mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 01:07:34 +01:00
git-svn-id: http://svn.slightlymagic.net/forge/trunk@35700 269b9781-a132-4a9b-9d4e-f004f1b56b58
287 lines
9.5 KiB
Executable File
287 lines
9.5 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
############IMPLEMENTATION FOLLOWS############
import os,sys,fnmatch,re
# TODO Move these somewhere else?
ignoredSet = [ 'ASTRAL', 'ATH', 'BD', 'BR', 'CM1', 'DD2', 'DDC', 'DDD', 'DDE', 'DDF',
'DDG', 'DDH', 'DDI', 'DDJ', 'DDK', 'DDL', 'DDM', 'DDN', 'DKM', 'DRB', 'DREAM', 'EVG', 'H09', 'MD1', 'ME2',
'ME3', 'ME4', 'MED', 'PD2', 'PD3', 'SDC', 'UG', 'UGL', 'UNH', 'V09', 'V10', 'V11', 'V12',
'V13', 'V14', '', 'DD3_DVD']
toolsDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname( __file__ ))
resDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(toolsDir, '..', 'res'))
pathToMtgData = os.path.join(toolsDir, "mtg-data.txt")
def initializeFormats():
formats = {}
formatLocation = os.path.join(resDir, 'blockdata', 'formats.txt')
print "Looking for formats in ", formatLocation
with open(formatLocation) as formatFile:
while formatFile:
line = formatFile.readline().strip()
if not line:
# this should only happen when the file is done processing if we did things correctly?
format = line[1:-1]
formats[format] = {}
# Pull valid sets
while line != '':
line = formatFile.readline().strip()
if line.startswith('Sets:'):
sets = line.split(':')[1]
formats[format]['sets'] = sets.split(', ')
elif line.startswith('Banned'):
banned = line.split(':')[1]
formats[format]['banned'] = sets.split('; ')
#print formats
return formats
def writeToFiles(text, files):
for f in files:
if f:
def printOverallEditions(totalDataList, setCodeToName, releaseFile=None):
totalPercentage = 0
totalMissing = 0
totalImplemented = 0
fullTotal = 0
if releaseFile:
releaseFile.write("[spoiler=Overall Editions]\n")
with open(os.path.join(toolsDir, "PerSetTrackingResults", "CompleteStats.txt"), "w") as statsfile:
files = [statsfile, releaseFile]
writeToFiles("Set: Implemented (Missing) / Total = Percentage Implemented\n", files)
for k,dataKey in totalDataList :
totalImplemented += dataKey[0]
totalMissing += dataKey[1]
fullTotal += dataKey[2]
if dataKey[2] == 0:
print "SetCode unknown", k
writeToFiles(setCodeToName[k].lstrip() + ": " + str(dataKey[0]) + " (" + str(dataKey[1]) + ") / " + str(dataKey[2]) + " = " + str(round(dataKey[3], 2)) + "%\n", files)
totalPercentage = totalImplemented / fullTotal
writeToFiles("\nTotal over all sets: " + str(totalImplemented) + " (" + str(totalMissing) + ") / " + str(fullTotal) + "\n", files)
if releaseFile:
def printCardSet(implementedSet, missingSet, fileName, setCoverage=None, printImplemented=False, printMissing=True, releaseFile=None):
# Add another file that will print out whichever set is requested
# Convert back to lists so they can be sorted
impCount = len(implementedSet)
misCount = len(missingSet)
totalCount = impCount + misCount
if releaseFile:
releaseFile.write("[spoiler=%s]\n" % fileName)
filePath = os.path.join(toolsDir, "PerSetTrackingResults", fileName)
with open(filePath, "w") as outfile:
files = [outfile, releaseFile]
if setCoverage:
writeToFiles(' '.join(setCoverage), files)
writeToFiles('\n', files)
writeToFiles("Implemented (Missing) / Total = Percentage Implemented\n", files)
writeToFiles("%d (%d) / %d = %.2f %%\n" % (impCount, misCount, totalCount, float(impCount)/totalCount*100), files)
# If you really need to, we can print implemented cards
if printImplemented:
implemented = list(implementedSet)
outfile.write("\nImplemented (%d):" % impCount)
for s in implemented:
outfile.write("\n%s" % s)
# By default Missing will print, but you can disable it
if printMissing:
missing = list(missingSet)
writeToFiles("\nMissing (%d):" % misCount, files)
for s in missing:
writeToFiles("\n%s" % s, files)
writeToFiles("\n", files)
if releaseFile:
def printDistinctOracle(missingSet, fileName):
filePath = os.path.join(toolsDir, "PerSetTrackingResults", fileName)
missing = list(missingSet)
with open(filePath, "w") as outfile:
for s in missing:
if s:
oracle = mtgOracleCards.get(s, "")
outfile.write("%s\n%s" % (s, oracle))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if not os.path.exists(pathToMtgData) :
print("This script requires the text version of Arch's mtg-data to be present.You can download it from slightlymagic.net's forum and either place the text version next to this script or edit this script and provide the path to the file at the top.")
