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297 lines
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297 lines
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#include "b3LauncherCL.h"
bool gDebugLauncherCL = false;
b3LauncherCL::b3LauncherCL(cl_command_queue queue, cl_kernel kernel, const char* name)
: m_commandQueue(queue),
if (gDebugLauncherCL)
static int counter = 0;
printf("[%d] Prepare to launch OpenCL kernel %s\n", counter++, name);
m_serializationSizeInBytes = sizeof(int);
for (int i = 0; i < m_arrays.size(); i++)
delete (m_arrays[i]);
if (gDebugLauncherCL)
static int counter = 0;
printf("[%d] Finished launching OpenCL kernel %s\n", counter++, m_name);
void b3LauncherCL::setBuffer(cl_mem clBuffer)
if (m_enableSerialization)
b3KernelArgData kernelArg;
kernelArg.m_argIndex = m_idx;
kernelArg.m_isBuffer = 1;
kernelArg.m_clBuffer = clBuffer;
cl_mem_info param_name = CL_MEM_SIZE;
size_t param_value;
size_t sizeInBytes = sizeof(size_t);
size_t actualSizeInBytes;
cl_int err;
err = clGetMemObjectInfo(kernelArg.m_clBuffer,
b3Assert(err == CL_SUCCESS);
kernelArg.m_argSizeInBytes = param_value;
m_serializationSizeInBytes += sizeof(b3KernelArgData);
m_serializationSizeInBytes += param_value;
cl_int status = clSetKernelArg(m_kernel, m_idx++, sizeof(cl_mem), &clBuffer);
b3Assert(status == CL_SUCCESS);
void b3LauncherCL::setBuffers(b3BufferInfoCL* buffInfo, int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (m_enableSerialization)
b3KernelArgData kernelArg;
kernelArg.m_argIndex = m_idx;
kernelArg.m_isBuffer = 1;
kernelArg.m_clBuffer = buffInfo[i].m_clBuffer;
cl_mem_info param_name = CL_MEM_SIZE;
size_t param_value;
size_t sizeInBytes = sizeof(size_t);
size_t actualSizeInBytes;
cl_int err;
err = clGetMemObjectInfo(kernelArg.m_clBuffer,
b3Assert(err == CL_SUCCESS);
kernelArg.m_argSizeInBytes = param_value;
m_serializationSizeInBytes += sizeof(b3KernelArgData);
m_serializationSizeInBytes += param_value;
cl_int status = clSetKernelArg(m_kernel, m_idx++, sizeof(cl_mem), &buffInfo[i].m_clBuffer);
b3Assert(status == CL_SUCCESS);
struct b3KernelArgDataUnaligned
int m_isBuffer;
int m_argIndex;
int m_argSizeInBytes;
int m_unusedPadding;
union {
cl_mem m_clBuffer;
unsigned char m_argData[B3_CL_MAX_ARG_SIZE];
#include <string.h>
int b3LauncherCL::deserializeArgs(unsigned char* buf, int bufSize, cl_context ctx)
int index = 0;
int numArguments = *(int*)&buf[index];
index += sizeof(int);
for (int i = 0; i < numArguments; i++)
b3KernelArgDataUnaligned* arg = (b3KernelArgDataUnaligned*)&buf[index];
index += sizeof(b3KernelArgData);
if (arg->m_isBuffer)
b3OpenCLArray<unsigned char>* clData = new b3OpenCLArray<unsigned char>(ctx, m_commandQueue, arg->m_argSizeInBytes);
clData->copyFromHostPointer(&buf[index], arg->m_argSizeInBytes);
arg->m_clBuffer = clData->getBufferCL();
cl_int status = clSetKernelArg(m_kernel, m_idx++, sizeof(cl_mem), &arg->m_clBuffer);
b3Assert(status == CL_SUCCESS);
index += arg->m_argSizeInBytes;
cl_int status = clSetKernelArg(m_kernel, m_idx++, arg->m_argSizeInBytes, &arg->m_argData);
b3Assert(status == CL_SUCCESS);
b3KernelArgData b;
memcpy(&b, arg, sizeof(b3KernelArgDataUnaligned));
m_serializationSizeInBytes = index;
return index;
int b3LauncherCL::validateResults(unsigned char* goldBuffer, int goldBufferCapacity, cl_context ctx)
int index = 0;
int numArguments = *(int*)&goldBuffer[index];
index += sizeof(int);
if (numArguments != m_kernelArguments.size())
