2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
/* rasterizer_scene_gles2.cpp */
/* This file is part of: */
/* https://godotengine.org */
/* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */
/* */
/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
/* the following conditions: */
/* */
/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
/* */
# include "rasterizer_scene_gles2.h"
# include "core/math/math_funcs.h"
# include "core/math/transform.h"
# include "core/os/os.h"
2022-08-17 15:35:28 +02:00
# include "core/config/project_settings.h"
2022-08-17 12:53:49 +02:00
# include "core/containers/vmap.h"
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
# include "rasterizer_canvas_gles2.h"
2022-08-19 21:24:36 +02:00
# include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.h"
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
# ifndef GLES_OVER_GL
# define glClearDepth glClearDepthf
# endif
# ifndef GLES_OVER_GL
# include <OpenGLES/ES2/glext.h>
//void *glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE;
# endif
# endif
static const GLenum _cube_side_enum [ 6 ] = {
} ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : directional_shadow_create ( ) {
if ( directional_shadow . fbo ) {
// Erase existing directional shadow texture to recreate it.
glDeleteTextures ( 1 , & directional_shadow . depth ) ;
glDeleteFramebuffers ( 1 , & directional_shadow . fbo ) ;
directional_shadow . depth = 0 ;
directional_shadow . fbo = 0 ;
directional_shadow . light_count = 0 ;
directional_shadow . size = next_power_of_2 ( directional_shadow_size ) ;
if ( directional_shadow . size > storage - > config . max_viewport_dimensions [ 0 ] | | directional_shadow . size > storage - > config . max_viewport_dimensions [ 1 ] ) {
WARN_PRINT ( " Cannot set directional shadow size larger than maximum hardware supported size of ( " + itos ( storage - > config . max_viewport_dimensions [ 0 ] ) + " , " + itos ( storage - > config . max_viewport_dimensions [ 1 ] ) + " ). Setting size to maximum. " ) ;
directional_shadow . size = MIN ( directional_shadow . size , storage - > config . max_viewport_dimensions [ 0 ] ) ;
directional_shadow . size = MIN ( directional_shadow . size , storage - > config . max_viewport_dimensions [ 1 ] ) ;
glGenFramebuffers ( 1 , & directional_shadow . fbo ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , directional_shadow . fbo ) ;
if ( storage - > config . use_rgba_3d_shadows ) {
//maximum compatibility, renderbuffer and RGBA shadow
glGenRenderbuffers ( 1 , & directional_shadow . depth ) ;
glBindRenderbuffer ( GL_RENDERBUFFER , directional_shadow . depth ) ;
glRenderbufferStorage ( GL_RENDERBUFFER , storage - > config . depth_buffer_internalformat , directional_shadow . size , directional_shadow . size ) ;
glFramebufferRenderbuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT , GL_RENDERBUFFER , directional_shadow . depth ) ;
glGenTextures ( 1 , & directional_shadow . color ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , directional_shadow . color ) ;
glTexImage2D ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , 0 , GL_RGBA , directional_shadow . size , directional_shadow . size , 0 , GL_RGBA , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , nullptr ) ;
glFramebufferTexture2D ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 , GL_TEXTURE_2D , directional_shadow . color , 0 ) ;
} else {
//just a depth buffer
glGenTextures ( 1 , & directional_shadow . depth ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , directional_shadow . depth ) ;
glTexImage2D ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , 0 , storage - > config . depth_internalformat , directional_shadow . size , directional_shadow . size , 0 , GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT , storage - > config . depth_type , nullptr ) ;
glFramebufferTexture2D ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT , GL_TEXTURE_2D , directional_shadow . depth , 0 ) ;
GLenum status = glCheckFramebufferStatus ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER ) ;
if ( status ! = GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE ) {
ERR_PRINT ( " Directional shadow framebuffer status invalid " ) ;
RID RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : shadow_atlas_create ( ) {
ShadowAtlas * shadow_atlas = memnew ( ShadowAtlas ) ;
shadow_atlas - > fbo = 0 ;
shadow_atlas - > depth = 0 ;
shadow_atlas - > color = 0 ;
shadow_atlas - > size = 0 ;
shadow_atlas - > smallest_subdiv = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
shadow_atlas - > size_order [ i ] = i ;
return shadow_atlas_owner . make_rid ( shadow_atlas ) ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : shadow_atlas_set_size ( RID p_atlas , int p_size ) {
ShadowAtlas * shadow_atlas = shadow_atlas_owner . getornull ( p_atlas ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! shadow_atlas ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( p_size < 0 ) ;
p_size = next_power_of_2 ( p_size ) ;
if ( p_size = = shadow_atlas - > size ) {
return ;
// erase the old atlast
if ( shadow_atlas - > fbo ) {
if ( storage - > config . use_rgba_3d_shadows ) {
glDeleteRenderbuffers ( 1 , & shadow_atlas - > depth ) ;
} else {
glDeleteTextures ( 1 , & shadow_atlas - > depth ) ;
glDeleteFramebuffers ( 1 , & shadow_atlas - > fbo ) ;
if ( shadow_atlas - > color ) {
glDeleteTextures ( 1 , & shadow_atlas - > color ) ;
shadow_atlas - > fbo = 0 ;
shadow_atlas - > depth = 0 ;
shadow_atlas - > color = 0 ;
// erase shadow atlast references from lights
for ( Map < RID , uint32_t > : : Element * E = shadow_atlas - > shadow_owners . front ( ) ; E ; E = E - > next ( ) ) {
LightInstance * li = light_instance_owner . getornull ( E - > key ( ) ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE ( ! li ) ;
li - > shadow_atlases . erase ( p_atlas ) ;
shadow_atlas - > shadow_owners . clear ( ) ;
shadow_atlas - > size = p_size ;
if ( shadow_atlas - > size ) {
glGenFramebuffers ( 1 , & shadow_atlas - > fbo ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , shadow_atlas - > fbo ) ;
if ( shadow_atlas - > size > storage - > config . max_viewport_dimensions [ 0 ] | | shadow_atlas - > size > storage - > config . max_viewport_dimensions [ 1 ] ) {
WARN_PRINT ( " Cannot set shadow atlas size larger than maximum hardware supported size of ( " + itos ( storage - > config . max_viewport_dimensions [ 0 ] ) + " , " + itos ( storage - > config . max_viewport_dimensions [ 1 ] ) + " ). Setting size to maximum. " ) ;
shadow_atlas - > size = MIN ( shadow_atlas - > size , storage - > config . max_viewport_dimensions [ 0 ] ) ;
shadow_atlas - > size = MIN ( shadow_atlas - > size , storage - > config . max_viewport_dimensions [ 1 ] ) ;
// create a depth texture
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
if ( storage - > config . use_rgba_3d_shadows ) {
//maximum compatibility, renderbuffer and RGBA shadow
glGenRenderbuffers ( 1 , & shadow_atlas - > depth ) ;
glBindRenderbuffer ( GL_RENDERBUFFER , shadow_atlas - > depth ) ;
glRenderbufferStorage ( GL_RENDERBUFFER , storage - > config . depth_buffer_internalformat , shadow_atlas - > size , shadow_atlas - > size ) ;
glFramebufferRenderbuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT , GL_RENDERBUFFER , shadow_atlas - > depth ) ;
glGenTextures ( 1 , & shadow_atlas - > color ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , shadow_atlas - > color ) ;
glTexImage2D ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , 0 , GL_RGBA , shadow_atlas - > size , shadow_atlas - > size , 0 , GL_RGBA , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , nullptr ) ;
glFramebufferTexture2D ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 , GL_TEXTURE_2D , shadow_atlas - > color , 0 ) ;
} else {
//just depth texture
glGenTextures ( 1 , & shadow_atlas - > depth ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , shadow_atlas - > depth ) ;
glTexImage2D ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , 0 , storage - > config . depth_internalformat , shadow_atlas - > size , shadow_atlas - > size , 0 , GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT , storage - > config . depth_type , nullptr ) ;
glFramebufferTexture2D ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT , GL_TEXTURE_2D , shadow_atlas - > depth , 0 ) ;
glViewport ( 0 , 0 , shadow_atlas - > size , shadow_atlas - > size ) ;
glDepthMask ( GL_TRUE ) ;
glClearDepth ( 0.0f ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , 0 ) ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision ( RID p_atlas , int p_quadrant , int p_subdivision ) {
ShadowAtlas * shadow_atlas = shadow_atlas_owner . getornull ( p_atlas ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! shadow_atlas ) ;
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( p_quadrant , 4 ) ;
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( p_subdivision , 16384 ) ;
uint32_t subdiv = next_power_of_2 ( p_subdivision ) ;
if ( subdiv & 0xaaaaaaaa ) { // sqrt(subdiv) must be integer
subdiv < < = 1 ;
subdiv = int ( Math : : sqrt ( ( float ) subdiv ) ) ;
if ( shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ p_quadrant ] . shadows . size ( ) = = ( int ) subdiv ) {
return ;
// erase all data from the quadrant
for ( int i = 0 ; i < shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ p_quadrant ] . shadows . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ p_quadrant ] . shadows [ i ] . owner . is_valid ( ) ) {
shadow_atlas - > shadow_owners . erase ( shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ p_quadrant ] . shadows [ i ] . owner ) ;
LightInstance * li = light_instance_owner . getornull ( shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ p_quadrant ] . shadows [ i ] . owner ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE ( ! li ) ;
li - > shadow_atlases . erase ( p_atlas ) ;
shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ p_quadrant ] . shadows . resize ( 0 ) ;
shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ p_quadrant ] . shadows . resize ( subdiv ) ;
shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ p_quadrant ] . subdivision = subdiv ;
// cache the smallest subdivision for faster allocations
shadow_atlas - > smallest_subdiv = 1 < < 30 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
if ( shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ i ] . subdivision ) {
shadow_atlas - > smallest_subdiv = MIN ( shadow_atlas - > smallest_subdiv , shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ i ] . subdivision ) ;
if ( shadow_atlas - > smallest_subdiv = = 1 < < 30 ) {
shadow_atlas - > smallest_subdiv = 0 ;
// re-sort the quadrants
int swaps = 0 ;
do {
swaps = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + ) {
if ( shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ shadow_atlas - > size_order [ i ] ] . subdivision < shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ shadow_atlas - > size_order [ i + 1 ] ] . subdivision ) {
SWAP ( shadow_atlas - > size_order [ i ] , shadow_atlas - > size_order [ i + 1 ] ) ;
swaps + + ;
} while ( swaps > 0 ) ;
bool RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : _shadow_atlas_find_shadow ( ShadowAtlas * shadow_atlas , int * p_in_quadrants , int p_quadrant_count , int p_current_subdiv , uint64_t p_tick , int & r_quadrant , int & r_shadow ) {
for ( int i = p_quadrant_count - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - ) {
int qidx = p_in_quadrants [ i ] ;
if ( shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ qidx ] . subdivision = = ( uint32_t ) p_current_subdiv ) {
return false ;
// look for an empty space
int sc = shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ qidx ] . shadows . size ( ) ;
ShadowAtlas : : Quadrant : : Shadow * sarr = shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ qidx ] . shadows . ptrw ( ) ;
int found_free_idx = - 1 ; // found a free one
int found_used_idx = - 1 ; // found an existing one, must steal it
uint64_t min_pass = 0 ; // pass of the existing one, try to use the least recently
for ( int j = 0 ; j < sc ; j + + ) {
if ( ! sarr [ j ] . owner . is_valid ( ) ) {
found_free_idx = j ;
break ;
LightInstance * sli = light_instance_owner . getornull ( sarr [ j ] . owner ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE ( ! sli ) ;
if ( sli - > last_scene_pass ! = scene_pass ) {
// was just allocated, don't kill it so soon, wait a bit...
if ( p_tick - sarr [ j ] . alloc_tick < shadow_atlas_realloc_tolerance_msec ) {
continue ;
if ( found_used_idx = = - 1 | | sli - > last_scene_pass < min_pass ) {
found_used_idx = j ;
min_pass = sli - > last_scene_pass ;
if ( found_free_idx = = - 1 & & found_used_idx = = - 1 ) {
continue ; // nothing found
if ( found_free_idx = = - 1 & & found_used_idx ! = - 1 ) {
found_free_idx = found_used_idx ;
r_quadrant = qidx ;
r_shadow = found_free_idx ;
return true ;
return false ;
bool RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : shadow_atlas_update_light ( RID p_atlas , RID p_light_intance , float p_coverage , uint64_t p_light_version ) {
ShadowAtlas * shadow_atlas = shadow_atlas_owner . getornull ( p_atlas ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( ! shadow_atlas , false ) ;
LightInstance * li = light_instance_owner . getornull ( p_light_intance ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( ! li , false ) ;
if ( shadow_atlas - > size = = 0 | | shadow_atlas - > smallest_subdiv = = 0 ) {
return false ;
uint32_t quad_size = shadow_atlas - > size > > 1 ;
int desired_fit = MIN ( quad_size / shadow_atlas - > smallest_subdiv , next_power_of_2 ( quad_size * p_coverage ) ) ;
int valid_quadrants [ 4 ] ;
int valid_quadrant_count = 0 ;
int best_size = - 1 ;
int best_subdiv = - 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
int q = shadow_atlas - > size_order [ i ] ;
int sd = shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ q ] . subdivision ;
if ( sd = = 0 ) {
continue ;
int max_fit = quad_size / sd ;
if ( best_size ! = - 1 & & max_fit > best_size ) {
break ; // what we asked for is bigger than this.
valid_quadrants [ valid_quadrant_count ] = q ;
valid_quadrant_count + + ;
best_subdiv = sd ;
if ( max_fit > = desired_fit ) {
best_size = max_fit ;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( valid_quadrant_count = = 0 , false ) ; // no suitable block available
uint64_t tick = OS : : get_singleton ( ) - > get_ticks_msec ( ) ;
if ( shadow_atlas - > shadow_owners . has ( p_light_intance ) ) {
// light was already known!
