[quest] id=16 AILife=30 Repeat=false Wins=52 Card Reward=4 green rares Credit Reward=250 HumanExtras=Dwarven Demolition Team|Dwarven Pony|Dwarven Trader AIExtras=Wall of Earth|Wall of Air|Wall of Ice|Wall of Light|Carrion Wall|Steel Wall [metadata] Name=quest16 Title=Mines of Kazum Durl Difficulty=hard Description=While exploring a mine with a group of dwarves the mine caves in. You start to dig out and then realize that your group is not alone. Icon=Mines of Kazum Durl.jpg Deck Type=constructed [main] 1 Proper Burial 2 Disenchant 1 Mox Emerald 4 Sporesower Thallid 2 Psychotrope Thallid 5 Plains|M12 4 Graypelt Refuge 2 Mycoloth 4 Sunpetal Grove 2 Rampant Growth 1 Enlightened Tutor 4 Mycologist 2 Kodama's Reach 5 Forest|M12 4 Thallid 1 Mox Pearl 1 Desert Twister 1 Exploration 4 Pallid Mycoderm 2 Defense of the Heart 4 Savannah 1 Doubling Season 3 Thelonite Hermit [sideboard]