[duel] [metadata] Name=Barney Rubble 3 Title=Barney Rubble Difficulty=hard Description=WU Sovereigns of Lost Alara deck with walls and auras Icon=Barney Rubble.jpg Deck Type=constructed [main] 4 Ghostly Prison 4 Sejiri Refuge 4 Glacial Fortress 1 Mox Sapphire 1 Sol Ring 3 Plains|M11 1 Whispersilk Cloak 4 Absorb 1 Mass Calcify 3 Island|M11 1 Ancestral Recall 1 Time Walk 4 Sovereigns of Lost Alara 1 Auratouched Mage 4 Wall of Omens 1 Mox Pearl 4 Tundra 4 Wall of Denial 4 Wall of Reverence 2 Eldrazi Conscription 4 Propaganda 4 Perimeter Captain [sideboard]