extends Node2D # This demo is an example of controling a high number of 2D objects with logic # and collision without using nodes in the scene. This technique is a lot more # efficient than using instancing and nodes, but requires more programming and # is less visual. Bullets are managed together in the `bullets.gd` script. # The number of bullets currently touched by the player. var touching = 0 onready var sprite = $AnimatedSprite func _ready(): # The player follows the mouse cursor automatically, so there's no point # in displaying the mouse cursor. Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_HIDDEN) func _input(event): if event is InputEventMouseMotion: position = event.position - Vector2(0, 16) func _on_body_shape_entered(_body_id, _body, _body_shape, _local_shape): touching += 1 if touching >= 1: sprite.frame = 1 func _on_body_shape_exited(_body_id, _body, _body_shape, _local_shape): touching -= 1 if touching == 0: sprite.frame = 0