print("Press Enter to exit")
if not os.path.isdir(toolsDir + os.sep + 'PerSetTrackingResults') :
os.mkdir(toolsDir + os.sep + 'PerSetTrackingResults')
forgeFolderFiles = []
forgeCards = []
mtgDataCards = {}
mtgOracleCards = {}
setCodes = []
setCodeToName = {}
forgeCardCount = 0
mtgDataCardCount = 0
setCodeCount = 0
hasFetchedSets = False
hasFetchedCardName = False
tmpName = ""
line = ""
prevline = ""
#Parse mtg-data
print("Parsing mtg-data")
with open(pathToMtgData) as mtgdata :
for line in mtgdata :
# Parse the sets at the top of the mtgdata file
if not hasFetchedSets :
if line != "\n" :
splitLine = line.split(' ')
code = splitLine[0]
setCodeToName[code] = splitLine[-1].replace('\n', '')
#print splitLine, code, setCodeToName[code]
else :
hasFetchedSets = True
# Once all sets are parsed, time to parse the cards
if hasFetchedSets :
if not hasFetchedCardName :
tmpName = line.rstrip().replace("AE", "Ae")
hasFetchedCardName = True
oracle = ""
oracle += line
if line == "\n" :
mtgOracleCards[tmpName] = oracle.replace(prevline, '')
sets = prevline.split(", ")
for i in range(len(sets)):
sets[i] = sets[i].split(' ')[0]
#print sets
mtgDataCards[tmpName] = sets
hasFetchedCardName = False
prevline = line
#Parse Forge
print("Parsing Forge")
cardsfolderLocation = os.path.join(resDir, 'cardsfolder')
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(cardsfolderLocation):
for fileName in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.txt'):
with open(os.path.join(root, fileName)) as currentForgeCard :
# Check all names for this card
for line in currentForgeCard.readlines():
if line.startswith("Name:"):
#Compare datasets and output results
print("Comparing datasets and outputting results.")
totalData = {}
currentMissing = []
currentImplemented = []
allMissing = set()
allImplemented = set()
formats = initializeFormats()
unknownFormat = {'sets': []}
standardSets = formats.get('Standard', unknownFormat)['sets']
standardMissing = set()
standardImplemented = set()
modernSets = formats.get('Modern', unknownFormat)['sets']
modernMissing = set()
modernImplemented = set()
#extendedSets = formats.get('Extended', unknownFormat)['sets']
#extendedMissing = set()
#extendedImplemented = set()
total = 0
percentage = 0
for currentSet in setCodes :
# Ignore any sets that we don't tabulate
if currentSet in ignoredSet: continue
for key in mtgDataCards.keys() :
setList = mtgDataCards[key]
if currentSet in setList:
if key in forgeCards :
elif key != "":
total = len(currentMissing)+len(currentImplemented)
percentage = 0
if total > 0 :
percentage = (float(len(currentImplemented))/float(total))*100
# Output each edition file on it's own
with open(toolsDir + os.sep + "PerSetTrackingResults" + os.sep + "set_" + currentSet.strip() + ".txt", "w") as output :
output.write("Implemented (" + str(len(currentImplemented)) + "):\n")
for everyImplemented in currentImplemented :
output.write(everyImplemented + '\n')
output.write("Missing (" + str(len(currentMissing)) + "):\n")
for everyMissing in currentMissing :
output.write(everyMissing + '\n')
output.write("Total: " + str(total) + "\n")
output.write("Percentage implemented: " + str(round(percentage,2)) + "%\n")
totalData[currentSet] = (len(currentImplemented),len(currentMissing),total,percentage)
allMissing |= set(currentMissing)
allImplemented |= set(currentImplemented)
if currentSet in standardSets:
standardMissing |= set(currentMissing)
standardImplemented |= set(currentImplemented)
if currentSet in modernSets:
modernMissing |= set(currentMissing)
modernImplemented |= set(currentImplemented)
#if currentSet in extendedSets:
# extendedMissing |= set(currentMissing)
# extendedImplemented |= set(currentImplemented)
del currentMissing[:]
del currentImplemented[:]
#sort sets by percentage completed
totalDataList = sorted(totalData.items(), key=lambda k: k[1][3], reverse=True)
releaseOutput = open(os.path.join(toolsDir, "PerSetTrackingResults", "ReleaseStats.txt"), "w")
printCardSet(allImplemented, allMissing, "DistinctStats.txt", releaseFile=releaseOutput)
printOverallEditions(totalDataList, setCodeToName, releaseFile=releaseOutput)
printCardSet(standardImplemented, standardMissing, "FormatStandard.txt", setCoverage=standardSets, releaseFile=releaseOutput)
#printCardSet(extendedImplemented, extendedMissing, "FormatExtended.txt", setCoverage=extendedSets)
printCardSet(modernImplemented, modernMissing, "FormatModern.txt", setCoverage=modernSets, releaseFile=releaseOutput)
printDistinctOracle(allMissing, "DistinctOracle.txt")
print ("Done!")