uint32_t key = shadow_atlas - > shadow_owners [ p_light_intance ] ;
uint32_t q = ( key > > ShadowAtlas : : QUADRANT_SHIFT ) & 0x3 ;
uint32_t s = key & ShadowAtlas : : SHADOW_INDEX_MASK ;
bool should_realloc = shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ q ] . subdivision ! = ( uint32_t ) best_subdiv & & ( shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ q ] . shadows [ s ] . alloc_tick - tick > shadow_atlas_realloc_tolerance_msec ) ;
bool should_redraw = shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ q ] . shadows [ s ] . version ! = p_light_version ;
if ( ! should_realloc ) {
shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ q ] . shadows . write [ s ] . version = p_light_version ;
return should_redraw ;
int new_quadrant ;
int new_shadow ;
// find a better place
if ( _shadow_atlas_find_shadow ( shadow_atlas , valid_quadrants , valid_quadrant_count , shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ q ] . subdivision , tick , new_quadrant , new_shadow ) ) {
// found a better place
ShadowAtlas : : Quadrant : : Shadow * sh = & shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ new_quadrant ] . shadows . write [ new_shadow ] ;
if ( sh - > owner . is_valid ( ) ) {
// it is take but invalid, so we can take it
shadow_atlas - > shadow_owners . erase ( sh - > owner ) ;
LightInstance * sli = light_instance_owner . get ( sh - > owner ) ;
sli - > shadow_atlases . erase ( p_atlas ) ;
// erase previous
shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ q ] . shadows . write [ s ] . version = 0 ;
shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ q ] . shadows . write [ s ] . owner = RID ( ) ;
sh - > owner = p_light_intance ;
sh - > alloc_tick = tick ;
sh - > version = p_light_version ;
li - > shadow_atlases . insert ( p_atlas ) ;
// make a new key
key = new_quadrant < < ShadowAtlas : : QUADRANT_SHIFT ;
key | = new_shadow ;
// update it in the map
shadow_atlas - > shadow_owners [ p_light_intance ] = key ;
// make it dirty, so we redraw
return true ;
// no better place found, so we keep the current place
shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ q ] . shadows . write [ s ] . version = p_light_version ;
return should_redraw ;
int new_quadrant ;
int new_shadow ;
if ( _shadow_atlas_find_shadow ( shadow_atlas , valid_quadrants , valid_quadrant_count , - 1 , tick , new_quadrant , new_shadow ) ) {
// found a better place
ShadowAtlas : : Quadrant : : Shadow * sh = & shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ new_quadrant ] . shadows . write [ new_shadow ] ;
if ( sh - > owner . is_valid ( ) ) {
// it is take but invalid, so we can take it
shadow_atlas - > shadow_owners . erase ( sh - > owner ) ;
LightInstance * sli = light_instance_owner . get ( sh - > owner ) ;
sli - > shadow_atlases . erase ( p_atlas ) ;
sh - > owner = p_light_intance ;
sh - > alloc_tick = tick ;
sh - > version = p_light_version ;
li - > shadow_atlases . insert ( p_atlas ) ;
// make a new key
uint32_t key = new_quadrant < < ShadowAtlas : : QUADRANT_SHIFT ;
key | = new_shadow ;
// update it in the map
shadow_atlas - > shadow_owners [ p_light_intance ] = key ;
// make it dirty, so we redraw
return true ;
return false ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : set_directional_shadow_count ( int p_count ) {
directional_shadow . light_count = p_count ;
directional_shadow . current_light = 0 ;
int RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : get_directional_light_shadow_size ( RID p_light_intance ) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( directional_shadow . light_count = = 0 , 0 ) ;
int shadow_size ;
if ( directional_shadow . light_count = = 1 ) {
shadow_size = directional_shadow . size ;
} else {
shadow_size = directional_shadow . size / 2 ; //more than 4 not supported anyway
LightInstance * light_instance = light_instance_owner . getornull ( p_light_intance ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( ! light_instance , 0 ) ;
switch ( light_instance - > light_ptr - > directional_shadow_mode ) {
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2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
break ; //none
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2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
shadow_size / = 2 ;
break ;
return shadow_size ;
RID RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : reflection_atlas_create ( ) {
return RID ( ) ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : reflection_atlas_set_size ( RID p_ref_atlas , int p_size ) {
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : reflection_atlas_set_subdivision ( RID p_ref_atlas , int p_subdiv ) {
RID RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : reflection_probe_instance_create ( RID p_probe ) {
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : ReflectionProbe * probe = storage - > reflection_probe_owner . getornull ( p_probe ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( ! probe , RID ( ) ) ;
ReflectionProbeInstance * rpi = memnew ( ReflectionProbeInstance ) ;
rpi - > probe_ptr = probe ;
rpi - > self = reflection_probe_instance_owner . make_rid ( rpi ) ;
rpi - > probe = p_probe ;
rpi - > reflection_atlas_index = - 1 ;
rpi - > render_step = - 1 ;
rpi - > last_pass = 0 ;
rpi - > current_resolution = 0 ;
rpi - > dirty = true ;
rpi - > index = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i + + ) {
glGenFramebuffers ( 1 , & rpi - > fbo [ i ] ) ;
glGenTextures ( 1 , & rpi - > color [ i ] ) ;
glGenRenderbuffers ( 1 , & rpi - > depth ) ;
rpi - > cubemap = 0 ;
//glGenTextures(1, &rpi->cubemap);
return rpi - > self ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : reflection_probe_instance_set_transform ( RID p_instance , const Transform & p_transform ) {
ReflectionProbeInstance * rpi = reflection_probe_instance_owner . getornull ( p_instance ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! rpi ) ;
rpi - > transform = p_transform ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : reflection_probe_release_atlas_index ( RID p_instance ) {
bool RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : reflection_probe_instance_needs_redraw ( RID p_instance ) {
const ReflectionProbeInstance * rpi = reflection_probe_instance_owner . getornull ( p_instance ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( ! rpi , false ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
bool need_redraw = rpi - > probe_ptr - > resolution ! = rpi - > current_resolution | | rpi - > dirty | | rpi - > probe_ptr - > update_mode = = RS : : REFLECTION_PROBE_UPDATE_ALWAYS ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
rpi - > dirty = false ;
return need_redraw ;
bool RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : reflection_probe_instance_has_reflection ( RID p_instance ) {
return true ;
bool RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : reflection_probe_instance_begin_render ( RID p_instance , RID p_reflection_atlas ) {
ReflectionProbeInstance * rpi = reflection_probe_instance_owner . getornull ( p_instance ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( ! rpi , false ) ;
rpi - > render_step = 0 ;
if ( rpi - > probe_ptr - > resolution ! = rpi - > current_resolution ) {
//update cubemap if resolution changed
int size = rpi - > probe_ptr - > resolution ;
if ( size > storage - > config . max_viewport_dimensions [ 0 ] | | size > storage - > config . max_viewport_dimensions [ 1 ] ) {
WARN_PRINT_ONCE ( " Cannot set reflection probe resolution larger than maximum hardware supported size of ( " + itos ( storage - > config . max_viewport_dimensions [ 0 ] ) + " , " + itos ( storage - > config . max_viewport_dimensions [ 1 ] ) + " ). Setting size to maximum. " ) ;
size = MIN ( size , storage - > config . max_viewport_dimensions [ 0 ] ) ;
size = MIN ( size , storage - > config . max_viewport_dimensions [ 1 ] ) ;
rpi - > current_resolution = size ;
GLenum internal_format = GL_RGB ;
GLenum format = GL_RGB ;
GLenum type = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
glBindRenderbuffer ( GL_RENDERBUFFER , rpi - > depth ) ;
glRenderbufferStorage ( GL_RENDERBUFFER , storage - > config . depth_buffer_internalformat , size , size ) ;
if ( rpi - > cubemap ! = 0 ) {
glDeleteTextures ( 1 , & rpi - > cubemap ) ;
glGenTextures ( 1 , & rpi - > cubemap ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP , rpi - > cubemap ) ;
// Mobile hardware (PowerVR specially) prefers this approach,
// the previous approach with manual lod levels kills the game.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i + + ) {
glTexImage2D ( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i , 0 , internal_format , size , size , 0 , format , type , nullptr ) ;
glGenerateMipmap ( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP ) ;
// Generate framebuffers for rendering
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i + + ) {
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , rpi - > fbo [ i ] ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , rpi - > color [ i ] ) ;
glTexImage2D ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , 0 , internal_format , size , size , 0 , format , type , nullptr ) ;
glFramebufferTexture2D ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 , GL_TEXTURE_2D , rpi - > color [ i ] , 0 ) ;
glFramebufferRenderbuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT , GL_RENDERBUFFER , rpi - > depth ) ;
GLenum status = glCheckFramebufferStatus ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : system_fbo ) ;
return true ;
bool RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : reflection_probe_instance_postprocess_step ( RID p_instance ) {
ReflectionProbeInstance * rpi = reflection_probe_instance_owner . getornull ( p_instance ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( ! rpi , false ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( rpi - > current_resolution = = 0 , false ) ;
int size = rpi - > probe_ptr - > resolution ;
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , 0 ) ;
glBindBuffer ( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER , 0 ) ;
glDisable ( GL_CULL_FACE ) ;
glDisable ( GL_DEPTH_TEST ) ;
glDisable ( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ) ;
glDisable ( GL_BLEND ) ;
glDepthMask ( GL_FALSE ) ;
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for ( int i = 0 ; i < RS : : ARRAY_MAX - 1 ; i + + ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( i ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP , rpi - > cubemap ) ;
glTexParameterf ( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP , GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER , GL_LINEAR ) ; //use linear, no mipmaps so it does not read from what is being written to
//first of all, copy rendered textures to cubemap
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i + + ) {
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , rpi - > fbo [ i ] ) ;
glViewport ( 0 , 0 , size , size ) ;
glCopyTexSubImage2D ( _cube_side_enum [ i ] , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , size , size ) ;
//do filtering
//vdc cache
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE1 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > resources . radical_inverse_vdc_cache_tex ) ;
// now render to the framebuffer, mipmap level for mipmap level
int lod = 1 ;
size > > = 1 ;
int mipmaps = 6 ;
storage - > shaders . cubemap_filter . set_conditional ( CubemapFilterShaderGLES2 : : USE_SOURCE_PANORAMA , false ) ;
storage - > shaders . cubemap_filter . bind ( ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , storage - > resources . mipmap_blur_fbo ) ;
while ( size > = 1 ) {
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE3 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > resources . mipmap_blur_color ) ;
glTexImage2D ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , 0 , GL_RGB , size , size , 0 , GL_RGB , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , nullptr ) ;
glFramebufferTexture2D ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 , GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > resources . mipmap_blur_color , 0 ) ;
glViewport ( 0 , 0 , size , size ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i + + ) {
storage - > bind_quad_array ( ) ;
storage - > shaders . cubemap_filter . set_uniform ( CubemapFilterShaderGLES2 : : FACE_ID , i ) ;
float roughness = CLAMP ( lod / ( float ) ( mipmaps - 1 ) , 0 , 1 ) ;
storage - > shaders . cubemap_filter . set_uniform ( CubemapFilterShaderGLES2 : : ROUGHNESS , roughness ) ;
storage - > shaders . cubemap_filter . set_uniform ( CubemapFilterShaderGLES2 : : Z_FLIP , false ) ;
glDrawArrays ( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN , 0 , 4 ) ;
glCopyTexSubImage2D ( _cube_side_enum [ i ] , lod , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , size , size ) ;
size > > = 1 ;
lod + + ;
// restore ranges
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , 0 ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE3 ) ; //back to panorama
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , 0 ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE1 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , 0 ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : system_fbo ) ;
return true ;
RID RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_create ( ) {
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
Environment3D * env = memnew ( Environment3D ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
return environment_owner . make_rid ( env ) ;
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_set_background ( RID p_env , RS : : Environment3DBG p_bg ) {
Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! env ) ;
env - > bg_mode = p_bg ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_set_sky ( RID p_env , RID p_sky ) {
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! env ) ;
env - > sky = p_sky ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_set_sky_custom_fov ( RID p_env , float p_scale ) {
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! env ) ;
env - > sky_custom_fov = p_scale ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_set_sky_orientation ( RID p_env , const Basis & p_orientation ) {
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! env ) ;
env - > sky_orientation = p_orientation ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_set_bg_color ( RID p_env , const Color & p_color ) {
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! env ) ;
env - > bg_color = p_color ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_set_bg_energy ( RID p_env , float p_energy ) {
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! env ) ;
env - > bg_energy = p_energy ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_set_canvas_max_layer ( RID p_env , int p_max_layer ) {
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! env ) ;
env - > canvas_max_layer = p_max_layer ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_set_ambient_light ( RID p_env , const Color & p_color , float p_energy , float p_sky_contribution ) {
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! env ) ;
env - > ambient_color = p_color ;
env - > ambient_energy = p_energy ;
env - > ambient_sky_contribution = p_sky_contribution ;
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_set_dof_blur_far ( RID p_env , bool p_enable , float p_distance , float p_transition , float p_amount , RS : : Environment3DDOFBlurQuality p_quality ) {
Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! env ) ;
env - > dof_blur_far_enabled = p_enable ;
env - > dof_blur_far_distance = p_distance ;
env - > dof_blur_far_transition = p_transition ;
env - > dof_blur_far_amount = p_amount ;
env - > dof_blur_far_quality = p_quality ;
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_set_dof_blur_near ( RID p_env , bool p_enable , float p_distance , float p_transition , float p_amount , RS : : Environment3DDOFBlurQuality p_quality ) {
Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! env ) ;
env - > dof_blur_near_enabled = p_enable ;
env - > dof_blur_near_distance = p_distance ;
env - > dof_blur_near_transition = p_transition ;
env - > dof_blur_near_amount = p_amount ;
env - > dof_blur_near_quality = p_quality ;
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_set_glow ( RID p_env , bool p_enable , int p_level_flags , float p_intensity , float p_strength , float p_bloom_threshold , RS : : Environment3DGlowBlendMode p_blend_mode , float p_hdr_bleed_threshold , float p_hdr_bleed_scale , float p_hdr_luminance_cap , bool p_bicubic_upscale , bool p_high_quality ) {
Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! env ) ;
env - > glow_enabled = p_enable ;
env - > glow_levels = p_level_flags ;
env - > glow_intensity = p_intensity ;
env - > glow_strength = p_strength ;
env - > glow_bloom = p_bloom_threshold ;
env - > glow_blend_mode = p_blend_mode ;
env - > glow_hdr_bleed_threshold = p_hdr_bleed_threshold ;
env - > glow_hdr_bleed_scale = p_hdr_bleed_scale ;
env - > glow_hdr_luminance_cap = p_hdr_luminance_cap ;
env - > glow_bicubic_upscale = p_bicubic_upscale ;
env - > glow_high_quality = p_high_quality ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_set_fog ( RID p_env , bool p_enable , float p_begin , float p_end , RID p_gradient_texture ) {
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! env ) ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_set_ssr ( RID p_env , bool p_enable , int p_max_steps , float p_fade_in , float p_fade_out , float p_depth_tolerance , bool p_roughness ) {
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! env ) ;
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_set_ssao ( RID p_env , bool p_enable , float p_radius , float p_intensity , float p_radius2 , float p_intensity2 , float p_bias , float p_light_affect , float p_ao_channel_affect , const Color & p_color , RS : : Environment3DSSAOQuality p_quality , RenderingServer : : Environment3DSSAOBlur p_blur , float p_bilateral_sharpness ) {
Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! env ) ;
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_set_tonemap ( RID p_env , RS : : Environment3DToneMapper p_tone_mapper , float p_exposure , float p_white , bool p_auto_exposure , float p_min_luminance , float p_max_luminance , float p_auto_exp_speed , float p_auto_exp_scale ) {
Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! env ) ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_set_adjustment ( RID p_env , bool p_enable , float p_brightness , float p_contrast , float p_saturation , RID p_ramp ) {
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! env ) ;
env - > adjustments_enabled = p_enable ;
env - > adjustments_brightness = p_brightness ;
env - > adjustments_contrast = p_contrast ;
env - > adjustments_saturation = p_saturation ;
env - > color_correction = p_ramp ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_set_fog ( RID p_env , bool p_enable , const Color & p_color , const Color & p_sun_color , float p_sun_amount ) {
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! env ) ;
env - > fog_enabled = p_enable ;
env - > fog_color = p_color ;
env - > fog_sun_color = p_sun_color ;
env - > fog_sun_amount = p_sun_amount ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_set_fog_depth ( RID p_env , bool p_enable , float p_depth_begin , float p_depth_end , float p_depth_curve , bool p_transmit , float p_transmit_curve ) {
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! env ) ;
env - > fog_depth_enabled = p_enable ;
env - > fog_depth_begin = p_depth_begin ;
env - > fog_depth_end = p_depth_end ;
env - > fog_depth_curve = p_depth_curve ;
env - > fog_transmit_enabled = p_transmit ;
env - > fog_transmit_curve = p_transmit_curve ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_set_fog_height ( RID p_env , bool p_enable , float p_min_height , float p_max_height , float p_height_curve ) {
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! env ) ;
env - > fog_height_enabled = p_enable ;
env - > fog_height_min = p_min_height ;
env - > fog_height_max = p_max_height ;
env - > fog_height_curve = p_height_curve ;
bool RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : is_environment ( RID p_env ) {
return environment_owner . owns ( p_env ) ;
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
RS : : Environment3DBG RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_get_background ( RID p_env ) {
const Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( ! env , RS : : ENV_BG_MAX ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
return env - > bg_mode ;
int RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : environment_get_canvas_max_layer ( RID p_env ) {
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
const Environment3D * env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_env ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( ! env , - 1 ) ;
return env - > canvas_max_layer ;
RID RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : light_instance_create ( RID p_light ) {
LightInstance * light_instance = memnew ( LightInstance ) ;
light_instance - > last_scene_pass = 0 ;
light_instance - > light = p_light ;
light_instance - > light_ptr = storage - > light_owner . getornull ( p_light ) ;
light_instance - > light_index = 0xFFFF ;
// an ever increasing counter for each light added,
// used for sorting lights for a consistent render
light_instance - > light_counter = _light_counter + + ;
if ( ! light_instance - > light_ptr ) {
memdelete ( light_instance ) ;
ERR_FAIL_V_MSG ( RID ( ) , " Condition ' !light_instance->light_ptr ' is true. " ) ;
light_instance - > self = light_instance_owner . make_rid ( light_instance ) ;
return light_instance - > self ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : light_instance_set_transform ( RID p_light_instance , const Transform & p_transform ) {
LightInstance * light_instance = light_instance_owner . getornull ( p_light_instance ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! light_instance ) ;
light_instance - > transform = p_transform ;
2022-08-16 10:26:35 +02:00
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : light_instance_set_shadow_transform ( RID p_light_instance , const Projection & p_projection , const Transform & p_transform , float p_far , float p_split , int p_pass , float p_bias_scale ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
LightInstance * light_instance = light_instance_owner . getornull ( p_light_instance ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! light_instance ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( light_instance - > light_ptr - > type ! = RS : : LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
p_pass = 0 ;
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( p_pass , 4 ) ;
light_instance - > shadow_transform [ p_pass ] . camera = p_projection ;
light_instance - > shadow_transform [ p_pass ] . transform = p_transform ;
light_instance - > shadow_transform [ p_pass ] . farplane = p_far ;
light_instance - > shadow_transform [ p_pass ] . split = p_split ;
light_instance - > shadow_transform [ p_pass ] . bias_scale = p_bias_scale ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : light_instance_mark_visible ( RID p_light_instance ) {
LightInstance * light_instance = light_instance_owner . getornull ( p_light_instance ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! light_instance ) ;
light_instance - > last_scene_pass = scene_pass ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : _add_geometry ( RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Geometry * p_geometry , InstanceBase * p_instance , RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : GeometryOwner * p_owner , int p_material , bool p_depth_pass , bool p_shadow_pass ) {
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Material * material = nullptr ;
RID material_src ;
if ( p_instance - > material_override . is_valid ( ) ) {
material_src = p_instance - > material_override ;
} else if ( p_material > = 0 ) {
material_src = p_instance - > materials [ p_material ] ;
} else {
material_src = p_geometry - > material ;
if ( material_src . is_valid ( ) ) {
material = storage - > material_owner . getornull ( material_src ) ;
if ( ! material - > shader | | ! material - > shader - > valid ) {
material = nullptr ;
if ( ! material ) {
material = storage - > material_owner . getptr ( default_material ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! material ) ;
_add_geometry_with_material ( p_geometry , p_instance , p_owner , material , p_depth_pass , p_shadow_pass ) ;
while ( material - > next_pass . is_valid ( ) ) {
material = storage - > material_owner . getornull ( material - > next_pass ) ;
if ( ! material | | ! material - > shader | | ! material - > shader - > valid ) {
break ;
_add_geometry_with_material ( p_geometry , p_instance , p_owner , material , p_depth_pass , p_shadow_pass ) ;
// Repeat the "nested chain" logic also for the overlay
if ( p_instance - > material_overlay . is_valid ( ) ) {
material = storage - > material_owner . getornull ( p_instance - > material_overlay ) ;
if ( ! material | | ! material - > shader | | ! material - > shader - > valid ) {
return ;
_add_geometry_with_material ( p_geometry , p_instance , p_owner , material , p_depth_pass , p_shadow_pass ) ;
while ( material - > next_pass . is_valid ( ) ) {
material = storage - > material_owner . getornull ( material - > next_pass ) ;
if ( ! material | | ! material - > shader | | ! material - > shader - > valid ) {
break ;
_add_geometry_with_material ( p_geometry , p_instance , p_owner , material , p_depth_pass , p_shadow_pass ) ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : _add_geometry_with_material ( RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Geometry * p_geometry , InstanceBase * p_instance , RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : GeometryOwner * p_owner , RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Material * p_material , bool p_depth_pass , bool p_shadow_pass ) {
bool has_base_alpha = ( p_material - > shader - > spatial . uses_alpha & & ! p_material - > shader - > spatial . uses_alpha_scissor ) | | p_material - > shader - > spatial . uses_screen_texture | | p_material - > shader - > spatial . uses_depth_texture ;
bool has_blend_alpha = p_material - > shader - > spatial . blend_mode ! = RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Shader : : Spatial : : BLEND_MODE_MIX ;
bool has_alpha = has_base_alpha | | has_blend_alpha ;
bool mirror = p_instance - > mirror ;
if ( p_material - > shader - > spatial . cull_mode = = RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Shader : : Spatial : : CULL_MODE_DISABLED ) {
mirror = false ;
} else if ( p_material - > shader - > spatial . cull_mode = = RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Shader : : Spatial : : CULL_MODE_FRONT ) {
mirror = ! mirror ;
//if (p_material->shader->spatial.uses_sss) {
// state.used_sss = true;
if ( p_material - > shader - > spatial . uses_screen_texture ) {
state . used_screen_texture = true ;
if ( p_depth_pass ) {
if ( has_blend_alpha | | p_material - > shader - > spatial . uses_depth_texture | | ( has_base_alpha & & p_material - > shader - > spatial . depth_draw_mode ! = RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Shader : : Spatial : : DEPTH_DRAW_ALPHA_PREPASS ) ) {
return ; //bye
if ( ! p_material - > shader - > spatial . uses_alpha_scissor & & ! p_material - > shader - > spatial . writes_modelview_or_projection & & ! p_material - > shader - > spatial . uses_vertex & & ! p_material - > shader - > spatial . uses_discard & & p_material - > shader - > spatial . depth_draw_mode ! = RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Shader : : Spatial : : DEPTH_DRAW_ALPHA_PREPASS ) {
//shader does not use discard and does not write a vertex position, use generic material
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( p_instance - > cast_shadows = = RS : : SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_DOUBLE_SIDED ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
p_material = storage - > material_owner . getptr ( ! p_shadow_pass & & p_material - > shader - > spatial . uses_world_coordinates ? default_worldcoord_material_twosided : default_material_twosided ) ;
mirror = false ;
} else {
p_material = storage - > material_owner . getptr ( ! p_shadow_pass & & p_material - > shader - > spatial . uses_world_coordinates ? default_worldcoord_material : default_material ) ;
has_alpha = false ;
RenderList : : Element * e = ( has_alpha | | p_material - > shader - > spatial . no_depth_test ) ? render_list . add_alpha_element ( ) : render_list . add_element ( ) ;
if ( ! e ) {
return ;
e - > geometry = p_geometry ;
e - > material = p_material ;
e - > instance = p_instance ;
e - > owner = p_owner ;
e - > sort_key = 0 ;
e - > depth_key = 0 ;
e - > use_accum = false ;
e - > light_index = RenderList : : MAX_LIGHTS ;
e - > use_accum_ptr = & e - > use_accum ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
e - > instancing = ( e - > instance - > base_type = = RS : : INSTANCE_MULTIMESH ) ? 1 : 0 ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
e - > front_facing = false ;
if ( e - > geometry - > last_pass ! = render_pass ) {
e - > geometry - > last_pass = render_pass ;
e - > geometry - > index = current_geometry_index + + ;
e - > geometry_index = e - > geometry - > index ;
if ( e - > material - > last_pass ! = render_pass ) {
e - > material - > last_pass = render_pass ;
e - > material - > index = current_material_index + + ;
if ( e - > material - > shader - > last_pass ! = render_pass ) {
e - > material - > shader - > index = current_shader_index + + ;
e - > material_index = e - > material - > index ;
if ( mirror ) {
e - > front_facing = true ;
e - > refprobe_0_index = RenderList : : MAX_REFLECTION_PROBES ; //refprobe disabled by default
e - > refprobe_1_index = RenderList : : MAX_REFLECTION_PROBES ; //refprobe disabled by default
if ( ! p_depth_pass ) {
e - > depth_layer = e - > instance - > depth_layer ;
e - > priority = p_material - > render_priority ;
if ( has_alpha & & p_material - > shader - > spatial . depth_draw_mode = = RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Shader : : Spatial : : DEPTH_DRAW_ALPHA_PREPASS ) {
//add element to opaque
RenderList : : Element * eo = render_list . add_element ( ) ;
* eo = * e ;
eo - > use_accum_ptr = & eo - > use_accum ;
int rpsize = e - > instance - > reflection_probe_instances . size ( ) ;
if ( rpsize > 0 ) {
bool first = true ;
rpsize = MIN ( rpsize , 2 ) ; //more than 2 per object are not supported, this keeps it stable
for ( int i = 0 ; i < rpsize ; i + + ) {
ReflectionProbeInstance * rpi = reflection_probe_instance_owner . getornull ( e - > instance - > reflection_probe_instances [ i ] ) ;
if ( rpi - > last_pass ! = render_pass ) {
continue ;
if ( first ) {
e - > refprobe_0_index = rpi - > index ;
first = false ;
} else {
e - > refprobe_1_index = rpi - > index ;
break ;
/* if (e->refprobe_0_index > e->refprobe_1_index) { //if both are valid, swap them to keep order as best as possible
uint64_t tmp = e - > refprobe_0_index ;
e - > refprobe_0_index = e - > refprobe_1_index ;
e - > refprobe_1_index = tmp ;
} */
//add directional lights
if ( p_material - > shader - > spatial . unshaded ) {
e - > light_mode = LIGHTMODE_UNSHADED ;
} else {
bool copy = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < render_directional_lights ; i + + ) {
if ( copy ) {
RenderList : : Element * e2 = has_alpha ? render_list . add_alpha_element ( ) : render_list . add_element ( ) ;
if ( ! e2 ) {
break ;
* e2 = * e ; //this includes accum ptr :)
e = e2 ;
//directional sort key
e - > light_type1 = 0 ;
e - > light_type2 = 1 ;
e - > light_index = i ;
copy = true ;
//add omni / spots
for ( int i = 0 ; i < e - > instance - > light_instances . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
LightInstance * li = light_instance_owner . getornull ( e - > instance - > light_instances [ i ] ) ;
if ( ! li | | li - > light_index > = render_light_instance_count | | render_light_instances [ li - > light_index ] ! = li ) {
continue ; // too many or light_index did not correspond to the light instances to be rendered
if ( copy ) {
RenderList : : Element * e2 = has_alpha ? render_list . add_alpha_element ( ) : render_list . add_element ( ) ;
if ( ! e2 ) {
break ;
* e2 = * e ; //this includes accum ptr :)
e = e2 ;
//directional sort key
e - > light_type1 = 1 ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
e - > light_type2 = li - > light_ptr - > type = = RenderingServer : : LIGHT_OMNI ? 0 : 1 ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
e - > light_index = li - > light_index ;
copy = true ;
2022-03-15 19:57:34 +01:00
e - > light_mode = LIGHTMODE_NORMAL ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
// do not add anything here, as lights are duplicated elements..
