ManaCost:B B B
A:SP$ RepeatEach | Cost$ B B B | RepeatPlayers$ Player | RepeatSubAbility$ DBLoseLife | AILifeThreshold$ 1 | SpellDescription$ Each player loses a third of his or her life, then discards a third of the cards in his or her hand, then sacrifices a third of the creatures he or she controls, then sacrifices a third of the lands he or she controls. Round up each time.
SVar:DBLoseLife:DB$ LoseLife | LifeAmount$ A | References$ A | Defined$ Player.IsRemembered | SubAbility$ DBDiscard
SVar:DBDiscard:DB$ Discard | NumCards$ C | References$ C | Defined$ Player.IsRemembered | Mode$ TgtChoose | SubAbility$ DBCreature
SVar:DBCreature:DB$ Sacrifice | SacValid$ Creature | Amount$ E | References$ E | Defined$ Player.IsRemembered | SubAbility$ DBLand
SVar:DBLand:DB$ Sacrifice | SacValid$ Land | Amount$ G | References$ G | Defined$ Player.IsRemembered
SVar:E:PlayerCountRemembered$Valid Creature.RememberedPlayerCtrl/ThirdUp
SVar:G:PlayerCountRemembered$Valid Land.RememberedPlayerCtrl/ThirdUp
Oracle:Each player loses a third of his or her life, then discards a third of the cards in his or her hand, then sacrifices a third of the creatures he or she controls, then sacrifices a third of the lands he or she controls. Round up each time.