tool extends WebNode class_name WebPage, "res://addons/web_pages/icons/icon_web_page.svg" export(bool) var sohuld_render_menu : bool = true export(bool) var allow_web_interface_editing : bool = false export(Array, Resource) var entries : Array class WebPageEditCommand: var method : StringName var data : Array var _pending_commands : Array = Array() var _pending_array_mutex : Mutex = signal entries_changed() func _handle_request(request : WebServerRequest): if request.get_remaining_segment_count() > 0: if allow_web_interface_editing: if web_editor_try_handle(request): return for i in range(entries.size()): var e : WebPageEntry = entries[i] if e && e.handle_request(request): return request.send_error(404) if sohuld_render_menu: render_menu(request) var should_render_edit_bar : bool = allow_web_interface_editing && (request.can_edit() || request.can_delete()) for i in range(entries.size()): var e : WebPageEntry = entries[i] if e: if should_render_edit_bar: e.render_edit_bar(request) e.render(request) if request.can_create(): var b : HTMLBuilder = b.div() b.a(request.get_url_root_add("add")).f().w("+ Add New").ca() b.cdiv() request.body += b.result request.compile_and_send_body() func _get_served_file_list(files_arr : Array): for i in range(entries.size()): var e : WebPageEntry = entries[i] if e: e._get_served_file_list(files_arr) func web_editor_try_handle(request : WebServerRequest) -> bool: var path_segment : String = request.get_current_path_segment() if path_segment == "add": return web_editor_handle_add(request) elif path_segment == "edit": return web_editor_handle_edit(request) elif path_segment == "move_up": return web_editor_handle_move_up(request) elif path_segment == "move_down": return web_editor_handle_move_down(request) elif path_segment == "delete": return web_editor_handle_delete(request) return false func web_editor_handle_add(request : WebServerRequest) -> bool: if !request.can_create(): return false if request.get_method() == HTTPServerEnums.HTTP_METHOD_POST: var t : String = request.get_parameter("type") var entry : WebPageEntry = null if !t.empty(): if t == "title_text": entry = elif t == "text": entry = elif t == "image": entry = if entry: add_entry_command(entry) request.send_redirect(request.get_url_root()) return true else: request.body += "
Error processing your request!
" else: request.body += "
Error processing your request!
" if sohuld_render_menu: render_menu(request) var b : HTMLBuilder = b.div() if true: b.form_post(request.get_url_root_current()) b.csrf_tokenr(request) b.input_hidden("type", "title_text") b.input_submit("Create Title Text") b.cform() b.form_post(request.get_url_root_current()) b.csrf_tokenr(request) b.input_hidden("type", "text") b.input_submit("Create Text") b.cform() b.form_post(request.get_url_root_current()) b.csrf_tokenr(request) b.input_hidden("type", "image") b.input_submit("Create Image") b.cform() b.cdiv() request.body += b.result request.compile_and_send_body() return true func web_editor_handle_edit(request : WebServerRequest) -> bool: if !request.can_edit(): return false if request.get_remaining_segment_count() < 1: return false request.push_path() var resource_id_str : String = request.get_current_path_segment() if resource_id_str.empty() || !resource_id_str.is_valid_integer(): request.send_error(404) return true var resource_id : int = resource_id_str.to_int() var entry : WebPageEntry = get_entry_with_id(resource_id) if !entry: request.send_error(404) return true request.push_path() var e : WebPageEntry = entry.handle_edit(request) if e: edit_entry_command(entry, e) return true func web_editor_handle_move_up(request : WebServerRequest) -> bool: if !request.can_edit(): return false if request.get_remaining_segment_count() < 1: return false request.push_path() var resource_id_str : String = request.get_current_path_segment() if resource_id_str.empty() || !resource_id_str.is_valid_integer(): request.send_error(404) return true var resource_id : int = resource_id_str.to_int() var entry : WebPageEntry = get_entry_with_id(resource_id) if !entry: request.send_error(404) return true move_entry_up_command(entry) request.send_redirect(request.get_url_root_parent(1)) return true func web_editor_handle_move_down(request : WebServerRequest) -> bool: if !request.can_edit(): return false if request.get_remaining_segment_count() < 1: return false request.push_path() var resource_id_str : String = request.get_current_path_segment() if resource_id_str.empty() || !resource_id_str.is_valid_integer(): request.send_error(404) return true var resource_id : int = resource_id_str.to_int() var entry : WebPageEntry = get_entry_with_id(resource_id) if !entry: request.send_error(404) return true move_entry_down_command(entry) request.send_redirect(request.get_url_root_parent(1)) return true func web_editor_handle_delete(request : WebServerRequest) -> bool: if !request.can_delete(): return false if request.get_remaining_segment_count() < 1: return false request.push_path() var resource_id_str : String = request.get_current_path_segment() if resource_id_str.empty() || !resource_id_str.is_valid_integer(): request.send_error(404) return true var resource_id : int = resource_id_str.to_int() var entry : WebPageEntry = get_entry_with_id(resource_id) if !entry: request.send_error(404) return true if request.get_method() == HTTPServerEnums.HTTP_METHOD_POST: var accept : String = request.get_parameter("accept") if accept == "TRUE": remove_entry_command(entry) request.send_redirect(request.get_url_root_parent()) return true else: request.body += "
Error processing your request!
