[metadata] Code=ME4 Date=2011-01-10 Name=Masters Edition IV Code2=ME4 Type=Online BoosterCovers=1 Booster=10 Common, 3 Uncommon, 1 Rare, 1 fromSheet("ME4 UrzaLands") [cards] 36 R Acid Rain 176 C Aesthir Glider 37 U Air Elemental 177 R Al-abara's Carpet 1 C Alaborn Musketeer 2 C Alaborn Trooper 106 R Aladdin 178 R Alchor's Tomb 107 R Ali from Cairo 141 C Alluring Scent 179 C Amulet of Kroog 3 U Angelic Voices 38 U Animate Artifact 4 U Argivian Blacksmith 142 C Argothian Pixies 143 U Argothian Treefolk 5 R Armageddon 180 R Armageddon Clock 108 C Artifact Blast 181 R Ashnod's Altar 109 C Atog 241 R Badlands 6 R Balance 182 U Basalt Monolith 242 R Bayou 144 U Bee Sting 110 C Bird Maiden 71 U Black Knight 7 U Blaze of Glory 39 U Blue Elemental Blast 183 U Book of Rass 184 R Bottle of Suleiman 40 R Braingeyser 185 C Brass Man 186 U Bronze Horse 187 R Candelabra of Tawnos 188 U Celestial Sword 8 R Champion Lancer 145 R Channel 146 C Citanul Druid 243 R City of Brass 189 U Clay Statue 190 U Clockwork Avian 191 U Clockwork Gnomes 192 C Clockwork Swarm 41 R Cloud Dragon 42 C Cloud Spirit 193 R Colossus of Sardia 43 R Control Magic 9 R Conversion 44 R Copy Artifact 194 U Coral Helm 45 C Counterspell 147 C Crumble 148 R Cyclone 72 C Cyclopean Mummy 195 R Cyclopean Tomb 73 U Dakmor Plague 74 C Dark Ritual 149 R Deathcoil Wurm 75 R Deathgrip 76 R Demonic Hordes 77 R Demonic Tutor 111 U Detonate 112 R Devastation 196 U Diabolic Machine 10 C Divine Offering 197 C Dragon Engine 46 R Drain Power 78 R Dread Reaper 79 U Dread Wight 150 R Drop of Honey 47 C Drowned 11 U Dust to Dust 80 R Ebon Dragon 198 C Ebony Horse 199 C Ebony Rhino 244 U Elephant Graveyard 151 C Elite Cat Warrior 48 U Energy Flux 12 R Eye for an Eye 49 C False Summoning 152 R Fastbond 113 U Fire Imp 114 R Fire Tempest 115 U Fireball 200 R Floodwater Dam 201 C Flying Carpet 153 C Fog 154 R Force of Nature 116 R Fork 81 C Foul Spirit 155 U Gaea's Avenger 82 U Gate to Phyrexia 202 R Gauntlet of Might 156 C Giant Growth 50 C Giant Tortoise 203 C Glasses of Urza 83 R Gloom 117 C Goblin Bully 118 C Goblin Cavaliers 119 C Goblin Caves 120 C Goblin Firestarter 121 U Goblin General 122 C Goblin Shrine 123 U Goblin Warrens 124 C Gorilla War Cry 204 U Grapeshot Catapult 84 C Gravebind 85 R Guardian Beast 13 R Harsh Justice 86 C Hasran Ogress 14 C Healing Salve 205 U Horn of Deafening 87 C Howl from Beyond 206 R Ice Cauldron 207 U Icy Manipulator 51 R In the Eye of Chaos 157 U Instill Energy 158 C Ironhoof Ox 15 R Island Sanctuary 208 R Jade Monolith 209 U Juggernaut 88 U Junun Efreet 16 C Just Fate 17 R Kismet 210 R Kormus Bell 159 U Kudzu 125 R Last Chance 126 C Lava Flow 18 R Leeches 245 R Library of Alexandria 211 C