mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 18:38:50 +01:00
Use the navigation server directly in the 3d navmesh demo.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
extends Navigation
extends Spatial
const SPEED = 10.0
const SPEED = 10.0
@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ func _unhandled_input(event):
if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT and event.pressed:
if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT and event.pressed:
var from = camera.project_ray_origin(event.position)
var from = camera.project_ray_origin(event.position)
var to = from + camera.project_ray_normal(event.position) * 1000
var to = from + camera.project_ray_normal(event.position) * 1000
var target_point = get_closest_point_to_segment(from, to)
var target_point = NavigationServer.map_get_closest_point_to_segment(get_world_3d().navigation_map, from, to)
# Set the path between the robots current location and our target.
# Set the path between the robots current location and our target.
path = get_simple_path(robot.translation, target_point, true)
path = NavigationServer.map_get_path(get_world_3d().navigation_map, robot.translation, target_point, true)
if show_path:
if show_path:
@ -2,9 +2,12 @@
[ext_resource path="res://navmesh.gd" type="Script" id=1]
[ext_resource path="res://navmesh.gd" type="Script" id=1]
[sub_resource type="NavigationMesh" id=1]
[sub_resource type="NavigationMesh" id=8]
vertices = PoolVector3Array( 0.442188, 2.35475, 1.48594, 1.04219, 2.75475, 2.38594, 1.94219, 1.55475, 1.48594, 1.34219, 0.554745, -0.0140624, -0.757813, 0.354745, 2.98594, -0.157812, 0.354745, 2.38594, -0.457812, 0.354745, 1.48594, -1.95781, 0.354745, 2.68594, 12.4422, 2.35475, -1.81406, 10.0422, 2.35475, 0.285938, 10.3422, 2.35475, 2.98594, -6.45781, 3.95475, -0.914063, -5.85781, 4.15475, -0.614062, -4.95781, 3.95475, -1.81406, -4.35781, 2.55475, -3.61406, -5.25781, 2.55475, -5.11406, -6.45781, 3.35475, -3.91406, -4.65781, 3.35475, -2.71406, 1.94219, 1.55475, 1.48594, 2.54219, 0.354745, 1.78594, 3.74219, 0.354745, 1.78594, 4.04219, 0.554745, 0.285938, 1.34219, 0.554745, -0.0140624, 0.142188, 0.354745, -1.81406, -0.757813, 0.754745, -4.21406, -2.25781, 0.954745, -3.01406, -1.50781, 0.754745, -3.61406, 9.44219, 2.95475, 5.38594, 10.3422, 2.35475, 8.08594, 10.9422, 2.35475, 9.28594, 12.4422, 2.35475, 8.98594, 12.4422, 2.35475, -1.81406, 10.3422, 2.35475, 2.98594, 9.44219, 2.95475, 5.38594, 9.14219, 2.35475, 5.98594, 9.14219, 2.35475, 7.78594, 10.3422, 2.35475, 8.08594, 10.3422, 2.35475, 2.98594, 9.74219, 2.75475, 3.28594, 9.44219, 2.95475, 5.38594, 0.142188, 0.354745, -1.81406, 1.34219, 0.554745, -0.0140624, 4.04219, 0.554745, 0.285938, 6.14219, 1.95475, -1.81406, 3.14219, 0.354745, -1.81406, 5.09219, 1.55475, -0.764062, 6.14219, 1.95475, -1.81406, 4.04219, 0.554745, 0.285938, 10.0422, 2.35475, 0.285938, 12.4422, 