BasicLandPercentage=14 [Group MaxCnt=4 Percentage=21] Plateau Sacred Foundry Jungle Shrine Arid Mesa [/Group] [Group MaxCnt=4 Percentage=16] Boros Swiftblade Boros Swiftblade Viashino Slaughtermaster Warren Instigator [/Group] [Group MaxCnt=4 Percentage=16] Hearthfire Hobgoblin Mirran Crusader Skyhunter Skirmisher [/Group] [Group MaxCnt=4 Percentage=6] Kinsbaile Cavalier Ridgetop Raptor [/Group] [Group MaxCnt=4 Percentage=9] Bone Saw Bonesplitter Dust Corona Hyena Umbra Shuko Taste for Mayhem [/Group] [Group MaxCnt=4 Percentage=9] Darksteel Axe Goblin War Paint Gorgon Flail Kitesail Squee's Embrace Trusty Machete Volcanic Strength Vulshok Morningstar [/Group] [Group MaxCnt=2 Percentage=9] Loxodon Warhammer Strider Harness Sword of Body and Mind Sword of Feast and Famine Sword of Fire and Ice Sword of Light and Shadow Sword of Vengeance Vulshok Battlegear [/Group] End