## OS X Cross toolchain for Linux, *BSD and Cygwin ## ### WHAT IS THE GOAL OF OSXCROSS? ### The goal of OSXCross is to provide a well working OS X cross toolchain for Linux, *BSD, and Cygwin. ### HOW DOES IT WORK? ### [Clang/LLVM is a cross compiler by default](http://clang.llvm.org/docs/CrossCompilation.html) and is now available on nearly every Linux distribution, so we just need a proper [port](https://github.com/tpoechtrager/cctools-port) of the [cctools](http://www.opensource.apple.com/tarballs/cctools) (ld, lipo, ...) and the OS X SDK. If you want, then you can build an up-to-date vanilla GCC as well. ### WHAT CAN I BUILD WITH IT? ### Basically everything you can build on OS X with clang/gcc should build with this cross toolchain as well. ### PACKET MANAGERS ### OSXCross comes with a minimalistic MacPorts Packet Manager. See [README.MACPORTS](README.MACPORTS.md) for more. ### INSTALLATION: ### *Windows/Cygwin users should follow [README.CYGWIN](README.CYGWIN.md).* Move your [packaged SDK](https://github.com/tpoechtrager/osxcross#packaging-the-sdk) to the tarballs/ directory. Then ensure you have the following installed on your system: `Clang 3.2+`, `patch`, `libxml2-devel` (<=10.6 only) and the `bash shell`. *Optional:* `llvm-devel`: For Link Time Optimization support `uuid-devel`: For ld64 `-random_uuid` support `llvm-devel` + `xar-devel`: For ld64 `-bitcode_bundle` support You can find xar [here](https://github.com/mackyle/xar). Do not install libxar-dev on Ubuntu, it's a different package. \-- You can run 'sudo tools/get\_dependencies.sh' to get these automatically. ##### Building Clang ##### OSXCross uses `clang` as the default compiler for building its tools, and also as a cross-compiler to create OSX binaries. In `clang` there is no difference between cross-compilation and native compilation, so OSXCross can use a normal `clang` install for both. You can use either a `clang` installation you already have, or build your own from source. To build and install your own `clang` from a recent source tree, using `gcc`, run: ```shell ./build_clang.sh ``` This installs `clang` into `/usr/local`. If you want to install somewhere else, set the `INSTALLPREFIX` variable. For example: ```shell INSTALLPREFIX=/opt/clang ./build_clang.sh ``` On debian-like systems you can also use [llvm.org/apt](http://llvm.org/apt) to get a newer version of clang. But be careful, that repository is known to cause [troubles](https://github.com/tpoechtrager/osxcross/issues/16). ##### Building OSXCross ##### To build the cross toolchain (using `clang`), run: ```shell ./build.sh ``` Or, set variable `UNATTENDED` to `1` to skip the prompt and proceed straight to the build: ```shell UNATTENDED=1 ./build.sh ``` (This will search 'tarballs' for your SDK and then build in its own directory.) **Once this is done:** add `/target/bin` to your PATH variable so that you can invoke the cross-compiler. That's it. See usage examples below. ##### Building GCC: ##### If you also want to build GCC as a cross-compiler, you can do that by running: ```shell ./build_gcc.sh ``` The script lets you select a GCC version by setting the variable `GCC_VERSION`. By default you get C and C++ compilers, but you can tell the script to build a Fortran compiler as well: ```shell GCC_VERSION=5.2.0 ENABLE_FORTRAN=1 ./build_gcc.sh ``` \[A gfortran usage example can be found [here](https://github.com/tpoechtrager/osxcross/issues/28#issuecomment-67047134)] Before you do this, make sure you have the GCC build depedencies installed on your system. On debian like systems you can install these using: ```shell sudo apt-get install gcc g++ zlib1g-dev libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev ``` ATTENTION: OSXCross links libgcc and libstdc++ statically by default (this affects `-foc-use-gcc-libstdc++` too). You can turn this behavior off with `OSXCROSS_GCC_NO_STATIC_RUNTIME=1` (env). The build also creates aliases `*-g++-libc++` which link with the `clang` implementation of the C++ standard library instead of the GCC version. Don't use these variants unless you know what you're doing. ### PACKAGING THE SDK: ### **[Please ensure you have read and understood the Xcode license terms before continuing.](https://www.apple.com/legal/sla/docs/xcode.pdf)** ##### Packaging the SDK on Mac OS X: ##### 1. [Download [Xcode](https://developer.apple.com/downloads/index.action?name=Xcode%207.3) \*\*] 2. [Mount Xcode.dmg (Open With -> DiskImageMounter) \*\*\*] 3. Run: `./tools/gen_sdk_package.sh` (from the OSXCross package) 4. Copy the packaged SDK (\*.tar.