Library of Leng 89 R Lich 160 R Lifeforce 90 C Lim-Dul's Cohort 161 R Living Lands 212 U Living Wall 52 R Mahamoti Djinn 213 R Mana Matrix 214 R Mana Vault 19 R Martyr's Cry 20 U Martyrs of Korlis 246 R Maze of Ith 215 C Mightstone 127 R Mijae Djinn 91 R Minion of Tevesh Szat 247 R Mishra's Workshop 53 U Mystic Decree 216 R Naked Singularity 248 C Oasis 217 R Obelisk of Undoing 218 C Obsianus Golem 128 C Ogre Taskmaster 219 C Onulet 129 U Orcish Mechanics 21 C Osai Vultures 92 R Overwhelming Forces 54 C Owl Familiar 220 U Pentagram of the Ages 22 R Personal Incarnation 55 C Phantasmal Forces 56 C Phantasmal Terrain 221 U Planar Gate 249 R Plateau 57 R Power Artifact 222 C Primal Clay 130 U Primitive Justice 58 U Prodigal Sorcerer 93 C Prowling Nightstalker 162 U Radjan Spirit 94 R Rain of Daggers 223 R Rakalite 59 C Reconstruction 131 U Red Elemental Blast 163 R Regrowth 23 C Righteous Charge 224 R Ring of Renewal 132 U Roc of Kher Ridges 133 R Rock Hydra 134 C Rockslide Ambush 164 C Sandstorm 250 R Savannah 24 U Savannah Lions 225 U Scarecrow 165 R Scarwood Bandits 166 C Scavenger Folk 95 U Scavenging Ghoul 251 R Scrubland 60 C Sea Serpent 135 R Sedge Troll 96 U Sengir Vampire 61 R Serendib Djinn 25 U Serra Angel 26 U Serra Aviary 27 C Serra Bestiary 226 U Shapeshifter 136 R Shivan Dragon 97 R Sinkhole 62 C Sleight of Hand 137 R Smoke 227 R Sol Ring 228 U Soldevi Golem 63 U Soldevi Machinist 98 C Soul Shred 167 C Southern Elephant 28 C Spotted Griffin 168 U Squall 229 C Staff of Zegon 64 R Stasis 29 R Steam Catapult 252 R Strip Mine 30 U Swords to Plowshares 169 U Sylvan Tutor 65 C Symbol of Unsummoning 230 C Tablet of Epityr 253 R Taiga 66 U Talas Researcher 231 C Tawnos's Wand 232 U Tawnos's Weaponry 31 C Temple Acolyte 99 C Terror 233 R Tetravus 67 U Theft of Dreams 68 R Thing from the Deep 138 R Thunder Dragon 234 R Time Vault 170 R Titania's Song 69 R Transmute Artifact 235 R Triassic Egg 254 R Tropical Island 171 R Tsunami 255 R Tundra 139 U Two-Headed Giant of Foriys 256 R Underground Sea 236 C Urza's Chalice 257 L Urza's Mine 257 L Urza's Mine 257 L Urza's Mine 257 L Urza's Mine 237 R Urza's Miter 258 L Urza's Power Plant 258 L Urza's Power Plant 258 L Urza's Power Plant 258 L Urza's Power Plant 259 L Urza's Tower 259 L Urza's Tower 259 L Urza's Tower 259 L Urza's Tower 32 R Veteran Bodyguard 238 R Vibrating Sphere 260 R Volcanic Island 172 C War Mammoth 100 C Warp Artifact 70 U Water Elemental 101 C Weakness 239 U Weakstone 140 R Wheel of Fortune 173 U Whiptail Wurm 33 U White Knight 102 U Wicked Pact 34 C Wild Aesthir 35 C Wild Griffin 174 U Wild Ox 175 R Wood Elemental 103 R Word of Command 104 U Xenic Poltergeist 240 C Yotian Soldier 105 U Zombie Master