Name:Mind Maggots ManaCost:3 B Types:Creature Insect PT:2/2 T:Mode$ ChangesZone | ValidCard$ Card.Self | Origin$ Any | Destination$ Battlefield | Execute$ ChooseDiscardCount | TriggerDescription$ When CARDNAME enters the battlefield, discard any number of creature cards. For each card discarded this way, put two +1/+1 counters on CARDNAME. SVar:ChooseDiscardCount:AB$ ChooseNumber | Cost$ 0 | Defined$ You | Min$ 0 | Max$ MaxChoice | References$ MaxChoice | ListTitle$ Discard how many creatures? | SubAbility$ MindMaggotsDiscard # Used ChooseNumber here because otherwise the user must cancel for every valid card not discarded which can make it seem slow or broken. SVar:MindMaggotsDiscard:DB$ Discard | DiscardValid$ Creature | NumCards$ ChosenMaggots | References$ ChosenMaggots | Optional$ True | Mode$ TgtChoose | RememberDiscarded$ True | SubAbility$ MindMaggotsPutCounter SVar:MindMaggotsPutCounter:DB$ PutCounter | CounterType$ P1P1 | CounterNum$ MindMaggotsCount | References$ MindMaggotsCount,DiscardedMind | SubAbility$ MindMaggotsCleanup SVar:MindMaggotsCleanup:DB$ Cleanup | ClearRemembered$ True SVar:MaxChoice:Count$TypeInYourHand.Creature SVar:ChosenMaggots:Count$ChosenNumber SVar:DiscardedMind:Remembered$Amount SVar:MindMaggotsCount:SVar$DiscardedMind/Times.2 SVar:RemAIDeck:True SVar:Picture: Oracle:When Mind Maggots enters the battlefield, discard any number of creature cards. For each card discarded this way, put two +1/+1 counters on Mind Maggots.