" if sohuld_render_menu: render_menu(request) var b : HTMLBuilder = b.div() if true: entry.render(request) b.form_post(request.get_url_root_current()) b.w("Are you sure you want to delete?") b.csrf_tokenr(request) b.input_hidden("accept", "TRUE") b.input_submit("Delete") b.cform() b.cdiv() request.body += b.result request.compile_and_send_body() return true func create_entry(cls_name : String) -> WebPageEntry: return _create_entry(cls_name) func _create_entry(cls_name : String) -> WebPageEntry: var entry : WebPageEntry = null if cls_name == "WebPageEntryTitleText": entry = elif cls_name == "WebPageEntryText": entry = elif cls_name == "WebPageEntryImage": entry = if !entry: PLogger.log_error("PageEditor: Couldn't create entry for: " + cls_name) return entry func get_next_id() -> int: var id : int = 0 for i in range(entries.size()): var e : WebPageEntry = entries[i] if e: if > id: id = return id + 1 func add_entry_command(var entry : WebPageEntry, var after : WebPageEntry = null) -> void: var command : WebPageEditCommand = command.method = "add_entry" var request_write_lock : bool = false _pending_array_mutex.lock() _pending_commands.push_back(command) if _pending_commands.size() == 1: request_write_lock = true _pending_array_mutex.unlock() if request_write_lock: request_write_lock() func remove_entry_command(var entry : WebPageEntry) -> void: var command : WebPageEditCommand = command.method = "remove_entry" var request_write_lock : bool = false _pending_array_mutex.lock() _pending_commands.push_back(command) if _pending_commands.size() == 1: request_write_lock = true _pending_array_mutex.unlock() if request_write_lock: request_write_lock() func move_entry_up_command(var entry : WebPageEntry) -> void: var command : WebPageEditCommand = command.method = "move_entry_up" var request_write_lock : bool = false _pending_array_mutex.lock() _pending_commands.push_back(command) if _pending_commands.size() == 1: request_write_lock = true _pending_array_mutex.unlock() if request_write_lock: request_write_lock() func move_entry_down_command(var entry : WebPageEntry) -> void: var command : WebPageEditCommand = command.method = "move_entry_down" var request_write_lock : bool = false _pending_array_mutex.lock() _pending_commands.push_back(command) if _pending_commands.size() == 1: request_write_lock = true _pending_array_mutex.unlock() if request_write_lock: request_write_lock() func edit_entry_command(var entry : WebPageEntry, var data : WebPageEntry) -> void: var command : WebPageEditCommand = command.method = "replace_entry" var request_write_lock : bool = false _pending_array_mutex.lock() _pending_commands.push_back(command) if _pending_commands.size() == 1: request_write_lock = true _pending_array_mutex.unlock() if request_write_lock: request_write_lock() func add_entry(var entry : WebPageEntry, var after : WebPageEntry = null) -> void: var id : int = get_next_id() = id if after != null: for i in range(entries.size()): if entries[i] == after: entries.insert(i + 1, entry) break else: entries.push_back(entry) if !entry.is_connected("changed", self, "_on_entry_changed"): entry.connect("changed", self, "_on_entry_changed") on_entries_changed() func get_entry_with_index(index : int) -> WebPageEntry: if index < 0 || index >= entries.size(): return null return entries[index] func get_entry_with_id(id : int) -> WebPageEntry: for i in range(entries.size()): var e : WebPageEntry = entries[i] if e: if ( == id): return e return null func remove_entry(var entry : WebPageEntry) -> void: if entry && !entry.is_connected("changed", self, "_on_entry_changed"): entry.connect("changed", self, "_on_entry_changed") entries.erase(entry) on_entries_changed() func move_entry_up(var entry : WebPageEntry) -> void: # Skips checking the first entry (1, entries.size()) for i in range(1, entries.size()): if