Within this angle, the light is at full brightness. Between the inner and outer cone angles, there is a transition from full brightness to zero brightness. When creating a Godot [SpotLight3D], the ratio between the inner and outer cone angles is used to calculate the attenuation of the light.
The intensity of the light. This is expressed in candelas (lumens per steradian) for point and spot lights, and lux (lumens per m²) for directional lights. When creating a Godot light, this value is converted to a unitless multiplier.
The type of the light. The values accepted by Godot are "point", "spot", and "directional", which correspond to Godot's [OmniLight3D], [SpotLight3D], and [DirectionalLight3D] respectively.
At this angle, the light drops off to zero brightness. Between the inner and outer cone angles, there is a transition from full brightness to zero brightness. If this angle is a half turn, then the spotlight emits in all directions. When creating a Godot [SpotLight3D], the outer cone angle is used as the angle of the spotlight.
The range of the light, beyond which the light has no effect. GLTF lights with no range defined behave like physical lights (which have infinite range). When creating a Godot light, the range is clamped to 4096.