if ( p_material - > shader - > spatial . uses_time ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
RenderingServerRaster : : redraw_request ( false ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : _copy_texture_to_buffer ( GLuint p_texture , GLuint p_buffer ) {
//copy to front buffer
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , p_buffer ) ;
glDepthMask ( GL_FALSE ) ;
glDisable ( GL_DEPTH_TEST ) ;
glDisable ( GL_CULL_FACE ) ;
glDisable ( GL_BLEND ) ;
glDepthFunc ( GL_LEQUAL ) ;
glColorMask ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , p_texture ) ;
glViewport ( 0 , 0 , storage - > frame . current_rt - > width , storage - > frame . current_rt - > height ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . bind ( ) ;
storage - > bind_quad_array ( ) ;
glDrawArrays ( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN , 0 , 4 ) ;
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , 0 ) ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : _fill_render_list ( InstanceBase * * p_cull_result , int p_cull_count , bool p_depth_pass , bool p_shadow_pass ) {
render_pass + + ;
current_material_index = 0 ;
current_geometry_index = 0 ;
current_light_index = 0 ;
current_refprobe_index = 0 ;
current_shader_index = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < p_cull_count ; i + + ) {
InstanceBase * instance = p_cull_result [ i ] ;
switch ( instance - > base_type ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
case RS : : INSTANCE_MESH : {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Mesh * mesh = storage - > mesh_owner . getornull ( instance - > base ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE ( ! mesh ) ;
int num_surfaces = mesh - > surfaces . size ( ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < num_surfaces ; j + + ) {
int material_index = instance - > materials [ j ] . is_valid ( ) ? j : - 1 ;
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Surface * surface = mesh - > surfaces [ j ] ;
_add_geometry ( surface , instance , nullptr , material_index , p_depth_pass , p_shadow_pass ) ;
} break ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : MultiMesh * multi_mesh = storage - > multimesh_owner . getptr ( instance - > base ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE ( ! multi_mesh ) ;
if ( multi_mesh - > size = = 0 | | multi_mesh - > visible_instances = = 0 ) {
continue ;
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Mesh * mesh = storage - > mesh_owner . getptr ( multi_mesh - > mesh ) ;
if ( ! mesh ) {
continue ;
int ssize = mesh - > surfaces . size ( ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < ssize ; j + + ) {
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Surface * s = mesh - > surfaces [ j ] ;
_add_geometry ( s , instance , multi_mesh , - 1 , p_depth_pass , p_shadow_pass ) ;
} break ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Immediate * im = storage - > immediate_owner . getptr ( instance - > base ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE ( ! im ) ;
_add_geometry ( im , instance , nullptr , - 1 , p_depth_pass , p_shadow_pass ) ;
} break ;
default : {
static const GLenum gl_primitive [ ] = {
} ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : _set_cull ( bool p_front , bool p_disabled , bool p_reverse_cull ) {
bool front = p_front ;
if ( p_reverse_cull ) {
front = ! front ;
if ( p_disabled ! = state . cull_disabled ) {
if ( p_disabled ) {
glDisable ( GL_CULL_FACE ) ;
} else {
glEnable ( GL_CULL_FACE ) ;
state . cull_disabled = p_disabled ;
if ( front ! = state . cull_front ) {
glCullFace ( front ? GL_FRONT : GL_BACK ) ;
state . cull_front = front ;
bool RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : _setup_material ( RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Material * p_material , bool p_alpha_pass , Size2i p_skeleton_tex_size ) {
// material parameters
state . scene_shader . set_custom_shader ( p_material - > shader - > custom_code_id ) ;
if ( p_material - > shader - > spatial . uses_screen_texture & & storage - > frame . current_rt ) {
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 + storage - > config . max_texture_image_units - 4 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > copy_screen_effect . color ) ;
if ( p_material - > shader - > spatial . uses_depth_texture & & storage - > frame . current_rt ) {
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 + storage - > config . max_texture_image_units - 4 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > depth ) ;
bool shader_rebind = state . scene_shader . bind ( ) ;
if ( p_material - > shader - > spatial . no_depth_test | | p_material - > shader - > spatial . uses_depth_texture ) {
glDisable ( GL_DEPTH_TEST ) ;
} else {
glEnable ( GL_DEPTH_TEST ) ;
switch ( p_material - > shader - > spatial . depth_draw_mode ) {
case RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Shader : : Spatial : : DEPTH_DRAW_ALPHA_PREPASS :
case RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Shader : : Spatial : : DEPTH_DRAW_OPAQUE : {
glDepthMask ( ! p_alpha_pass & & ! p_material - > shader - > spatial . uses_depth_texture ) ;
} break ;
case RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Shader : : Spatial : : DEPTH_DRAW_ALWAYS : {
glDepthMask ( GL_TRUE & & ! p_material - > shader - > spatial . uses_depth_texture ) ;
} break ;
case RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Shader : : Spatial : : DEPTH_DRAW_NEVER : {
glDepthMask ( GL_FALSE ) ;
} break ;
int tc = p_material - > textures . size ( ) ;
const Pair < StringName , RID > * textures = p_material - > textures . ptr ( ) ;
const ShaderLanguage : : ShaderNode : : Uniform : : Hint * texture_hints = p_material - > shader - > texture_hints . ptr ( ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SKELETON_TEXTURE_SIZE , p_skeleton_tex_size ) ;
state . current_main_tex = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tc ; i + + ) {
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 + i ) ;
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Texture * t = storage - > texture_owner . getornull ( textures [ i ] . second ) ;
if ( ! t ) {
switch ( texture_hints [ i ] ) {
case ShaderLanguage : : ShaderNode : : Uniform : : HINT_BLACK_ALBEDO :
case ShaderLanguage : : ShaderNode : : Uniform : : HINT_BLACK : {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > resources . black_tex ) ;
} break ;
2022-08-19 02:57:42 +02:00
case ShaderLanguage : : ShaderNode : : Uniform : : HINT_TRANSPARENT : {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > resources . transparent_tex ) ;
} break ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
case ShaderLanguage : : ShaderNode : : Uniform : : HINT_ANISO : {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > resources . aniso_tex ) ;
} break ;
case ShaderLanguage : : ShaderNode : : Uniform : : HINT_NORMAL : {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > resources . normal_tex ) ;
} break ;
default : {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > resources . white_tex ) ;
} break ;
continue ;
if ( t - > redraw_if_visible ) { //must check before proxy because this is often used with proxies
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
RenderingServerRaster : : redraw_request ( false ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
t = t - > get_ptr ( ) ;
if ( t - > detect_3d ) {
t - > detect_3d ( t - > detect_3d_ud ) ;
# endif
if ( t - > detect_normal & & texture_hints [ i ] = = ShaderLanguage : : ShaderNode : : Uniform : : HINT_NORMAL ) {
t - > detect_normal ( t - > detect_normal_ud ) ;
# endif
if ( t - > render_target ) {
t - > render_target - > used_in_frame = true ;
glBindTexture ( t - > target , t - > tex_id ) ;
if ( i = = 0 ) {
state . current_main_tex = t - > tex_id ;
state . scene_shader . use_material ( ( void * ) p_material ) ;
return shader_rebind ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : _setup_geometry ( RenderList : : Element * p_element , RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Skeleton * p_skeleton ) {
switch ( p_element - > instance - > base_type ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
case RS : : INSTANCE_MESH : {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Surface * s = static_cast < RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Surface * > ( p_element - > geometry ) ;
if ( s - > index_array_len > 0 ) {
glBindBuffer ( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER , s - > index_id ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < RS : : ARRAY_MAX - 1 ; i + + ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
if ( s - > attribs [ i ] . enabled ) {
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( i ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( ! s - > blend_shape_data . empty ( ) & & i ! = RS : : ARRAY_BONES & & s - > blend_shape_buffer_size > 0 ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , s - > blend_shape_buffer_id ) ;
// When using octahedral compression (2 component normal/tangent)
// decompression changes the component count to 3/4
int size ;
switch ( i ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
case RS : : ARRAY_NORMAL : {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
size = 3 ;
} break ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
case RS : : ARRAY_TANGENT : {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
size = 4 ;
} break ;
default :
size = s - > attribs [ i ] . size ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( s - > attribs [ i ] . index , size , GL_FLOAT , GL_FALSE , 8 * 4 * sizeof ( float ) , CAST_INT_TO_UCHAR_PTR ( i * 4 * sizeof ( float ) ) ) ;
} else {
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , s - > vertex_id ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( s - > attribs [ i ] . index , s - > attribs [ i ] . size , s - > attribs [ i ] . type , s - > attribs [ i ] . normalized , s - > attribs [ i ] . stride , CAST_INT_TO_UCHAR_PTR ( s - > attribs [ i ] . offset ) ) ;
} else {
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( i ) ;
switch ( i ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
case RS : : ARRAY_NORMAL : {
glVertexAttrib4f ( RS : : ARRAY_NORMAL , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1 , 1 ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
} break ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
case RS : : ARRAY_COLOR : {
glVertexAttrib4f ( RS : : ARRAY_COLOR , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
} break ;
default : {
bool clear_skeleton_buffer = storage - > config . use_skeleton_software ;
if ( p_skeleton ) {
if ( ! storage - > config . use_skeleton_software ) {
//use float texture workflow
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 + storage - > config . max_texture_image_units - 1 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , p_skeleton - > tex_id ) ;
} else {
//use transform buffer workflow
ERR_FAIL_COND ( p_skeleton - > use_2d ) ;
PoolVector < float > & transform_buffer = storage - > resources . skeleton_transform_cpu_buffer ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( ! s - > attribs [ RS : : ARRAY_BONES ] . enabled | | ! s - > attribs [ RS : : ARRAY_WEIGHTS ] . enabled ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
break ; // the whole instance has a skeleton, but this surface is not affected by it.
