Name:Akroan Conscriptor ManaCost:4 R Types:Creature Human Shaman PT:3/2 T:Mode$ SpellCast | ValidActivatingPlayer$ You | TargetsValid$ Card.Self | TriggerZones$ Battlefield | Execute$ TrigChange | TriggerDescription$ Heroic — Whenever you cast a spell that targets CARDNAME, gain control of another target creature until end of turn. Untap that creature. It gains haste until end of turn. SVar:TrigChange:AB$ GainControl | Cost$ 0 | TgtPrompt$ Choose another target creature | ValidTgts$ Creature.Other | LoseControl$ EOT | Untap$ True | AddKWs$ Haste | SpellDescription$ Gain control of another target creature until end of turn. Untap that creature. It gains haste until end of turn. SVar:Picture: Oracle:Heroic — Whenever you cast a spell that targets Akroan Conscriptor, gain control of another target creature until end of turn. Untap that creature. It gains haste until end of turn.