Name:Uba Mask ManaCost:4 Types:Artifact R:Event$ Draw | ActiveZones$ Battlefield | ValidPlayer$ Player | ReplaceWith$ ExileTop | Description$ If a player would draw a card, that player exiles that card face up instead. Each player may play cards he or she exiled with CARDNAME this turn. SVar:ExileTop:DB$ Mill | Defined$ ReplacedPlayer | NumCards$ 1 | Destination$ Exile | RememberMilled$ True | NoReveal$ True | SubAbility$ DBEffect SVar:DBEffect:DB$ Effect | EffectOwner$ ReplacedPlayer | RememberObjects$ RememberedCard | StaticAbilities$ Play | SubAbility$ DBCleanup | ExileOnMoved$ Exile SVar:Play:Mode$ Continuous | MayPlay$ True | EffectZone$ Command | Affected$ Card.IsRemembered | AffectedZone$ Exile | Description$ You may play remembered card. SVar:DBCleanup:DB$ Cleanup | ClearRemembered$ True SVar:Picture: Oracle:If a player would draw a card, that player exiles that card face up instead.\nEach player may play cards he or she exiled with Uba Mask this turn.