printf("failed validation: expected %d arguments, found %d\n", numArguments, m_kernelArguments.size());
return -1;
for (int ii = 0; ii < numArguments; ii++)
b3KernelArgData* argGold = (b3KernelArgData*)&goldBuffer[index];
if (m_kernelArguments[ii].m_argSizeInBytes != argGold->m_argSizeInBytes)
printf("failed validation: argument %d sizeInBytes expected: %d, found %d\n", ii, argGold->m_argSizeInBytes, m_kernelArguments[ii].m_argSizeInBytes);
return -2;
int expected = argGold->m_isBuffer;
int found = m_kernelArguments[ii].m_isBuffer;
if (expected != found)
printf("failed validation: argument %d isBuffer expected: %d, found %d\n", ii, expected, found);
return -3;
index += sizeof(b3KernelArgData);
if (argGold->m_isBuffer)
unsigned char* memBuf = (unsigned char*)malloc(m_kernelArguments[ii].m_argSizeInBytes);
unsigned char* goldBuf = &goldBuffer[index];
for (int j = 0; j < m_kernelArguments[j].m_argSizeInBytes; j++)
memBuf[j] = 0xaa;
cl_int status = 0;
status = clEnqueueReadBuffer(m_commandQueue, m_kernelArguments[ii].m_clBuffer, CL_TRUE, 0, m_kernelArguments[ii].m_argSizeInBytes,
memBuf, 0, 0, 0);
b3Assert(status == CL_SUCCESS);
for (int b = 0; b < m_kernelArguments[ii].m_argSizeInBytes; b++)
int expected = goldBuf[b];
int found = memBuf[b];
if (expected != found)
printf("failed validation: argument %d OpenCL data at byte position %d expected: %d, found %d\n",
ii, b, expected, found);
return -4;
index += argGold->m_argSizeInBytes;
//compare content
for (int b = 0; b < m_kernelArguments[ii].m_argSizeInBytes; b++)
int expected = argGold->m_argData[b];
int found = m_kernelArguments[ii].m_argData[b];
if (expected != found)
printf("failed validation: argument %d const data at byte position %d expected: %d, found %d\n",
ii, b, expected, found);
return -5;
return index;
int b3LauncherCL::serializeArguments(unsigned char* destBuffer, int destBufferCapacity)
//initialize to known values
for (int i = 0; i < destBufferCapacity; i++)
destBuffer[i] = 0xec;
assert(destBufferCapacity >= m_serializationSizeInBytes);
//todo: use the b3Serializer for this to allow for 32/64bit, endianness etc
int numArguments = m_kernelArguments.size();
int curBufferSize = 0;
int* dest = (int*)&destBuffer[curBufferSize];
*dest = numArguments;
curBufferSize += sizeof(int);
for (int i = 0; i < this->m_kernelArguments.size(); i++)
b3KernelArgData* arg = (b3KernelArgData*)&destBuffer[curBufferSize];
*arg = m_kernelArguments[i];
curBufferSize += sizeof(b3KernelArgData);
if (arg->m_isBuffer == 1)
//copy the OpenCL buffer content
cl_int status = 0;
status = clEnqueueReadBuffer(m_commandQueue, arg->m_clBuffer, 0, 0, arg->m_argSizeInBytes,
&destBuffer[curBufferSize], 0, 0, 0);
b3Assert(status == CL_SUCCESS);
curBufferSize += arg->m_argSizeInBytes;
return curBufferSize;
void b3LauncherCL::serializeToFile(const char* fileName, int numWorkItems)
int num = numWorkItems;
int buffSize = getSerializationBufferSize();
unsigned char* buf = new unsigned char[buffSize + sizeof(int)];
for (int i = 0; i < buffSize + 1; i++)
unsigned char* ptr = (unsigned char*)&buf[i];
*ptr = 0xff;
// int actualWrite = serializeArguments(buf,buffSize);
// unsigned char* cptr = (unsigned char*)&buf[buffSize];
// printf("buf[buffSize] = %d\n",*cptr);
assert(buf[buffSize] == 0xff); //check for buffer overrun
int* ptr = (int*)&buf[buffSize];
*ptr = num;
FILE* f = fopen(fileName, "wb");
fwrite(buf, buffSize + sizeof(int), 1, f);
delete[] buf;