Name:Ornate Kanzashi ManaCost:5 Types:Artifact A:AB$ Mill | Cost$ 2 T | ValidTgts$ Opponent | TgtPrompt$ Select target opponent | NumCards$ 1 | Destination$ Exile | RememberMilled$ True | SubAbility$ DBEffect | SpellDescription$ Target opponent exiles the top card of his or her library. You may play that card this turn. SVar:DBEffect:DB$ Effect | Duration$ EndOfTurn | RememberObjects$ Remembered | StaticAbilities$ STPlay | Triggers$ TrigCleanup | SVars$ DBExileSelf | SubAbility$ DBCleanup SVar:STPlay:Mode$ Continuous | MayPlay$ True | EffectZone$ Command | Affected$ Card.IsRemembered | AffectedZone$ Exile | Description$ You may play a card this turn. SVar:TrigCleanup:Mode$ ChangesZone | ValidCard$ Card.IsRemembered | Origin$ Exile | Destination$ Any | TriggerZones$ Command | Execute$ DBExileSelf | Static$ True SVar:DBExileSelf:DB$ ChangeZone | Defined$ Self | Origin$ Command | Destination$ Exile SVar:DBCleanup:DB$ Cleanup | ClearRemembered$ True SVar:RemAIDeck:True SVar:Picture: Oracle:{2}, {T}: Target opponent exiles the top card of his or her library. You may play that card this turn.