Name:Tranquil Cove ManaCost:no cost Types:Land A:AB$ Mana | Cost$ T | Produced$ W | SpellDescription$ Add {W} to your mana pool. A:AB$ Mana | Cost$ T | Produced$ U | SpellDescription$ Add {U} to your mana pool. T:Mode$ ChangesZone | Origin$ Any | Destination$ Battlefield | ValidCard$ Card.Self | Execute$ TrigGainLife | TriggerDescription$ When CARDNAME enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life. SVar:TrigGainLife:AB$GainLife | Cost$ 0 | LifeAmount$ 1 K:CARDNAME enters the battlefield tapped. SVar:Picture: Oracle:Tranquil Cove enters the battlefield tapped.\nWhen Tranquil Cove enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.\n{T}: Add {W} or {U} to your mana pool.