rcRasterizeTriangles(rcContext* ctx, const float* verts, const int /*nv*/,
const unsigned short* tris, const unsigned char* areas, const int nt,
rcHeightfield& solid, const int flagMergeThr)
bool rcRasterizeTriangles(rcContext* context,
const float* verts, const unsigned char* triAreaIDs, const int numTris,
rcHeightfield& heightfield, const int flagMergeThreshold)
rcAssert(context != NULL);
rcScopedTimer timer(ctx, RC_TIMER_RASTERIZE_TRIANGLES);
rcScopedTimer timer(context, RC_TIMER_RASTERIZE_TRIANGLES);
const float ics = 1.0f/solid.cs;
const float ich = 1.0f/solid.ch;
// Rasterize triangles.
for (int i = 0; i < nt; ++i)
// Rasterize the triangles.
const float inverseCellSize = 1.0f / heightfield.cs;
const float inverseCellHeight = 1.0f / heightfield.ch;
for (int triIndex = 0; triIndex < numTris; ++triIndex)
const float* v0 = &verts[tris[i*3+0]*3];
const float* v1 = &verts[tris[i*3+1]*3];
const float* v2 = &verts[tris[i*3+2]*3];
// Rasterize.
if (!rasterizeTri(v0, v1, v2, areas[i], solid, solid.bmin, solid.bmax, solid.cs, ics, ich, flagMergeThr))
const float* v0 = &verts[(triIndex * 3 + 0) * 3];
const float* v1 = &verts[(triIndex * 3 + 1) * 3];
const float* v2 = &verts[(triIndex * 3 + 2) * 3];
if (!rasterizeTri(v0, v1, v2, triAreaIDs[triIndex], heightfield, heightfield.bmin, heightfield.bmax, heightfield.cs, inverseCellSize, inverseCellHeight, flagMergeThreshold))
ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcRasterizeTriangles: Out of memory.");
return false;
return true;
/// @par
/// Spans will only be added for triangles that overlap the heightfield grid.
/// @see rcHeightfield
bool rcRasterizeTriangles(rcContext* ctx, const float* verts, const unsigned char* areas, const int nt,
rcHeightfield& solid, const int flagMergeThr)
rcScopedTimer timer(ctx, RC_TIMER_RASTERIZE_TRIANGLES);
const float ics = 1.0f/solid.cs;
const float ich = 1.0f/solid.ch;
// Rasterize triangles.
for (int i = 0; i < nt; ++i)
const float* v0 = &verts[(i*3+0)*3];
const float* v1 = &verts[(i*3+1)*3];
const float* v2 = &verts[(i*3+2)*3];
// Rasterize.
if (!rasterizeTri(v0, v1, v2, areas[i], solid, solid.bmin, solid.bmax, solid.cs, ics, ich, flagMergeThr))
ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcRasterizeTriangles: Out of memory.");
context->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcRasterizeTriangles: Out of memory.");
return false;
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
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