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synced 2025-03-23 01:07:34 +01:00
git-svn-id: http://svn.slightlymagic.net/forge/trunk@35700 269b9781-a132-4a9b-9d4e-f004f1b56b58
365 lines
7.1 KiB
365 lines
7.1 KiB
Name=Seventh Edition
Booster=10 Common, 3 Uncommon, 1 Rare, 1 BasicLand
172 U AEther Flash
115 R Abyssal Horror
116 U Abyssal Specter
325 R Adarkar Wastes
117 U Agonizing Memories
58 U Air Elemental
286 R Aladdin's Ring
229 U Anaconda
59 R Ancestral Memories
230 R Ancient Silverback
1 C Angelic Page
60 U Arcane Laboratory
61 R Archivist
2 U Ardent Militia
173 C Balduvian Barbarians
62 U Baleful Stare
287 R Beast of Burden
174 R Bedlam
118 U Befoul
119 R Bellowing Fiend
63 R Benthic Behemoth
120 U Bereavement
231 R Birds of Paradise
232 U Blanchwood Armor
175 U Blaze
3 R Blessed Reversal
121 C Blood Pet
176 R Bloodshot Cyclops
122 C Bog Imp
123 U Bog Wraith
177 U Boil
64 C Boomerang
4 U Breath of Life
326 R Brushland
233 U Bull Hippo
288 U Caltrops
234 C Canopy Spider
5 U Castle
289 U Charcoal Diamond
6 C Circle of Protection: Black
7 C Circle of Protection: Blue
8 C Circle of Protection: Green
9 C Circle of Protection: Red
10 C Circle of Protection: White
327 R City of Brass
11 C Cloudchaser Eagle
290 R Coat of Arms
235 U Compost
65 U Confiscate
66 C Coral Merfolk
124 C Corrupt
67 C Counterspell
236 U Creeping Mold
178 R Crimson Hellkite
12 C Crossbow Infantry
125 U Crypt Rats
291 U Crystal Rod
126 U Dakmor Lancer
68 R Daring Apprentice
127 C Dark Banishing
128 R Darkest Hour
69 R Deflection
70 R Delusions of Mediocrity
292 R Dingus Egg
13 C Disenchant
179 U Disorder
293 R Disrupting Scepter
129 R Dregs of Sorrow
130 C Drudge Skeletons
131 C Duress
14 C Eager Cadet
237 R Early Harvest
180 R Earthquake
132 R Eastern Paladin
238 R Elder Druid
15 R Elite Archers
239 R Elvish Archers
240 R Elvish Champion
241 U Elvish Lyrist
242 R Elvish Piper
133 U Engineered Plague
294 R Ensnaring Bridge
71 R Equilibrium
72 R Evacuation
134 R Fallen Angel
243 U Familiar Ground
135 C Fear
244 U Femeref Archers
295 R Feroz's Ban
181 R Fervor
73 U Fighting Drake
182 R Final Fortune
296 U Fire Diamond
183 U Fire Elemental
74 R Fleeting Image
75 C Flight
297 R Flying Carpet
245 C Fog
76 C Force Spike
328 L Forest
328 L Forest
328 L Forest
328 L Forest
136 U Foul Imp
137 U Fugue
246 U Fyndhorn Elder
247 U Gang of Elk
16 U Gerrard's Wisdom
184 U Ghitu Fire-Eater
138 C Giant Cockroach
248 C Giant Growth
77 C Giant Octopus
249 C Giant Spider
78 U Glacial Wall
17 R Glorious Anthem
185 C Goblin Chariot
186 C Goblin Digging Team
187 C Goblin Elite Infantry
188 C Goblin Gardener
189 U Goblin Glider
190 R Goblin King
191 U Goblin Matron
192 C Goblin Raider
193 C Goblin Spelunkers
194 U Goblin War Drums
250 C Gorilla Chieftain
298 R Grafted Skullcap
195 C Granite Grip
299 U Grapeshot Catapult
139 C Gravedigger
140 R Greed
251 C Grizzly Bears
18 C Healing Salve
19 U Heavy Ballista
79 U Hibernation
196 C Hill Giant
141 C Hollow Dogs
20 C Holy Strength
21 C Honor Guard
80 C Horned Turtle
142 C Howl from Beyond
300 R Howling Mine
252 R Hurricane
197 R Impatience
143 R Infernal Contract
198 R Inferno
81 C Inspiration
22 R Intrepid Hero
301 U Iron Star
332 L Island
332 L Island
332 L Island
332 L Island
302 U Ivory Cup
303 R Jalum Tome
304 R Jandor's Saddlebags
305 R Jayemdae Tome
336 R Karplusan Forest
23 R Kjeldoran Royal Guard
24 C Knight Errant
25 U Knighthood
199 C Lava Axe
144 U Leshrac's Rite
82 U Levitation
200 C Lightning Blast
