Adds a button with [Texture] [code]button[/code] at column [code]column[/code]. The [code]id[/code] is used to identify the button. If not specified, the next available index is used, which may be retrieved by calling [method get_button_count] immediately before this method. Optionally, the button can be [code]disabled[/code] and have a [code]tooltip[/code].
Returns the next visible TreeItem in the tree or a null object if there is none.
If [code]wrap[/code] is enabled, the method will wrap around to the first visible element in the tree when called on the last visible element, otherwise it returns [code]null[/code].
Returns the parent TreeItem or a null object if there is none.
Returns the previous TreeItem in the tree or a null object if there is none.
Returns the previous visible TreeItem in the tree or a null object if there is none.
If [code]wrap[/code] is enabled, the method will wrap around to the last visible element in the tree when called on the first visible element, otherwise it returns [code]null[/code].
Returns the value of a [constant CELL_MODE_RANGE] column.
Returns a dictionary containing the range parameters for a given column. The keys are "min", "max", "step", and "expr".
Gets the suffix string shown after the column value.
Returns [code]true[/code] if column [code]column[/code] is editable.
Returns [code]true[/code] if column [code]column[/code] is selectable.
Returns [code]true[/code] if column [code]column[/code] is selected.
Moves this TreeItem to the bottom in the [Tree] hierarchy.
Moves this TreeItem to the top in the [Tree] hierarchy.
Removes the given child [TreeItem] and all its children from the [Tree]. Note that it doesn't free the item from memory, so it can be reused later. To completely remove a [TreeItem] use [method].
Selects the column [code]column[/code].
Sets the given column's button [Texture] at index [code]button_idx[/code] to [code]button[/code].
If [code]true[/code], disables the button at index [code]button_idx[/code] in column [code]column[/code].
If [code]true[/code], column [code]column[/code] is editable.
If [code]true[/code], column [code]column[/code] is expanded to the right.
Sets the given column's icon [Texture].
Sets the given column's icon's maximum width.
Modulates the given column's icon with [code]modulate[/code].
Sets the given column's icon's texture region.
Sets the metadata value for the given column, which can be retrieved later using [method get_metadata]. This can be used, for example, to store a reference to the original data.
Sets the value of a [constant CELL_MODE_RANGE] column.