entries[i] == entry: entries[i] = entries[i - 1] entries[i - 1] = entry on_entries_changed() return func move_entry_down(var entry : WebPageEntry) -> void: # Skips checking the last entry (size() - 1) for i in range(entries.size() - 1): if entries[i] == entry: entries[i] = entries[i + 1] entries[i + 1] = entry on_entries_changed() return func get_entry_before(var entry : WebPageEntry) -> WebPageEntry: if entries.size() < 2: return null if entries[0] == entry: return null for i in range(1, entries.size()): if entries[i] == entry: return entries[i - 1] return null func replace_entry(var entry : WebPageEntry, var data : WebPageEntry) -> void: for i in range(entries.size()): if entries[i] == entry: if entry && entry.is_connected("changed", self, "_on_entry_changed"): entry.disconnect("changed", self, "_on_entry_changed") entries[i] = data if data && !data.is_connected("changed", self, "_on_entry_changed"): data.connect("changed", self, "_on_entry_changed") on_entries_changed() return func clear_entries() -> void: for i in range(entries.size()): var e : WebPageEntry = entries[i] if e && e.is_connected("changed", self, "_on_entry_changed"): e.disconnect("changed", self, "_on_entry_changed") entries.clear() func save_data(): _save_data() func _save_data(): if !Engine.editor_hint && allow_web_interface_editing: var data : Dictionary = Dictionary() data["entries_size"] = entries.size() var entries_data : Array = Array() for i in range(entries.size()): var e : WebPageEntry = entries[i] if e: var ed : Dictionary = Dictionary() ed["index"] = i ed["class"] = e.get_page_entry_class_name() ed["data"] = e.to_dict() entries_data.push_back(ed) data["entries"] = entries_data # TODO add get_uri(), get_root_uri(), etc helpers to WebNode var wn : WebNode = self var wnpath : String while wn: wnpath = wn.uri_segment + "_" + wnpath wn = wn.get_parent_webnode() if !wnpath.empty(): wnpath = "user://" + wnpath + ".json" var f : File =, File.WRITE) f.store_string(to_json(data)) f.close() func load_data(): _load_data() func _load_data(): if !Engine.editor_hint && allow_web_interface_editing: var data : Dictionary = Dictionary() var wn : WebNode = self var wnpath : String while wn: wnpath = wn.uri_segment + "_" + wnpath wn = wn.get_parent_webnode() if !wnpath.empty(): wnpath = "user://" + wnpath + ".json" var f : File = if !f.file_exists(wnpath): return, File.READ) var dr : String = f.get_as_text() f.close() var jp : JSONParseResult = JSON.parse(dr) if jp.error != OK: print("jp.error != OK") return data = jp.result if !data.has("entries_size") || !data.has("entries"): return clear_entries() entries.resize(data["entries_size"]) var entries_data : Array = data["entries"] for i in range(entries.size()): var ed : Dictionary = entries_data[i] var index : int = ed["index"] if index < 0 || index >= entries.size(): print("ERROR! index < 0 || index >= entries.size()") return var cls : String = ed["class"] var edata : Dictionary = ed["data"] var e : WebPageEntry = create_entry(cls) if e: e.from_dict(edata) = index entries[index] = e e.connect("changed", self, "_on_entry_changed") func _notification(what): if what == NOTIFICATION_READY: load_data() if !Engine.editor_hint: for i in range(entries.size()): var e : WebPageEntry = entries[i] if e && !e.is_connected("changed", self, "_on_entry_changed"): e.connect("changed", self, "_on_entry_changed") elif what == NOTIFICATION_WEB_NODE_WRITE_LOCKED: if !Engine.editor_hint: _pending_array_mutex.lock() var changed : bool = _pending_commands.size() > 0 for i in range(_pending_commands.size()): var e : WebPageEditCommand = _pending_commands[i] as WebPageEditCommand callv(e.method, _pending_commands.clear() _pending_array_mutex.unlock() if changed: save_data() on_entries_changed() func _on_entry_changed(): on_entries_changed() func on_entries_changed(): emit_signal("entries_changed")