Name:Thornling ManaCost:3 G G Types:Creature Elemental Shapeshifter PT:4/4 A:AB$ Pump | Cost$ G | KW$ Haste | Defined$ Self | SpellDescription$ CARDNAME gains haste until end of turn. A:AB$ Pump | Cost$ G | KW$ Trample | Defined$ Self | SpellDescription$ CARDNAME gains trample until end of turn. A:AB$ Pump | Cost$ G | KW$ Indestructible | Defined$ Self | SpellDescription$ CARDNAME gains indestructible until end of turn. A:AB$ Pump | Cost$ 1 | NumAtt$ +1 | NumDef$ -1 | Defined$ Self | SpellDescription$ CARDNAME gets +1/-1 until end of turn. A:AB$ Pump | Cost$ 1 | NumAtt$ -1 | NumDef$ +1 | Defined$ Self | SpellDescription$ CARDNAME gets -1/+1 until end of turn. SVar:Picture: Oracle:{G}: Thornling gains haste until end of turn.\n{G}: Thornling gains trample until end of turn.\n{G}: Thornling gains indestructible until end of turn.\n{1}: Thornling gets +1/-1 until end of turn.\n{1}: Thornling gets -1/+1 until end of turn.