// 3 * vec4 per vertex
if ( transform_buffer . size ( ) < s - > array_len * 12 ) {
transform_buffer . resize ( s - > array_len * 12 ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
const size_t bones_offset = s - > attribs [ RS : : ARRAY_BONES ] . offset ;
const size_t bones_stride = s - > attribs [ RS : : ARRAY_BONES ] . stride ;
const size_t bone_weight_offset = s - > attribs [ RS : : ARRAY_WEIGHTS ] . offset ;
const size_t bone_weight_stride = s - > attribs [ RS : : ARRAY_WEIGHTS ] . stride ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
PoolVector < float > : : Write write = transform_buffer . write ( ) ;
float * buffer = write . ptr ( ) ;
PoolVector < uint8_t > : : Read vertex_array_read = s - > data . read ( ) ;
const uint8_t * vertex_data = vertex_array_read . ptr ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < s - > array_len ; i + + ) {
// do magic
size_t bones [ 4 ] ;
float bone_weight [ 4 ] ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( s - > attribs [ RS : : ARRAY_BONES ] . type = = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
// read as byte
const uint8_t * bones_ptr = vertex_data + bones_offset + ( i * bones_stride ) ;
bones [ 0 ] = bones_ptr [ 0 ] ;
bones [ 1 ] = bones_ptr [ 1 ] ;
bones [ 2 ] = bones_ptr [ 2 ] ;
bones [ 3 ] = bones_ptr [ 3 ] ;
} else {
// read as short
const uint16_t * bones_ptr = ( const uint16_t * ) ( vertex_data + bones_offset + ( i * bones_stride ) ) ;
bones [ 0 ] = bones_ptr [ 0 ] ;
bones [ 1 ] = bones_ptr [ 1 ] ;
bones [ 2 ] = bones_ptr [ 2 ] ;
bones [ 3 ] = bones_ptr [ 3 ] ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( s - > attribs [ RS : : ARRAY_WEIGHTS ] . type = = GL_FLOAT ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
// read as float
const float * weight_ptr = ( const float * ) ( vertex_data + bone_weight_offset + ( i * bone_weight_stride ) ) ;
bone_weight [ 0 ] = weight_ptr [ 0 ] ;
bone_weight [ 1 ] = weight_ptr [ 1 ] ;
bone_weight [ 2 ] = weight_ptr [ 2 ] ;
bone_weight [ 3 ] = weight_ptr [ 3 ] ;
} else {
// read as half
const uint16_t * weight_ptr = ( const uint16_t * ) ( vertex_data + bone_weight_offset + ( i * bone_weight_stride ) ) ;
bone_weight [ 0 ] = ( weight_ptr [ 0 ] / ( float ) 0xFFFF ) ;
bone_weight [ 1 ] = ( weight_ptr [ 1 ] / ( float ) 0xFFFF ) ;
bone_weight [ 2 ] = ( weight_ptr [ 2 ] / ( float ) 0xFFFF ) ;
bone_weight [ 3 ] = ( weight_ptr [ 3 ] / ( float ) 0xFFFF ) ;
Transform transform ;
Transform bone_transforms [ 4 ] = {
storage - > skeleton_bone_get_transform ( p_element - > instance - > skeleton , bones [ 0 ] ) ,
storage - > skeleton_bone_get_transform ( p_element - > instance - > skeleton , bones [ 1 ] ) ,
storage - > skeleton_bone_get_transform ( p_element - > instance - > skeleton , bones [ 2 ] ) ,
storage - > skeleton_bone_get_transform ( p_element - > instance - > skeleton , bones [ 3 ] ) ,
} ;
transform . origin =
bone_weight [ 0 ] * bone_transforms [ 0 ] . origin +
bone_weight [ 1 ] * bone_transforms [ 1 ] . origin +
bone_weight [ 2 ] * bone_transforms [ 2 ] . origin +
bone_weight [ 3 ] * bone_transforms [ 3 ] . origin ;
transform . basis =
bone_transforms [ 0 ] . basis * bone_weight [ 0 ] +
bone_transforms [ 1 ] . basis * bone_weight [ 1 ] +
bone_transforms [ 2 ] . basis * bone_weight [ 2 ] +
bone_transforms [ 3 ] . basis * bone_weight [ 3 ] ;
float row [ 3 ] [ 4 ] = {
{ transform . basis [ 0 ] [ 0 ] , transform . basis [ 0 ] [ 1 ] , transform . basis [ 0 ] [ 2 ] , transform . origin [ 0 ] } ,
{ transform . basis [ 1 ] [ 0 ] , transform . basis [ 1 ] [ 1 ] , transform . basis [ 1 ] [ 2 ] , transform . origin [ 1 ] } ,
{ transform . basis [ 2 ] [ 0 ] , transform . basis [ 2 ] [ 1 ] , transform . basis [ 2 ] [ 2 ] , transform . origin [ 2 ] } ,
} ;
size_t transform_buffer_offset = i * 12 ;
memcpy ( & buffer [ transform_buffer_offset ] , row , sizeof ( row ) ) ;
storage - > _update_skeleton_transform_buffer ( transform_buffer , s - > array_len * 12 ) ;
//enable transform buffer and bind it
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , storage - > resources . skeleton_transform_buffer ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( INSTANCE_BONE_BASE + 0 ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( INSTANCE_BONE_BASE + 1 ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( INSTANCE_BONE_BASE + 2 ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( INSTANCE_BONE_BASE + 0 , 4 , GL_FLOAT , GL_FALSE , sizeof ( float ) * 12 , ( const void * ) ( sizeof ( float ) * 4 * 0 ) ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( INSTANCE_BONE_BASE + 1 , 4 , GL_FLOAT , GL_FALSE , sizeof ( float ) * 12 , ( const void * ) ( sizeof ( float ) * 4 * 1 ) ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( INSTANCE_BONE_BASE + 2 , 4 , GL_FLOAT , GL_FALSE , sizeof ( float ) * 12 , ( const void * ) ( sizeof ( float ) * 4 * 2 ) ) ;
clear_skeleton_buffer = false ;
if ( clear_skeleton_buffer ) {
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( INSTANCE_BONE_BASE + 0 ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( INSTANCE_BONE_BASE + 1 ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( INSTANCE_BONE_BASE + 2 ) ;
} break ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Surface * s = static_cast < RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Surface * > ( p_element - > geometry ) ;
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , s - > vertex_id ) ;
if ( s - > index_array_len > 0 ) {
glBindBuffer ( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER , s - > index_id ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < RS : : ARRAY_MAX - 1 ; i + + ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
if ( s - > attribs [ i ] . enabled ) {
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( i ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( s - > attribs [ i ] . index , s - > attribs [ i ] . size , s - > attribs [ i ] . type , s - > attribs [ i ] . normalized , s - > attribs [ i ] . stride , CAST_INT_TO_UCHAR_PTR ( s - > attribs [ i ] . offset ) ) ;
} else {
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( i ) ;
switch ( i ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
case RS : : ARRAY_NORMAL : {
glVertexAttrib4f ( RS : : ARRAY_NORMAL , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1 , 1 ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
} break ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
case RS : : ARRAY_COLOR : {
glVertexAttrib4f ( RS : : ARRAY_COLOR , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
} break ;
default : {
// prepare multimesh (disable)
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( INSTANCE_ATTRIB_BASE + 0 ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( INSTANCE_ATTRIB_BASE + 1 ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( INSTANCE_ATTRIB_BASE + 2 ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( INSTANCE_ATTRIB_BASE + 3 ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( INSTANCE_ATTRIB_BASE + 4 ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( INSTANCE_BONE_BASE + 0 ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( INSTANCE_BONE_BASE + 1 ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( INSTANCE_BONE_BASE + 2 ) ;
} break ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
} break ;
default : {
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : _render_geometry ( RenderList : : Element * p_element ) {
switch ( p_element - > instance - > base_type ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
case RS : : INSTANCE_MESH : {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Surface * s = static_cast < RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Surface * > ( p_element - > geometry ) ;
// drawing
if ( s - > index_array_len > 0 ) {
glDrawElements ( gl_primitive [ s - > primitive ] , s - > index_array_len , ( s - > array_len > = ( 1 < < 16 ) ) ? GL_UNSIGNED_INT : GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT , nullptr ) ;
storage - > info . render . vertices_count + = s - > index_array_len ;
} else {
glDrawArrays ( gl_primitive [ s - > primitive ] , 0 , s - > array_len ) ;
storage - > info . render . vertices_count + = s - > array_len ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( p_element - > instance - > skeleton . is_valid ( ) & & s - > attribs [ RS : : ARRAY_BONES ] . enabled & & s - > attribs [ RS : : ARRAY_WEIGHTS ] . enabled ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
//clean up after skeleton
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , storage - > resources . skeleton_transform_buffer ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( RS : : ARRAY_MAX + 0 ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( RS : : ARRAY_MAX + 1 ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( RS : : ARRAY_MAX + 2 ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glVertexAttrib4f ( RS : : ARRAY_MAX + 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
glVertexAttrib4f ( RS : : ARRAY_MAX + 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 ) ;
glVertexAttrib4f ( RS : : ARRAY_MAX + 2 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
} break ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : MultiMesh * multi_mesh = static_cast < RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : MultiMesh * > ( p_element - > owner ) ;
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Surface * s = static_cast < RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Surface * > ( p_element - > geometry ) ;
int amount = MIN ( multi_mesh - > size , multi_mesh - > visible_instances ) ;
if ( amount = = - 1 ) {
amount = multi_mesh - > size ;
2022-09-15 14:20:12 +02:00
if ( ! amount ) {
return ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
int stride = multi_mesh - > color_floats + multi_mesh - > custom_data_floats + multi_mesh - > xform_floats ;
int color_ofs = multi_mesh - > xform_floats ;
int custom_data_ofs = color_ofs + multi_mesh - > color_floats ;
// drawing
const float * base_buffer = multi_mesh - > data . ptr ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < amount ; i + + ) {
const float * buffer = base_buffer + i * stride ;
glVertexAttrib4fv ( INSTANCE_ATTRIB_BASE + 0 , & buffer [ 0 ] ) ;
glVertexAttrib4fv ( INSTANCE_ATTRIB_BASE + 1 , & buffer [ 4 ] ) ;
glVertexAttrib4fv ( INSTANCE_ATTRIB_BASE + 2 , & buffer [ 8 ] ) ;
if ( multi_mesh - > color_floats ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( multi_mesh - > color_format = = RS : : MULTIMESH_COLOR_8BIT ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
uint8_t * color_data = ( uint8_t * ) ( buffer + color_ofs ) ;
glVertexAttrib4f ( INSTANCE_ATTRIB_BASE + 3 , color_data [ 0 ] / 255.0 , color_data [ 1 ] / 255.0 , color_data [ 2 ] / 255.0 , color_data [ 3 ] / 255.0 ) ;
} else {
glVertexAttrib4fv ( INSTANCE_ATTRIB_BASE + 3 , buffer + color_ofs ) ;
} else {
glVertexAttrib4f ( INSTANCE_ATTRIB_BASE + 3 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ) ;
if ( multi_mesh - > custom_data_floats ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( multi_mesh - > custom_data_format = = RS : : MULTIMESH_CUSTOM_DATA_8BIT ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
uint8_t * custom_data = ( uint8_t * ) ( buffer + custom_data_ofs ) ;
glVertexAttrib4f ( INSTANCE_ATTRIB_BASE + 4 , custom_data [ 0 ] / 255.0 , custom_data [ 1 ] / 255.0 , custom_data [ 2 ] / 255.0 , custom_data [ 3 ] / 255.0 ) ;
} else {
glVertexAttrib4fv ( INSTANCE_ATTRIB_BASE + 4 , buffer + custom_data_ofs ) ;
if ( s - > index_array_len > 0 ) {
glDrawElements ( gl_primitive [ s - > primitive ] , s - > index_array_len , ( s - > array_len > = ( 1 < < 16 ) ) ? GL_UNSIGNED_INT : GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT , nullptr ) ;
storage - > info . render . vertices_count + = s - > index_array_len ;
} else {
glDrawArrays ( gl_primitive [ s - > primitive ] , 0 , s - > array_len ) ;
storage - > info . render . vertices_count + = s - > array_len ;
} break ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
const RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Immediate * im = static_cast < const RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Immediate * > ( p_element - > geometry ) ;
if ( im - > building ) {
return ;
bool restore_tex = false ;
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , state . immediate_buffer ) ;
for ( const List < RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Immediate : : Chunk > : : Element * E = im - > chunks . front ( ) ; E ; E = E - > next ( ) ) {
const RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Immediate : : Chunk & c = E - > get ( ) ;
if ( c . vertices . empty ( ) ) {
continue ;
int vertices = c . vertices . size ( ) ;
uint32_t buf_ofs = 0 ;
storage - > info . render . vertices_count + = vertices ;
if ( c . texture . is_valid ( ) & & storage - > texture_owner . owns ( c . texture ) ) {
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Texture * t = storage - > texture_owner . get ( c . texture ) ;
if ( t - > redraw_if_visible ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
RenderingServerRaster : : redraw_request ( false ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
t = t - > get_ptr ( ) ;
if ( t - > detect_3d ) {
t - > detect_3d ( t - > detect_3d_ud ) ;
# endif
if ( t - > render_target ) {
t - > render_target - > used_in_frame = true ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
glBindTexture ( t - > target , t - > tex_id ) ;
restore_tex = true ;
} else if ( restore_tex ) {
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , state . current_main_tex ) ;
restore_tex = false ;
if ( ! c . normals . empty ( ) ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( RS : : ARRAY_NORMAL ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
glBufferSubData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , buf_ofs , sizeof ( Vector3 ) * vertices , c . normals . ptr ( ) ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glVertexAttribPointer ( RS : : ARRAY_NORMAL , 3 , GL_FLOAT , GL_FALSE , sizeof ( Vector3 ) , CAST_INT_TO_UCHAR_PTR ( buf_ofs ) ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
buf_ofs + = sizeof ( Vector3 ) * vertices ;
} else {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( RS : : ARRAY_NORMAL ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
if ( ! c . tangents . empty ( ) ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( RS : : ARRAY_TANGENT ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
glBufferSubData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , buf_ofs , sizeof ( Plane ) * vertices , c . tangents . ptr ( ) ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glVertexAttribPointer ( RS : : ARRAY_TANGENT , 4 , GL_FLOAT , GL_FALSE , sizeof ( Plane ) , CAST_INT_TO_UCHAR_PTR ( buf_ofs ) ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
buf_ofs + = sizeof ( Plane ) * vertices ;
} else {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( RS : : ARRAY_TANGENT ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
if ( ! c . colors . empty ( ) ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( RS : : ARRAY_COLOR ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
glBufferSubData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , buf_ofs , sizeof ( Color ) * vertices , c . colors . ptr ( ) ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glVertexAttribPointer ( RS : : ARRAY_COLOR , 4 , GL_FLOAT , GL_FALSE , sizeof ( Color ) , CAST_INT_TO_UCHAR_PTR ( buf_ofs ) ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
buf_ofs + = sizeof ( Color ) * vertices ;
} else {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( RS : : ARRAY_COLOR ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
if ( ! c . uvs . empty ( ) ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( RS : : ARRAY_TEX_UV ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
glBufferSubData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , buf_ofs , sizeof ( Vector2 ) * vertices , c . uvs . ptr ( ) ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glVertexAttribPointer ( RS : : ARRAY_TEX_UV , 2 , GL_FLOAT , GL_FALSE , sizeof ( Vector2 ) , CAST_INT_TO_UCHAR_PTR ( buf_ofs ) ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
buf_ofs + = sizeof ( Vector2 ) * vertices ;
} else {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( RS : : ARRAY_TEX_UV ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
if ( ! c . uv2s . empty ( ) ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( RS : : ARRAY_TEX_UV2 ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
glBufferSubData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , buf_ofs , sizeof ( Vector2 ) * vertices , c . uv2s . ptr ( ) ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glVertexAttribPointer ( RS : : ARRAY_TEX_UV2 , 2 , GL_FLOAT , GL_FALSE , sizeof ( Vector2 ) , CAST_INT_TO_UCHAR_PTR ( buf_ofs ) ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
buf_ofs + = sizeof ( Vector2 ) * vertices ;
} else {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( RS : : ARRAY_TEX_UV2 ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( RS : : ARRAY_VERTEX ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
glBufferSubData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , buf_ofs , sizeof ( Vector3 ) * vertices , c . vertices . ptr ( ) ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glVertexAttribPointer ( RS : : ARRAY_VERTEX , 3 , GL_FLOAT , GL_FALSE , sizeof ( Vector3 ) , CAST_INT_TO_UCHAR_PTR ( buf_ofs ) ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
glDrawArrays ( gl_primitive [ c . primitive ] , 0 , c . vertices . size ( ) ) ;
if ( restore_tex ) {
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , state . current_main_tex ) ;
restore_tex = false ;
} break ;
default : {
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : _setup_light_type ( LightInstance * p_light , ShadowAtlas * shadow_atlas ) {
//turn off all by default
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_LIGHTING , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_SHADOW , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SHADOW_MODE_PCF_5 , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SHADOW_MODE_PCF_13 , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_MODE_DIRECTIONAL , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_MODE_OMNI , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_MODE_SPOT , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_USE_PSSM2 , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_USE_PSSM4 , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_USE_PSSM_BLEND , false ) ;
if ( ! p_light ) { //no light, return off
return ;
//turn on lighting
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_LIGHTING , true ) ;
switch ( p_light - > light_ptr - > type ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_MODE_DIRECTIONAL , true ) ;
switch ( p_light - > light_ptr - > directional_shadow_mode ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
//no need
} break ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_USE_PSSM2 , true ) ;
} break ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_USE_PSSM4 , true ) ;
} break ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_USE_PSSM_BLEND , p_light - > light_ptr - > directional_blend_splits ) ;
if ( ! state . render_no_shadows & & p_light - > light_ptr - > shadow ) {
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_SHADOW , true ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 + storage - > config . max_texture_image_units - 3 ) ;
if ( storage - > config . use_rgba_3d_shadows ) {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , directional_shadow . color ) ;
} else {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , directional_shadow . depth ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SHADOW_MODE_PCF_5 , shadow_filter_mode = = SHADOW_FILTER_PCF5 ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SHADOW_MODE_PCF_13 , shadow_filter_mode = = SHADOW_FILTER_PCF13 ) ;
} break ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
case RS : : LIGHT_OMNI : {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_MODE_OMNI , true ) ;
if ( ! state . render_no_shadows & & shadow_atlas & & p_light - > light_ptr - > shadow ) {
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_SHADOW , true ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 + storage - > config . max_texture_image_units - 3 ) ;
if ( storage - > config . use_rgba_3d_shadows ) {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , shadow_atlas - > color ) ;
} else {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , shadow_atlas - > depth ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SHADOW_MODE_PCF_5 , shadow_filter_mode = = SHADOW_FILTER_PCF5 ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SHADOW_MODE_PCF_13 , shadow_filter_mode = = SHADOW_FILTER_PCF13 ) ;
} break ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
case RS : : LIGHT_SPOT : {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_MODE_SPOT , true ) ;
if ( ! state . render_no_shadows & & shadow_atlas & & p_light - > light_ptr - > shadow ) {
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_SHADOW , true ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 + storage - > config . max_texture_image_units - 3 ) ;
if ( storage - > config . use_rgba_3d_shadows ) {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , shadow_atlas - > color ) ;
} else {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , shadow_atlas - > depth ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SHADOW_MODE_PCF_5 , shadow_filter_mode = = SHADOW_FILTER_PCF5 ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SHADOW_MODE_PCF_13 , shadow_filter_mode = = SHADOW_FILTER_PCF13 ) ;
} break ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : _setup_light ( LightInstance * light , ShadowAtlas * shadow_atlas , const Transform & p_view_transform , bool accum_pass ) {
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Light * light_ptr = light - > light_ptr ;
//common parameters
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
float energy = light_ptr - > param [ RS : : LIGHT_PARAM_ENERGY ] ;
float specular = light_ptr - > param [ RS : : LIGHT_PARAM_SPECULAR ] ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
float sign = ( light_ptr - > negative & & ! accum_pass ) ? - 1 : 1 ; //inverse color for base pass lights only
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_SPECULAR , specular ) ;
Color color = light_ptr - > color * sign * energy * Math_PI ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_COLOR , color ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SHADOW_COLOR , light_ptr - > shadow_color ) ;
//specific parameters
switch ( light_ptr - > type ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
//not using inverse for performance, view should be normalized anyway
Vector3 direction = p_view_transform . basis . xform_inv ( light - > transform . basis . xform ( Vector3 ( 0 , 0 , - 1 ) ) ) . normalized ( ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_DIRECTION , direction ) ;
2022-08-16 10:26:35 +02:00
Projection matrices [ 4 ] ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
if ( ! state . render_no_shadows & & light_ptr - > shadow & & directional_shadow . depth ) {
int shadow_count = 0 ;
Color split_offsets ;
switch ( light_ptr - > directional_shadow_mode ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
shadow_count = 1 ;
} break ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
shadow_count = 2 ;
} break ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
shadow_count = 4 ;
} break ;
for ( int k = 0 ; k < shadow_count ; k + + ) {
uint32_t x = light - > directional_rect . position . x ;
uint32_t y = light - > directional_rect . position . y ;
uint32_t width = light - > directional_rect . size . x ;
