extends Node const DEADZONE = 0.3 var joy_guid = "" var joy_name = "" var steps = JoyMapping.BASE.keys() var cur_step = -1 var cur_mapping = {} var last_mapping = "" onready var joy_buttons = $Mapping/Margin/VBox/ViewportContainer/Viewport/JoypadDiagram/Buttons onready var joy_axes = $Mapping/Margin/VBox/ViewportContainer/Viewport/JoypadDiagram/Axes onready var joy_mapping_text = $Mapping/Margin/VBox/Info/Text/Value onready var joy_mapping_full_axis = $Mapping/Margin/VBox/Info/Extra/FullAxis onready var joy_mapping_axis_invert = $Mapping/Margin/VBox/Info/Extra/InvertAxis func _input(event): if cur_step == -1: return if event is InputEventJoypadMotion: get_tree().set_input_as_handled() var motion = event as InputEventJoypadMotion if abs(motion.axis_value) > DEADZONE: var idx = motion.axis var map = JoyMapping.new(JoyMapping.TYPE.AXIS, idx) map.inverted = joy_mapping_axis_invert.pressed if joy_mapping_full_axis.pressed: map.axis = JoyMapping.AXIS.FULL elif motion.axis_value > 0: map.axis = JoyMapping.AXIS.HALF_PLUS else: map.axis = JoyMapping.AXIS.HALF_MINUS joy_mapping_text.text = map.to_human_string() cur_mapping[steps[cur_step]] = map elif event is InputEventJoypadButton and event.pressed: get_tree().set_input_as_handled() var btn = event as InputEventJoypadButton var map = JoyMapping.new(JoyMapping.TYPE.BTN, btn.button_index) joy_mapping_text.text = map.to_human_string() cur_mapping[steps[cur_step]] = map func create_mapping_string(mapping): var string = "%s,%s," % [joy_guid, joy_name] for k in mapping: var m = mapping[k] if typeof(m) == TYPE_OBJECT and m.type == JoyMapping.TYPE.NONE: continue string += "%s:%s," % [k, str(m)] var platform = "Unknown" if JoyMapping.PLATFORMS.keys().has(OS.get_name()): platform = JoyMapping.PLATFORMS[OS.get_name()] return string + "platform:" + platform func start(idx): joy_guid = Input.get_joy_guid(idx) joy_name = Input.get_joy_name(idx) if joy_guid.empty(): printerr("Unable to find controller") return if OS.get_name() == "HTML5": # Propose trying known mapping on HTML5. $Start.window_title = "%s - %s" % [joy_guid, joy_name] $Start.popup_centered() else: # Run wizard directly. _on_Wizard_pressed() func remap_and_close(mapping): last_mapping = create_mapping_string(mapping) Input.add_joy_mapping(last_mapping, true) reset() show_map() func reset(): $Start.hide() $Mapping.hide() joy_guid = "" joy_name = "" cur_mapping = {} cur_step = -1 func step_next(): $Mapping.window_title = "Step: %d/%d" % [cur_step + 1, steps.size()] joy_mapping_text.text = "" if cur_step >= steps.size(): remap_and_close(cur_mapping) else: _update_step() func show_map(): if OS.get_name() == "HTML5": JavaScript.eval("window.prompt('This is the resulting remap string', '" + last_mapping + "')") else: $MapWindow/Margin/VBoxContainer/TextEdit.text = last_mapping $MapWindow.popup_centered() func _update_step(): $Mapping/Margin/VBox/Info/Buttons/Next.grab_focus() for btn in joy_buttons.get_children(): btn.hide() for axis in joy_axes.get_children(): axis.hide() var key = steps[cur_step] var idx = JoyMapping.BASE[key] if key in ["leftx", "lefty", "rightx", "righty"]: joy_axes.get_node(str(idx) + "+").show() joy_axes.get_node(str(idx) + "-").show() else: joy_buttons.get_node(str(idx)).show() joy_mapping_full_axis.pressed = key in ["leftx", "lefty", "rightx", "righty", "righttrigger", "lefttrigger"] joy_mapping_axis_invert.pressed = false if cur_mapping.has(key): var cur = cur_mapping[steps[cur_step]] joy_mapping_text.text = cur.to_human_string() if cur.type == JoyMapping.TYPE.AXIS: joy_mapping_full_axis.pressed = cur.axis == JoyMapping.AXIS.FULL joy_mapping_axis_invert.pressed = cur.inverted func _on_Wizard_pressed(): Input.remove_joy_mapping(joy_guid) $Start.hide() $Mapping.popup_centered() cur_step = 0 step_next() func _on_Cancel_pressed(): reset() func _on_xbox_pressed(): remap_and_close(JoyMapping.XBOX) func _on_xboxosx_pressed(): remap_and_close(JoyMapping.XBOX_OSX) func _on_Mapping_popup_hide(): reset() func _on_Next_pressed(): cur_step += 1 step_next() func _on_Prev_pressed(): if cur_step > 0: cur_step -= 1 step_next() func _on_Skip_pressed(): var key = steps[cur_step] if cur_mapping.has(key): cur_mapping.erase(key) cur_step += 1 step_next() func _on_FullAxis_toggled(button_pressed): if cur_step == -1 or not button_pressed: return var key = steps[cur_step] if cur_mapping.has(key) and cur_mapping[key].type == JoyMapping.TYPE.AXIS: cur_mapping[key].axis = JoyMapping.AXIS.FULL joy_mapping_text.text = cur_mapping[key].to_human_string() func _on_InvertAxis_toggled(button_pressed): if cur_step == -1: return var key = steps[cur_step] if cur_mapping.has(key) and cur_mapping[key].type == JoyMapping.TYPE.AXIS: cur_mapping[key].inverted = button_pressed joy_mapping_text.text = cur_mapping[key].to_human_string()