Name:Phyrexian Grimoire ManaCost:3 Types:Artifact A:AB$ PumpAll | Cost$ 4 T | ValidCards$ Card.TopGraveyard2+YouCtrl | PumpZone$ Graveyard | RememberAllPumped$ True | SubAbility$ DBChoose | StackDescription$ None | SpellDescription$ Target opponent chooses one of the top two cards of your graveyard. Exile that card and put the other one into your hand. SVar:DBChoose:DB$ ChooseCard | ValidTgts$ Opponent | Choices$ Card.IsRemembered | ChoiceZone$ Graveyard | Mandatory$ True | ForgetChosen$ True | SubAbility$ DBExile SVar:DBExile:DB$ ChangeZone | Defined$ ChosenCard | Origin$ Graveyard | Destination$ Exile | SubAbility$ DBReturn SVar:DBReturn:DB$ ChangeZone | Defined$ Remembered | Origin$ Graveyard | Destination$ Hand | SubAbility$ DBCleanup SVar:DBCleanup:DB$ Cleanup | ClearRemembered$ True SVar:RemAIDeck:True SVar:NeedsOrderedGraveyard:TRUE SVar:Picture: Oracle:{4}, {T}: Target opponent chooses one of the top two cards of your graveyard. Exile that card and put the other one into your hand.