uint32_t height = light - > directional_rect . size . y ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( light_ptr - > directional_shadow_mode = = RS : : LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL_SHADOW_PARALLEL_4_SPLITS ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
width / = 2 ;
height / = 2 ;
if ( k = = 1 ) {
x + = width ;
} else if ( k = = 2 ) {
y + = height ;
} else if ( k = = 3 ) {
x + = width ;
y + = height ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
} else if ( light_ptr - > directional_shadow_mode = = RS : : LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL_SHADOW_PARALLEL_2_SPLITS ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
height / = 2 ;
if ( k ! = 0 ) {
y + = height ;
split_offsets [ k ] = light - > shadow_transform [ k ] . split ;
Transform modelview = ( p_view_transform . inverse ( ) * light - > shadow_transform [ k ] . transform ) . affine_inverse ( ) ;
2022-08-16 10:26:35 +02:00
Projection bias ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
bias . set_light_bias ( ) ;
2022-08-16 10:26:35 +02:00
Projection rectm ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
Rect2 atlas_rect = Rect2 ( float ( x ) / directional_shadow . size , float ( y ) / directional_shadow . size , float ( width ) / directional_shadow . size , float ( height ) / directional_shadow . size ) ;
rectm . set_light_atlas_rect ( atlas_rect ) ;
2022-08-16 10:26:35 +02:00
Projection shadow_mtx = rectm * bias * light - > shadow_transform [ k ] . camera * modelview ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
matrices [ k ] = shadow_mtx ;
/*Color light_clamp;
light_clamp [ 0 ] = atlas_rect . position . x ;
light_clamp [ 1 ] = atlas_rect . position . y ;
light_clamp [ 2 ] = atlas_rect . size . x ;
light_clamp [ 3 ] = atlas_rect . size . y ; */
// state.scene_shader.set_uniform(SceneShaderGLES2::LIGHT_CLAMP, light_clamp);
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SHADOW_PIXEL_SIZE , Size2 ( 1.0 / directional_shadow . size , 1.0 / directional_shadow . size ) ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_SPLIT_OFFSETS , split_offsets ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_SHADOW_MATRIX , matrices [ 0 ] ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_SHADOW_MATRIX2 , matrices [ 1 ] ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_SHADOW_MATRIX3 , matrices [ 2 ] ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_SHADOW_MATRIX4 , matrices [ 3 ] ) ;
} break ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
case RS : : LIGHT_OMNI : {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
Vector3 position = p_view_transform . xform_inv ( light - > transform . origin ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_POSITION , position ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
float range = light_ptr - > param [ RS : : LIGHT_PARAM_RANGE ] ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_RANGE , range ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
float attenuation = light_ptr - > param [ RS : : LIGHT_PARAM_ATTENUATION ] ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_ATTENUATION , attenuation ) ;
if ( ! state . render_no_shadows & & light_ptr - > shadow & & shadow_atlas & & shadow_atlas - > shadow_owners . has ( light - > self ) ) {
uint32_t key = shadow_atlas - > shadow_owners [ light - > self ] ;
uint32_t quadrant = ( key > > ShadowAtlas : : QUADRANT_SHIFT ) & 0x03 ;
uint32_t shadow = key & ShadowAtlas : : SHADOW_INDEX_MASK ;
ERR_BREAK ( shadow > = ( uint32_t ) shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ quadrant ] . shadows . size ( ) ) ;
uint32_t atlas_size = shadow_atlas - > size ;
uint32_t quadrant_size = atlas_size > > 1 ;
uint32_t x = ( quadrant & 1 ) * quadrant_size ;
uint32_t y = ( quadrant > > 1 ) * quadrant_size ;
uint32_t shadow_size = ( quadrant_size / shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ quadrant ] . subdivision ) ;
x + = ( shadow % shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ quadrant ] . subdivision ) * shadow_size ;
y + = ( shadow / shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ quadrant ] . subdivision ) * shadow_size ;
uint32_t width = shadow_size ;
uint32_t height = shadow_size ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( light - > light_ptr - > omni_shadow_detail = = RS : : LIGHT_OMNI_SHADOW_DETAIL_HORIZONTAL ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
height / = 2 ;
} else {
width / = 2 ;
Transform proj = ( p_view_transform . inverse ( ) * light - > transform ) . inverse ( ) ;
Color light_clamp ;
light_clamp [ 0 ] = float ( x ) / atlas_size ;
light_clamp [ 1 ] = float ( y ) / atlas_size ;
light_clamp [ 2 ] = float ( width ) / atlas_size ;
light_clamp [ 3 ] = float ( height ) / atlas_size ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SHADOW_PIXEL_SIZE , Size2 ( 1.0 / shadow_atlas - > size , 1.0 / shadow_atlas - > size ) ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_SHADOW_MATRIX , proj ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_CLAMP , light_clamp ) ;
} break ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
case RS : : LIGHT_SPOT : {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
Vector3 position = p_view_transform . xform_inv ( light - > transform . origin ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_POSITION , position ) ;
Vector3 direction = p_view_transform . inverse ( ) . basis . xform ( light - > transform . basis . xform ( Vector3 ( 0 , 0 , - 1 ) ) ) . normalized ( ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_DIRECTION , direction ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
float attenuation = light_ptr - > param [ RS : : LIGHT_PARAM_ATTENUATION ] ;
float range = light_ptr - > param [ RS : : LIGHT_PARAM_RANGE ] ;
float spot_attenuation = light_ptr - > param [ RS : : LIGHT_PARAM_SPOT_ATTENUATION ] ;
float angle = light_ptr - > param [ RS : : LIGHT_PARAM_SPOT_ANGLE ] ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
angle = Math : : cos ( Math : : deg2rad ( angle ) ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_ATTENUATION , attenuation ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_SPOT_ATTENUATION , spot_attenuation ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_SPOT_RANGE , spot_attenuation ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_SPOT_ANGLE , angle ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_RANGE , range ) ;
if ( ! state . render_no_shadows & & light - > light_ptr - > shadow & & shadow_atlas & & shadow_atlas - > shadow_owners . has ( light - > self ) ) {
uint32_t key = shadow_atlas - > shadow_owners [ light - > self ] ;
uint32_t quadrant = ( key > > ShadowAtlas : : QUADRANT_SHIFT ) & 0x03 ;
uint32_t shadow = key & ShadowAtlas : : SHADOW_INDEX_MASK ;
ERR_BREAK ( shadow > = ( uint32_t ) shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ quadrant ] . shadows . size ( ) ) ;
uint32_t atlas_size = shadow_atlas - > size ;
uint32_t quadrant_size = atlas_size > > 1 ;
uint32_t x = ( quadrant & 1 ) * quadrant_size ;
uint32_t y = ( quadrant > > 1 ) * quadrant_size ;
uint32_t shadow_size = ( quadrant_size / shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ quadrant ] . subdivision ) ;
x + = ( shadow % shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ quadrant ] . subdivision ) * shadow_size ;
y + = ( shadow / shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ quadrant ] . subdivision ) * shadow_size ;
uint32_t width = shadow_size ;
uint32_t height = shadow_size ;
Rect2 rect ( float ( x ) / atlas_size , float ( y ) / atlas_size , float ( width ) / atlas_size , float ( height ) / atlas_size ) ;
Color light_clamp ;
light_clamp [ 0 ] = rect . position . x ;
light_clamp [ 1 ] = rect . position . y ;
light_clamp [ 2 ] = rect . size . x ;
light_clamp [ 3 ] = rect . size . y ;
Transform modelview = ( p_view_transform . inverse ( ) * light - > transform ) . inverse ( ) ;
2022-08-16 10:26:35 +02:00
Projection bias ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
bias . set_light_bias ( ) ;
2022-08-16 10:26:35 +02:00
Projection rectm ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
rectm . set_light_atlas_rect ( rect ) ;
2022-08-16 10:26:35 +02:00
Projection shadow_matrix = rectm * bias * light - > shadow_transform [ 0 ] . camera * modelview ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SHADOW_PIXEL_SIZE , Size2 ( 1.0 / shadow_atlas - > size , 1.0 / shadow_atlas - > size ) ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_SHADOW_MATRIX , shadow_matrix ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_CLAMP , light_clamp ) ;
} break ;
default : {
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : _setup_refprobes ( ReflectionProbeInstance * p_refprobe1 , ReflectionProbeInstance * p_refprobe2 , const Transform & p_view_transform , Environment3D * p_env ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
if ( p_refprobe1 ) {
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : REFPROBE1_USE_BOX_PROJECT , p_refprobe1 - > probe_ptr - > box_projection ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : REFPROBE1_BOX_EXTENTS , p_refprobe1 - > probe_ptr - > extents ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : REFPROBE1_BOX_OFFSET , p_refprobe1 - > probe_ptr - > origin_offset ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : REFPROBE1_EXTERIOR , ! p_refprobe1 - > probe_ptr - > interior ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : REFPROBE1_INTENSITY , p_refprobe1 - > probe_ptr - > intensity ) ;
Color ambient ;
if ( p_refprobe1 - > probe_ptr - > interior ) {
ambient = p_refprobe1 - > probe_ptr - > interior_ambient * p_refprobe1 - > probe_ptr - > interior_ambient_energy ;
ambient . a = p_refprobe1 - > probe_ptr - > interior_ambient_probe_contrib ;
} else if ( p_env ) {
ambient = p_env - > ambient_color * p_env - > ambient_energy ;
ambient . a = p_env - > ambient_sky_contribution ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : REFPROBE1_AMBIENT , ambient ) ;
Transform proj = ( p_view_transform . inverse ( ) * p_refprobe1 - > transform ) . affine_inverse ( ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : REFPROBE1_LOCAL_MATRIX , proj ) ;
if ( p_refprobe2 ) {
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : REFPROBE2_USE_BOX_PROJECT , p_refprobe2 - > probe_ptr - > box_projection ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : REFPROBE2_BOX_EXTENTS , p_refprobe2 - > probe_ptr - > extents ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : REFPROBE2_BOX_OFFSET , p_refprobe2 - > probe_ptr - > origin_offset ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : REFPROBE2_EXTERIOR , ! p_refprobe2 - > probe_ptr - > interior ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : REFPROBE2_INTENSITY , p_refprobe2 - > probe_ptr - > intensity ) ;
Color ambient ;
if ( p_refprobe2 - > probe_ptr - > interior ) {
ambient = p_refprobe2 - > probe_ptr - > interior_ambient * p_refprobe2 - > probe_ptr - > interior_ambient_energy ;
ambient . a = p_refprobe2 - > probe_ptr - > interior_ambient_probe_contrib ;
} else if ( p_env ) {
ambient = p_env - > ambient_color * p_env - > ambient_energy ;
ambient . a = p_env - > ambient_sky_contribution ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : REFPROBE2_AMBIENT , ambient ) ;
Transform proj = ( p_view_transform . inverse ( ) * p_refprobe2 - > transform ) . affine_inverse ( ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : REFPROBE2_LOCAL_MATRIX , proj ) ;
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : _render_render_list ( RenderList : : Element * * p_elements , int p_element_count , const Transform & p_view_transform , const Projection & p_projection , const int p_eye , RID p_shadow_atlas , Environment3D * p_env , GLuint p_base_env , float p_shadow_bias , float p_shadow_normal_bias , bool p_reverse_cull , bool p_alpha_pass , bool p_shadow ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ShadowAtlas * shadow_atlas = shadow_atlas_owner . getornull ( p_shadow_atlas ) ;
Vector2 viewport_size = state . viewport_size ;
Vector2 screen_pixel_size = state . screen_pixel_size ;
bool use_radiance_map = false ;
if ( ! p_shadow & & p_base_env ) {
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 + storage - > config . max_texture_image_units - 2 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP , p_base_env ) ;
use_radiance_map = true ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_RADIANCE_MAP , true ) ; //since prev unshaded is false, this needs to be true if exists
bool prev_unshaded = false ;
bool prev_instancing = false ;
bool prev_depth_prepass = false ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SHADELESS , false ) ;
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Material * prev_material = nullptr ;
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Geometry * prev_geometry = nullptr ;
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Skeleton * prev_skeleton = nullptr ;
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : GeometryOwner * prev_owner = nullptr ;
bool prev_octahedral_compression = false ;
Transform view_transform_inverse = p_view_transform . inverse ( ) ;
2022-08-16 10:26:35 +02:00
Projection projection_inverse = p_projection . inverse ( ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
bool prev_base_pass = false ;
LightInstance * prev_light = nullptr ;
bool prev_vertex_lit = false ;
ReflectionProbeInstance * prev_refprobe_1 = nullptr ;
ReflectionProbeInstance * prev_refprobe_2 = nullptr ;
int prev_blend_mode = - 2 ; //will always catch the first go
state . cull_front = false ;
state . cull_disabled = false ;
glCullFace ( GL_BACK ) ;
glEnable ( GL_CULL_FACE ) ;
if ( p_alpha_pass ) {
glEnable ( GL_BLEND ) ;
} else {
glDisable ( GL_BLEND ) ;
float fog_max_distance = 0 ;
bool using_fog = false ;
if ( p_env & & ! p_shadow & & p_env - > fog_enabled & & ( p_env - > fog_depth_enabled | | p_env - > fog_height_enabled ) ) {
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : FOG_DEPTH_ENABLED , p_env - > fog_depth_enabled ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : FOG_HEIGHT_ENABLED , p_env - > fog_height_enabled ) ;
if ( p_env - > fog_depth_end > 0 ) {
fog_max_distance = p_env - > fog_depth_end ;
} else {
fog_max_distance = p_projection . get_z_far ( ) ;
using_fog = true ;
storage - > info . render . draw_call_count + = p_element_count ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < p_element_count ; i + + ) {
RenderList : : Element * e = p_elements [ i ] ;
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Material * material = e - > material ;
bool rebind = false ;
bool accum_pass = * e - > use_accum_ptr ;
* e - > use_accum_ptr = true ; //set to accum for next time this is found
LightInstance * light = nullptr ;
ReflectionProbeInstance * refprobe_1 = nullptr ;
ReflectionProbeInstance * refprobe_2 = nullptr ;
bool rebind_light = false ;
bool rebind_reflection = false ;
if ( ! p_shadow & & material - > shader ) {
bool unshaded = material - > shader - > spatial . unshaded ;
if ( unshaded ! = prev_unshaded ) {
rebind = true ;
if ( unshaded ) {
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SHADELESS , true ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_RADIANCE_MAP , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_LIGHTING , false ) ;
} else {
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SHADELESS , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_RADIANCE_MAP , use_radiance_map ) ;
prev_unshaded = unshaded ;
bool base_pass = ! accum_pass & & ! unshaded ; //conditions for a base pass
if ( base_pass ! = prev_base_pass ) {
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : BASE_PASS , base_pass ) ;
rebind = true ;
prev_base_pass = base_pass ;
2022-07-31 01:32:43 +02:00
if ( ! unshaded & & e - > light_index < RenderList : : MAX_LIGHTS ) {
light = render_light_instances [ e - > light_index ] ;
if ( ( e - > instance - > layer_mask & light - > light_ptr - > cull_mask ) = = 0 ) {
light = nullptr ; // Don't use this light, it is culled
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
if ( light ! = prev_light ) {
_setup_light_type ( light , shadow_atlas ) ;
rebind = true ;
rebind_light = true ;
int blend_mode = p_alpha_pass ? material - > shader - > spatial . blend_mode : - 1 ; // -1 no blend, no mix
if ( accum_pass ) { //accum pass force pass
blend_mode = RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Shader : : Spatial : : BLEND_MODE_ADD ;
if ( light & & light - > light_ptr - > negative ) {
blend_mode = RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Shader : : Spatial : : BLEND_MODE_SUB ;
if ( prev_blend_mode ! = blend_mode ) {
if ( prev_blend_mode = = - 1 & & blend_mode ! = - 1 ) {
//does blend
glEnable ( GL_BLEND ) ;
} else if ( blend_mode = = - 1 & & prev_blend_mode ! = - 1 ) {
//do not blend
glDisable ( GL_BLEND ) ;
switch ( blend_mode ) {
//-1 not handled because not blend is enabled anyway
case RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Shader : : Spatial : : BLEND_MODE_MIX : {
glBlendEquation ( GL_FUNC_ADD ) ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt & & storage - > frame . current_rt - > flags [ RasterizerStorage : : RENDER_TARGET_TRANSPARENT ] ) {
} else {
2022-07-28 11:02:41 +02:00
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
} break ;
case RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Shader : : Spatial : : BLEND_MODE_ADD : {
glBlendEquation ( GL_FUNC_ADD ) ;
glBlendFunc ( p_alpha_pass ? GL_SRC_ALPHA : GL_ONE , GL_ONE ) ;
} break ;
case RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Shader : : Spatial : : BLEND_MODE_SUB : {
glBlendEquation ( GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT ) ;
glBlendFunc ( GL_SRC_ALPHA , GL_ONE ) ;
} break ;
case RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Shader : : Spatial : : BLEND_MODE_MUL : {
glBlendEquation ( GL_FUNC_ADD ) ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt & & storage - > frame . current_rt - > flags [ RasterizerStorage : : RENDER_TARGET_TRANSPARENT ] ) {
glBlendFuncSeparate ( GL_DST_COLOR , GL_ZERO , GL_DST_ALPHA , GL_ZERO ) ;
} else {
glBlendFuncSeparate ( GL_DST_COLOR , GL_ZERO , GL_ZERO , GL_ONE ) ;
} break ;
prev_blend_mode = blend_mode ;
//condition to enable vertex lighting on this object
bool vertex_lit = ( material - > shader - > spatial . uses_vertex_lighting | | storage - > config . force_vertex_shading ) & & ( ( ! unshaded & & light ) | | using_fog ) ; //fog forces vertex lighting because it still applies even if unshaded or no fog
if ( vertex_lit ! = prev_vertex_lit ) {
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_VERTEX_LIGHTING , vertex_lit ) ;
prev_vertex_lit = vertex_lit ;
rebind = true ;
if ( ! unshaded & & ! accum_pass & & e - > refprobe_0_index ! = RenderList : : MAX_REFLECTION_PROBES ) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( e - > refprobe_0_index , reflection_probe_count ) ;
refprobe_1 = reflection_probe_instances [ e - > refprobe_0_index ] ;
if ( ! unshaded & & ! accum_pass & & e - > refprobe_1_index ! = RenderList : : MAX_REFLECTION_PROBES ) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( e - > refprobe_1_index , reflection_probe_count ) ;
refprobe_2 = reflection_probe_instances [ e - > refprobe_1_index ] ;
if ( refprobe_1 ! = prev_refprobe_1 | | refprobe_2 ! = prev_refprobe_2 ) {
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_REFLECTION_PROBE1 , refprobe_1 ! = nullptr ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_REFLECTION_PROBE2 , refprobe_2 ! = nullptr ) ;
if ( refprobe_1 ! = nullptr & & refprobe_1 ! = prev_refprobe_1 ) {
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 + storage - > config . max_texture_image_units - 5 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP , refprobe_1 - > cubemap ) ;
if ( refprobe_2 ! = nullptr & & refprobe_2 ! = prev_refprobe_2 ) {
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 + storage - > config . max_texture_image_units - 6 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP , refprobe_2 - > cubemap ) ;
rebind = true ;
rebind_reflection = true ;
bool depth_prepass = false ;
if ( ! p_alpha_pass & & material - > shader - > spatial . depth_draw_mode = = RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Shader : : Spatial : : DEPTH_DRAW_ALPHA_PREPASS ) {
depth_prepass = true ;
if ( depth_prepass ! = prev_depth_prepass ) {
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_DEPTH_PREPASS , depth_prepass ) ;
prev_depth_prepass = depth_prepass ;
rebind = true ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
bool instancing = e - > instance - > base_type = = RS : : INSTANCE_MULTIMESH ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
if ( instancing ! = prev_instancing ) {
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_INSTANCING , instancing ) ;
rebind = true ;
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Skeleton * skeleton = storage - > skeleton_owner . getornull ( e - > instance - > skeleton ) ;
if ( skeleton ! = prev_skeleton ) {
if ( ( prev_skeleton = = nullptr ) ! = ( skeleton = = nullptr ) ) {
if ( skeleton ) {
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_SKELETON , true ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_SKELETON_SOFTWARE , storage - > config . use_skeleton_software ) ;
} else {
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_SKELETON , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_SKELETON_SOFTWARE , false ) ;
rebind = true ;
if ( e - > owner ! = prev_owner | | e - > geometry ! = prev_geometry | | skeleton ! = prev_skeleton ) {
_setup_geometry ( e , skeleton ) ;
storage - > info . render . surface_switch_count + + ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_PHYSICAL_LIGHT_ATTENUATION , storage - > config . use_physical_light_attenuation ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
bool octahedral_compression = e - > instance - > base_type ! = RS : : INSTANCE_IMMEDIATE & &
( ( RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Surface * ) e - > geometry ) - > format & RenderingServer : : ArrayFormat : : ARRAY_FLAG_USE_OCTAHEDRAL_COMPRESSION & &
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
( ( ( RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Surface * ) e - > geometry ) - > blend_shape_data . empty ( ) | | ( ( RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Surface * ) e - > geometry ) - > blend_shape_buffer_size = = 0 ) ;
if ( octahedral_compression ! = prev_octahedral_compression ) {
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : ENABLE_OCTAHEDRAL_COMPRESSION , octahedral_compression ) ;
rebind = true ;
bool shader_rebind = false ;
if ( rebind | | material ! = prev_material ) {
storage - > info . render . material_switch_count + + ;
shader_rebind = _setup_material ( material , p_alpha_pass , Size2i ( skeleton ? skeleton - > size * 3 : 0 , 0 ) ) ;
if ( shader_rebind ) {
storage - > info . render . shader_rebind_count + + ;
_set_cull ( e - > front_facing , material - > shader - > spatial . cull_mode = = RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Shader : : Spatial : : CULL_MODE_DISABLED , p_reverse_cull ) ;
if ( i = = 0 | | shader_rebind ) { //first time must rebind
if ( p_shadow ) {
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_BIAS , p_shadow_bias ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_NORMAL_BIAS , p_shadow_normal_bias ) ;
if ( state . shadow_is_dual_parabolloid ) {
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SHADOW_DUAL_PARABOLOID_RENDER_SIDE , state . dual_parbolloid_direction ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SHADOW_DUAL_PARABOLOID_RENDER_ZFAR , state . dual_parbolloid_zfar ) ;
} else {
if ( use_radiance_map ) {
if ( p_env ) {
Transform sky_orientation ( p_env - > sky_orientation , Vector3 ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : RADIANCE_INVERSE_XFORM , sky_orientation . affine_inverse ( ) * p_view_transform ) ;
} else {
// would be a bit weird if we don't have this...
