Name:Clairvoyance ManaCost:U Types:Instant A:SP$ RevealHand | Cost$ U | ValidTgts$ Player | TgtPrompt$ Select target player | SubAbility$ DelTrigSlowtrip | SpellDescription$ Look at target player's hand. Draw a card at the beginning of next turn's upkeep. SVar:DelTrigSlowtrip:DB$ DelayedTrigger | Mode$ Phase | Phase$ Upkeep | ValidPlayer$ Player | Execute$ DrawSlowtrip | TriggerDescription$ Draw a card. SVar:DrawSlowtrip:DB$Draw | NumCards$ 1 | Defined$ You SVar:RemAIDeck:True SVar:Picture: Oracle:Look at target player's hand.\nDraw a card at the beginning of the next turn's upkeep.