[duel] [metadata] Name=Nibbler 2 Title=Nibbler Difficulty=medium Description=BR Threaten deck that sacrifices stolen creatures Icon=Nibbler.jpg Deck Type=constructed [main] 5 Swamp 5 Mountain 4 Badlands 4 Dragonskull Summit 4 High Market 1 Mox Jet 1 Mox Ruby 2 Act of Treason 2 Threaten 2 Traitorous Blood 4 Traitorous Instinct 4 Zealous Conscripts 4 Conquering Manticore 2 Molten Primordial 4 Gutless Ghoul 4 Nezumi Bone-Reader 1 Phyrexian Vault 2 Hanweir Watchkeep 1 Wall of Bone 1 Wall of Diffusion 1 Wall of Earth 2 Wall of Souls [sideboard]