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : RADIANCE_INVERSE_XFORM , p_view_transform ) ;
if ( p_env ) {
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : BG_ENERGY , p_env - > bg_energy ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : BG_COLOR , p_env - > bg_color ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : AMBIENT_SKY_CONTRIBUTION , p_env - > ambient_sky_contribution ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : AMBIENT_COLOR , p_env - > ambient_color ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : AMBIENT_ENERGY , p_env - > ambient_energy ) ;
} else {
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : BG_ENERGY , 1.0 ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : BG_COLOR , state . default_bg ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : AMBIENT_SKY_CONTRIBUTION , 1.0 ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : AMBIENT_COLOR , state . default_ambient ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : AMBIENT_ENERGY , 1.0 ) ;
//rebind all these
rebind_light = true ;
rebind_reflection = true ;
if ( using_fog ) {
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : FOG_COLOR_BASE , p_env - > fog_color ) ;
Color sun_color_amount = p_env - > fog_sun_color ;
sun_color_amount . a = p_env - > fog_sun_amount ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : FOG_SUN_COLOR_AMOUNT , sun_color_amount ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : FOG_TRANSMIT_ENABLED , p_env - > fog_transmit_enabled ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : FOG_TRANSMIT_CURVE , p_env - > fog_transmit_curve ) ;
if ( p_env - > fog_depth_enabled ) {
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : FOG_DEPTH_BEGIN , p_env - > fog_depth_begin ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : FOG_DEPTH_CURVE , p_env - > fog_depth_curve ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : FOG_MAX_DISTANCE , fog_max_distance ) ;
if ( p_env - > fog_height_enabled ) {
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : FOG_HEIGHT_MIN , p_env - > fog_height_min ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : FOG_HEIGHT_MAX , p_env - > fog_height_max ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : FOG_HEIGHT_MAX , p_env - > fog_height_max ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : FOG_HEIGHT_CURVE , p_env - > fog_height_curve ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : CAMERA_MATRIX , p_view_transform ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : CAMERA_INVERSE_MATRIX , view_transform_inverse ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : PROJECTION_MATRIX , p_projection ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : PROJECTION_INVERSE_MATRIX , projection_inverse ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : TIME , storage - > frame . time [ 0 ] ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : VIEW_INDEX , p_eye = = 2 ? 1 : 0 ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : VIEWPORT_SIZE , viewport_size ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE , screen_pixel_size ) ;
if ( rebind_light & & light ) {
_setup_light ( light , shadow_atlas , p_view_transform , accum_pass ) ;
if ( rebind_reflection & & ( refprobe_1 | | refprobe_2 ) ) {
_setup_refprobes ( refprobe_1 , refprobe_2 , p_view_transform , p_env ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_uniform ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : WORLD_TRANSFORM , e - > instance - > transform ) ;
_render_geometry ( e ) ;
prev_geometry = e - > geometry ;
prev_owner = e - > owner ;
prev_material = material ;
prev_skeleton = skeleton ;
prev_instancing = instancing ;
prev_octahedral_compression = octahedral_compression ;
prev_light = light ;
prev_refprobe_1 = refprobe_1 ;
prev_refprobe_2 = refprobe_2 ;
_setup_light_type ( nullptr , nullptr ) ; //clear light stuff
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : ENABLE_OCTAHEDRAL_COMPRESSION , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_SKELETON , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : SHADELESS , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : BASE_PASS , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_INSTANCING , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_RADIANCE_MAP , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_USE_PSSM4 , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_USE_PSSM2 , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : LIGHT_USE_PSSM_BLEND , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_VERTEX_LIGHTING , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_REFLECTION_PROBE1 , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_REFLECTION_PROBE2 , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : FOG_DEPTH_ENABLED , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : FOG_HEIGHT_ENABLED , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_DEPTH_PREPASS , false ) ;
2022-08-16 10:26:35 +02:00
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : _draw_sky ( RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Sky * p_sky , const Projection & p_projection , const Transform & p_transform , bool p_vflip , float p_custom_fov , float p_energy , const Basis & p_sky_orientation ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! p_sky ) ;
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Texture * tex = storage - > texture_owner . getornull ( p_sky - > panorama ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! tex ) ;
tex = tex - > get_ptr ( ) ; //resolve for proxies
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
glBindTexture ( tex - > target , tex - > tex_id ) ;
glDepthMask ( GL_TRUE ) ;
glEnable ( GL_DEPTH_TEST ) ;
glDisable ( GL_CULL_FACE ) ;
glDisable ( GL_BLEND ) ;
glDepthFunc ( GL_LEQUAL ) ;
// Camera
2022-08-16 10:26:35 +02:00
Projection camera ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
if ( p_custom_fov ) {
float near_plane = p_projection . get_z_near ( ) ;
float far_plane = p_projection . get_z_far ( ) ;
float aspect = p_projection . get_aspect ( ) ;
camera . set_perspective ( p_custom_fov , aspect , near_plane , far_plane ) ;
} else {
camera = p_projection ;
float flip_sign = p_vflip ? - 1 : 1 ;
// If matrix[2][0] or matrix[2][1] we're dealing with an asymmetrical projection matrix. This is the case for stereoscopic rendering (i.e. VR).
// To ensure the image rendered is perspective correct we need to move some logic into the shader. For this the USE_ASYM_PANO option is introduced.
// It also means the uv coordinates are ignored in this mode and we don't need our loop.
bool asymmetrical = ( ( camera . matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] ! = 0.0 ) | | ( camera . matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] ! = 0.0 ) ) ;
Vector3 vertices [ 8 ] = {
Vector3 ( - 1 , - 1 * flip_sign , 1 ) ,
Vector3 ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) ,
Vector3 ( 1 , - 1 * flip_sign , 1 ) ,
Vector3 ( 1 , 1 , 0 ) ,
Vector3 ( 1 , 1 * flip_sign , 1 ) ,
Vector3 ( 1 , 0 , 0 ) ,
Vector3 ( - 1 , 1 * flip_sign , 1 ) ,
Vector3 ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ,
} ;
if ( ! asymmetrical ) {
Vector2 vp_he = camera . get_viewport_half_extents ( ) ;
float zn ;
zn = p_projection . get_z_near ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
Vector3 uv = vertices [ i * 2 + 1 ] ;
uv . x = ( uv . x * 2.0 - 1.0 ) * vp_he . x ;
uv . y = - ( uv . y * 2.0 - 1.0 ) * vp_he . y ;
uv . z = - zn ;
vertices [ i * 2 + 1 ] = p_transform . basis . xform ( uv ) . normalized ( ) ;
vertices [ i * 2 + 1 ] . z = - vertices [ i * 2 + 1 ] . z ;
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , state . sky_verts ) ;
glBufferData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , sizeof ( Vector3 ) * 8 , vertices , GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW ) ;
// bind sky vertex array....
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glVertexAttribPointer ( RS : : ARRAY_VERTEX , 3 , GL_FLOAT , GL_FALSE , sizeof ( Vector3 ) * 2 , nullptr ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( RS : : ARRAY_TEX_UV , 3 , GL_FLOAT , GL_FALSE , sizeof ( Vector3 ) * 2 , CAST_INT_TO_UCHAR_PTR ( sizeof ( Vector3 ) ) ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( RS : : ARRAY_VERTEX ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( RS : : ARRAY_TEX_UV ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_ASYM_PANO , asymmetrical ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_PANORAMA , ! asymmetrical ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_MULTIPLIER , true ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_CUBEMAP , false ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_COPY_SECTION , false ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_CUSTOM_ALPHA , false ) ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt ) {
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : OUTPUT_LINEAR , storage - > frame . current_rt - > flags [ RasterizerStorage : : RENDER_TARGET_KEEP_3D_LINEAR ] ) ;
} else {
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : OUTPUT_LINEAR , false ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . bind ( ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_uniform ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : MULTIPLIER , p_energy ) ;
// don't know why but I always have problems setting a uniform mat3, so we're using a transform
storage - > shaders . copy . set_uniform ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : SKY_TRANSFORM , Transform ( p_sky_orientation , Vector3 ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ) . affine_inverse ( ) ) ;
if ( asymmetrical ) {
// pack the bits we need from our projection matrix
storage - > shaders . copy . set_uniform ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : ASYM_PROJ , camera . matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] , camera . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] , camera . matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] , camera . matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ) ;
///@TODO I couldn't get mat3 + p_transform.basis to work, that would be better here.
storage - > shaders . copy . set_uniform ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : PANO_TRANSFORM , p_transform ) ;
glDrawArrays ( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN , 0 , 4 ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( RS : : ARRAY_VERTEX ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( RS : : ARRAY_TEX_UV ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , 0 ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_ASYM_PANO , false ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_PANORAMA , false ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_MULTIPLIER , false ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_CUBEMAP , false ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : OUTPUT_LINEAR , false ) ;
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : _post_process ( Environment3D * env , const Projection & p_cam_projection ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
//copy to front buffer
glDepthMask ( GL_FALSE ) ;
glDisable ( GL_DEPTH_TEST ) ;
glDisable ( GL_CULL_FACE ) ;
glDisable ( GL_BLEND ) ;
glDepthFunc ( GL_LEQUAL ) ;
glColorMask ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ) ;
2022-07-27 18:11:54 +02:00
//no post process on small or render targets without an env
bool use_post_process = env & & storage - > frame . current_rt - > width > = 4 & & storage - > frame . current_rt - > height > = 4 ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
use_post_process = use_post_process & & storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps_allocated ;
if ( env ) {
use_post_process = use_post_process & & ( env - > adjustments_enabled | | env - > glow_enabled | | env - > dof_blur_far_enabled | | env - > dof_blur_near_enabled ) ;
use_post_process = use_post_process | | storage - > frame . current_rt - > use_fxaa ;
// If using multisample buffer, resolve to post_process_effect buffer or to front buffer
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt & & storage - > frame . current_rt - > multisample_active ) {
GLuint next_buffer ;
if ( use_post_process ) {
next_buffer = storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . sizes [ 0 ] . fbo ;
} else if ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > external . fbo ! = 0 ) {
next_buffer = storage - > frame . current_rt - > external . fbo ;
} else {
// set next_buffer to front buffer so multisample blit can happen if needed
next_buffer = storage - > frame . current_rt - > fbo ;
# ifdef GLES_OVER_GL
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER , storage - > frame . current_rt - > multisample_fbo ) ;
glReadBuffer ( GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER , next_buffer ) ;
glBlitFramebuffer ( 0 , 0 , storage - > frame . current_rt - > width , storage - > frame . current_rt - > height , 0 , 0 , storage - > frame . current_rt - > width , storage - > frame . current_rt - > height , GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT , GL_NEAREST ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER , 0 ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER , 0 ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER , storage - > frame . current_rt - > multisample_fbo ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER , next_buffer ) ;
glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE ( ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER , 0 ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER , 0 ) ;
// In GLES2 Android Blit is not available, so just copy color texture manually
_copy_texture_to_buffer ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > multisample_color , next_buffer ) ;
# else
// TODO: any other platform not supported? this will fail.. maybe we should just call _copy_texture_to_buffer here as well?
( void ) next_buffer ; // Silence warning as it's unused.
# endif
} else if ( use_post_process ) {
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > external . fbo ! = 0 ) {
_copy_texture_to_buffer ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > external . color , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . sizes [ 0 ] . fbo ) ;
} else {
_copy_texture_to_buffer ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > color , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . sizes [ 0 ] . fbo ) ;
if ( ! use_post_process ) {
return ;
// Order of operation
//1) DOF Blur (first blur, then copy to buffer applying the blur) //only on desktop
//2) FXAA
//3) Bloom (Glow) //only on desktop
//4) Adjustments
// DOF Blur
if ( env & & env - > dof_blur_far_enabled ) {
int vp_h = storage - > frame . current_rt - > height ;
int vp_w = storage - > frame . current_rt - > width ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : USE_ORTHOGONAL_PROJECTION , p_cam_projection . is_orthogonal ( ) ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_FAR_BLUR , true ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_QUALITY_LOW , env - > dof_blur_far_quality = = RS : : ENV_DOF_BLUR_QUALITY_LOW ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_QUALITY_MEDIUM , env - > dof_blur_far_quality = = RS : : ENV_DOF_BLUR_QUALITY_MEDIUM ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_QUALITY_HIGH , env - > dof_blur_far_quality = = RS : : ENV_DOF_BLUR_QUALITY_HIGH ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
state . effect_blur_shader . bind ( ) ;
int qsteps [ 3 ] = { 4 , 10 , 20 } ;
float radius = ( env - > dof_blur_far_amount * env - > dof_blur_far_amount ) / qsteps [ env - > dof_blur_far_quality ] ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_BEGIN , env - > dof_blur_far_distance ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_END , env - > dof_blur_far_distance + env - > dof_blur_far_transition ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_DIR , Vector2 ( 1 , 0 ) ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_RADIUS , radius ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : PIXEL_SIZE , Vector2 ( 1.0 / vp_w , 1.0 / vp_h ) ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : CAMERA_Z_NEAR , p_cam_projection . get_z_near ( ) ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : CAMERA_Z_FAR , p_cam_projection . get_z_far ( ) ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE1 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > depth ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . color ) {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . color ) ;
} else {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . sizes [ 0 ] . color ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , storage - > frame . current_rt - > fbo ) ; //copy to front first
storage - > _copy_screen ( ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > color ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_DIR , Vector2 ( 0 , 1 ) ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . sizes [ 0 ] . fbo ) ; // copy to base level
storage - > _copy_screen ( ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_FAR_BLUR , false ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_QUALITY_LOW , false ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_QUALITY_MEDIUM , false ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_QUALITY_HIGH , false ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : USE_ORTHOGONAL_PROJECTION , false ) ;
if ( env & & env - > dof_blur_near_enabled ) {
//convert texture to RGBA format if not already
if ( ! storage - > frame . current_rt - > used_dof_blur_near ) {
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > color ) ;
glTexImage2D ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , 0 , GL_RGBA , storage - > frame . current_rt - > width , storage - > frame . current_rt - > height , 0 , GL_RGBA , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , nullptr ) ;
int vp_h = storage - > frame . current_rt - > height ;
int vp_w = storage - > frame . current_rt - > width ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : USE_ORTHOGONAL_PROJECTION , p_cam_projection . is_orthogonal ( ) ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_NEAR_BLUR , true ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_NEAR_FIRST_TAP , true ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_QUALITY_LOW , env - > dof_blur_near_quality = = RS : : ENV_DOF_BLUR_QUALITY_LOW ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_QUALITY_MEDIUM , env - > dof_blur_near_quality = = RS : : ENV_DOF_BLUR_QUALITY_MEDIUM ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_QUALITY_HIGH , env - > dof_blur_near_quality = = RS : : ENV_DOF_BLUR_QUALITY_HIGH ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
state . effect_blur_shader . bind ( ) ;
int qsteps [ 3 ] = { 4 , 10 , 20 } ;
float radius = ( env - > dof_blur_near_amount * env - > dof_blur_near_amount ) / qsteps [ env - > dof_blur_near_quality ] ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_BEGIN , env - > dof_blur_near_distance ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_END , env - > dof_blur_near_distance - env - > dof_blur_near_transition ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_DIR , Vector2 ( 1 , 0 ) ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_RADIUS , radius ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : PIXEL_SIZE , Vector2 ( 1.0 / vp_w , 1.0 / vp_h ) ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : CAMERA_Z_NEAR , p_cam_projection . get_z_near ( ) ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : CAMERA_Z_FAR , p_cam_projection . get_z_far ( ) ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE1 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > depth ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . color ) {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . color ) ;
} else {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . sizes [ 0 ] . color ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , storage - > frame . current_rt - > fbo ) ; //copy to front first
storage - > _copy_screen ( ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_NEAR_FIRST_TAP , false ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . bind ( ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_BEGIN , env - > dof_blur_near_distance ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_END , env - > dof_blur_near_distance - env - > dof_blur_near_transition ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_DIR , Vector2 ( 0 , 1 ) ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_RADIUS , radius ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : PIXEL_SIZE , Vector2 ( 1.0 / vp_w , 1.0 / vp_h ) ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : CAMERA_Z_NEAR , p_cam_projection . get_z_near ( ) ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : CAMERA_Z_FAR , p_cam_projection . get_z_far ( ) ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > color ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . sizes [ 0 ] . fbo ) ; // copy to base level
glEnable ( GL_BLEND ) ;
glBlendEquation ( GL_FUNC_ADD ) ;
storage - > _copy_screen ( ) ;
glDisable ( GL_BLEND ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_NEAR_BLUR , false ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_NEAR_FIRST_TAP , false ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_QUALITY_LOW , false ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_QUALITY_MEDIUM , false ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : DOF_QUALITY_HIGH , false ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : USE_ORTHOGONAL_PROJECTION , false ) ;
storage - > frame . current_rt - > used_dof_blur_near = true ;
if ( env & & ( env - > dof_blur_near_enabled | | env - > dof_blur_far_enabled ) ) {
//these needed to disable filtering, reenamble
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . color ) {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . color ) ;
} else {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . sizes [ 0 ] . color ) ;
int max_glow_level = - 1 ;
int glow_mask = 0 ;
if ( env & & env - > glow_enabled ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < RS : : MAX_GLOW_LEVELS ; i + + ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
if ( env - > glow_levels & ( 1 < < i ) ) {
if ( i > = storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 1 ] . sizes . size ( ) ) {
max_glow_level = storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 1 ] . sizes . size ( ) - 1 ;
glow_mask | = 1 < < max_glow_level ;
} else {
max_glow_level = i ;
glow_mask | = ( 1 < < i ) ;
