Name:Shared Animosity ManaCost:2 R Types:Enchantment T:Mode$ Attacks | ValidCard$ Creature.YouCtrl | TriggerZones$ Battlefield | Execute$ AnimosityPump | TriggerDescription$ Whenever a creature you control attacks, it gets +1/+0 until end of turn for each other attacking creature that shares a creature type with it. SVar:AnimosityPump:AB$ Pump | Cost$ 0 | RememberObjects$ TriggeredAttacker | SubAbility$ AnimosityPump2 SVar:AnimosityPump2:DB$ Pump | Defined$ Remembered | NumAtt$ X | References$ X | SubAbility$ DBCleanup SVar:DBCleanup:DB$ Cleanup | ClearRemembered$ True SVar:X:Count$Valid Creature.attacking+IsNotRemembered+sharesCreatureTypeWith Remembered SVar:RemRandomDeck:True SVar:Picture: Oracle:Whenever a creature you control attacks, it gets +1/+0 until end of turn for each other attacking creature that shares a creature type with it.