tool extends Sprite onready var _stand = preload("res://assets/player/textures/stand.png") onready var _jump = preload("res://assets/player/textures/jump.png") onready var _run = preload("res://assets/player/textures/run.png") const FRAMERATE = 15 var _direction := 0 var _progress := 0.0 var _parent_node25d: Node25D var _parent_math: PlayerMath25D func _ready(): _parent_node25d = get_parent() _parent_math = _parent_node25d.get_child(0) func _process(delta): if Engine.is_editor_hint(): return # Don't run this in the editor. _sprite_basis() var movement = _check_movement() # Always run to get direction, but don't always use return bool. # Test-only move and collide, check if the player is on the ground. var k = _parent_math.move_and_collide(Vector3.DOWN * 10 * delta, true, true, true) if k != null: if movement: hframes = 6 texture = _run if (Input.is_action_pressed("movement_modifier")): delta /= 2 _progress = fmod((_progress + FRAMERATE * delta), 6) frame = _direction * 6 + int(_progress) else: hframes = 1 texture = _stand _progress = 0 frame = _direction else: hframes = 2 texture = _jump _progress = 0 var jumping = 1 if _parent_math.vertical_speed < 0 else 0 frame = _direction * 2 + jumping func set_view_mode(view_mode_index): match view_mode_index: 0: # 45 Degrees transform.x = Vector2(1, 0) transform.y = Vector2(0, 0.75) 1: # Isometric transform.x = Vector2(1, 0) transform.y = Vector2(0, 1) 2: # Top Down transform.x = Vector2(1, 0) transform.y = Vector2(0, 0.5) 3: # Front Side transform.x = Vector2(1, 0) transform.y = Vector2(0, 1) 4: # Oblique Y transform.x = Vector2(1, 0) transform.y = Vector2(0.75, 0.75) 5: # Oblique Z transform.x = Vector2(1, 0.25) transform.y = Vector2(0, 1) # Change the 2D basis of the sprite to try and make it "fit" multiple view modes. func _sprite_basis(): if not Engine.editor_hint: if Input.is_action_pressed("forty_five_mode"): set_view_mode(0) elif Input.is_action_pressed("isometric_mode"): set_view_mode(1) elif Input.is_action_pressed("top_down_mode"): set_view_mode(2) elif Input.is_action_pressed("front_side_mode"): set_view_mode(3) elif Input.is_action_pressed("oblique_y_mode"): set_view_mode(4) elif Input.is_action_pressed("oblique_z_mode"): set_view_mode(5) # This method returns a bool but if true it also outputs to the direction variable. func _check_movement() -> bool: # Gather player input and store movement to these int variables. Note: These indeed have to be integers. var x := 0 var z := 0 if Input.is_action_pressed("move_right"): x += 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("move_left"): x -= 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("move_forward"): z -= 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("move_back"): z += 1 # Check for isometric controls and add more to movement accordingly. # For efficiency, only check the X axis since this X axis value isn't used anywhere else. if not _parent_math.isometric_controls and is_equal_approx(Node25D.SCALE * 0.86602540378, _parent_node25d.get_basis()[0].x): if Input.is_action_pressed("move_right"): z += 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("move_left"): z -= 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("move_forward"): x += 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("move_back"): x -= 1 # Set the direction based on which inputs were pressed. if x == 0: if z == 0: return false # No movement. elif z > 0: _direction = 0 else: _direction = 4 elif x > 0: if z == 0: _direction = 2 flip_h = true elif z > 0: _direction = 1 flip_h = true else: _direction = 3 flip_h = true else: if z == 0: _direction = 2 flip_h = false elif z > 0: _direction = 1 flip_h = false else: _direction = 3 flip_h = false return true # There is movement.