[quest] id=22 AILife=30 Repeat=false Wins=32 Card Reward=3 random rares Credit Reward=150 HumanExtras=Volunteer Militia|Land Tax|Elvish Farmer|An-Havva Township AIExtras=Darksteel Citadel|Relentless Rats [metadata] Name=quest22 Title=The Pied Piper Difficulty=hard Description=A mysterious man threatens to flood the land with a relentless stream of hungry rats. Cross his plan before it's too late. Icon=The Pied Piper.jpg Deck Type=constructed [main] 6 Swamp|M11 4 Underground Sea 4 Jwar Isle Refuge 4 Frost Marsh 4 Watery Grave 4 Fabricate 1 Mystical Tutor 4 Thrumming Stone 29 Relentless Rats [sideboard]