// If max_texture_image_units is 8, our max glow level is 5, which allows 6 layers of glow
max_glow_level = MIN ( max_glow_level , storage - > config . max_texture_image_units - 3 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( max_glow_level + 1 ) ; i + + ) {
int vp_w = storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 1 ] . sizes [ i ] . width ;
int vp_h = storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 1 ] . sizes [ i ] . height ;
glViewport ( 0 , 0 , vp_w , vp_h ) ;
//horizontal pass
if ( i = = 0 ) {
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : GLOW_FIRST_PASS , true ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : GLOW_GAUSSIAN_HORIZONTAL , true ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_HIGH_QUALITY , env - > glow_high_quality ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . bind ( ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : PIXEL_SIZE , Vector2 ( 1.0 / vp_w , 1.0 / vp_h ) ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : LOD , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . color ? float ( i ) : 0.0 ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : GLOW_STRENGTH , env - > glow_strength ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : LUMINANCE_CAP , env - > glow_hdr_luminance_cap ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . color ) {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . color ) ;
} else {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . sizes [ i ] . color ) ;
if ( i = = 0 ) {
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : GLOW_BLOOM , env - > glow_bloom ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : GLOW_HDR_THRESHOLD , env - > glow_hdr_bleed_threshold ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : GLOW_HDR_SCALE , env - > glow_hdr_bleed_scale ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 1 ] . sizes [ i ] . fbo ) ;
storage - > _copy_screen ( ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : GLOW_GAUSSIAN_HORIZONTAL , false ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : GLOW_FIRST_PASS , false ) ;
//vertical pass
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : GLOW_GAUSSIAN_VERTICAL , true ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . bind ( ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : PIXEL_SIZE , Vector2 ( 1.0 / vp_w , 1.0 / vp_h ) ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : LOD , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . color ? float ( i ) : 0.0 ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_uniform ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : GLOW_STRENGTH , env - > glow_strength ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . color ) {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 1 ] . color ) ;
} else {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 1 ] . sizes [ i ] . color ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . sizes [ i + 1 ] . fbo ) ; //next level, since mipmaps[0] starts one level bigger
storage - > _copy_screen ( ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . set_conditional ( EffectBlurShaderGLES2 : : GLOW_GAUSSIAN_VERTICAL , false ) ;
glViewport ( 0 , 0 , storage - > frame . current_rt - > width , storage - > frame . current_rt - > height ) ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > external . fbo ! = 0 ) {
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , storage - > frame . current_rt - > external . fbo ) ;
} else {
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , storage - > frame . current_rt - > fbo ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . color ) {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . color ) ;
} else {
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . sizes [ 0 ] . color ) ;
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_FXAA , storage - > frame . current_rt - > use_fxaa ) ;
if ( env ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_FILTER_BICUBIC , env - > glow_bicubic_upscale ) ;
if ( max_glow_level > = 0 ) {
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . color ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( max_glow_level + 1 ) ; i + + ) {
if ( glow_mask & ( 1 < < i ) ) {
if ( i = = 0 ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL1 , true ) ;
if ( i = = 1 ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL2 , true ) ;
if ( i = = 2 ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL3 , true ) ;
if ( i = = 3 ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL4 , true ) ;
if ( i = = 4 ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL5 , true ) ;
if ( i = = 5 ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL6 , true ) ;
if ( i = = 6 ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL7 , true ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE2 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . color ) ;
} else {
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_MULTI_TEXTURE_GLOW , true ) ;
int active_glow_level = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( max_glow_level + 1 ) ; i + + ) {
if ( glow_mask & ( 1 < < i ) ) {
active_glow_level + + ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE1 + active_glow_level ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , storage - > frame . current_rt - > mip_maps [ 0 ] . sizes [ i + 1 ] . color ) ;
if ( active_glow_level = = 1 ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL1 , true ) ;
if ( active_glow_level = = 2 ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL2 , true ) ;
if ( active_glow_level = = 3 ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL3 , true ) ;
if ( active_glow_level = = 4 ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL4 , true ) ;
if ( active_glow_level = = 5 ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL5 , true ) ;
if ( active_glow_level = = 6 ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL6 , true ) ;
if ( active_glow_level = = 7 ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL7 , true ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_SCREEN , env - > glow_blend_mode = = RS : : GLOW_BLEND_MODE_SCREEN ) ;
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_SOFTLIGHT , env - > glow_blend_mode = = RS : : GLOW_BLEND_MODE_SOFTLIGHT ) ;
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_REPLACE , env - > glow_blend_mode = = RS : : GLOW_BLEND_MODE_REPLACE ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
if ( env & & env - > adjustments_enabled ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_BCS , true ) ;
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Texture * tex = storage - > texture_owner . getornull ( env - > color_correction ) ;
if ( tex ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_COLOR_CORRECTION , true ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE1 ) ;
glBindTexture ( tex - > target , tex - > tex_id ) ;
2022-07-28 11:11:23 +02:00
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : DISABLE_ALPHA , ! storage - > frame . current_rt - > flags [ RasterizerStorage : : RENDER_TARGET_TRANSPARENT ] ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
state . tonemap_shader . bind ( ) ;
if ( env ) {
if ( max_glow_level > = 0 ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_uniform ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : GLOW_INTENSITY , env - > glow_intensity ) ;
int ss [ 2 ] = {
storage - > frame . current_rt - > width ,
storage - > frame . current_rt - > height ,
} ;
glUniform2iv ( state . tonemap_shader . get_uniform ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : GLOW_TEXTURE_SIZE ) , 1 , ss ) ;
if ( env - > adjustments_enabled ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_uniform ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : BCS , Vector3 ( env - > adjustments_brightness , env - > adjustments_contrast , env - > adjustments_saturation ) ) ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > use_fxaa ) {
state . tonemap_shader . set_uniform ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : PIXEL_SIZE , Vector2 ( 1.0 / storage - > frame . current_rt - > width , 1.0 / storage - > frame . current_rt - > height ) ) ;
storage - > _copy_screen ( ) ;
//turn off everything used
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_FXAA , false ) ;
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL1 , false ) ;
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL2 , false ) ;
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL3 , false ) ;
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL4 , false ) ;
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL5 , false ) ;
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL6 , false ) ;
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_LEVEL7 , false ) ;
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_REPLACE , false ) ;
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_SCREEN , false ) ;
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_SOFTLIGHT , false ) ;
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_GLOW_FILTER_BICUBIC , false ) ;
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_MULTI_TEXTURE_GLOW , false ) ;
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_BCS , false ) ;
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : USE_COLOR_CORRECTION , false ) ;
2022-07-28 11:11:23 +02:00
state . tonemap_shader . set_conditional ( TonemapShaderGLES2 : : DISABLE_ALPHA , false ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
2022-08-16 10:26:35 +02:00
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : render_scene ( const Transform & p_cam_transform , const Projection & p_cam_projection , const int p_eye , bool p_cam_ortogonal , InstanceBase * * p_cull_result , int p_cull_count , RID * p_light_cull_result , int p_light_cull_count , RID * p_reflection_probe_cull_result , int p_reflection_probe_cull_count , RID p_environment , RID p_shadow_atlas , RID p_reflection_atlas , RID p_reflection_probe , int p_reflection_probe_pass ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
Transform cam_transform = p_cam_transform ;
storage - > info . render . object_count + = p_cull_count ;
GLuint current_fb = 0 ;
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
Environment3D * env = nullptr ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
int viewport_width , viewport_height ;
int viewport_x = 0 ;
int viewport_y = 0 ;
bool probe_interior = false ;
bool reverse_cull = false ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt & & storage - > frame . current_rt - > flags [ RasterizerStorage : : RENDER_TARGET_VFLIP ] ) {
cam_transform . basis . set_axis ( 1 , - cam_transform . basis . get_axis ( 1 ) ) ;
reverse_cull = true ;
if ( p_reflection_probe . is_valid ( ) ) {
ReflectionProbeInstance * probe = reflection_probe_instance_owner . getornull ( p_reflection_probe ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! probe ) ;
state . render_no_shadows = ! probe - > probe_ptr - > enable_shadows ;
if ( ! probe - > probe_ptr - > interior ) { //use env only if not interior
env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_environment ) ;
current_fb = probe - > fbo [ p_reflection_probe_pass ] ;
viewport_width = probe - > probe_ptr - > resolution ;
viewport_height = probe - > probe_ptr - > resolution ;
probe_interior = probe - > probe_ptr - > interior ;
} else {
state . render_no_shadows = false ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > multisample_active ) {
current_fb = storage - > frame . current_rt - > multisample_fbo ;
} else if ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > external . fbo ! = 0 ) {
current_fb = storage - > frame . current_rt - > external . fbo ;
} else {
current_fb = storage - > frame . current_rt - > fbo ;
env = environment_owner . getornull ( p_environment ) ;
viewport_width = storage - > frame . current_rt - > width ;
viewport_height = storage - > frame . current_rt - > height ;
viewport_x = storage - > frame . current_rt - > x ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > flags [ RasterizerStorage : : RENDER_TARGET_DIRECT_TO_SCREEN ] ) {
viewport_y = OS : : get_singleton ( ) - > get_window_size ( ) . height - viewport_height - storage - > frame . current_rt - > y ;
} else {
viewport_y = storage - > frame . current_rt - > y ;
state . used_screen_texture = false ;
state . viewport_size . x = viewport_width ;
state . viewport_size . y = viewport_height ;
state . screen_pixel_size . x = 1.0 / viewport_width ;
state . screen_pixel_size . y = 1.0 / viewport_height ;
//push back the directional lights
if ( p_light_cull_count ) {
//hardcoded limit of 256 lights
render_light_instance_count = MIN ( RenderList : : MAX_LIGHTS , p_light_cull_count ) ;
render_light_instances = ( LightInstance * * ) alloca ( sizeof ( LightInstance * ) * render_light_instance_count ) ;
render_directional_lights = 0 ;
//doing this because directional lights are at the end, put them at the beginning
int index = 0 ;
for ( int i = render_light_instance_count - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - ) {
RID light_rid = p_light_cull_result [ i ] ;
LightInstance * light = light_instance_owner . getornull ( light_rid ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( light - > light_ptr - > type = = RS : : LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
render_directional_lights + + ;
//as going in reverse, directional lights are always first anyway
light - > light_index = index ;
render_light_instances [ index ] = light ;
index + + ;
// for fog transmission, we want some kind of consistent ordering of lights
// add any more conditions here in which we need consistent light ordering
// (perhaps we always should have it, but don't know yet)
if ( env & & env - > fog_transmit_enabled ) {
struct _LightSort {
bool operator ( ) ( LightInstance * A , LightInstance * B ) const {
return A - > light_counter > B - > light_counter ;
} ;
int num_lights_to_sort = render_light_instance_count - render_directional_lights ;
if ( num_lights_to_sort ) {
SortArray < LightInstance * , _LightSort > sorter ;
sorter . sort ( & render_light_instances [ render_directional_lights ] , num_lights_to_sort ) ;
// rejig indices
for ( int i = render_directional_lights ; i < render_light_instance_count ; i + + ) {
render_light_instances [ i ] - > light_index = i ;
} else {
render_light_instances = nullptr ;
render_directional_lights = 0 ;
render_light_instance_count = 0 ;
if ( p_reflection_probe_cull_count ) {
reflection_probe_instances = ( ReflectionProbeInstance * * ) alloca ( sizeof ( ReflectionProbeInstance * ) * p_reflection_probe_cull_count ) ;
reflection_probe_count = p_reflection_probe_cull_count ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < p_reflection_probe_cull_count ; i + + ) {
ReflectionProbeInstance * rpi = reflection_probe_instance_owner . getornull ( p_reflection_probe_cull_result [ i ] ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE ( ! rpi ) ;
rpi - > last_pass = render_pass + 1 ; //will be incremented later
rpi - > index = i ;
reflection_probe_instances [ i ] = rpi ;
} else {
reflection_probe_instances = nullptr ;
reflection_probe_count = 0 ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( env & & env - > bg_mode = = RS : : ENV_BG_CANVAS ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
// If using canvas background, copy 2d to screen copy texture
// TODO: When GLES2 renders to current_rt->mip_maps[], this copy will no longer be needed
_copy_texture_to_buffer ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > color , storage - > frame . current_rt - > copy_screen_effect . fbo ) ;
// render list stuff
render_list . clear ( ) ;
_fill_render_list ( p_cull_result , p_cull_count , false , false ) ;
// other stuff
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , current_fb ) ;
glViewport ( viewport_x , viewport_y , viewport_width , viewport_height ) ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt & & storage - > frame . current_rt - > flags [ RasterizerStorage : : RENDER_TARGET_DIRECT_TO_SCREEN ] ) {
glScissor ( viewport_x , viewport_y , viewport_width , viewport_height ) ;
glEnable ( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ) ;
glDepthFunc ( GL_LEQUAL ) ;
glDepthMask ( GL_TRUE ) ;
glClearDepth ( 1.0f ) ;
glEnable ( GL_DEPTH_TEST ) ;
// clear color
Color clear_color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ) ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt & & storage - > frame . current_rt - > flags [ RasterizerStorage : : RENDER_TARGET_TRANSPARENT ] ) {
clear_color = Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
storage - > frame . clear_request = false ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
} else if ( ! env | | env - > bg_mode = = RS : : ENV_BG_CLEAR_COLOR | | env - > bg_mode = = RS : : ENV_BG_SKY ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
if ( storage - > frame . clear_request ) {
clear_color = storage - > frame . clear_request_color ;
storage - > frame . clear_request = false ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
} else if ( env - > bg_mode = = RS : : ENV_BG_CANVAS | | env - > bg_mode = = RS : : ENV_BG_COLOR | | env - > bg_mode = = RS : : ENV_BG_COLOR_SKY ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
clear_color = env - > bg_color ;
storage - > frame . clear_request = false ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
} else if ( env - > bg_mode = = RS : : ENV_BG_CAMERA_FEED ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
storage - > frame . clear_request = false ;
} else {
storage - > frame . clear_request = false ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( ! env | | env - > bg_mode ! = RS : : ENV_BG_KEEP ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt & & storage - > frame . current_rt - > flags [ RasterizerStorage : : RENDER_TARGET_KEEP_3D_LINEAR ] ) {
// convert to linear here
Color linear_color = clear_color . to_linear ( ) ;
glClearColor ( linear_color . r , linear_color . g , linear_color . b , linear_color . a ) ;
// leave clear_color in sRGB as most of the render pipeline remains in sRGB color space until writing out to frag_color
} else {
glClearColor ( clear_color . r , clear_color . g , clear_color . b , clear_color . a ) ;
state . default_ambient = Color ( clear_color . r , clear_color . g , clear_color . b , 1.0 ) ;
state . default_bg = Color ( clear_color . r , clear_color . g , clear_color . b , 1.0 ) ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt & & storage - > frame . current_rt - > flags [ RasterizerStorage : : RENDER_TARGET_DIRECT_TO_SCREEN ] ) {
glDisable ( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
glVertexAttrib4f ( RS : : ARRAY_COLOR , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
glBlendEquation ( GL_FUNC_ADD ) ;
// render sky
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Sky * sky = nullptr ;
GLuint env_radiance_tex = 0 ;
if ( env ) {
switch ( env - > bg_mode ) {
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
case RS : : ENV_BG_COLOR_SKY :
case RS : : ENV_BG_SKY : {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
sky = storage - > sky_owner . getornull ( env - > sky ) ;
if ( sky ) {
env_radiance_tex = sky - > radiance ;
} break ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
case RS : : ENV_BG_CANVAS : {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
// use screen copy as background
_copy_texture_to_buffer ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > copy_screen_effect . color , current_fb ) ;
} break ;
default : {
} break ;
if ( probe_interior ) {
env_radiance_tex = 0 ; //do not use radiance texture on interiors
state . default_ambient = Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ) ; //black as default ambient for interior
state . default_bg = Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ) ; //black as default background for interior
// make sure we set our output mode correctly
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt ) {
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : OUTPUT_LINEAR , storage - > frame . current_rt - > flags [ RasterizerStorage : : RENDER_TARGET_KEEP_3D_LINEAR ] ) ;
} else {
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : OUTPUT_LINEAR , false ) ;
// render opaque things first
render_list . sort_by_key ( false ) ;
_render_render_list ( render_list . elements , render_list . element_count , cam_transform , p_cam_projection , p_eye , p_shadow_atlas , env , env_radiance_tex , 0.0 , 0.0 , reverse_cull , false , false ) ;
// then draw the sky after
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( env & & env - > bg_mode = = RS : : ENV_BG_SKY & & ( ! storage - > frame . current_rt | | ! storage - > frame . current_rt - > flags [ RasterizerStorage : : RENDER_TARGET_TRANSPARENT ] ) ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
if ( sky & & sky - > panorama . is_valid ( ) ) {
_draw_sky ( sky , p_cam_projection , cam_transform , false , env - > sky_custom_fov , env - > bg_energy , env - > sky_orientation ) ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt & & state . used_screen_texture ) {
//copy screen texture
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > multisample_active ) {
// Resolve framebuffer to front buffer before copying
# ifdef GLES_OVER_GL
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER , storage - > frame . current_rt - > multisample_fbo ) ;
glReadBuffer ( GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER , storage - > frame . current_rt - > fbo ) ;
glBlitFramebuffer ( 0 , 0 , storage - > frame . current_rt - > width , storage - > frame . current_rt - > height , 0 , 0 , storage - > frame . current_rt - > width , storage - > frame . current_rt - > height , GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT , GL_NEAREST ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER , 0 ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER , 0 ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER , storage - > frame . current_rt - > multisample_fbo ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER , storage - > frame . current_rt - > fbo ) ;
glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE ( ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER , 0 ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER , 0 ) ;
// In GLES2 AndroidBlit is not available, so just copy color texture manually
_copy_texture_to_buffer ( storage - > frame . current_rt - > multisample_color , storage - > frame . current_rt - > fbo ) ;
# endif
storage - > canvas - > _copy_screen ( Rect2 ( ) ) ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt & & storage - > frame . current_rt - > multisample_active ) {
// Rebind the current framebuffer
