[shop] WinsToUnlock=0 Credits=1200 MinDifficulty=0 MaxDifficulty=5 [metadata] Name=Fates Foreseen Description=Scry is a useful ability that gives you control over your future draw steps. The "Fates Foreseen" deck is based around casting spells that give you additional benefits for scrying and setting up ways to scry repeatedly. Link together a chain of these spells and thwart your opponent's best laid plans. Deck Type=constructed Set=JOU Image=fates_foreseen.jpg [Main] 1 Bladetusk Boar|JOU 1 Cloaked Siren|JOU 1 Crackling Triton|THS 1 Cyclops of Eternal Fury|JOU 2 Flamespeaker Adept|THS 1 Omenspeaker|THS 2 Pensive Minotaur|JOU 1 Prescient Chimera|THS 1 Prognostic Sphinx|THS 1 Scourge of Fleets|JOU 2 Sigiled Skink|JOU 2 Sigiled Starfish|JOU 2 Stormcaller of Keranos|BNG 2 Divination|BNG 1 Font of Fortunes|JOU 1 Font of Ire|JOU 1 Interpret the Signs|JOU 2 Knowledge and Power|JOU 1 Lost in a Labyrinth|THS 1 Magma Spray|JOU 1 Pull from the Deep|JOU 1 Rage of Purphoros|THS 2 Riddle of Lightning|JOU 2 Rise of Eagles|JOU 1 Spite of Mogis|JOU 13 Island|THS 13 Mountain|THS [sideboard]