Name:Underground River ManaCost:no cost Types:Land A:AB$ Mana | Cost$ T | Produced$ C | SpellDescription$ Add {C} to your mana pool. A:AB$ Mana | Cost$ T | Produced$ U | SubAbility$ DBPain | SpellDescription$ Add {U} to your mana pool. CARDNAME deals 1 damage to you. A:AB$ Mana | Cost$ T | Produced$ B | SubAbility$ DBPain | SpellDescription$ Add {B} to your mana pool. CARDNAME deals 1 damage to you. SVar:DBPain:DB$DealDamage | NumDmg$ 1 | Defined$ You SVar:Picture: Oracle:{T}: Add {C} to your mana pool.\n{T}: Add {U} or {B} to your mana pool. Underground River deals 1 damage to you.