Name:Tsabo's Assassin ManaCost:2 B B Types:Creature Zombie Assassin PT:1/1 A:AB$ Destroy | Cost$ T | ValidTgts$ Creature | TgtPrompt$ Select target creature | NoRegen$ True | AITgts$ Creature.SharesColorWith MostProminentColor | ConditionCheckSVar$ X | ConditionSVarCompare$ GE1 | SpellDescription$ Destroy target creature if it shares a color with the most common color among all permanents or a color tied for most common. A creature destroyed this way can't be regenerated. SVar:X:Targeted$Valid Creature.SharesColorWith MostProminentColor SVar:Picture: Oracle:{T}: Destroy target creature if it shares a color with the most common color among all permanents or a color tied for most common. A creature destroyed this way can't be regenerated.