/*********************************************************************** * OSXCross Compiler Wrapper * * Copyright (C) 2014-2016 by Thomas Poechtrager * * t.poechtrager@gmail.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***********************************************************************/ struct stat; namespace tools { // // Misc helper tools // typedef std::vector<std::string> string_vector; static inline void clear(std::stringstream &sstr) { sstr.clear(); sstr.str(std::string()); } static inline bool endsWith(std::string const &str, std::string const &end) { if (end.size() > str.size()) return false; return std::equal(end.rbegin(), end.rend(), str.rbegin()); } size_t constexpr constexprStrLen(const char *str) { return *str ? 1 + constexprStrLen(str + 1) : 0; } // // Terminal text colors // bool isTerminal(); // http://stackoverflow.com/a/17469726 enum ColorCode { FG_DEFAULT = 39, FG_BLACK = 30, FG_RED = 31, FG_GREEN = 32, FG_YELLOW = 33, FG_BLUE = 34, FG_MAGENTA = 35, FG_CYAN = 36, FG_LIGHT_GRAY = 37, FG_DARK_GRAY = 90, FG_LIGHT_RED = 91, FG_LIGHT_GREEN = 92, FG_LIGHT_YELLOW = 93, FG_LIGHT_BLUE = 94, FG_LIGHT_MAGENTA = 95, FG_LIGHT_CYAN = 96, FG_WHITE = 97, BG_RED = 41, BG_GREEN = 42, BG_BLUE = 44, BG_DEFAULT = 49 }; class Color { ColorCode cc; public: Color(ColorCode cc) : cc(cc) {} friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Color &color) { if (isTerminal()) return os << "\033[" << color.cc << "m"; return os; } }; // // Error message helper // static class Message { private: const char *msg; Color color; std::ostream &os; bool printprefix; public: static constexpr char endl() { return '\n'; } bool isendl(char c) { return c == '\n'; } template<typename T> bool isendl(T&&) { return false; } template<typename T> Message &operator<<(T &&v) { if (printprefix) { os << Color(FG_DARK_GRAY) << "osxcross: " << color << msg << ": " << Color(FG_DEFAULT); printprefix = false; } if (isendl(v)) { printprefix = true; os << std::endl; } else { os << v; } return *this; } Message(const char *msg, Color color = FG_RED, std::ostream &os = std::cerr) : msg(msg), color(color), os(os), printprefix(true) {} } warn("warning"), err("error"), dbg("debug", FG_LIGHT_MAGENTA), info("info", FG_LIGHT_MAGENTA), warninfo("info", FG_LIGHT_MAGENTA); // // Executable path // char *getExecutablePath(char *buf, size_t len); const std::string &getParentProcessName(); std::string &fixPathDiv(std::string &path); // // Environment // void concatEnvVariable(const char *var, const std::string &val); std::string &escapePath(const std::string &path, std::string &escapedpath); void splitPath(const char *path, std::vector<std::string> &result); std::string joinPath(const std::vector<std::string> &path); bool hasPath(const std::vector<std::string> &path, const char *find); // // Files and directories // constexpr char PATHDIV = '/'; std::string *getFileContent(const std::string &file, std::string &content); bool writeFileContent(const std::string &file, const std::string &content); bool fileExists(const std::string &dir); bool dirExists(const std::string &dir); typedef bool (*listfilescallback)(const char *file); bool isDirectory(const char *file, const char *prefix); bool listFiles(const char *dir, std::vector<std::string> *files, listfilescallback cmp); typedef bool (*realpathcmp)(const char *file, const struct stat &st); bool isExecutable(const char *f, const struct stat &); bool ignoreCCACHE(const char *f, const struct stat &); bool realPath(const char *file, std::string &result, realpathcmp cmp1 = nullptr, realpathcmp cmp2 = nullptr); bool getPathOfCommand(const char *command, std::string &result, realpathcmp cmp = nullptr); void stripFileName(std::string &path); const char *getFileName(const char *file); const char *getFileExtension(const char *file); inline const char *getFileName(const std::string &file) { return getFileName(file.c_str()); } inline const char *getFileExtension(const std::string &file) { return getFileExtension(file.c_str()); } // // Argument Parsing // template <typename T, size_t size = 0> struct ArgParser { const struct Bind { const char *name; T fun; int numArgs; } binds[size]; const Bind *parseArg(int argc, char **argv, const int numArg = 1) { const char *arg = argv[numArg]; if (*arg != '-') return nullptr; while (*arg && *arg == '-') ++arg; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { const Bind &bind = binds[i]; if (!strcmp(arg, bind.name)) { if (argc - numArg <= bind.numArgs) { err << "too few arguments for '-" << bind.name << "'" << err.endl(); return nullptr; } return &bind; } } return nullptr; } }; // // Shell Commands // constexpr size_t RUNCOMMAND_ERROR = -1; size_t runcommand(const char *command, char *buf, size_t len); // // Time // typedef unsigned long long time_type; time_type getNanoSeconds(); class benchmark { public: benchmark() { s = getTime(); } time_type getDiff() { return getTime() - s; } void halt() { h = getTime(); } void resume() { s += getTime() - h; } ~benchmark() { time_type diff = getTime() - s; dbg << "took: " << diff / 1000000.0 << " ms" << dbg.endl(); } private: __attribute__((always_inline)) time_type getTime() { return getNanoSeconds(); } time_type h; time_type s; }; // // OSVersion // #undef major #undef minor #undef patch struct OSVersion { constexpr OSVersion(int major, int minor, int patch = 0) : major(major), minor(minor), patch(patch) {} constexpr OSVersion() : major(), minor(), patch() {} constexpr int Num() const { return major * 10000 + minor * 100 + patch; }; constexpr bool operator>(const OSVersion &OSNum) const { return Num() > OSNum.Num(); } constexpr bool operator>=(const OSVersion &OSNum) const { return Num() >= OSNum.Num(); } constexpr bool operator<(const OSVersion &OSNum) const { return Num() < OSNum.Num(); } constexpr bool operator<=(const OSVersion &OSNum) const { return Num() <= OSNum.Num(); } constexpr bool operator==(const OSVersion &OSNum) const { return Num() == OSNum.Num(); } constexpr bool operator!=(const OSVersion &OSNum) const { return Num() != OSNum.Num(); } bool operator!=(const char *val) const { size_t c = 0; const char *p = val; while (*p) { if (*p++ == '.') ++c; } switch (c) { case 1: return shortStr() != val; case 2: return Str() != val; default: return true; } } std::string Str() const { std::stringstream tmp; tmp << major << "." << minor << "." << patch; return tmp.str(); } std::string shortStr() const { std::stringstream tmp; tmp << major << "." << minor; return tmp.str(); } int major; int minor; int patch; }; static_assert(OSVersion(10, 6) != OSVersion(10, 5), ""); OSVersion parseOSVersion(const char *OSVer); typedef OSVersion GCCVersion; static const auto &parseGCCVersion = parseOSVersion; typedef OSVersion ClangVersion; static const auto &parseClangVersion = parseOSVersion; typedef OSVersion LLVMVersion; static const auto &parseLLVMVersion = parseOSVersion; // // Compiler Identifier // #undef Compiler #undef CLANG #undef CLANGXX #undef GCC #undef GXX enum Compiler : int { CLANG, CLANGXX, GCC, GXX, UNKNOWN // Upper-case to avoid clash with "enum Arch" }; inline Compiler getCompilerIdentifier(const char *compilername) { if (!strncmp(compilername, "clang++", 7)) return Compiler::CLANGXX; if (!strncmp(compilername, "clang", 5)) return Compiler::CLANG; else if (!strncmp(compilername, "g++", 3)) return Compiler::GXX; else if (!strncmp(compilername, "gcc", 3)) return Compiler::GCC; return Compiler::UNKNOWN; } // // Arch // enum Arch { armv4t, armv5, armv6, armv7, armv7f, armv7k, armv7s, armv6m, armv7m, armv7em, armv8, arm64, arm64v8, i386, i486, i586, i686, x86_64, x86_64h, // Haswell ppc, ppc64, unknown }; constexpr const char *ArchNames[] = { "armv4t", "armv5", "armv6", "armv7", "armv7f", "armv7k", "armv7s", "amrv6m", "armv7m", "armv7em", "armv8", "arm64", "arm64v8", "i386", "i486", "i586", "i686", "x86_64", "x86_64h", "ppc", "ppc64", "unknown" }; constexpr const char *getArchName(Arch arch) { return ArchNames[arch]; } inline Arch parseArch(const char *arch) { size_t i = 0; for (auto archname : ArchNames) { if (!strcmp(arch, archname)) { return static_cast<Arch>(i); } ++i; } return Arch::unknown; } // // Standard Library // enum StdLib { unset, libcxx, libstdcxx }; constexpr const char *StdLibNames[] = { "default", "libc++", "libstdc++" }; constexpr const char *getStdLibString(StdLib stdlib) { return StdLibNames[stdlib]; } } // namespace tools