[shop] WinsToUnlock=0 Credits=1200 MinDifficulty=0 MaxDifficulty=5 [metadata] Name=World Aflame Description=The "World Aflame" deck lets you take command by destroying your opponent's lands, damaging your opponent's creatures, and controlling the ground with creatures of your own. You'll be able to wreck enough stuff on the other side of the table that your opponent shouldn't be able to put up much of a fight! Deck Type=constructed Set=9ED Image=world_aflame.jpg [main] 2 Anarchist|9ED 3 Balduvian Barbarians|9ED 1 Blaze|9ED 1 Dancing Scimitar|9ED 2 Demolish|9ED 1 Dragon's Claw|9ED 3 Hill Giant|9ED 2 Lava Axe|9ED 1 Magnivore|9ED 17 Mountain|9ED 1 Panic Attack|9ED 2 Stone Rain|9ED 3 Volcanic Hammer|9ED 1 Wildfire|9ED [sideboard]