2.35475, -1.81406, 7.71719, 2.35475, -1.81406, 5.09219, 1.55475, -0.764062, 5.54219, 1.75475, 0.285938, 7.04219, 2.35475, 0.285938, 11.8422, 2.35475, 11.0859, 12.4422, 2.35475, 8.98594, 10.9422, 2.35475, 9.28594, 10.6422, 2.35475, 10.1859, 10.6422, 2.35475, 10.1859, 0.142188, 8.35474, 10.4859, 0.142188, 7.95475, 11.0859, 11.8422, 2.35475, 11.0859, 7.14219, 2.35475, 10.2859, 6.8279, 2.35475, 11.0859, -1.95781, 1.15475, -5.11406, -5.25781, 2.55475, -5.11406, -4.35781, 2.55475, -3.61406, -2.25781, 0.954745, -3.01406, -0.757813, 0.754745, -4.21406, -3.30781, 1.75475, -3.31406, -1.50781, 0.754745, -3.61406, -1.95781, 0.354745, 2.68594, -0.457812, 0.354745, 1.48594, 1.34219, 0.554745, -0.0140624, 0.142188, 0.354745, -1.81406, -2.25781, 0.954745, -3.01406, -3.15781, 4.95475, -0.0140624, -4.35781, 4.95475, 1.18594, -4.95781, 4.95475, 2.68594, -3.15781, 4.95475, 2.98594, -1.65781, 4.95475, 1.18594, -1.65781, 4.75475, -0.614062, 3.14219, 4.95475, 0.285938, 1.34219, 4.95475, -0.614062, 0.142188, 4.55475, 0.885938, 2.54219, 4.95475, 2.38594, -3.15781, 4.95475, -0.0140624, -4.95781, 3.95475, -1.81406, -5.85781, 4.15475, -0.614062, -4.35781, 4.95475, 1.18594, 3.14219, 4.95475, 4.48594, 4.64219, 4.95475, 5.38594, 4.94219, 4.95475, 3.28594, 3.14219, 4.95475, 0.285938, 2.54219, 4.95475, 2.38594, 9.44219, 2.95475, 5.38594, 9.74219, 2.75475, 3.28594, 4.94219, 4.95475, 3.28594, 4.64219, 4.95475, 5.38594, 6.24219, 4.95475, 5.38594, 7.84219, 4.15475, 5.38594, 6.54219, 4.95475, 3.28594, -1.65781, 4.75475, -0.614062, -1.65781, 4.95475, 1.18594, 0.142188, 4.55475, 0.885938, 1.34219, 4.95475, -0.614062, -0.157812, 4.55475, -0.614062, 0.142188, 7.95475, 11.0859, 0.142188, 8.35474, 10.4859, -0.157812, 8.35474, 8.98594, -0.0078125, 8.35474, 10.0359, -2.25781, 8.35474, 11.0859, 0.142188, 7.95475, 11.0859, -0.157812, 8.35474, 8.98594, -2.85781, 8.35474, 6.58594, -5.55781, 8.35474, 7.78594, -5.55781, 8.35474, 8.38594, -1.05781, 8.35474, 11.0859, -0.0078125, 8.35474, 10.0359, -2.85781, 8.35474, 6.58594, 1.04219, 2.75475, 2.38594, 0.442188, 2.35475, 1.48594, -5.55781, 8.35474, 7.78594, -0.907812, 5.55475, 4.48594, -3.15781, 7.35475, 5.26594, -4.35781, 8.35474, 6.52594, 0.142188, 0.354745, 3.58594, -0.757813, 0.354745, 2.98594, -1.95781, 0.354745, 2.68594, 3.74219, 0.354745, 1.78594, 2.54219, 0.354745, 1.78594, 0.142188, 0.354745, 3.58594, 4.04219, 0.554745, 5.68594, 9.14219, 2.35475, 7.78594, 9.14219, 2.35475, 5.98594, 4.04219, 0.554745, 5.68594, -1.95781, 0.354745, 7.78594, 2.79933, 0.354745, 7.78594, 5.97076, 1.95475, 7.78594, 7.44219, 2.35475, 5.88594, 5.74219, 1.75475, 5.78594, 0.142188, 0.354745, 3.58594, -1.95781, 0.354745, 2.68594, -1.95781, 0.354745, 7.78594, 4.04219, 0.554745, 5.68594, 4.64219, 4.95475, 5.38594, 3.14219, 4.95475, 4.48594, 2.84219, 4.95475, 5.68594, 4.04219, 4.95475, 7.18594, 4.64219, 4.95475, 5.38594, 2.84219, 4.95475, 5.68594, 1.34219, 