[shop] WinsToUnlock=0 Credits=1200 MinDifficulty=0 MaxDifficulty=5 [metadata] Name=Mortal Coil Description=Like to exploit weakness? Then grab the "Mortal Coil" deck! This deck focuses on tricks you can pull with -1/-1 counters. Of course, the most basic "trick" is simply to put them on your opponent's creatures, which Grim Poppet, Torture, and Incremental Blight do with ease. But you're cleverer than that! Deck Type=constructed Set=SHM Image=mortal_coil.jpg [main] 12 Island|SHM 12 Swamp|SHM 2 Chainbreaker|SHM 1 Faerie Macabre|SHM 3 Gravelgill Axeshark|SHM 1 Grim Poppet|SHM 1 Inkfathom Infiltrator|SHM 1 Inkfathom Witch|SHM 2 Leech Bonder|SHM 1 Loch Korrigan|SHM 1 Oona's Gatewarden|SHM 1 River Kelpie|SHM 1 Sickle Ripper|SHM 2 Wanderbrine Rootcutters|SHM 2 Wasp Lancer|SHM 3 Wingrattle Scarecrow|SHM 1 Biting Tether|SHM 2 Fate Transfer|SHM 1 Gloomlance|SHM 1 Gnarled Effigy|SHM 1 Helm of the Ghastlord|SHM 1 Incremental Blight|SHM 2 River's Grasp|SHM 2 Scarscale Ritual|SHM 1 Torture|SHM 2 Trip Noose|SHM [sideboard]