Name:Soldevi Excavations ManaCost:no cost Types:Land A:AB$ Mana | Cost$ T | Produced$ C U | SpellDescription$ Add {C}{U} to your mana pool. A:AB$ Scry | Cost$ 1 T | ScryNum$ 1 | SpellDescription$ Scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom of your library.) R:Event$ Moved | Destination$ Battlefield | ValidCard$ Card.Self | ReplaceWith$ PayBeforeETB | Description$ If CARDNAME would enter the battlefield, sacrifice an untapped Island instead. If you do, put CARDNAME onto the battlefield. If you don't, put it into its owner's graveyard. SVar:PayBeforeETB:AB$ Sacrifice | Cost$ 0 | SacValid$ Island.untapped | Defined$ You | RememberSacrificed$ True | SubAbility$ MoveToGraveyard SVar:MoveToGraveyard:DB$ ChangeZone | Origin$ All | Destination$ Graveyard | Defined$ ReplacedCard | ConditionCheckSVar$ X | ConditionSVarCompare$ EQ0 | References$ X | SubAbility$ MoveToBattlefield SVar:MoveToBattlefield:DB$ ChangeZone | Origin$ All | Destination$ Battlefield | Defined$ ReplacedCard | ConditionCheckSVar$ X | ConditionSVarCompare$ EQ1 | References$ X | SubAbility$ DBCleanup SVar:DBCleanup:DB$ Cleanup | ClearRemembered$ True SVar:X:Remembered$Amount SVar:RemAIDeck:True SVar:Picture: Oracle:If Soldevi Excavations would enter the battlefield, sacrifice an untapped Island instead. If you do, put Soldevi Excavations onto the battlefield. If you don't, put it into its owner's graveyard.\n{T}: Add {C}{U} to your mana pool.\n{1}, {T}: Scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom of your library.)