4.95475, 7.18594, 2.54219, 4.95475, 8.68594, 1.34219, 4.95475, 7.18594, -1.35781, 4.95475, 7.48594, -1.35781, 4.75475, 9.28594, 2.54219, 4.95475, 8.68594, -0.0078125, 4.55475, 7.33594, -4.35781, 4.95475, 7.48594, -1.35781, 4.75475, 9.28594, -1.35781, 4.95475, 7.48594, -3.45781, 4.95475, 5.38594, -5.25781, 4.95475, 5.38594, -3.45781, 4.95475, 5.38594, -3.15781, 4.95475, 2.98594, -4.95781, 4.95475, 2.68594, -5.25781, 4.95475, 5.38594 )
vertices = PoolVector3Array( 3.24219, 4.95475, 3.58594, 4.49219, 4.95475, 3.33594, 3.74219, 4.95475, 1.58594, 2.49219, 4.95475, 1.83594, -1.50781, 4.95475, 0.835938, -1.25781, 4.70475, -0.414062, -3.25781, 4.95475, 0.335938, -4.25781, 4.95475, 0.835938, -4.25781, 4.95475, 2.08594, -3.50781, 4.95475, 2.58594, -4.75781, 2.45475, -4.91406, -5.75781, 2.95475, -4.41406, -6.25781, 3.45475, -3.41406, -5.50781, 3.45475, -3.16406, -4.25781, 2.45475, -3.91406, 4.49219, 4.95475, 5.08594, 3.24219, 4.95475, 4.83594, 2.74219, 4.95475, 6.33594, 3.74219, 4.95475, 7.08594, -5.00781, 4.20475, -1.41406, -6.25781, 3.95475, -1.16406, -4.25781, 4.95475, 0.835938, -3.25781, 4.95475, 0.335938, 2.74219, 4.95475, 8.08594, 3.74219, 4.95475, 7.08594, 2.74219, 4.95475, 6.33594, 0.742188, 4.95475, 7.83594, 0.242188, 4.45475, 9.08594, -5.50781, 3.45475, -3.16406, -6.25781, 3.45475, -3.41406, -6.25781, 3.95475, -1.16406, -5.00781, 4.20475, -1.41406, -5.00781, 4.95475, 3.33594, -5.00781, 4.95475, 5.08594, -3.75781, 4.95475, 5.33594, -3.50781, 4.95475, 2.58594, -4.25781, 4.95475, 2.08594, 0.242188, 4.45475, 9.08594, 0.742188, 4.95475, 7.83594, -1.25781, 4.95475, 7.83594, -2.50781, 4.95475, 8.58594, -2.00781, 0.954745, -3.16406, -1.50781, 0.454745, -1.41406, -0.257812, 0.454745, -1.66406, -1.00781, 0.954745, -3.91406, -2.50781, 4.95475, 8.58594, -1.25781, 4.95475, 7.83594, -2.25781, 4.95475, 7.33594, -4.25781, 4.95475, 7.08594, -2.50781, 4.95475, 8.58594, -2.25781, 4.95475, 7.33594, -3.75781, 4.95475, 5.33594, -5.00781, 4.95475, 5.08594, -4.25781, 2.45475, -3.91406, -3.00781, 1.45475, -3.91406, -2.50781, 1.45475, -4.91406, -4.75781, 2.45475, -4.91406, -2.50781, 1.45475, -4.91406, -3.00781, 1.45475, -3.91406, -2.00781, 0.954745, -3.16406, -1.00781, 0.954745, -3.91406, 2.49219, 4.95475, 1.83594, 3.74219, 4.95475, 1.58594, 1.49219, 4.95475, -0.164062, 1.49219, 4.95475, 1.08594, 1.49219, 4.95475, 1.08594, 1.49219, 4.95475, -0.164062, -1.25781, 4.70475, -0.414062, -1.50781, 4.95475, 0.835938, 2.74219, 0.454745, 1.08594, 2.74219, 0.454745, 1.58594, 3.74219, 0.454745, 1.58594, 3.99219, 0.704745, 0.0859375, -1.50781, 0.454745, 2.83594, -1.00781, 0.454745, 2.83594, -0.257812, 0.454745, 1.83594, -0.257812, 0.454745, 0.835938, -1.50781, 0.454745, -1.41406, -2.00781, 6.45475, 4.58594, -5.25781, 8.45475, 7.83594, -3.00781, 8.45475, 6.33594, -2.00781, 8.45475, 10.8359, -0.757812, 8.45475, 10.8359, -0.507812, 8.45475, 9.08594, -3.00781, 8.45475, 