\* or \*.pkg) on a USB Stick 5. (On Linux/BSD) Copy or move the SDK into the tarballs/ directory of OSXCross. \*\* Xcode up to 7.3.x is known to work. \*\*\* If you get a dialog with a crossed circle, ignore it. You don't need to install Xcode. Step 1. and 2. can be skipped if you have Xcode installed. ##### Packing the SDK on Linux, Method 1 (works up to Xcode 7.3): ##### 1. Download Xcode like described in 'Packaging the SDK on Mac OS X' 2. Install `cmake`, `libxml2-dev` and `fuse` 3. Run `./tools/gen_sdk_package_darling_dmg.sh .dmg` 4. Copy or move the SDK into the tarballs/ directory ##### Packing the SDK on Linux, Cygwin (and others), Method 2 (works up to Xcode 7.2): ##### 1. Download Xcode like described in 'Packaging the SDK on Mac OS X' 2. Ensure you have `clang` and `make` installed 3. Run `./tools/gen_sdk_package_p7zip.sh .dmg` 4. Copy or move the SDK into the tarballs/ directory ##### Packing the SDK on Linux, Method 3 (works up to Xcode 4.2): ##### 1. Download Xcode 4.2 for Snow Leopard 2. Ensure you are downloading the "Snow Leopard" version 3. Install `dmg2img` 4. Run (as root): `./tools/mount_xcode_image.sh /path/to/xcode.dmg` 5. Follow the instructions printed by `./tools/mount_xcode_image.sh` 6. Copy or move the SDK into the tarballs/ directory ### USAGE EXAMPLES: ### ##### Example. To compile a file called test.cpp, you can run: ##### * Clang: * 32 bit: `o32-clang++ test.cpp -O3 -o test` OR `i386-apple-darwinXX-clang++ test.cpp -O3 -o test` * 64 bit: `o64-clang++ test.cpp -O3 -o test` OR `x86_64-apple-darwinXX-clang++ test.cpp -O3 -o test` * GCC: * 32 bit: `o32-g++ test.cpp -O3 -o test` OR `i386-apple-darwinXX-g++ test.cpp -O3 -o test` * 64 bit: `o64-g++ test.cpp -O3 -o test` OR `x86_64-apple-darwinXX-g++ test.cpp -O3 -o test` XX= the target version, you can find it out by running `osxcross-conf` and then see `TARGET`. You can use the shortcuts `o32-...` for `i386-apple-darwin...`, depending on which you prefer. *I'll continue from here on with `o32-clang`, but remember, you can simply replace it with `o32-gcc` or `i386-apple-darwin...`.* ##### Building Makefile based projects: ##### * `make CC=o32-clang CXX=o32-clang++` ##### Building automake based projects: ##### * `CC=o32-clang CXX=o32-clang++ ./configure --host=i386-apple-darwinXX` ##### Building test.cpp with libc++: ##### Note: libc++ requires Mac OS X 10.7 or newer! If you really need C++11 for an older OS X version, then you can do the following: 1. Build GCC so you have an up-to-date libstdc++ 2. Build your source code with GCC or `clang++-gstdc++` / `clang++ -foc-use-gcc-libstdc++` Usage Examples: * Clang: * C++98: `o32-clang++ -stdlib=libc++ test.cpp -o test` * C++11: `o32-clang++ -stdlib=libc++ -std=c++11 test1.cpp -o test` * C++14: `o32-clang++ -stdlib=libc++ -std=c++14 test1.cpp -o test` * C++1z: `o32-clang++ -stdlib=libc++ -std=c++1z test1.cpp -o test` * Clang (shortcut): * C++98: `o32-clang++-libc++ test.cpp -o test` * C++11: `o32-clang++-libc++ -std=c++11 test.cpp -o test` * C++14: `o32-clang++-libc++ -std=c++14 test.cpp -o test` * C++1z: `o32-clang++-libc++ -std=c++1z test.cpp -o test` * GCC * C++11: `o32-g++-libc++ -std=c++11 test.cpp` * C++14: `o32-g++-libc++ -std=c++14 test.cpp -o test` * C++1z: `o32-g++-libc++ -std=c++1z test.cpp -o test` ##### Building test1.cpp and test2.cpp with LTO (Link Time Optimization): ##### * build the first object file: `o32-clang++ test1.cpp -O3 -flto -c` * build the second object file: `o32-clang++ test2.cpp -O3 -flto -c` * link them with LTO: `o32-clang++ -O3 -flto test1.o test2.o -o test` ##### Building a universal binary: ##### * Clang: * `o64-clang++ test.cpp -O3 -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -o test` * GCC: * build the 32 bit binary: `o32-g++ test.cpp -O3 -o test.i386` * build the 64 bit binary: `o64-g++ test.cpp -O3 -o test.x86_64` * use lipo to generate the universal binary: `x86_64-apple darwinXX-lipo -create test.i386 test.x86_64 -output test` ### DEPLOYMENT TARGET: ### The default deployment target is `Mac OS X 10.5`. However, there are several ways to override the default value: 1. by passing `OSX_VERSION_MIN=10.x` to `./build.sh` 2. by passing `-mmacosx-version-min=10.x` to the compiler 3. by setting the `MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET` environment variable \>= 10.9 also defaults to `libc++` instead of `libstdc++`, this behavior can be overriden by explicitly passing `-stdlib=libstdc++` to clang. x86\_64h defaults to `Mac OS X 10.8` and requires clang 3.5+. x86\_64h = x86\_64 with optimizations for the Intel Haswell Architecture. ### BUILDING OSXCROSS WITH GCC: ### You can build OSXCross with GCC this way: `CC=gcc CXX=g++ ./build.sh` You will need gcc/g++/gcc-objc 4.7+. ### PROJECTS USING OSXCROSS: ### * [multiarch/crossbuild](https://github.com/multiarch/crossbuild): various cross-compilers (**Systems**: Linux, OS X, Windows, **Archs**: x86\_64, i386, arm, ppc, mips) in Docker. OSXCross powers the Darwin builds. * [Smartmontools](https://www.smartmontools.org) ### LICENSE: #### * scripts/wrapper: GPLv2 * cctools/ld64: APSL 2.0 * xar: New BSD ### CREDITS: #### * [cjacker for the initial cctools port](https://code.google.com/p/ios-toolchain-based-on-clang-for-linux/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2Fcctools-porting%2Fpatches)