Name:Spirit Loop ManaCost:1 W Types:Enchantment Aura K:Enchant creature you control A:SP$ Attach | Cost$ 1 W | ValidTgts$ Creature.YouCtrl | TgtPrompt$ Select target creature you control | AILogic$ Pump T:Mode$ DamageDone | OnlyOnce$ True | ValidSource$ Card.AttachedBy | Execute$ TrigGain | TriggerZones$ Battlefield | TriggerDescription$ Whenever enchanted creature deals damage, you gain that much life. SVar:TrigGain:DB$ GainLife | Defined$ You | LifeAmount$ X | References$ X SVar:X:TriggerCount$DamageAmount T:Mode$ ChangesZone | Origin$ Battlefield | Destination$ Graveyard | ValidCard$ Card.Self | Execute$ TrigChangeZone | TriggerController$ TriggeredCardController | TriggerDescription$ When CARDNAME is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, return CARDNAME to its owner's hand. SVar:TrigChangeZone:DB$ ChangeZone | Origin$ Graveyard | Destination$ Hand | Defined$ TriggeredCard SVar:SacMe:2 SVar:Picture: Oracle:Enchant creature you control\nWhenever enchanted creature deals damage, you gain that much life.\nWhen Spirit Loop is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, return Spirit Loop to its owner's hand.