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synced 2025-03-08 18:26:59 +01:00
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extends Test
var _do_raycasts = false
func _ready():
yield(start_timer(0.5), "timeout")
if is_timer_canceled():
_do_raycasts = true
func _physics_process(_delta):
if not _do_raycasts:
_do_raycasts = false
Log.print_log("* Start Raycasting...")
for node in $Shapes.get_children():
var body = node as PhysicsBody2D
var space_state = body.get_world_2d().direct_space_state
var body_name = String(body.name).substr("RigidBody".length())
Log.print_log("* Testing: %s" % body_name)
var center = body.position
# Raycast entering from the top.
var res = _add_raycast(space_state, center - Vector2(0, 100), center)
Log.print_log("Raycast in: %s" % ("HIT" if res else "NO HIT"))
# Raycast exiting from inside.
center.x -= 20
res = _add_raycast(space_state, center, center + Vector2(0, 200))
Log.print_log("Raycast out: %s" % ("HIT" if res else "NO HIT"))
# Raycast all inside.
center.x += 40
res = _add_raycast(space_state, center, center + Vector2(0, 40))
Log.print_log("Raycast inside: %s" % ("HIT" if res else "NO HIT"))
if String(body.name).ends_with("ConcavePolygon"):
# Raycast inside an internal face.
center.x += 20
res = _add_raycast(space_state, center, center + Vector2(0, 40))
Log.print_log("Raycast inside face: %s" % ("HIT" if res else "NO HIT"))
func _add_raycast(space_state, pos_start, pos_end):
var result = space_state.intersect_ray(pos_start, pos_end)
var color
if result:
color = Color.green
color = Color.red.darkened(0.5)
# Draw raycast line.
add_line(pos_start, pos_end, color)
# Draw raycast arrow.
add_line(pos_end, pos_end + Vector2(-5, -10), color)
add_line(pos_end, pos_end + Vector2(5, -10), color)
return result