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , current_fb ) ;
glViewport ( 0 , 0 , viewport_width , viewport_height ) ;
// alpha pass
glBlendEquation ( GL_FUNC_ADD ) ;
render_list . sort_by_reverse_depth_and_priority ( true ) ;
_render_render_list ( & render_list . elements [ render_list . max_elements - render_list . alpha_element_count ] , render_list . alpha_element_count , cam_transform , p_cam_projection , p_eye , p_shadow_atlas , env , env_radiance_tex , 0.0 , 0.0 , reverse_cull , true , false ) ;
if ( p_reflection_probe . is_valid ( ) ) {
// Rendering to a probe so no need for post_processing
return ;
//post process
_post_process ( env , p_cam_projection ) ;
ShadowAtlas * shadow_atlas = shadow_atlas_owner . getornull ( p_shadow_atlas ) ;
if ( shadow_atlas ) {
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , shadow_atlas - > depth ) ;
glViewport ( 0 , 0 , storage - > frame . current_rt - > width / 4 , storage - > frame . current_rt - > height / 4 ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_CUBEMAP , false ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_COPY_SECTION , false ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_CUSTOM_ALPHA , false ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_MULTIPLIER , false ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_PANORAMA , false ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . bind ( ) ;
storage - > _copy_screen ( ) ;
# endif
if ( true ) {
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , directional_shadow . depth ) ;
glViewport ( 0 , 0 , storage - > frame . current_rt - > width / 4 , storage - > frame . current_rt - > height / 4 ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_CUBEMAP , false ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_COPY_SECTION , false ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_CUSTOM_ALPHA , false ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_MULTIPLIER , false ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . set_conditional ( CopyShaderGLES2 : : USE_PANORAMA , false ) ;
storage - > shaders . copy . bind ( ) ;
storage - > _copy_screen ( ) ;
# endif
// return to default
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : OUTPUT_LINEAR , false ) ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : render_shadow ( RID p_light , RID p_shadow_atlas , int p_pass , InstanceBase * * p_cull_result , int p_cull_count ) {
state . render_no_shadows = false ;
LightInstance * light_instance = light_instance_owner . getornull ( p_light ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! light_instance ) ;
RasterizerStorageGLES2 : : Light * light = light_instance - > light_ptr ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! light ) ;
uint32_t x ;
uint32_t y ;
uint32_t width ;
uint32_t height ;
float zfar = 0 ;
bool flip_facing = false ;
int custom_vp_size = 0 ;
GLuint fbo = 0 ;
state . shadow_is_dual_parabolloid = false ;
state . dual_parbolloid_direction = 0.0 ;
int current_cubemap = - 1 ;
float bias = 0 ;
float normal_bias = 0 ;
2022-08-16 10:26:35 +02:00
Projection light_projection ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
Transform light_transform ;
// TODO directional light
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( light - > type = = RS : : LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
// set pssm stuff
// TODO set this only when changed
light_instance - > light_directional_index = directional_shadow . current_light ;
light_instance - > last_scene_shadow_pass = scene_pass ;
directional_shadow . current_light + + ;
if ( directional_shadow . light_count = = 1 ) {
light_instance - > directional_rect = Rect2 ( 0 , 0 , directional_shadow . size , directional_shadow . size ) ;
} else if ( directional_shadow . light_count = = 2 ) {
light_instance - > directional_rect = Rect2 ( 0 , 0 , directional_shadow . size , directional_shadow . size / 2 ) ;
if ( light_instance - > light_directional_index = = 1 ) {
light_instance - > directional_rect . position . x + = light_instance - > directional_rect . size . x ;
} else { //3 and 4
light_instance - > directional_rect = Rect2 ( 0 , 0 , directional_shadow . size / 2 , directional_shadow . size / 2 ) ;
if ( light_instance - > light_directional_index & 1 ) {
light_instance - > directional_rect . position . x + = light_instance - > directional_rect . size . x ;
if ( light_instance - > light_directional_index / 2 ) {
light_instance - > directional_rect . position . y + = light_instance - > directional_rect . size . y ;
light_projection = light_instance - > shadow_transform [ p_pass ] . camera ;
light_transform = light_instance - > shadow_transform [ p_pass ] . transform ;
x = light_instance - > directional_rect . position . x ;
y = light_instance - > directional_rect . position . y ;
width = light_instance - > directional_rect . size . width ;
height = light_instance - > directional_rect . size . height ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( light - > directional_shadow_mode = = RS : : LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL_SHADOW_PARALLEL_4_SPLITS ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
width / = 2 ;
height / = 2 ;
if ( p_pass = = 1 ) {
x + = width ;
} else if ( p_pass = = 2 ) {
y + = height ;
} else if ( p_pass = = 3 ) {
x + = width ;
y + = height ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
} else if ( light - > directional_shadow_mode = = RS : : LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL_SHADOW_PARALLEL_2_SPLITS ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
height / = 2 ;
if ( p_pass = = 0 ) {
} else {
y + = height ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
float bias_mult = Math : : lerp ( 1.0f , light_instance - > shadow_transform [ p_pass ] . bias_scale , light - > param [ RS : : LIGHT_PARAM_SHADOW_BIAS_SPLIT_SCALE ] ) ;
zfar = light - > param [ RS : : LIGHT_PARAM_RANGE ] ;
bias = light - > param [ RS : : LIGHT_PARAM_SHADOW_BIAS ] * bias_mult ;
normal_bias = light - > param [ RS : : LIGHT_PARAM_SHADOW_NORMAL_BIAS ] * bias_mult ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
fbo = directional_shadow . fbo ;
} else {
ShadowAtlas * shadow_atlas = shadow_atlas_owner . getornull ( p_shadow_atlas ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! shadow_atlas ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! shadow_atlas - > shadow_owners . has ( p_light ) ) ;
fbo = shadow_atlas - > fbo ;
uint32_t key = shadow_atlas - > shadow_owners [ p_light ] ;
uint32_t quadrant = ( key > > ShadowAtlas : : QUADRANT_SHIFT ) & 0x03 ;
uint32_t shadow = key & ShadowAtlas : : SHADOW_INDEX_MASK ;
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( ( int ) shadow , shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ quadrant ] . shadows . size ( ) ) ;
uint32_t quadrant_size = shadow_atlas - > size > > 1 ;
x = ( quadrant & 1 ) * quadrant_size ;
y = ( quadrant > > 1 ) * quadrant_size ;
uint32_t shadow_size = ( quadrant_size / shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ quadrant ] . subdivision ) ;
x + = ( shadow % shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ quadrant ] . subdivision ) * shadow_size ;
y + = ( shadow / shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ quadrant ] . subdivision ) * shadow_size ;
width = shadow_size ;
height = shadow_size ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( light - > type = = RS : : LIGHT_OMNI ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
// cubemap only
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( light - > omni_shadow_mode = = RS : : LIGHT_OMNI_SHADOW_CUBE & & storage - > config . support_shadow_cubemaps ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
int cubemap_index = shadow_cubemaps . size ( ) - 1 ;
// find an appropriate cubemap to render to
for ( int i = shadow_cubemaps . size ( ) - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - ) {
if ( shadow_cubemaps [ i ] . size > shadow_size ) {
break ;
cubemap_index = i ;
fbo = shadow_cubemaps [ cubemap_index ] . fbo [ p_pass ] ;
light_projection = light_instance - > shadow_transform [ 0 ] . camera ;
light_transform = light_instance - > shadow_transform [ 0 ] . transform ;
custom_vp_size = shadow_cubemaps [ cubemap_index ] . size ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
zfar = light - > param [ RS : : LIGHT_PARAM_RANGE ] ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
current_cubemap = cubemap_index ;
} else {
//dual parabolloid
state . shadow_is_dual_parabolloid = true ;
light_projection = light_instance - > shadow_transform [ 0 ] . camera ;
light_transform = light_instance - > shadow_transform [ 0 ] . transform ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( light - > omni_shadow_detail = = RS : : LIGHT_OMNI_SHADOW_DETAIL_HORIZONTAL ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
height / = 2 ;
y + = p_pass * height ;
} else {
width / = 2 ;
x + = p_pass * width ;
state . dual_parbolloid_direction = p_pass = = 0 ? 1.0 : - 1.0 ;
flip_facing = ( p_pass = = 1 ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
zfar = light - > param [ RS : : LIGHT_PARAM_RANGE ] ;
bias = light - > param [ RS : : LIGHT_PARAM_SHADOW_BIAS ] ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
state . dual_parbolloid_zfar = zfar ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : RENDER_DEPTH_DUAL_PARABOLOID , true ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
} else if ( light - > type = = RS : : LIGHT_SPOT ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
light_projection = light_instance - > shadow_transform [ 0 ] . camera ;
light_transform = light_instance - > shadow_transform [ 0 ] . transform ;
flip_facing = false ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
zfar = light - > param [ RS : : LIGHT_PARAM_RANGE ] ;
bias = light - > param [ RS : : LIGHT_PARAM_SHADOW_BIAS ] ;
normal_bias = light - > param [ RS : : LIGHT_PARAM_SHADOW_NORMAL_BIAS ] ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
render_list . clear ( ) ;
_fill_render_list ( p_cull_result , p_cull_count , true , true ) ;
render_list . sort_by_depth ( false ) ;
glDisable ( GL_BLEND ) ;
glDisable ( GL_DITHER ) ;
glEnable ( GL_DEPTH_TEST ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , fbo ) ;
glDepthMask ( GL_TRUE ) ;
if ( ! storage - > config . use_rgba_3d_shadows ) {
glColorMask ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( custom_vp_size ) {
glViewport ( 0 , 0 , custom_vp_size , custom_vp_size ) ;
glScissor ( 0 , 0 , custom_vp_size , custom_vp_size ) ;
} else {
glViewport ( x , y , width , height ) ;
glScissor ( x , y , width , height ) ;
glEnable ( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ) ;
glClearDepth ( 1.0f ) ;
if ( storage - > config . use_rgba_3d_shadows ) {
glClearColor ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ) ;
glDisable ( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ) ;
if ( light - > reverse_cull ) {
flip_facing = ! flip_facing ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : RENDER_DEPTH , true ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : OUTPUT_LINEAR , false ) ; // just in case, should be false already
_render_render_list ( render_list . elements , render_list . element_count , light_transform , light_projection , 0 , RID ( ) , nullptr , 0 , bias , normal_bias , flip_facing , false , true ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : RENDER_DEPTH , false ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : RENDER_DEPTH_DUAL_PARABOLOID , false ) ;
// convert cubemap to dual paraboloid if needed
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( light - > type = = RS : : LIGHT_OMNI & & ( light - > omni_shadow_mode = = RS : : LIGHT_OMNI_SHADOW_CUBE & & storage - > config . support_shadow_cubemaps ) & & p_pass = = 5 ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
ShadowAtlas * shadow_atlas = shadow_atlas_owner . getornull ( p_shadow_atlas ) ;
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , shadow_atlas - > fbo ) ;
state . cube_to_dp_shader . bind ( ) ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP , shadow_cubemaps [ current_cubemap ] . cubemap ) ;
glDisable ( GL_CULL_FACE ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i + + ) {
state . cube_to_dp_shader . set_uniform ( CubeToDpShaderGLES2 : : Z_FLIP , i = = 1 ) ;
state . cube_to_dp_shader . set_uniform ( CubeToDpShaderGLES2 : : Z_NEAR , light_projection . get_z_near ( ) ) ;
state . cube_to_dp_shader . set_uniform ( CubeToDpShaderGLES2 : : Z_FAR , light_projection . get_z_far ( ) ) ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
state . cube_to_dp_shader . set_uniform ( CubeToDpShaderGLES2 : : BIAS , light - > param [ RS : : LIGHT_PARAM_SHADOW_BIAS ] ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
uint32_t local_width = width ;
uint32_t local_height = height ;
uint32_t local_x = x ;
uint32_t local_y = y ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
if ( light - > omni_shadow_detail = = RS : : LIGHT_OMNI_SHADOW_DETAIL_HORIZONTAL ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
local_height / = 2 ;
local_y + = i * local_height ;
} else {
local_width / = 2 ;
local_x + = i * local_width ;
glViewport ( local_x , local_y , local_width , local_height ) ;
glScissor ( local_x , local_y , local_width , local_height ) ;
glEnable ( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ) ;
glClearDepth ( 1.0f ) ;
glDisable ( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ) ;
glDisable ( GL_BLEND ) ;
storage - > _copy_screen ( ) ;
if ( storage - > frame . current_rt ) {
glViewport ( 0 , 0 , storage - > frame . current_rt - > width , storage - > frame . current_rt - > height ) ;
if ( ! storage - > config . use_rgba_3d_shadows ) {
glColorMask ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ) ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : set_scene_pass ( uint64_t p_pass ) {
scene_pass = p_pass ;
bool RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : free ( RID p_rid ) {
if ( light_instance_owner . owns ( p_rid ) ) {
LightInstance * light_instance = light_instance_owner . getptr ( p_rid ) ;
//remove from shadow atlases..
for ( Set < RID > : : Element * E = light_instance - > shadow_atlases . front ( ) ; E ; E = E - > next ( ) ) {
ShadowAtlas * shadow_atlas = shadow_atlas_owner . get ( E - > get ( ) ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE ( ! shadow_atlas - > shadow_owners . has ( p_rid ) ) ;
uint32_t key = shadow_atlas - > shadow_owners [ p_rid ] ;
uint32_t q = ( key > > ShadowAtlas : : QUADRANT_SHIFT ) & 0x3 ;
uint32_t s = key & ShadowAtlas : : SHADOW_INDEX_MASK ;
shadow_atlas - > quadrants [ q ] . shadows . write [ s ] . owner = RID ( ) ;
shadow_atlas - > shadow_owners . erase ( p_rid ) ;
light_instance_owner . free ( p_rid ) ;
memdelete ( light_instance ) ;
} else if ( shadow_atlas_owner . owns ( p_rid ) ) {
ShadowAtlas * shadow_atlas = shadow_atlas_owner . get ( p_rid ) ;
shadow_atlas_set_size ( p_rid , 0 ) ;
shadow_atlas_owner . free ( p_rid ) ;
memdelete ( shadow_atlas ) ;
} else if ( reflection_probe_instance_owner . owns ( p_rid ) ) {
ReflectionProbeInstance * reflection_instance = reflection_probe_instance_owner . get ( p_rid ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i + + ) {
glDeleteFramebuffers ( 1 , & reflection_instance - > fbo [ i ] ) ;
glDeleteTextures ( 1 , & reflection_instance - > color [ i ] ) ;
if ( reflection_instance - > cubemap ! = 0 ) {
glDeleteTextures ( 1 , & reflection_instance - > cubemap ) ;
glDeleteRenderbuffers ( 1 , & reflection_instance - > depth ) ;
reflection_probe_release_atlas_index ( p_rid ) ;
reflection_probe_instance_owner . free ( p_rid ) ;
memdelete ( reflection_instance ) ;
} else if ( environment_owner . owns ( p_rid ) ) {
2022-08-29 17:21:40 +02:00
Environment3D * environment = environment_owner . get ( p_rid ) ;
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
environment_owner . free ( p_rid ) ;
memdelete ( environment ) ;
} else {
return false ;
return true ;
2022-08-19 20:50:20 +02:00
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : set_debug_draw_mode ( RS : : ViewportDebugDraw p_debug_draw ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : initialize ( ) {
state . scene_shader . init ( ) ;
state . scene_shader . set_conditional ( SceneShaderGLES2 : : USE_RGBA_SHADOWS , storage - > config . use_rgba_3d_shadows ) ;
state . cube_to_dp_shader . init ( ) ;
state . effect_blur_shader . init ( ) ;
state . tonemap_shader . init ( ) ;
render_list . init ( ) ;
render_pass = 1 ;
shadow_atlas_realloc_tolerance_msec = 500 ;
//default material and shader
default_shader = RID_PRIME ( storage - > shader_create ( ) ) ;
storage - > shader_set_code ( default_shader , " shader_type spatial; \n " ) ;
default_material = RID_PRIME ( storage - > material_create ( ) ) ;
storage - > material_set_shader ( default_material , default_shader ) ;
default_shader_twosided = RID_PRIME ( storage - > shader_create ( ) ) ;
default_material_twosided = RID_PRIME ( storage - > material_create ( ) ) ;
storage - > shader_set_code ( default_shader_twosided , " shader_type spatial; render_mode cull_disabled; \n " ) ;
storage - > material_set_shader ( default_material_twosided , default_shader_twosided ) ;
default_worldcoord_shader = RID_PRIME ( storage - > shader_create ( ) ) ;
storage - > shader_set_code ( default_worldcoord_shader , " shader_type spatial; render_mode world_vertex_coords; \n " ) ;
default_worldcoord_material = RID_PRIME ( storage - > material_create ( ) ) ;
storage - > material_set_shader ( default_worldcoord_material , default_worldcoord_shader ) ;
default_worldcoord_shader_twosided = RID_PRIME ( storage - > shader_create ( ) ) ;
default_worldcoord_material_twosided = RID_PRIME ( storage - > material_create ( ) ) ;
storage - > shader_set_code ( default_worldcoord_shader_twosided , " shader_type spatial; render_mode cull_disabled,world_vertex_coords; \n " ) ;
storage - > material_set_shader ( default_worldcoord_material_twosided , default_worldcoord_shader_twosided ) ;
//default material and shader
default_overdraw_shader = RID_PRIME ( storage - > shader_create ( ) ) ;
// Use relatively low opacity so that more "layers" of overlapping objects can be distinguished.
storage - > shader_set_code ( default_overdraw_shader , " shader_type spatial; \n render_mode blend_add,unshaded; \n void fragment() { ALBEDO=vec3(0.4,0.8,0.8); ALPHA=0.1; } " ) ;
default_overdraw_material = RID_PRIME ( storage - > material_create ( ) ) ;
storage - > material_set_shader ( default_overdraw_material , default_overdraw_shader ) ;
glGenBuffers ( 1 , & state . sky_verts ) ;
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , state . sky_verts ) ;
glBufferData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , sizeof ( Vector3 ) * 8 , nullptr , GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW ) ;
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , 0 ) ;
uint32_t immediate_buffer_size = GLOBAL_DEF ( " rendering/limits/buffers/immediate_buffer_size_kb " , 2048 ) ;
ProjectSettings : : get_singleton ( ) - > set_custom_property_info ( " rendering/limits/buffers/immediate_buffer_size_kb " , PropertyInfo ( Variant : : INT , " rendering/limits/buffers/immediate_buffer_size_kb " , PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE , " 0,8192,1,or_greater " ) ) ;
glGenBuffers ( 1 , & state . immediate_buffer ) ;
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , state . immediate_buffer ) ;
glBufferData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , immediate_buffer_size * 1024 , nullptr , GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW ) ;
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , 0 ) ;
// cubemaps for shadows
if ( storage - > config . support_shadow_cubemaps ) { //not going to be used
int max_shadow_cubemap_sampler_size = MIN ( int ( GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/cubemap_size " ) ) , storage - > config . max_cubemap_texture_size ) ;
int cube_size = max_shadow_cubemap_sampler_size ;
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 ) ;
while ( cube_size > = 32 ) {
ShadowCubeMap cube ;
cube . size = cube_size ;
glGenTextures ( 1 , & cube . cubemap ) ;
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP , cube . cubemap ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i + + ) {
glTexImage2D ( _cube_side_enum [ i ] , 0 , storage - > config . depth_internalformat , cube_size , cube_size , 0 , GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT , storage - > config . depth_type , nullptr ) ;
glGenFramebuffers ( 6 , cube . fbo ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i + + ) {
glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , cube . fbo [ i ] ) ;
glFramebufferTexture2D ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT , _cube_side_enum [ i ] , cube . cubemap , 0 ) ;
shadow_cubemaps . push_back ( cube ) ;
cube_size > > = 1 ;
directional_shadow_create ( ) ;
shadow_filter_mode = SHADOW_FILTER_NEAREST ;
glFrontFace ( GL_CW ) ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : iteration ( ) {
shadow_filter_mode = ShadowFilterMode ( int ( GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/quality/shadows/filter_mode " ) ) ) ;
const int directional_shadow_size_new = next_power_of_2 ( int ( GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/quality/directional_shadow/size " ) ) ) ;
if ( directional_shadow_size ! = directional_shadow_size_new ) {
directional_shadow_size = directional_shadow_size_new ;
directional_shadow_create ( ) ;
void RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : finalize ( ) {
RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : RasterizerSceneGLES2 ( ) {
_light_counter = 0 ;
directional_shadow_size = next_power_of_2 ( int ( GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/quality/directional_shadow/size " ) ) ) ;
RasterizerSceneGLES2 : : ~ RasterizerSceneGLES2 ( ) {
storage - > free ( default_material ) ;
default_material = RID ( ) ;
storage - > free ( default_material_twosided ) ;
default_material_twosided = RID ( ) ;
storage - > free ( default_shader ) ;
default_shader = RID ( ) ;
storage - > free ( default_shader_twosided ) ;
default_shader_twosided = RID ( ) ;
storage - > free ( default_worldcoord_material ) ;
default_worldcoord_material = RID ( ) ;
storage - > free ( default_worldcoord_material_twosided ) ;
default_worldcoord_material_twosided = RID ( ) ;
storage - > free ( default_worldcoord_shader ) ;
default_worldcoord_shader = RID ( ) ;
storage - > free ( default_worldcoord_shader_twosided ) ;
default_worldcoord_shader_twosided = RID ( ) ;
storage - > free ( default_overdraw_material ) ;
default_overdraw_material = RID ( ) ;
storage - > free ( default_overdraw_shader ) ;
default_overdraw_shader = RID ( ) ;