[shop] WinsToUnlock=0 Credits=1200 MinDifficulty=0 MaxDifficulty=5 [metadata] Deck Type=constructed Set=M11 Image=blades_of_victory.jpg Name=Blades of Victory Description=The "Blades of Victory" deck puts you in command of a righteous army of Soldiers, Knights, and Angels. [Main] 1 Ajani's Mantra|M11 2 Ajani's Pridemate|M11 1 Angelic Arbiter|M11 2 Armored Ascension|M11 1 Assassinate|M11 2 Cloud Crusader|M11 1 Condemn|M11 1 Doom Blade|M11 1 Duress|M11 2 Elite Vanguard|M11 2 Infantry Veteran|M11 2 Inspired Charge|M11 1 Mighty Leap|M11 1 Mind Rot|M11 2 Pacifism|M11 2 Palace Guard|M11 16 Plains|M11 1 Safe Passage|M11 2 Serra Angel|M11 2 Siege Mastodon|M11 1 Silvercoat Lion|M11 1 Stabbing Pain|M11 9 Swamp|M11 1 Vengeful Archon|M11 1 War Priest of Thune|M11 1 Warlord's Axe|M11 1 White Knight|M11