7.33594, -5.25781, 8.45475, 7.83594, 10.2422, 2.45475, 0.0859375, 10.2422, 2.45475, 3.33594, 12.2422, 2.45475, 3.33594, 12.2422, 2.45475, -1.66406, 1.74219, 1.20475, 1.08594, 2.74219, 0.454745, 1.08594, 3.99219, 0.704745, 0.0859375, 1.24219, 0.704745, 0.0859375, 10.2422, 2.45475, 0.0859375, 12.2422, 2.45475, -1.66406, 5.99219, 1.95475, -1.66406, 3.99219, 0.704745, 0.0859375, -1.50781, 0.454745, -1.41406, -0.257812, 0.454745, 0.835938, 0.492188, 0.454745, 0.0859375, -0.257812, 0.454745, -1.66406, 3.99219, 0.704745, 0.0859375, 5.99219, 1.95475, -1.66406, -0.257812, 0.454745, -1.66406, 1.24219, 0.704745, 0.0859375, -0.257812, 0.454745, -1.66406, 0.492188, 0.454745, 0.0859375, 1.24219, 0.704745, 0.0859375, -2.00781, 6.45475, 4.58594, -3.00781, 8.45475, 6.33594, 1.74219, 1.20475, 1.08594, 1.24219, 1.70475, 1.08594, 1.74219, 1.20475, 1.08594, 1.24219, 0.704745, 0.0859375, 1.24219, 1.70475, 1.08594, -5.25781, 8.45475, 7.83594, -3.00781, 8.45475, 7.33594, -3.00781, 8.45475, 6.33594, 10.9922, 2.45475, 10.5859, 5.24219, 3.70475, 10.8359, 11.4922, 2.45475, 10.8359, -0.507812, 0.454745, 3.83594, -1.00781, 0.454745, 2.83594, -1.50781, 0.454745, 2.83594, -1.50781, 0.454745, 7.58594, 11.2422, 2.45475, 9.33594, 10.9922, 2.45475, 10.5859, 11.4922, 2.45475, 10.8359, 12.2422, 2.45475, 8.58594, 4.24219, 0.954745, 7.58594, 10.2422, 2.45475, 7.58594, 9.24219, 2.45475, 6.08594, 3.99219, 0.454745, 5.83594, 10.2422, 2.45475, 7.58594, 11.2422, 2.45475, 9.33594, 12.2422, 2.45475, 8.58594, 10.2422, 2.45475, 3.33594, 8.74219, 3.20475, 3.33594, 9.24219, 2.45475, 6.08594, 12.2422, 2.45475, 8.58594, 12.2422, 2.45475, 3.33594, 10.2422, 2.45475, 3.33594, 9.24219, 2.45475, 6.08594, 10.2422, 2.45475, 7.58594, 3.74219, 0.454745, 1.58594, 2.74219, 0.454745, 1.58594, 0.492188, 0.454745, 3.83594, 3.99219, 0.454745, 5.83594, 0.492188, 0.454745, 3.83594, -0.507812, 0.454745, 3.83594, -1.50781, 0.454745, 7.58594, 4.24219, 0.954745, 7.58594, 3.99219, 0.454745, 5.83594, 4.49219, 4.95475, 3.33594, 3.24219, 4.95475, 3.58594, 3.24219, 4.95475, 4.83594, 4.49219, 4.95475, 5.08594, 6.74219, 4.95475, 5.08594, 6.74219, 4.95475, 3.33594 )
polygons = [ PoolIntArray( 1, 0, 2 ), PoolIntArray( 2, 0, 3 ), PoolIntArray( 5, 4, 6 ), PoolIntArray( 6, 4, 7 ), PoolIntArray( 10, 9, 8 ), PoolIntArray( 12, 11, 13 ), PoolIntArray( 13, 11, 17 ), PoolIntArray( 17, 11, 14 ), PoolIntArray( 14, 11, 16 ), PoolIntArray( 14, 16, 15 ), PoolIntArray( 19, 18, 20 ), PoolIntArray( 20, 18, 21 ), PoolIntArray( 21, 18, 22 ), PoolIntArray( 24, 23, 26 ), PoolIntArray( 26, 23, 25 ), PoolIntArray( 29, 28, 30 ), PoolIntArray( 30, 28, 27 ), PoolIntArray( 30, 27, 32 ), PoolIntArray( 30, 32, 31 ), PoolIntArray( 34, 33, 35 ), PoolIntArray( 35, 33, 36 ), PoolIntArray( 38, 37, 39 ), PoolIntArray( 43, 45, 44 ), PoolIntArray( 44, 45, 42 ), PoolIntArray( 44, 42, 41 ), PoolIntArray( 44, 41, 40 ), PoolIntArray( 47, 51, 52 ), PoolIntArray( 