201 C Lightning Elemental
253 C Llanowar Elves
254 C Lone Wolf
26 U Longbow Archer
145 C Looming Shade
83 R Lord of Atlantis
255 U Lure
84 R Mahamoti Djinn
85 U Mana Breach
202 R Mana Clash
86 R Mana Short
306 U Marble Diamond
256 R Maro
27 R Master Healer
87 R Mawcor
307 R Meekstone
146 U Megrim
88 C Memory Lapse
89 U Merfolk Looter
90 C Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
257 R Might of Oaks
308 R Millstone
147 C Mind Rot
258 C Monstrous Growth
309 U Moss Diamond
338 L Mountain
338 L Mountain
338 L Mountain
338 L Mountain
259 R Nature's Resurgence
260 R Nature's Revolt
148 C Nausea
149 U Necrologia
150 R Nightmare
151 U Nocturnal Raid
28 R Northern Paladin
203 U Ogre Taskmaster
204 R Okk
91 U Opportunity
92 R Opposition
152 R Oppression
205 U Orcish Artillery
206 U Orcish Oriflamme
153 C Ostracize
29 C Pacifism
30 R Pariah
310 U Patagia Golem
154 R Persecute
93 U Phantom Warrior
311 R Phyrexian Colossus
312 U Phyrexian Hulk
207 U Pillage
313 U Pit Trap
155 C Plague Beetle
343 L Plains
343 L Plains
343 L Plains
343 L Plains
261 U Pride of Lions
94 C Prodigal Sorcerer
31 R Purify
208 C Pygmy Pyrosaur
209 U Pyroclasm
210 U Pyrotechnics
156 R Rag Man
211 C Raging Goblin
157 C Raise Dead
262 C Rampant Growth
32 C Razorfoot Griffin
158 C Razortooth Rats
212 R Reckless Embermage
263 C Reclaim
264 C Redwood Treefolk
213 C Reflexes
265 C Regeneration
214 R Relentless Assault
95 C Remove Soul
33 U Reprisal
159 R Reprocess
160 R Revenant
34 R Reverse Damage
314 U Rod of Ruin
35 R Rolling Stones
266 R Rowen
215 C Sabretooth Tiger
36 R Sacred Ground
37 C Sacred Nectar
96 C Sage Owl
38 C Samite Healer
39 U Sanctimony
161 C Scathe Zombies
267 U Scavenger Folk
97 C Sea Monster
40 U Seasoned Marshal
268 C Seeker of Skybreak
216 R Seismic Assault
162 C Serpent Warrior
41 U Serra Advocate
42 R Serra Angel
43 U Serra's Embrace
269 C Shanodin Dryads
217 C Shatter
44 C Shield Wall
218 R Shivan Dragon
219 C Shock
315 U Sisay's Ring
316 U Sky Diamond
45 C Skyshroud Falcon
98 C Sleight of Hand
163 U Soul Feast
317 U Soul Net
46 R Southern Paladin
318 U Spellbook
270 C Spined Wurm
164 C Spineless Thug
47 U Spirit Link
220 C Spitting Earth
271 C Squall
48 C Standing Troops
49 U Starlight
319 R Static Orb
50 U Staunch Defenders
99 U Steal Artifact
221 C Stone Rain
320 R Storm Cauldron
100 C Storm Crow
222 U Storm Shaman
165 U Strands of Night
272 C Stream of Life
166 R Stronghold Assassin
223 U Sudden Impact
345 R Sulfurous Springs
51 R Sunweb
52 U Sustainer of the Realm
346 L Swamp
346 L Swamp
346 L Swamp
346 L Swamp
167 R Tainted AEther
321 R Teferi's Puzzle Box
101 C Telepathic Spies
102 U Telepathy
103 R Temporal Adept
104 U Thieving Magpie
273 R Thorn Elemental
274 U Thoughtleech
322 U Throne of Bone
105 C Tolarian Winds
275 C Trained Armodon
224 R Trained Orgg
276 C Tranquility
106 U Treasure Trove
277 U Treefolk Seedlings
225 C Tremor
107 C Twiddle
278 R Uktabi Wildcats
350 R Underground River
168 C Unholy Strength
108 C Unsummon
279 U Untamed Wilds
53 C Venerable Monk
54 U Vengeance
280 R Verduran Enchantress
281 R Vernal Bloom
109 C Vigilant Drake
110 R Vizzerdrix
226 C Volcanic Hammer
111 U Wall of Air
169 U Wall of Bone
227 U Wall of Fire
323 U Wall of Spears
55 U Wall of Swords
112 R Wall of Wonder
170 R Western Paladin
282 C Wild Growth
228 R Wildfire
113 U Wind Dancer
114 C Wind Drake
283 U Wing Snare
284 C Wood Elves
324 U Wooden Sphere
56 R Worship
57 R Wrath of God
285 U Yavimaya Enchantress
171 U Yawgmoth's Edict