Name:Gaea's Touch ManaCost:G G Types:Enchantment A:AB$ Mana | Cost$ Sac<1/CARDNAME> | Produced$ G G | SpellDescription$ Add {G}{G} to your mana pool. A:AB$ ChangeZone | Cost$ 0 | Origin$ Hand | Destination$ Battlefield | ChangeType$ Forest.Basic+YouCtrl | ChangeNum$ 1 | SorcerySpeed$ True | ActivationLimit$ 1 | SpellDescription$ You may put a basic Forest card from your hand onto the battlefield. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery and only once each turn. SVar:Picture: Oracle:{0}: You may put a basic Forest card from your hand onto the battlefield. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery and only once each turn.\nSacrifice Gaea's Touch: Add {G}{G} to your mana pool.