extends KinematicBody2D var _initial_velocity = Vector2.ZERO var _constant_velocity = Vector2.ZERO var _motion_speed = 400.0 var _gravity_force = 50.0 var _jump_force = 1000.0 var _velocity = Vector2.ZERO var _snap = Vector2.ZERO var _floor_max_angle = 45.0 var _stop_on_slope = false var _jumping = false var _keep_velocity = false func _physics_process(_delta): if _initial_velocity != Vector2.ZERO: _velocity = _initial_velocity _initial_velocity = Vector2.ZERO _keep_velocity = true elif _constant_velocity != Vector2.ZERO: _velocity = _constant_velocity elif not _keep_velocity: _velocity.x = 0.0 # Handle horizontal controls. if Input.is_action_pressed("character_left"): if position.x > 0.0: _velocity.x = -_motion_speed _keep_velocity = false _constant_velocity = Vector2.ZERO elif Input.is_action_pressed("character_right"): if position.x < 1024.0: _velocity.x = _motion_speed _keep_velocity = false _constant_velocity = Vector2.ZERO # Handle jump controls and gravity. if is_on_floor(): if not _jumping and Input.is_action_just_pressed("character_jump"): # Start jumping. _jumping = true _velocity.y = -_jump_force # Always apply gravity for floor detection. _velocity.y += _gravity_force var snap = _snap if not _jumping else Vector2.ZERO var max_angle = deg2rad(_floor_max_angle) _velocity = move_and_slide_with_snap(_velocity, snap, Vector2.UP, _stop_on_slope, 4, max_angle) # Get next jump ready. if _jumping: _jumping = false