52, 51, 46 ), PoolIntArray( 52, 46, 53 ), PoolIntArray( 53, 46, 50 ), PoolIntArray( 53, 50, 48 ), PoolIntArray( 48, 50, 49 ), PoolIntArray( 57, 56, 54 ), PoolIntArray( 54, 56, 55 ), PoolIntArray( 58, 61, 62 ), PoolIntArray( 62, 61, 63 ), PoolIntArray( 62, 63, 59 ), PoolIntArray( 59, 63, 60 ), PoolIntArray( 67, 69, 70 ), PoolIntArray( 70, 69, 68 ), PoolIntArray( 68, 69, 64 ), PoolIntArray( 64, 69, 66 ), PoolIntArray( 64, 66, 65 ), PoolIntArray( 73, 72, 74 ), PoolIntArray( 74, 72, 71 ), PoolIntArray( 74, 71, 75 ), PoolIntArray( 81, 80, 76 ), PoolIntArray( 76, 80, 77 ), PoolIntArray( 77, 80, 79 ), PoolIntArray( 77, 79, 78 ), PoolIntArray( 83, 82, 84 ), PoolIntArray( 84, 82, 85 ), PoolIntArray( 89, 88, 86 ), PoolIntArray( 86, 88, 87 ), PoolIntArray( 91, 90, 92 ), PoolIntArray( 92, 90, 94 ), PoolIntArray( 92, 94, 93 ), PoolIntArray( 98, 97, 99 ), PoolIntArray( 99, 97, 101 ), PoolIntArray( 99, 101, 100 ), PoolIntArray( 100, 101, 95 ), PoolIntArray( 95, 101, 96 ), PoolIntArray( 105, 104, 106 ), PoolIntArray( 106, 104, 102 ), PoolIntArray( 102, 104, 103 ), PoolIntArray( 107, 110, 108 ), PoolIntArray( 108, 110, 109 ), PoolIntArray( 112, 117, 118 ), PoolIntArray( 118, 117, 113 ), PoolIntArray( 113, 117, 111 ), PoolIntArray( 113, 111, 114 ), PoolIntArray( 114, 111, 116 ), PoolIntArray( 114, 116, 115 ), PoolIntArray( 122, 125, 119 ), PoolIntArray( 119, 125, 124 ), PoolIntArray( 119, 124, 123 ), PoolIntArray( 123, 124, 120 ), PoolIntArray( 120, 124, 121 ), PoolIntArray( 128, 127, 126 ), PoolIntArray( 130, 129, 131 ), PoolIntArray( 131, 129, 132 ), PoolIntArray( 134, 133, 139 ), PoolIntArray( 139, 133, 138 ), PoolIntArray( 139, 138, 140 ), PoolIntArray( 140, 138, 135 ), PoolIntArray( 135, 138, 137 ), PoolIntArray( 135, 137, 136 ), PoolIntArray( 142, 141, 143 ), PoolIntArray( 143, 141, 144 ), PoolIntArray( 147, 146, 145 ), PoolIntArray( 149, 148, 150 ), PoolIntArray( 150, 148, 151 ), PoolIntArray( 151, 148, 152 ), PoolIntArray( 154, 157, 155 ), PoolIntArray( 155, 157, 153 ), PoolIntArray( 155, 153, 156 ), PoolIntArray( 162, 161, 158 ), PoolIntArray( 158, 161, 160 ), PoolIntArray( 158, 160, 159 ), PoolIntArray( 164, 163, 165 ), PoolIntArray( 165, 163, 166 ) ]
polygons = [ PoolIntArray( 3, 2, 0 ), PoolIntArray( 0, 2, 1 ), PoolIntArray( 8, 7, 9 ), PoolIntArray( 9, 7, 6 ), PoolIntArray( 9, 6, 4 ), PoolIntArray( 4, 6, 5 ), PoolIntArray( 12, 11, 13 ), PoolIntArray( 13, 11, 10 ), PoolIntArray( 13, 10, 14 ), PoolIntArray( 16, 15, 17 ), PoolIntArray( 17, 15, 18 ), PoolIntArray( 22, 21, 19 ), PoolIntArray( 19, 21, 20 ), PoolIntArray( 24, 23, 25 ), PoolIntArray( 25, 23, 26 ), PoolIntArray( 26, 23, 27 ), PoolIntArray( 28, 31, 29 ), PoolIntArray( 29, 31, 30 ), PoolIntArray( 36, 35, 32 ), PoolIntArray( 32, 35, 33 ), PoolIntArray( 33, 35, 34 ), PoolIntArray( 38, 37, 39 ), PoolIntArray( 39, 37, 40 ), PoolIntArray( 42, 41, 43 ), PoolIntArray( 43, 41, 44 ), PoolIntArray( 47, 46, 45 ), PoolIntArray( 52, 51, 48 ), PoolIntArray( 48, 51, 50 ), PoolIntArray( 48, 50, 49 ), PoolIntArray( 53, 56, 54 ), PoolIntArray( 54, 56, 55 ), PoolIntArray( 58, 57, 59 ), PoolIntArray( 59, 57, 60 ), PoolIntArray( 64, 63, 61 ), PoolIntArray( 61, 63, 62 ), PoolIntArray( 66, 65, 67 ), PoolIntArray( 67, 65, 68 ), PoolIntArray( 70, 69, 71 ), PoolIntArray( 71, 69, 72 ), PoolIntArray( 74, 73, 75 ), PoolIntArray( 75, 73, 76 ), PoolIntArray( 76, 73, 77 ), PoolIntArray( 80, 79, 78 ), PoolIntArray( 82, 81, 83 ), PoolIntArray( 83, 81, 84 ), PoolIntArray( 84, 81, 85 ), PoolIntArray( 87, 86, 88 ), PoolIntArray( 88, 86, 89 ), PoolIntArray( 90, 93, 91 ), PoolIntArray( 91, 93, 92 ), PoolIntArray( 97, 96, 94 ), PoolIntArray( 94, 96, 95 ), PoolIntArray( 100, 99, 101 ), PoolIntArray( 101, 99, 98 ), PoolIntArray( 105, 104, 102 ), PoolIntArray( 102, 104, 103 ), PoolIntArray( 108, 107, 106 ), PoolIntArray( 112, 111, 109 ), PoolIntArray( 109, 111, 110 ), PoolIntArray( 115, 114, 113 ), PoolIntArray( 118, 117, 116 ), PoolIntArray( 121, 120, 119 ), PoolIntArray( 123, 122, 124 ), PoolIntArray( 124, 122, 125 ), PoolIntArray( 127, 126, 128 ), PoolIntArray( 128, 126, 129 ), PoolIntArray( 133, 132, 130 ), PoolIntArray( 130, 132, 131 ), PoolIntArray( 136, 135, 134 ), PoolIntArray( 139, 138, 137 ), PoolIntArray( 144, 143, 140 ), PoolIntArray( 140, 143, 142 ), PoolIntArray( 140, 142, 141 ), PoolIntArray( 146, 145, 147 ), PoolIntArray( 147, 145, 148 ), PoolIntArray( 150, 149, 151 ), PoolIntArray( 151, 149, 153 ), PoolIntArray( 151, 153, 152 ), PoolIntArray( 155, 154, 156 ), PoolIntArray( 156, 154, 157 ), PoolIntArray( 157, 154, 159 ), PoolIntArray( 157, 159, 158 ) ]
agent_max_climb = 0.5
agent_max_slope = 50.0
edge_max_length = 8.19
[sub_resource type="SpatialMaterial" id=2]
[sub_resource type="SpatialMaterial" id=2]
albedo_color = Color( 0.258902, 0.392157, 1, 1 )
albedo_color = Color( 0.258902, 0.392157, 1, 1 )
@ -83,16 +86,13 @@ surfaces/2 = {
"vertex_count": 64
"vertex_count": 64
[node name="Navigation" type="Navigation"]
[node name="Navigation" type="Spatial"]
_import_path = NodePath(".")
_import_path = NodePath(".")
script = ExtResource( 1 )
script = ExtResource( 1 )
__meta__ = {
"__editor_plugin_screen__": "3D"
[node name="NavigationMeshInstance_Level" type="NavigationMeshInstance" parent="."]
[node name="NavigationMeshInstance_Level" type="NavigationMeshInstance" parent="."]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.0452547, 0 )
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.0452547, 0 )
navmesh = SubResource( 1 )
navmesh = SubResource( 8 )
[node name="LevelMesh" type="MeshInstance" parent="NavigationMeshInstance_Level"]
[node name="LevelMesh" type="MeshInstance" parent="NavigationMeshInstance_Level"]
_import_path = NodePath("Cube")
_import_path = NodePath("Cube")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user