Name:Nature's Will ManaCost:2 G G Types:Enchantment T:Mode$ DamageDoneOnce | CombatDamage$ True | ValidSource$ Creature.YouCtrl | TriggerZones$ Battlefield | ValidTarget$ Player | Execute$ TrigRememberTarget | TriggerDescription$ Whenever one or more creatures you control deal combat damage to a player, tap all lands that player controls and untap all lands you control. SVar:TrigRememberTarget:AB$ Pump | Cost$ 0 | RememberObjects$ TriggeredTarget | SubAbility$ DBTapAll SVar:DBTapAll:DB$ TapAll | ValidCards$ Land.RememberedPlayerCtrl | SubAbility$ DBUntapAll SVar:DBUntapAll:DB$ UntapAll | ValidCards$ Land.YouCtrl | SubAbility$ DBCleanup SVar:DBCleanup:DB$ Cleanup | ClearRemembered$ True SVar:PlayMain1:TRUE SVar:Picture: Oracle:Whenever one or more creatures you control deal combat damage to a player, tap all lands that player controls and untap all lands you control.